1. 引言1. 引言
2. 产品分类2. 产品分类
表1 当前产品分类和效率标准1 当前产品分类和效率标准
产品分类 产品分类 紧凑顶级加载 紧凑顶级加载 标准顶级加载 标准顶级加载 半自动顶级加载 半自动顶级加载 前装加载 前装加载 肥皂水储蓄 肥皂水储蓄
效率标准 效率标准
EF>=0.90ft/(千瓦时EF>=0.90ft/(千瓦时/(千瓦时/圈) 圈)
EF>=ft/(千瓦时/(千瓦时/圈) 圈)
无冲洗加热 无冲洗加热
无冲洗加热 无冲洗加热 无冲洗加热 无冲洗加热
表2 定义产品分类2 定义产品分类 定义产品分类
产品分类 产品分类 定义 定义 定义
紧凑型 紧凑型 容量小于 容量小于标准性 标准性 容量大于 容量大于
在这份报告中,由于没有关于紧凑型产品的可以使用的数据,所以只对标准型产品进行了讨论。 准型产品进行了讨论。
在洗衣机的设计中设计方案的改变将会使洗衣机节能,美国能源部在 在洗衣机的设计中设计方案的改变将会使洗衣机节能,美国能源部在1994
年11月14日发布了能源法制规,要求设计方案要提高洗衣机的效率。基于这些设计方案美国家庭制造商协会对洗衣机使用范围的分布进行了调查。问卷对能源的利用率和设计方案的成本进行了数据的要求,最初的问卷发出之后,美国能源部与制造商对于能源的法制法规进行了研讨,研讨结果表明,那些最初的设计选项列表的修改和补充都是家庭制造商与美国能源部相互作用的结果。 项列表的修改和补充都是家庭制造商与美国能源部相互作用的结果。
一些最初的能源设计方案被重新命名, 一些最初的能源设计方案被重新命名,以更好的确定自己的技术。微处理器控制,模糊逻辑更名为先进控制传感器。配置/控制,模糊逻辑更名为先进控制传感器。配置/洗衣桶内部和外部的耐受性有了
更严格的要求。更高的自旋速度被重新定义为改善水萃取和分离的四个阶段以达到剩余水分含量的标准,50%到剩余水分含量的标准,50%,50%,40%,40%,35%和35%和30%。四个设计方案的剩余含水量都30%。四个设计方案的剩余含水量都相同,但是最终的含水量不同。对成本和能源利用率的不同的要求以达到不同层次的剩余含水量的标准。 次的剩余含水量的标准。
几个设计方案被分成两个或更多的选择。改进的填充控制根据个别制造商原 几个设计方案被分成两个或更多的选择。
本有不同的解释(本有不同的解释(在成本和能源节约上有很大的不同)在成本和能源节约上有很大的不同)因此被分成两种设计方案:改善填料的控制和自动填充控制。横轴设计选项被分成两种设计方案:横轴与再循环横轴。 循环横轴。
1)技术可行性。1)技术可行性。 技术可行性。 技术公司的商业产品或在工作样机将被视为技术上可行。 技术公司的商业产品或在工作样机将被视为技术上可行。 2)制造的可实行性2)制造的可实行性 制造的可实行性 安装并且服务。 如果在商品、可靠设施和技术的服务的技术的大量生产能在有效日期的标准的时间内来服务相关的市场规模可以实现的话,那么这项技术将被认为可实行制造,安装和服务。 那么这项技术将被认为可实行制造,安装和服务。 3)对产品效用或产品可用性无不良影响。 )对产品效用或产品可用性无不良影响。 4)对健康或安全无不良影响。 )对健康或安全无不良影响。
消除设计选项的原因被展现(消除设计选项的原因被展现(或保持进一步审议)或保持进一步审议)中讨论了个人的设计选项说明如下所述。不消除在这份报告中建议的设计方案将在以后的报告进一步分析。在这份最新的报告中,析。在这份最新的报告中,效率和成本的组合设计选项和设计选项的组成将进行分析。 分析。
包括在讨论的设计选项限制性能因素(如果相同的因素由两个或更多的厂商提交)。这些限制的性能因素描述受设计选项的参数。通常,这些因素影响的衣服洗浆机的实用程序。限制的性能因素不一定从进一步分析排除设计选项,但描述受设计选项和应考虑的性能因素。 述受设计选项和应考虑的性能因素。 基准模型 基准模型
一个洗衣机基准模型是用作一个参考 一个洗衣机基准模型是用作一个参考,一个洗衣机基准模型是用作一个参考,用于评估该节能潜力和各种设计选项的增加制造成本。 潜在的能源储蓄是基于一个拟议的今后经营实体检测程序(潜在的能源储蓄是基于一个拟议的今后经营实体检测程序(附录1)。此测试标准只有一个新洗衣机标准颁布时才会生效。1)。此测试标准只有一个新洗衣机标准颁布时才会生效。 。此测试标准只有一个新洗衣机标准颁布时才会生效。
模型将被假定有一个塑料桶,非热控制混合阀门,在正常的自旋周期内加热冲洗实现62%剩余含水量。62%剩余含水量。 剩余含水量。
这个设计方案被定义为提高现有遥感的耐久度。这可以通过减少目前使用的压力传感器或开关的设计的偏差来完成。这个设计方案,主要涉及垂直轴的设计,尽管它有时只适用于依靠具体填充控制设计的水平轴洗衣机。在一个典型的垂直轴洗衣机中,空气软管的一端连接洗衣筒底部附近,另一端是连接到一个压力开关。就像水填充浴缸,管内空气是被迫进入一个较小的体积,就像水填充浴缸,管内空气是被迫进入一个较小的体积,从而增加了空气压管内空气是被迫进入一个较小的体积,从而增加了空气压力。空气压力一直增加,直到它激活压力开关,从而关闭进水阀。一个更精确的水位设定系统将避免水位超过洗衣筒,从而大量的减少了所使用的水和能源。制造商提到的性能限制因素包括:1造商提到的性能限制因素包括:1)土壤改变,2)土壤改变,2)活动柔性,和3)磨损。 )磨损。
