发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 06:04
热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 20:52
第8本:Petey is a domestic robot.One day I and sam found petey was very odd.Actually, he want to be a human.I and sam was support to him.But my mum found it . and called the factory on the vid-phone.we're on a escape.On the way ,petey in order to help sam, at last he was catched by connections squad van. At last ,my parents was followed petey.Now petey was travelled at the outer planet.
空袭就是俩小孩偷偷跑出安全区,从废墟里就出一支小狗,发现了一个地窖,进去以后发现是一个酒窖。不幸的是出口被空袭的爆炸堵上了。小狗在里面喝醉了,他们带着狗从里面的一个小洞准备出去,但是那是个死胡同。他们用手打开出口,出去以后发现了一个大*,等待救援。最后被救了。 乔这个小男孩特别喜欢足球但是他运气特别差,参加一个比赛本来有一个很好的头球结果他因为离开自己的位置错过了这个球。他的同伴骂他是废物。他天天晚出去在两棵树之间练射门。他渴望有一个新球鞋,他老爹没钱,给他一个橄榄球鞋,但是在他的努力下,新比赛的最后几分钟他进球了。
热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 20:52
我叫Tess,被卖给别人当女仆,刚进入主人家,我遇见了Mrs Hutton,是管家,Dr Gooch,男主人,Mrs Gooch 女主人,Dr Gooch有个女儿叫Miss Harriet
有一次他去清洁烟囱时不见了,他的雇主Mr Fry很生气,说抓到他要揍他,这时候Miss Harriet尖叫一声,我和Mrs Hutton跑去她卧室,她被一团黑色的东西吓到了,原来是Will
Mr Fry和Dr Gooch在逐个查房,我们决定把Will藏起来,当他们进来检查,Miss Harriet说不在这,当他们刚要走,Will咳嗽了一声,Mr Fry发现了Will并把他抓走了
我、Miss Harriet和Mrs Hutton决定去救Will,但Mrs Hutton担心会被开除,于是我决定代替Mrs Hutton去救Will。我藏在Mr Fry的马车里,快要到Mr Fry家的时候,Miss Harriet故意把她的手绢丢出去借口要捡,放走了后备箱的我。我闯进Mr Fry家,Mr Fry正在睡觉,我在一个房间里发现了Will,但是被Mr Fry发现了,我们让Mr Fry跌下来,趁机跑出去并锁上门
但是被Dr Gooch发现了,我们跟他说了Will的故事,Miss Harriet向他求情,他被打动了放了我们
Dr Gooch看穿了Mr Fry的真面目,Will获得了自由,家里又来了一个很体面的仆人
热心网友 时间:2023-11-04 20:52
It was the first day of term at Abby Park School. Blackbones was the new teacher in the Class 4. And he was a pirate. All of the students liked Blackbones. But, the head, Miss Lupin didn’t like Blackbones. So she sacked Blackbones. And he has got to go by the end of the week. The students were very sad. But at the same time, they knew a big secret! The secret was: the school need 10,000 to mend the roof. But Miss Lupin didn’t have so much money. So they thought they can help the school. So, students told Blackbones this secret. When, Blackbones knew that, he was very happy and surprised. Then, he sold many treasure maps and made a lot of money. And he gave the money to the school. Miss Lupin was very happy. So, she didn’t sack Blackbones. Blackbones managed to save the Abby Park School.