专利名称:Integration of instant messenging with
Internet searching
发明人:Christopher Szeto,Raymond Chung-Man
摘要:Techniques for integrating instant messaging with Internet search features areprovided. An instant messaging (IM) application allows users to launch a search of the
Internet or the World Wide Web for information about another IM user or another topic.If an IM user wishes to locate information relating to a friend, a search is performedthrough a database of registered IM members to locate a user profile for the friend. Ifthe friend's profile is found, the profile is displayed to the IM user. An IM application canalso launch a Internet search for information relating to a topic or a friend. The IMapplication can link to an Internet search engine to search the Internet for web sitesrelating to the topic or person. Search results from an Internet search can be sortedbased on information about a friend that is stored in the friend's user profile.
申请人:Christopher Szeto,Raymond Chung-Man Tam
地址:Santa Clara CA US,San Francisco CA US