一个制造商表示,它不清楚减少目前使用的压力传感器公差的任何办法。但由于一些厂商为改善填充控制提供了成本和效率的数据,这成为一种方法被分析用来提高洗衣机的效率。 用来提高洗衣机的效率。
缩小筒公差 缩小筒公差
这种设计方案减少了内部洗衣筒和外部洗衣筒之间的空间(环)这种设计方案减少了内部洗衣筒和外部洗衣筒之间的空间(环)。(环)。这个环空间填满水,但不增加洗衣机的容量。更小的内洗涤筒和外筒之间的空间会减少一次洗涤所需填充的水,从而节省加热所需的能量。此选项主要适用于垂直轴洗衣机。在水平轴洗衣机中,水只占环水位下部。在水平轴洗衣机中,水只占环水位下部。因为大多数水平轴洗衣机的环是充水只占环水位下部。因为大多数水平轴洗衣机的环是充满空气,所以一个较小的环不会有显著的能源节省效果。 满空气,所以一个较小的环不会有显著的能源节省效果。
其他因素在确定内筒和外筒之间适当间隙也很重要。制造商宣称如果环太小,可能会产生内洗筒和外筒之间仍然存留的洗衣水的“肥皂水锁”的问题。在可能会产生内洗筒和外筒之间仍然存留的洗衣水的“肥皂水锁”的问题。在旋转干燥环节中间隙用来脱水也是需要的。此外,一定要保留足够的空间来允许不平衡荷载篮的偏差。增加旋转干燥环节中的洗衣筒旋转速度也可能需要筒与筒之间较大的空间来允许在较高的旋转速度下更大的偏转。出于这个原因,缩小筒公差不能与改善水提取的设计方案相混合。厂商提到的其他性能的限制因素包括:1括:1)噪音,2)噪音,2)振动,3)振动,3)除砂。 )除砂。
用来估计紧固滚筒公差带来的效益。 用来估计紧固滚筒公差带来的效益。 绝热性的增加 绝热性的增加
这个设计选项增加了外层洗衣滚筒的绝热性。因为一些热能会通过洗衣的外壳而丢失,所以增加外层洗衣机滚筒的绝热性可以在某些衣服需要热水洗时,微微的减少一部分的热量损失。然而,由于洗涤周期很短,水的热质量非常高,添加绝热层后,温度相对较低的滚筒水温变化很少。计算机进行140°F条件下20分钟洗涤周期的模拟,结果显示在部分衣物洗涤时,每添加一英寸的玻璃钢保温材料只导致水温有1-2°F1-2°F的提高。 的提高。
一些制造商指出,这一设计选项会产生一些小麻烦,应该取消。因为许多制造商为这一设计选项提供的的成本和效率数据分析表示,应该提出一种方法来提高衣物清洗的效率。 提高衣物清洗的效率。 提高发动机的效率 提高发动机的效率
一些典型的消耗电力占总电量 一些典型的消耗电力占总电量10%的洗衣机都使用电动马达。10%的洗衣机都使用电动马达。典型的洗衣机的洗衣机都使用电动马达。典型的洗衣机有一个½-b有一个½-b马达。一个美国制造商声明,替换一个分相式电机电容器启动电机可能会增加电动机10%的效率。制造商提出的性能限制因素包括:1)物理尺寸和2)10%的效率。服务/服务/安装。 安装。
制造商为该选项提供数据,但是建议,由于马达能量是一个总能量的一小部分,所以即使电机能量下降了10%也只能导致减少10%也只能导致减少1%的整体能源消耗。1%的整体能源消耗。尽管提高发动机的效率只能小型节能,但它仍然被作为一个提高洗衣机效率的办法。 发动机的效率只能小型节能,但它仍然被作为一个提高洗衣机效率的办法。 自动调温控制混合阀 自动调温控制混合阀
这个设计选项通过更精确的控制进水温度或热能填充来达到节省能源。在一 这个设计选项通过更精确的控制进水温度或热能填充来达到节省能源。个典型的非恒温控制进水系统,要使用两个电磁阀;个典型的非恒温控制进水系统,要使用两个电磁阀;一个阀门控制热填满水,要使用两个电磁阀;一个阀门控制热填满水,而一个阀门控制热填满水,而其他控制冷填满水。如果一个温水设置被选中,其他控制冷填满水。如果一个温水设置被选中,两个电磁阀同时打开。如果一个温水设置被选中,两个电磁阀同时打开。在温水清两个电磁阀同时打开。在温水清洗模式下,一个固定部分的热水和冷水由流量控制设备所控制。 洗模式下,一个固定部分的热水和冷水由流量控制设备所控制。
整水温以保持水温恒定的洗衣机阀门”。 整水温以保持水温恒定的洗衣机阀门”。
通过恒温控制混合阀可以节省能量,它可以降低热洗涤或者温洗涤的温度。例如,恒温控制混合阀可以降低热洗涤温度从135°135°F到130°130°F的混合热水(130°130°F检验入口条件)温洗涤同样可以降低温度。能源的节约取决于测试标准的改变和指定的入口热水温度的选择。 准的改变和指定的入口热水温度的选择。
Washing machine design
1. The introduction
