
针对Cisco瘦AP 的DHCP Option 43

2021-03-03 来源:易榕旅网
针对Cisco瘦AP的DHCP Option 43字段配置示例


介绍.....................................................................................................................................3 前提条件.............................................................................................................................3 需求.................................................................................................................................3 设备要求.........................................................................................................................3 厂商特定的DHCP字段....................................................................................................3 Microsoft DHCP Server......................................................................................................5 Cisco 1000系列AP.......................................................................................................6 Lightweight Cisco Aironet 1130, 1240, and 1200 Series APs.....................................12 Cisco IOS DHCP Server...................................................................................................16 Cisco Aironet 1130, 1200, 1240 APs............................................................................16 Cisco Aironet 1000 Series APs.....................................................................................17 Sun Solaris DHCP Server.................................................................................................18 Linux DHCP Server..........................................................................................................20 Cisco Network Registrar DHCP Server............................................................................22 Lucent QIP DHCP Server.................................................................................................26 验证配置...........................................................................................................................27 排错...................................................................................................................................29



部署Cisco统一无线网络架构时,当WLC(无线控制器)和LAP(Lightweight access point)位于不同的子网,可以通过配置DHCP Option 43字段通知LAP去关联指定的某台WLC。本文将以案例的方式说明如何通过以下DHCP服务器为LAP配置DHCP Option 43:

• Microsoft Windows 2003 Enterprise DHCP Server • Cisco IOS DHCP Server • Sun Solaris DHCP Server • Linux DHCP Server

• Cisco Network Registrar DHCP Server • Lucent QIP DHCP Server

关于如何配置AP去关联WLC,请参考Wireless LAN Controller and Lightweight Access Point Basic Configuration Example



Cisco 建议您需要具备以下知识:

• DHCP的基本知识

• 了解Windows DHCP Server的基本配置 • 了解 Sun Solaris DHCP Server的基本配置 • 了解 Linux DHCP Server的基本配置




RFC 2132 定义了2个与厂商有关的DHCP Option字段(Option 60 和Option 43),Option 60是供应商类别标识符(Vendor Class Identifier –VCI),VCI是一个特定的文本字符串,代表厂家某款产品。表1 列出Cisco AP所使用的VCI字段。


Table 1

Access Point

Cisco Aironet 1000 series Cisco Aironet 1100 series Cisco Aironet 1130 series Cisco Aironet 1200 series Cisco Aironet 1230 series Cisco Aironet 1240 series Cisco Aironet 1250 Series Cisco Aironet 1300 series

Vendor Class Identifier (VCI

Airespace.AP1200 Cisco AP c1100 Cisco AP c1130 Cisco AP c1200 Cisco AP c1200 Cisco AP c1240 Cisco AP c1250 Cisco AP c1300 Cisco AP c1500 Cisco AP.OAP15002 Cisco AP.LAP15053


Cisco Aironet 1500 series

Cisco AP.LAP15104 Cisco AP c1520 Airespace.AP12005

Cisco 3201 LAP

Cisco Bridge/AP/WGB c3201

Cisco 521 Wireless Express Access Point Cisco AP c520 AP801 (embedded in 86x/88x series ISRsCisco AP801


1500系列运行在4.1版本 1500 OAP AP 运行在4.0版本 1505 Model AP 运行在4.0版本 1510 Model AP 运行在4.0版本 1500系列运行在3.2版本






DHCP客户端通过广播discovery报文寻找DHCP地址,Option 60 字段就在discovery报文中。

Option 43用以加速LAP寻找WLC的过程。DHCP服务器必须预配置,用来识别供应商类别标识符VCI字段,并根据VCI给相应的AP返回一个或多个WLC的管理接口IP。

在DHCP服务器的配置中,厂商特定信息被映射到VCI的字符串中,当DHCP服务器发现来自DHCP客户端discovery报文中含有可以识别的VCI信息时,便将预先映射的厂商特定信息通过DHCP offer报文返回给DHCP客户端。option 43 和option 60 需要在每个DHCP池中配置,用以返回IP地址给客户端。

RFC 2132 定义DHCP服务器返回厂商特定信息作为DHCP Option 43字段,并且允许使用0到255来定义sub-options,所有sub-options都作为类型长度值

