想找一本名字是‘Twilight’ 的诗集(不是暮光之城)

发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 01:33



热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 21:48

英语诗歌Twilight: After Haying
Twilight: After Haying

by Jane Kenyon

Yes, long shadows go out

from the bales; and yes, the soul

must part from the body:

what else could it do?

The men sprawl near the baler,

too tired to leave the field.

They talk and smoke,

and the tips of their cigarettes

blaze like small roses

in the night air. (It arrived

and settled among them

before they were aware.)

The moon comes

to count the bales,

and the dispossessed

Whip-poor-will, Whip-poor-will

sings from the sty stubble.

These things happen. . .the soul's bliss

and suffering are bound together

like the grasses. . .

The last, sweet exhalations

of timothy and vetch

go out with the song of the bird;

the ravaged field

grows wet with dew.

意大利的黄昏 (Twilight in Italy, 游记) 劳伦斯

简·奥斯汀 劳伦斯 狄更斯 巴巴拉·卡特兰
彼利·梅尔 朵丽丝·莱辛 莎士比亚 吉卜林

And dreaming through the twilight That doth not rise nor set, Haply I may remember, And haply may forget. 英国女诗人:克莉斯汀娜.罗塞提

What the Twilight Says: Essays 诺奖诗人沃尔科特随笔

女诗人席慕蓉抒情诗合集 Twilight Twilight

热心网友 时间:2024-01-25 21:48

意大利的黄昏 (Twilight in Italy, 游记) 劳伦斯

简·奥斯汀 劳伦斯 狄更斯 巴巴拉·卡特兰
彼利·梅尔 朵丽丝·莱辛 莎士比亚 吉卜林

And dreaming through the twilight That doth not rise nor

set, Haply I may remember, And haply may forget. 英国女


What the Twilight Says: Essays 诺奖诗人沃尔科特随笔

女诗人席慕蓉抒情诗合集 Twilight Twilight
