专利名称:Installation assembly including a fixation rail
for attaching devices in an aircraft
发明人:Julie Holvoet,Maximilien Fauvet,Didier
Reynes,Marc Tomasi,Laurent Rebolloso,LucMichelet
摘要:A fastening assembly for the fastening of systems in an aircraft comprising
frames, a skin, and clips between the skin and the frames. The fastening assemblyincludes: ramps, that extend between two consecutive frames of the aircraft; brackets forfastening the ramps to two of the clips situated respectively on two consecutive framesof the aircraft; system supports, fastened to the ramps, each system support being ableto receive at least one system.
申请人:Julie Holvoet,Maximilien Fauvet,Didier Reynes,Marc Tomasi,LaurentRebolloso,Luc Michelet
地址:Toulouse FR,Toulouse FR,Toulouse FR,Toulouse FR,Le Gres FR,Cornebarrieu FR
代理机构:Oblon, Spivak, McClelland, Maier & Neustadt, L.L.P.