(TLV)封装在Option 43字段中。而且,厂商可以自行定义sub-options的编码和报文格式。

当DHCP服务器为Cisco 1000系列AP提供WLC地址时, TLV会以以下方式被定义:

类型(Type)—0x66 (十进制 102)

• 长度(Length):—数值变量中字符的长度,如果有多个WLC通过逗号分隔。

• 数值(Value):—一个不含空格并且不能以零结尾的字符串,多个WLC之间需要通过逗号分隔。

当DHCP服务器为Cisco LAP(如1130, 1200, 1230 或者 1240 系列)提供WLC地址时, TLV会以以下方式被定义:

Type—0xf1 (十进制 241)

• Length—16进制表示的(WLC管理地址的数量 * 4) • Value—16进制表示的WLC管理接口地址

DHCP的配置根据不同的DHCP服务器有所不同. 本文档主要包括以下DHCP服务器的配置:Microsoft DHCP server, Cisco IOS DHCP server, Sun Solaris DHCP server, Linux DHCP server, Cisco Network Registrar DHCP server and Lucent QIP DHCP Server。其他DHCP Server,请参考相应产品资料。

Microsoft DHCP Server

本节介绍利用微软DHCP服务器配置Option 43字段。


Cisco 1000系列AP


供应商类别标识符(VCI) • Option 43 sub-option code • WLC管理IP地址

Cisco1000系列AP的VCI为“Airespace.AP1200”,如上所述,Cisco1000的Option 43 sub-option code 是 type 102 (0x66)。本示例通过微软管理控制台(MMC),当然也可以通过DHCP Server Utility来配置,步骤逻辑上一样。

1. 为了让DHCP服务器可以识别VCI Airespace.AP1200,需要增加一个新的vendor class. 在 MMC中, 右键点击DHCP服务器图标, 选择 Define Vendor Classes。

2. 点击 Add 创建新class。


3. 输入 Display Name,本例中使用Airespace。在Description区域添加简短说明。点击ASCII区域,添加VCI,本例使用 Airespace.AP1200。

4. 完成后,点击Close。


5. 在Predefined选项中为新增加的Vonder Class增加WLC sub-option. 在这里可以定义sub-option的编码类型和数据格式,用以给AP返回一个厂商特定信息。右键点击Server图标,选择Set Predefined Options。

6. 在Option class中选中新建的Airespace,点击Add。


7. Name输入Airespace IP provision,Date type输入 Binary,Code输入102,点击 OK。

8. 点击OK 即完成Vendor class和sub-option type的配置。 9. 右击 Server Options文件夹,选择Configure Options。


10.点击 Advanced ,选择要用的Vonver Class,本例为 Airespace。

11.选中前面配置的sub-option 102,在Data Entry中,输入控制器的管理地址。




13.一旦完成这一步,Option 43就会配置完成,并且对DHCP服务器中所有的地址池有效。当LAP请求地址时,DHCP服务器会同时把option 43返回给LAP。 注意: 关于如何增加DHCP地址空间,请参考 Creating Scopes on Microsoft 2003 server.

Lightweight Cisco Aironet 1130, 1240, and 1200 Series APs

本节介绍如何在Windows DHCP服务器返回厂商特定信息给其他LAP,需要了解以下信息:

Vendor Class Identifier (VCI) • Option 43 sub-option code • 控制器管理IP

Lightweight Cisco Aironet 系列AP的VCI 根据不同的型号有所不同。为了可以支持更多型号的AP,需要为每种型号配置一个相对应的Vendor Class。其他Cisco Aironet系列AP的 Option 43 sub-option type是241 (0xf1)。

1. 打开DHCP Server管理工具或者MMC. 右击DHCP,选择Define Vendor Classes。


2. 选择Add。

3. 在Display name一栏输入 Cisco Aironet 1130 AP, 在ASCII部分输入相应的VCI,本例为Cisco AP c1130。完毕后点击OK。


4. 在Predefined选项中为新增加的Vender Class增加WLC sub-option。在这里可以定义sub-option的编码类型和数据格式,用以给AP返回一个厂商特定信息。右键点击Server图标,选择Set Predefined Options。 5. 选择刚建的Vendor Option Class,点击 Add。

6. 在Name项输入Option 43,Data Type选择IP Address,选中 Array。Code 中输入 sub-option编码值241 (0xf1),输入相关描述信息。点击 OK.


