发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 05:49
热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 06:54
3.2.3. Configure IQxel for WiFi Measurements
Common configuration commands.
SYS // Select SYS as the active mole
DCL:HMOD // Cancel/clear all pending operations on HW moles
*CLS // Clear all event registers summarized in the status byte
*RST // Reset all system settings to default
FORM:READ:DATA ASC // Set the output data format to ASCii
ROUT1; // Set ROUT1 as the active mole
PORT:RES RF1A,VSA // Configure the RF1 port as input
PORT:RES RF2A,VSG // Configure the RF2 port as output
Configure the band and channel for the WiFi mole.
WIFI // Select WiFi as the active mole
CONF:BAND 2G4 // Select the band
CONF:CHAN:CBW 20 MHz // Select the channel bandwidth
CONF:CHAN:IND 5 // Set the channel index
CONF:ENP -10 dBm // Set the expected nominal power for signal capture
CONF:UMAR:OFDM 10 dB // Set the user margin for OFDM signal capture
HSET:ALL VSA1 // Apply frequency and reference level to VSA1
3.2.4. TX Power
WiFi power analysis and fetch. Use the following commands only for a loopback test using the VSG as
a WiFi signal source and for a DUT Tx test.
WIFI // Select WiFi as the active mole
CALC:POW 0,5 // Calculate power over 5 packets
FETC:POW:AVER? // Fetch power result averaged over the 5 packets
FETC:POW:PEAK:MAX? // Fetch the maximum peak power of the 5 packets
FETC:POW? // Fetch the power of all 5 packets
3.2.5. TX Spectrum
WiFi spectrum analysis and fetch. Use the following commands only for a loopback test using the VSG
as a WiFi signal source and for a DUT Tx test.
CALC:SPEC 0,2 // Calculate spectrum over 2 packets
FETC:SPEC:CHEC? // Fetch specturm checks for the 2 packets
FETC:SPEC:AVER:MARG? // Fetch margins of the average spectrum of the 2 packets
3.2.6. TX Quality
WiFi TX quality analysis and fetch. Use the following commands only for a loopback test using the
VSG as a WiFi signal source and for a DUT Tx test.
CALC:TXQ 0,5 // Calculate TX quality over 5 packets
这个其实比较简单的,调用NI visa ,参考编程手册就可以完成。
热心网友 时间:2023-06-23 06:54
WIFI测试仪IQxel80追问能写一个简单的调用IQ xel80 dll的例子吗?要用 C++ MFC。
追答那共享一下IQ xel80得开发手册