北京大学学报( 医学版) JOURNAL OF PEKING UNIVERSITY(HEALTH SCIENCES) ・病侈IJ寺艮告・ 运用改良牙冠延长术及种植术处理美学区外伤 所致残根残冠1例 贾雪婷,甄敏,胡文杰 ,刘云松 100081) (北京大学口腔医学院・口腔医院牙周科,北京[关键词】牙折断;牙冠伸长术;牙种植;美学,牙科 [中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1671—167X(2015)05-0878-05 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1671—167X.2015.05.029 涉及到前牙美学区的残冠残根是临床处置的难 题,其治疗目的不但要恢复健康、重建功能,还需同 时改善美观¨ J。本文完整展示了i例针对前牙美 学区病例的病情分析、多学科参与治疗设计、具体实 施步骤和修复后效果的全过程,并分析了面临复杂 病情如何拟定个性化的治疗决策和规划简捷的实施 1.2 围绕外伤牙的病情分析及相应治疗计划 与正畸医师及修复医师会诊,针对外伤前牙存 在的主要问题,共识如下:(i)右上侧切牙腭侧断端 深达骨嵴顶,侵犯生物学宽度,但骨内根长尚可,治 疗需考虑在恢复生物学宽度的前提下尽量保留支持 骨组织和协调的冠根比,保证患牙长期牙周健康和 流程,对不同牙周手术的治疗效果进行了探讨。 1病例资料 行使功能;(2)右上中切牙残根短小且位于骨内,不 宜保留,应拔除后早期种植修复,并结合牙周骨增量 技术以保持牙槽嵴轮廓,兼顾美观;(3)上唇系带附 1.1患者一般情况 着近龈缘,对牙周健康不利,应修整上唇系带;(4) 前牙深覆殆深覆盖,左侧第一前磨牙锁殆,使后续修 复体的健康和功能存在风险。 患者,男,31岁,1月前右上前牙外伤折断,2013 年4月25日于北京大学口腔医院右上前牙根管治 疗后,要求后续牙周手术并修复。平时偶有刷牙出 血,漱口可止。不吸烟,全身健康,经济收人一般,要 联合制定可供选择的治疗方案如下:(1)拔除 左上第一前磨牙并全口正畸治疗,微创拔除右上中 切牙+早期种植辅以引导性骨再生技术(guided bone regeneration,GBR),必要时右上侧切牙牙冠 延长术,唇系带成形;(2)仅下颌正畸治疗,一定程 度改善覆殆覆盖关系后微创拔除右上中切牙+早期 种植辅以GBR,右上侧切牙改良牙冠延长术,唇系 求尽量保留自然牙。 口腔检查(图1):右上侧切牙冠根折,腭侧断端初 步探查位于龈下3 1TI1TI,牙龈轻度红肿,质较韧,探诊深 度(probing depth,PD)2~3 tntn,松动I度,叩痛(一)。 x线片示右上侧切牙牙根稍弯曲,骨内根长尚可,根管 少量超填,硬骨板清晰,根周膜连续,锥形束CT(cone— beam computed tomography,CBCT)未发现明显根裂影 带成形;(3)不进行正畸治疗,微创拔除右上中切 牙+早期种植辅以GBR,右上侧切牙改良牙冠延长 像。未见右上中切牙牙冠,牙槽嵴丰满度欠佳。x线 片示右上中切牙残根影像,断端约平齐骨嵴顶。上唇 系带附着低。前牙深覆殆深覆盖,左侧第一前磨牙正 术,唇系带成形,修复同期进行下前牙大量调殆改善 覆殆覆盖关系。 与患者沟通,综合考虑后选择方案3。 锁殆。口腔卫生一般,软垢少量,牙石(++)。牙龈轻 度红肿、质韧,出血指数(bleeding index,BI)2~3。个 1.3治疗过程及结果 (1)全口牙周基础治疗,恢复牙周健康并创造 手术条件。(2)右上侧切牙改良牙冠延长术+右上 中切牙微创拔牙术(图2):术中翻瓣检查发现右上 别后牙邻面PD 4~5 mill,探及釉牙骨质界。 诊断:慢性牙周炎,右上侧切牙冠根折,右上中 切牙根折,错殆畸形。 侧切牙腭侧断端呈刃状并位于骨嵴顶根方2 mm(图 基金项目:首都临床特色应用研究专项基金(Z131107002213174)资助Supported by Grants from Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission,China △Corresponding auther’S e-mail.huwenjie@pkuss.bjmu.edu.cn 网络出版时间:2015-6-24 11:19:27网络出版地址:http://www.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.4691 R.20150624.1119.004.html 北京大学学报( 医学版) ・882・ JOURNAL OF PEKING UNIVERSITY(HEALTH SCIENCES) Vo1.47 No.5 Oct.2015 植材料,甚至颊侧骨板植骨增厚,都不能完全阻止或 Cardaropoli G,Araajo M,Hayacibara R,et a1.Healing of extrac- tion sockets and surgically produced-・augmented and non・・augmen・- 弥补改建后软硬组织轮廓的塌陷,这提示美学区种 ted.defects in the alveolar ridge.An experimental study in the dog 植的复杂性,今后若能结合软组织移植考虑,将更有 [J].J Clin Periodontol,2005,32(5):435—440. 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Different multidisciplinary approaches of two traumatic teeth fractures in the esthetic zone:a case report JIA Xue—ting,ZHEN Min,HU Wen—jie ,LIU Yun—song (Department of Periodontics,Peking University School&Hospital of Stomatology,Beijing 100081,China) SUMMARY In this article,different methods to deal with teeth fractures were discussed by presenting a case of traumatic crown.root fracture in the anterior esthetic zone.The traumatic crown・root fracture is a common problem in clinic.Whell a fracture line locates in close proximity to or below the alveolar bone crest.the fracture most likely involve the unctional epithelium and the connective tissue attachment.This type of fracture becomes a challenge for restorative dentists because it involves biologic,fanetional,and es— thetic considerations.especially when the fracture occurs in an esthetic area.In this case,a young patient presented with two fractured upper anterior teeth to the Department of Periodontics,Peking University School and Hospital of Stomatology.After the comprehensive clinical evaluation,the right central incisor was decided to extract for implant therapy and the right lateral incisor was decided to retain by one modiifed crown lengthening surgery.The most common technique applied to save a retained root is a clinical crown lengthening procedure.However,the aggressive alveolar bone resection of both target and adjacent teeth to reestablish the bone width and periodonta1 health may compromise functional and esthetic outcomes.To re— duce loss of excessive osseous tissue during osteotomy procedure,the modiifed crown lengthening of the irght lateral incisor was performed,including minor bone resection and root reshaping.Regarding the fight central incisor.the retained root was all located below the alveolar bone crest.The extraction and implant procedure.combined with guided bone graft were performed to avoid the damage to neighbor teeth during traditional restorative therapy and to reshape a preferable buccal contour.At the last visit,the patient was recailed with healthy periodontium,normal tooth function and favorable esthetic results. KEY WORDS Tooth fractures;Crown lengthening;Dental implantation;Esthetics,dental