This report discussed the domestic washing machine upgrade the capacity of the standard of the energy efficiency of a feasible design scheme. In this design scheme is used in the analysis program is based on by the provisions of the department of energy (DOE) to explain the regulation Outlines the process improvement measures. According to reasonable rules, different electrical ranking, identified the potential design scheme, which in the process of electric appliance efficiency standards promulgated a step closer. Then use filter factor to determine whether further consideration to exclude a particular design. Many input program used in the filter design are provided by the washing machine manufacturers. From trade journals and other household electrical appliances manufacturers association (AHAM).
Although () in the new technology of the analysis of the existing design phase before the rule-making forecast (ANOPR), and the original ANOPR [2], but before the data collected from manufacturers, the existing AHAM input and other stakeholders will still be considered in the report. The U.S. department of energy to a supplementary regulations formulate proposal forecast in the future. 2. The product category
Use value to consumers of the appliances are included in the analysis of the products. Category is a subset of the home appliance type, for example, the washing machine is a kind of home appliance, but compact washing machine is a kind of product category, home appliance products were divided into different types according to different energy utilization. The capacity of the department of energy (doe) divided into categories according to the product or other related performance characteristics, such as product of practicality and efficiency. In general, the definition of a class is to pass from the home appliance manufacturers, trade associations and other related
conference seminars to collect data to make. Those who have been designated as the class didn't pass the doe test program no longer further analysis.
At present, the classification of the washing machine as shown in table 1, the corresponding minimum energy efficiency requirements will take effect on May 14, 1994 [3].
