Everybody is good! Now we came to the headwaters of the Yangtze river three gorges, it is divided into the qutang gorge, wu gorge and xiling. The sons of li bai in the three gorges once wrote "the early onset treasure", then the poem is widely circulated, people also full of love, for the three gorges today let us to go to the beautiful three gorges.
In the three gorges, just have to say this mountain here, it has the majestic mount tai, huangshan has completed, have the beauty of the fragrant hills. Now we look, on both sides is the continuous mountains, deftly will keep out the sun; The outline of darkness in zhongshan. It is said that only in the midday and midnight to see the sun and the moon. Upon the high mountain, towering old trees, jagged. Mountain stream between hanging a white satin, jet whipping, we can feel the face is covered with layers of water vapor. In the mountains, the lush jungle, river boat, does not have a poetic.
The quiet of the three gorges water without the west lake, also no turbidity of the Yangtze river, is various. The summer, the river water rose, will be a hillock blackish green jade river is an organic whole repeatedly, if in the spring and winter, here's another amorous feelings! Ok, I not much said, or listening to the sounds of virtual, seeing is believing, you to witness the most beautiful of the three gorges together!