7. Vendor Class和sub-option配置完成。接下来需要为DHCP地址池配置厂商特定信息。选择相应的 DHCP scope,右击 Scope Options, 选择Configure Options。

8. 点击 Advanced,选中之前创建的 Vendor class。选中241 Option 43, 输入每个WLC management interface IP address,点击 Apply。

9. DHCP Option 43 配置完成。以下示例显示一个新建的DHCP地址池配置了DHCP Option43字段。


注意: 每种Lightweight Cisco Aironet AP必须配置相应的Vendor Class和sub-options。

Cisco IOS DHCP Server

Cisco Aironet 1130, 1200, 1240 APs

Cisco IOS DHCP服务器option 43字段只允许为一个DHCP池定义一种设备类

型 ,因此每个地址池只能包括一种AP类型。以下步骤说明如何在Cisco IOS上配置Option 43:

1. 进入Cisco IOS配置模式.

2. 创建地址池和必要的信息,如网关等。示例如下:

ip dhcp pool


default-router dns-server

3. 增加Option 60:

option 60 ascii \"VCI string of the AP\"


Note: Avoid raw DHCP Option 43 without the specification of a VCI if possible. Raw DHCP Option 43 limits the DHCP server to support a single device type for vendor specific information for each DHCP scope. Also, every DHCP client receives the Option 43 values in a DHCP Offer, regardless of whether the values are relevant to the device.

4. 关于VCI,请参考 表 1,必须加引号。 5. 增加 Option 43:

option 43 hex

hexadecimal string 是TLV的一个组合: Type + Length + Value. Type是sub-option编码0xf1,Length是用16进制表示的值,该值为WLC管理地址的数量乘以4所得的值 ,Value是用16进制表示的控制器的IP地址。

例如,有两台WLC,管理地址分别为192.168.10.5和192.168.10.20. 那么, type为0xf1,length为2 * 4 = 8 = 0x08,转换成16进制的IP地址为c0a80a05 (、c0a80a14 (。 最终组合的字符串为 f108c0a80a05c0a80a14. Cisco IOS 命令行为:

option 43 hex f108c0a80a05c0a80a14

Cisco Aironet 1000 Series APs

Cisco IOS DHCP服务器option 43字段只允许为一个DHCP池定义一种设备类

型 ,因此每个地址池只能包括一种AP类型。以下步骤说明如何在Cisco IOS上配置Option 43:

1. 进入Cisco IOS配置模式;

2. 创建地址池和必要的信息,如网关等。示例如下:

ip dhcp pool


default-router dns-server

3. 增加Option 60:

option 60 ascii \"Airespace.AP1200\"


必须包括引号。 4. 增加Option 43:

option 43 ascii \"Comma separated IP address list\"

注意: 必须包括引号。Cisco 1000系列AP不需要定义sub-option值。 例如:如果为Cisco1000系列AP配置Option 43,WLC的管理地址为192.168.10.5和192.168.10.20 ,使用以下IOS命令:

option 43 ascii \",\"

注意: 必须使用WLC管理接口IP。

Sun Solaris DHCP Server

本节介绍如何在Sun Solaris DHCP服务器配置相关参数.

allow bootp;

option space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address code 43 = string;

subnet netmask { authoritative; option routers; option subnet-mask; option domain-name \"cisco.com\"; option domain-name-servers,; range dynamic-bootp; default-lease-time 86400;

!--- 该部分为传统AP提供DHCP服务


class \"Airespace 1200\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Airespace 1200\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Airespace 1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address \"\"; }

class \"Airespace.AP1200\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Airespace.AP1200\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Airespace 1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address \"\"; }

!--- 该部分为LAP提供DHCP到配置 !--- Cisco Aironet APs DHCP Option 43使用type-length-value (TLV) 格式

class \"Cisco AP c1200\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1200\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:0a:05; }

class \"Cisco AP c1130\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1130\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1130\";


vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:0a:05; }

class \"Cisco AP c1240\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1240\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1240\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:0a:05; } }