The current product classification and efficiency standards in table 1 Product classification efficiency standards Compact top loading Standard top loading Semi-automatic top load Front loading load
Soap and water saving EF > = 0.90 ft/(KWH/circle) EF > = ft3 / (KWH/circle) No flush heating No flush heating No flush heating
In previous regulations, the top load and front-end reproduced washing machine is used to refer to vertical and horizontal axis respectively. Because the horizontal axis machine can produce into top loading device. Product grade difference - is based on how to load instead of how to make your clothes. As a result, the vertical and horizontal axis washing machine became manufacturers design strategy to achieve different levels of efficiency washing machine. According to the current analysis, the product can be classified according to table 2: Table 2 define the product category Product categories defined Compact size is less than 1.6 ft3 Standard capacity greater than 1.6 ft3 10
In this report, because there is no data that can be used on compact product, so only to the standard products are discussed. Design of 3.
The change of the design in the design of the washing machine will make the washing machine is energy saving, the U.S. department of energy (doe) released in November 14, 1994, the energy legal rules, design requirements to improve the efficiency of the washing machine. Based on the design of these households manufacturers association of washing machine using range distribution were investigated. Questionnaire for energy utilization and design scheme of data requirement, the cost of initial
questionnaire issued, the department of energy (doe) and the manufacturer has carried on the discussion, the laws and regulations on the energy legal discussion results show that the initial design modification and supplement list of options are home manufacturers to the result of interaction with the U.S. department of energy. Some initial energy design be renamed, to better determine their own technology. Renamed advanced microprocessor control, fuzzy logic control sensors.
Configuration of the internal and external dolly tub tolerance has more stringent requirements. Higher spin speed being redefined to improve water extraction and separation of four stages to achieve the residual moisture content standard, 50%, 40%, 35% and 30%. Four design scheme of the residual water content are the same, but the final moisture content are different. Different requirements for cost and energy efficiency to achieve different levels of residual water content standards.
Several design schemes were divided into two or more options. Improve the filling control according to the individual manufacturer originally has the different explanation (in terms of cost and energy saving is very different) so is divided into two kinds of design scheme: to improve the packing control and automatic filling control. Inverse design options are divided into two kinds of design: horizontal axis and recycle the horizontal axis.
1) technical feasibility. Technology company business products or in the working prototype will be deemed to be technically feasible.
2) made in the installation and service. If in reliable goods, facilities and technical service of the mass production of technology to the effective date of the standard time to services related to the size of the market can be realized, the technology will be considered a viable manufacturing, installation and service. 3) had no adverse effect on product utility or availability. 4) had no adverse effect on health or safety.
To eliminate the cause of the design options were shown further deliberation (or maintain) discussed in the design of personal options are described below. Don't eliminate the Suggestions in the report design for further analysis in the later report. In the latest report, the combination of efficiency and cost of design options and design options will be analyzed.
Included in the discussion of design options limited performance factors (if the same factors by two or more companies to submit). The performance of these restrict factors described by the parameters of the design options. Usually, these factors affect the utility clothes washed pulp machine. The performance factors limit may not out further analysis design options, but describe the design options and should consider performance factors. Benchmark model
A washing machine is used as a reference, benchmark model used to evaluate the energy saving potential and increase the cost of manufacturing of various kinds of design options. Potential energy savings are based on a proposed future business entity test procedures (appendix 1) [7]. This test is only a new washing machine standard issued will only take effect.
Baseline just represents the typical vertical axis washing machine achieve energy efficiency allows the lowest, in accordance with the designated national home
appliance energy laws. At present, all the standard size of the washing machine must achieve energy minimum value 1.18 volt power three per kilowatt-hour, according to the standards of the current U.S. department of energy test procedure. Benchmark model will be assumed that there is a plastic bucket, the thermal control mixing valve, in normal spin cycle heat flush residual water content of 62%. The improved filling control
The design scheme is defined as improving the durability of existing remote sensing. This can be achieved by reducing the use of pressure sensor or deviation to complete the design of the switch. This design scheme, mainly related to the design of the vertical axis, although sometimes it applies only to rely on the concrete filling control design of horizontal axis washing machine. In a typical vertical axis washing
machines, air hose connection at the end of the laundry is located near the bottom of the cylinder, the other end is connected to a pressure switch. Fill the bathtub like water, and pipe air is forced into a smaller volume, thus increasing the air pressure. Air pressure increases, until it activate the pressure switch, so as to close the inlet valve. A more accurate water level setting system will avoid water level more than washing cylinder, and reduces a lot of water and energy used. Manufacturers
mentioned that the performance of the limiting factors include: 1) the change of soil, 2) the activity of flexible, and 3) wear.
