
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-23 12:05



热心网友 时间:2022-05-05 10:27

Work content Sale:
1st, on time, accurately reports each kind of salesreport form; 2nd, skilled, accurate use ERP order form system Finance: 1st, maintenance expenditure control in stipulation budgetscope; 2nd, according to reimburses the system and a budget volumeverification reimburses the list; 3rd, requests according to thecompany regularly to confirm the account funds with the dealer; 4th,promptly recycles the KA receipt of examination and reports writes acheck detailed, has delivered goods the dealer receipt checkup,receives the receipt the storage, receives the registration. Business planning: 1st, fills in the loan list to apply for theterminal according to the plan to spend the loan; 2nd, registers theterminal to loan the bright detailed account, is responsible tosupervise the cost of borrowing promptly to cancel after verification;3rd, regularly to the promotion wages, the terminal shop head expenseexpenditure carries on the spot-check; 4th, requests according to thecompany to verify the terminal expense to reimburse the list. Administration: 1st, arranges the new staff to enter the ty,training as well as the human affairs material files away, thecontract storage, the renewal, the reorganization, the work relationsestablishment; 2nd, staff's checking attendance and inspection, fixedasset registration, management, purchase; 3rd, the document recordsmanagement, on is prompt hands down reaches company each kind ofnotice and the document and supervises the staff to obey theexecution. Work subtotal Accumulated the certain experience in several years civilianpost work. to suggest the company implemented the promotion wagesinspection system, caused promotion leaving job rate to rece 30%,the ty 完成率 enhanced 50%. Implements the subordinate in thefinancial business travel running cost aspect respectively to managethe expense to be responsible until completion the system, caused theexpense rate to rece 10%; The practical work situation respectivelymanages which according to the subordinate carries out thenon-periodical checking attendance system, caused the absentee rate torece 15%, with society guaranteed and so on the administrativedepartment maintains the good relations, continuously 3 years smoothlypassed the new year's celebration to examine; In the terminal can savedoes not waste, completes goes into storage gets with the signatureprocere and an account, caused terminal draining rate to rece 30%,the use factor rose 25%, 06 years are evaluated by the company theyear "the best management contribution prize".