Linux DHCP Server

本节介绍如何在Sun Solaris DHCP服务器配置相关参数.

ddns-update-style interim; allow bootp;

# option opt-43 code 43 = text; option space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address code 43 = string;

subnet netmask { authoritative;

option routers; option subnet-mask; option domain-name \"cisco.com\";

option domain-name-servers,;

# option opt-43 = \"\";

range dynamic-bootp; default-lease-time 300;

class \"Cisco AP c1200\" {


match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1200\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP; option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:f7:05; }

class \"Cisco AP c1130\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1130\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1130\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP; option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:f7:05; }

class \"Cisco AP c1240\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Cisco AP c1240\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Cisco AP c1240\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP; option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address f1:04:c0:a8:f7:05; }

class \"Airespace 1200\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Airespace 1200\";

option vendor-class-identifier \"Airespace 1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address \"\"; }

class \"Airespace.AP1200\" {

match if option vendor-class-identifier = \"Airespace.AP1200\";


option vendor-class-identifier \"Airespace 1200\"; vendor-option-space Cisco_LWAPP_AP;

option Cisco_LWAPP_AP.server-address \"\"; } }

Cisco Network Registrar DHCP Server

CNR DHCP服务器支持厂商特定信息属性,该服务器只能通过命令行配置。 注意: 命令行软件在以下目录中C:\\Program Files\\Network Registrar\\BIN\\ nrcmd.bat

1. 登录服务器,完成以下步骤

2. username: admin 3. password: 4. 100 Ok 5. session:

6. cluster = localhost 7. default-format = user 8. user-name = admin 9. visibility = 5 nrcmd>

10.为Cisco AP1000系列AP添加Vendor Class Identifier

11. nrcmd> vendor-option airespace create Airespace.AP1200 12. 100 Ok 13. airespace:

14. name = airespace 15. read-only = disabled

vendor-class-id = Airespace.AP1200

为Cisco AP1200系列AP添加Vendor Class Identifier:


nrcmd> vendor-option aironet1200 create \"Cisco AP c1200\" 100 Ok


name = aironet

read-only = disabled

vendor-class-id = “Cisco AP c1200”

注意: 其他LAP, 请用Table1中相关参数替换 vendor-class-id 参数。 16.当收到一个含有Option 60为Airespace.AP1200的请求时,DHCP Server 将通过DHCP offer报文返回相关信息。一个DHCP Option 43字段可以包括多个数值,这些选项需要通过一个subtype来分别定义。 本例中,只有一个值,因此不需要subtype。尽管如此,CNR配置需要创建一个subtype选项。

For Cisco AP1000 Series APs:

nrcmd>vendor-option airespace definesuboption controller_ip 1 BYTE_ARRAY

no-suboption-opcode,no-suboption-len 100 Ok

controller_ip(1) : byte_array(no-suboption-opcode,no-suboption-len)

For Cisco AP1200 Series APs:

nrcmd>vendor-option aironet1200 definesuboption controller_ip 241 IPADDR_ARRAY 100 Ok

Controller_ip(241) : ipaddr_array 100 Ok

vendor-option aironet1200 enable read-only 100 Ok



nrcmd>policy system_default_policy setVendorOption aironet1200

controller_ip, 100 Ok

aironet1200 controller_ip[0](241) IPADDR_ARRAY(1) =,

17.However, in order to hide the subtype feature and send only a row string (BYTE_ARRAY) with the IP values, CNR supports specific flags in order to remove the subtype ids and length. These are no-suboption-opcode and no-suboption-len flags. For Cisco AP1000 Series APs:

nrcmd>vendor-option list 100 Ok airespace:

name = airespace read-only = disabled

vendor-class-id = Airespace.AP1200

nrcmd> vendor-option airespace listsuboptions 100 Ok

controller_ip(241) : byte_array(no-suboption-opcode,no-suboption-len)

For Cisco AP1200 Series APs:

nrcmd>vendor-option list 100 Ok airespace:

name = aironet1200 read-only = enabled

vendor-class-id = aironet1200


nrcmd>vendor-option aironet1200 listsuboptions 100 Ok

controller_ip(241) : ipaddr_array(no-suboption-opcode,no-suboption-len)

