




Fly away the white cotton fibre in the wind, is a dandelion? Stretches out hands and connects it that descended slowly and lightly slowly, but a light kapok. Quiet and silent in the campus when noon recess, there are no insects and chirping of birds, only green leaves of the kapok are glad to suck the milk that the sun offered under the sunshine, closing the books, perhaps the afternoon nap for a moment makes I and kapok outside window meet.

Leaves come out to bloom first when spring come, the very large meat of the flower, see a tree safflower, rather the form view. After a gust of trials and hardship, the flower falls in the full ground. The kapok flower hides thick and thick nectar, bring the happy food for various kinds of worms bird once per year.The cotton fibre quality of the kapok is soft, is that the ancient Chinese importance knits the clothing material. But the kapok is too long at growth stage, and being high to adopt cotton to be difficult, tree only regard as and view and admire the varieties of trees at present.