A manufacturer, said it was not clear to reduce the use of pressure sensor of tolerance of any solution. But due to some vendors to improve filling control provides the cost and the efficiency of the data, it become a kind of method are analyzed to improve the efficiency of washing machine. The narrow tube tolerance
This design reduces the space between external and internal washing drum washing drum (ring). This ring space is filled with water, but does not increase the capacity of the washing machine. Smaller in the washing drum and the space between the outer barrel will reduce the water needed for a washing filling, thereby saving the energy
for the heating. This option is mainly suitable for vertical axis washing machine. In the horizontal axis in the washing machine, water ring water level lower. Because most of the horizontal shaft washer ring is filled with air, so a smaller ring does not have a significant energy saving effect.
Other factors in determining the appropriate gap between inner cylinder and outer cylinder is also very important. Manufacturers claim that if the ring is too small, may produce inside outside washing cylinder and cylinder of laundry water stayed between \"soap water lock\" problem. Clearance in the link of rotary dryer is used to dehydration is needed. In addition, be sure to keep enough space to allow the deviation of unbalanced load basket. Increase the laundry in the links of rotary dryer cylinder rotation speed may need larger space between tube and tube to allow greater deflection under high rotation speed. For this reason, narrow tube tolerance can't blended with improving the designing plan of water extraction. Manufacturer to some of the other performance of the limiting factors include: 1) noise, vibration, 2) 3) in addition to the sand.
A vendor said, drum washing machine has reached a minimum inner and outer space. However, different manufacturers have different washing machine roller
manufacturing tolerance. Therefore, manufacturers provide the cost and efficiency of data is used to estimate the fastening roller tolerance of benefit. The increase of the insulation
The design options to increase the outer insulation of washing drum. Because some of the heat energy can be lost through the shell of laundry, so can increase the outer insulation of the washing machine drum needs in hot water to wash some clothes, part slightly reduce heat loss. However, due to the washing cycle is short, hot water quality is very high, after adding insulation blanket, relatively low temperature of the roller temperature changes very little. Computer under the condition of 140 ° F 20 minutes wash cycle simulation, the results showed that in some laundry, each inches
of glass reinforced plastic thermal insulation material add only result in an increase in water temperature have 1-2 ° F.
Some manufacturers, points out that the design option will produce some small trouble, should be cancelled. Because many manufacturers provide a design option of the cost and efficiency of data analysis, said should be a method was proposed to improve the efficiency of the laundry. Improve the efficiency of the engine
Some typical power consumption accounts for 10% of the total power of washing machines are using an electric motor. A typical washing machine has a 1/2 level - b motor. An American manufacturer statement, replacing a split-phase motor capacitor start motor may increase motor efficiency of 10%. Manufacturers for the performance of the limiting factors include: (1) physical size and (2) service/installation.
Manufacturers to provide the data for this option, but suggested that, due to the motor energy is a small part of total energy, so even if the motor down 10% energy will result in 1% reduction in overall energy consumption. While improve the efficiency of the engine can only small, energy saving, but it is still as a way to enhance the efficiency of the washing machine. Automatic temperature control mixing valve
This design options by more precise control of the feed water temperature or heat filling to conserve energy. In a typical temperature control feed water system, in order to use two solenoid valve; A valve control hot filled with water, and other control fill cold water. If the setting is selected, a warm water two solenoid valves open at the same time. In warm water cleaning mode, a fixed part of hot and cold water controlled by flow control devices.
A blending of temperature control valve (TCMV) refers to the to feel the temperature of the water to wash clothes and regulating valve of hot and cold water supply. It can keep the valve temperature of warm water. In June 1996, the department of energy
through the application of the test files, but home appliance manufacturers think it is not necessary to define water temperature control valve, and should define thermostatic control valve washing machine. This is feasible, the doe then home appliance manufacturer's suggested to adopt and to amend the above definition: \"the washing machine water temperature control valve is refers to the sense and provide appropriate adjust the water temperature of cold water temperature to maintain a constant water temperature, washing machine valve\".
Is controlled by thermostatic mixing valve can save energy, it can reduce the temperature of the hot washing or washing temperature. For instance, thermostatic mixing valve control can reduce the thermal washing temperature from a mixture of 135 ° F to 130 ° F hot water temperature (130 ° F test entry condition) washing can reduce the same temperature. The change of the energy saving depends on the test standard and specify the choice of the entrance of the hot water temperature