18.与 DHCP地址池相关联的值: For Cisco AP1000 Series APs:

nrcmd>policy VLAN-52 setvendoroption airespace controller_ip

31:30:2E:31:35:30:2E:31:2E:31:35:2C:31:30:2E:31:35:30:2E:35:30:2E:31:35:2C 100 Ok

airespace controller_ip[0](1) BYTE_ARRAY(1) = 31:30:2e:31:35:30:2e:31:2e:31:35:2c:31:30:2e:31:35:30:2e:35:30:2e:31:35:2c

For Cisco AP1200 Series APs:

nrcmd>policy system_default_policy setVendorOption aironet1200

controller_ip, 100 Ok

aironet1200 controller_ip[0](241) IPADDR_ARRAY(1) =,

本例中,在名为VLAN-52的DHCP地址池中配置当收到一个来自‘Airespace.AP1200’设备的请求时,返回Option 43,10.150.50.

意: 31:30:2e:31:35:30:2e:31:2e:31:35:2c:31:30:2e:31:35:30:2e:35:30:2e:31:35:2c 是10.150.1.15,的16进制表现形式. 19.保存,重启。

20. nrcmd>save


100 Ok

nrcmd>dhcp reload 100 Ok


有关Cisco CNR DHCP Server更多的配置,请参考Managing Advanced DHCP Server Properties。

Lucent QIP DHCP Server

本次描述如何配置Lucent QIP DHCP server。 注意:更多配置信息,请参考厂家相关文档。

DHCP Option 43 可以包括任意厂商的特定信息. DHCP server通过offer报文将该信息以16进制的方式发送给客户端。

在Lucent QIP DHCP server, 厂商特定信息在DHCP Option Template- Modify 页面下. 在屏幕右侧 Active Options ,选择 Vendor Specific Options ,并且输入相应信息。


在QIP的DHCP Option template 中输入WLC管理接口IP的16进制数值: [ip hex],如果需要输入多个WLC IP,则使用如下格式 :[ip hex ip hex],而不是[ip hex],[ip hex]。

例如,有2台WLC,管理接口IP为192.168.10.5和192.168.10.20,Type是0xfl, Length是2×4=8=0x08, IP地址转换成16进制为c0a80a05 ( 和c0a80a14 (,组合后的字符串为f108c0a80a05c0a80a14。在Lucent QIP DHCP Server中的格式为 [f108c0a80a05c0a80a14]。



如果使用1130 /1200/1230/系列LAP,可以通过console口看到LAP在DHCP协商之后拿到了WLC的管理接口地址。 参考以下 Cisco 1230 series LAP的输出:

*Mar 1 00:00:17.497: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to down

*Mar 1 00:00:17.898: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to down

*Mar 1 00:00:25.352: %DOT11-6-FREQ_USED: Interface Dot11Radio0, frequency 2447 selected

*Mar 1 00:00:25.353: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up

*Mar 1 00:00:26.352: %LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up

*Mar 1 00:00:29.440: %LWAPP-5-CHANGED: LWAPP changed state to DISCOVERY

*Mar 1 00:00:29.475: %LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to reset

*Mar 1 00:00:29.704: %LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up

*Mar 1 00:00:30.121: Logging LWAPP message to


%SYS-6-LOGGINGHOST_STARTSTOP: Logging to host started - CLI initiated

%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to reset

%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up

%LINK-5-CHANGED: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to reset

%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Dot11Radio0, changed state to up

%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Dot11Radio1, changed state to up

Translating \"CISCO-LWAPP-CONTROLLER\"...domain server (

%DHCP-6-ADDRESS_ASSIGN: Interface FastEthernet0 assigned DHCP address, mask, hostname AP001b.d4e3.a81b

%LWAPP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: Controller address obtained through DHCP

%LWAPP-3-CLIENTEVENTLOG: Controller address obtained through DHCP

在Cisco IOS DHCP Server上通过 show ip dhcp binding 可以看到哪些设备获取到了IP地址,如下所示:

2800-ISR-TSWEB#show ip dhcp binding

Bindings from all pools not associated with VRF: IP address Client-ID/ Lease expiration Type

