你的A级精子数量挺好的,正常A级大于25%或者A+B大于50%才算合格,你的数值不错。只是畸形率高了一点,目前没有特别有效的药物能降低畸形率,只能靠自身习惯及锻炼了, 问题不大。祝你早日好孕。
Retail sales price of the common fraud
one price does not match with the actual content. Operators in the price tag, price list, etc. marked goods name, origin, size, grade, texture, unit pricing, price or service projects, fees and other relevant content and the actual match. Such as an optical company in the price tag will be producing the
Second, high prices attract low-cost settlement. Operators of the same goods or services, in the same market place that use both price tag or price list, at a low price to attract customers and high prices for clearing. If a supermarket in the sales of sweet shrimp and Wanda Fish Arctic films, priced at 24 yuan / kg and 12.90 yuan / bag, but the actual settlement Shique were 32 yuan / kg and 17.50 yuan / bag.
Third,ghd italia, the misleading price. Operators to use deceptive or misleading language, text,christian louboutin italia, images, and other units of measurement price. Common, such as 5 fold or more, even some no discount.
Fourth, the price had no basis or not comparable. The lowest mark of the market operators, ex-factory price, wholesale price, special offers, price, etc. Need prices for no basis, or not comparable. If an electrical sales company, committed to the city a brand televisions lowest prices you can return spread, but the actual TV in the place of the brand for exclusive sales, call the lowest market are not comparable.
five, marked discrepancies with the actual discount. Operators of a sale of goods or services marked the discount, the discount rate and the actual match. If a store bulletin boards, marking a 8.5 fold audience brand clothing, but the brand of a mink collar coat, original price was 1998 yuan, hit 8.5% sales price should be 16.3 yuan, while the actual sale price of 1798 yuan; a loose coat half the original price is 1080, hit 8.5% sales price should be 918 yuan, while the actual sale price of 1030 yuan.
six gift item that is unclear. Operators to take the price of foreign goods by way of gift sales and provision of services, gift items not accurately indicate the name, quantity, price (or value) or gift items for the counterfeit goods. Samsung marked as a home appliance store refrigerator series, at least 20,000 yuan a single item or 20,000 yuan, donated 32 but they were not marked gift products name, quantity. Another example of a company's advertising, said: buy Panasonic 42-inch (42PA50C) Plasma 17,480 yuan / sets, get a Panasonic rice cooker +500 dollars to send home theater SC-HT603 Panasonic Qijian Tao worth 3980 yuan, while the Panasonic SC-HT603 home Theater Qi Jiantao actual price 2620 yuan -3800 yuan / sets, gifts and advertising value of the alleged discrepancies.
7, the price does not express additional conditions. Operators to buy, sell goods and services with prices attached conditions, not marked or labeled vague conditions attached. If a communications products distributor in sales of CDMA mobile phones, the ad says , and the additional conditions in the advertising and business premises were not explicit.
eight coupons do not indicate the use of additional conditions. Operators to take valuable coupons sold by the return of goods or providing services, valuable coupons in the use of additional conditions, but not in the business premises in a prominent position clearly marked. If businesses in the actual use of coupons, the purchase of a commodity can only use limited to a certain amount of coupons, the excess must use cash, but did not indicate in advance.
nine, original fiction. Fictional original case are: 1,belstaff milano, the operator of the original marked price is not in this market place before the transaction within seven days the bills have the lowest trading price of the transaction; 2, the operator of the original label is not trading in the market place prices for other trading venues and prices; 3, the operator of the original label for the supplier to provide a quote or to guide retail price; 4, the operator marked the original price was set by the operator from the sales price; 5, the operator can not provide or providing false price before the transaction notes.
ten, fictitious price reasons. Operators fictional clearance, demolition, closure,ghd piastre, out of business, change jobs or other reasons to carry out promotional activities. If the shop door hung a long,
XI false offer discount. Operator is equal to or higher than the marked price discount this offer within seven days before the event, transactions in the market place has the lowest trading price of the transaction notes. If a mall in carrying out the 998 yuan, the four shoes in this promotion have the transaction within seven days before the bills were for the lowest prices per pair 7 yuan, 656 yuan, 274 yuan and 549 yuan.
XII lied about to raise prices. A home appliance store to carry out promotional activities on May 14, 2010 before, through newspapers and leaflets, announcement, announcement says: subsidies for energy-saving air-conditioning subsidies will be 300 yuan per 850 yuan to the standard down to -250 yuan per 150 yuan subsidy expected from the air since June 1, prices will range from 300-600 yuan. after 1 month without air-conditioning sales price rose.
XIII, the price does not fulfill promises. Operators to buy, sell goods and services before the price commitment not to perform or not fully performed, constitutes a price fraud. If a department store in the mall posters published: grounds, only presented a price of less than $ 20 Samsung cell phone lanyard.
XIV false Special price of goods or services is equal to or higher than the second business within seven days before the event, transactions in the market place has the lowest trading price trading instruments. If a store selling a clothing label special 580 yuan / piece,miu miu borse, and upon inspection to carry out special activities on the day before the actual transaction price is $ 500.
XV false In carrying out sending cash, coupon redemption schemes, gift, integration and other business activities, the operator marked price is higher than the second business within seven days before the event, transactions in the market place has the lowest trading price of the transaction notes. If a mall to carry out full 400 by 180 yuan in cash, at least 300 to send 100 yuan ticket day trading instruments have a minimum transaction price for each 1340 yuan.