Hardware address/ User name

28 000b.855b.fbd0 Jun 29 2007 11:49 AM Automatic

在WLC命令上输入 show ap summary 可以核实LAP是否注册到了WLC。 如下所示:

((Cisco Controller) >show ap summary

AP Name Slots AP Model Ethernet MAC Location Port

------------- ----- --------- ----------------- ---------------- ----

ap:5b:fb:d0 2 AP1010 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 default_location 1

通过 show client summary 可以看到注册到WLC的客户端:

(Cisco Controller) >show client summary

Number of Clients................................ 1

MAC Address AP Name Status WLAN Auth Protocol Port

----------------- ------------- ------------- ---- ---- -------- ----

00:40:96:a1:45:42 ap:64:a3:a0 Associated 4 Yes 802.11a 1



在WLC输入 debug dhcp message enable 可以看到DHCP服务器和客户端之间的通信信息,如下所示:

(Cisco Controller) >Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option len,


including the magic cookie = 38

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: received DHCP DISCOVER msg

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: skipping option 57, len 2

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 6

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: vendor class id = Airespace.AP1200 (len 16) Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcpParseOptions: options end, len 38, actual 64

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: dhcpd: sending 300 bytes raw ->

Thu Jun 28 17:07:53 2007: dhcpd: Received 300 byte dhcp packet

from 0xd4f44d0a

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option len, including

the magic cookie = 50

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: received DHCP REQUEST msg

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: requested ip =

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: server id =

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: skipping option 57, len 2

Thu Jun 28 17:07:58 2007: 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 dhcp option: skipping option 55, len 6

This is debug lwapp packet enable command output from the WLC that indicates that DHCP option 43 is used as the discovery method in order to discover WLC IP addresses:


Thu Jun 28 17:51:47 2007: Received LWAPP DISCOVERY REQUEST from AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 to 00:0b:85:33:84:a0 on port '1'

Thu Jun 28 17:51:47 2007: Successful transmission of LWAPP Discovery-Response

to AP 00:0b:85:5b:fb:d0 on Port 1

Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Start of Packet

Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Ethernet Source MAC (LRAD): 00:D0:58:AD:AE:CB

Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Msg Type :

Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: DISCOVERY_REQUEST Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Msg Length : 31 Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Msg SeqNum : 0 Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007:

IE : UNKNOWN IE 58 Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: IE Length : 1 Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: Decode routine not available, Printing Hex Dump

Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007: 00000000:

03 . Thu Jun 28 19:22:39 2007:

IE 58 表明 discovery 类型,DCHP Option 43为3。

在 Cisco IOS DHCP server 上,通过 debug dhcp detail和debug ip dhcp server events 去观察 DHCP 客户端和服务器之间的活动。以下为 debug ip dhcp server events 输出:

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: Sending notification of DISCOVER:

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 000b.855b.fbd0

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: remote id 020a0000c0a8190a01000000


*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: circuit id 00000000 *Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: Seeing if there is an internally specified pool class:

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 000b.855b.fbd0

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: remote id 020a0000c0a8190a01000000

*Jun 28 11:49:33.107: DHCPD: circuit id 00000000 *Jun 28 11:49:38.603: DHCPD: Sending notification of ASSIGNMENT:

*Jun 28 11:49:38.603: DHCPD: address mask

*Jun 28 11:49:38.603: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 000b.855b.fbd0

*Jun 28 11:49:38.603: DHCPD: lease time remaining (secs) = 86400

*Jun 28 11:49:38.607: DHCPD: Sending notification of ASSIGNMENT:

*Jun 28 11:49:38.607: DHCPD: address mask

*Jun 28 11:49:38.607: DHCPD: htype 1 chaddr 000b.855b.fbd0

*Jun 28 11:49:38.607: DHCPD: lease time remaining (secs) = 86400

通过 show ip dhcp binding 可以看到分配给客户端的IP地址.。

2800-ISR-TSWEB#show ip dhcp binding

Bindings from all pools not associated with VRF: IP address Client-ID/ Lease expiration Type

Hardware address/ User name

32 000b.855b.fbd0 Jun 29 2007 11:49 AM Automatic

