1、守德守纪 惜势惜时 Keep DE discipline cherish potential to save time
2、胸藏万汇 造就天骄 Chest hidden million remit make tianjiao
3、文明好学 认真刻苦 4、刻苦钻研 立志成才 5、爱国遵纪 勤学爱校 study love school
6、团结友爱 开拓创新 development innovation
7、严谨求实 刻苦好学 8、励志勤学 锐意进取 9、笃学精思 苦练善用 10、博学慎思 笃志报国 11、努力好学 精益求精 12、勤学刻苦 多思多问 more
13、自信自强 自律自励 14、团结务实 勤学进取 15、勤学苦练 诚实虚心 honesty modestly
Civilization studious hard Assiduously aspire to be Patriotic observance of discipline Unity and friendship among Preciseness assiduous academic Lizhi diligent forge ahead DuXue pure thought hard to use Learned DuZhi re-create tra Efforts studious excelsior Diligent assiduous ask more think Confident self-discipline motivated Unity pragmatic study and progress Study hard bitterness practice 16、乐学多思 奋发拼搏 Happy think more strenuous struggle 17、团结友爱 拼搏进取 Unity and friendship among enterprising
18、勤思博学 文明守纪 The attendance to think learned civilization discipline
19、勤学自求 博学精思 Study since pure thought. Pray learned
20、团结求实 创新奋进 Unity truth-seeking innovation passes
21、自信自爱 自立自强 Self-confidence self-love free-standing self-improvement
22、拼搏奋进 自律博爱 Fighting progressive self-discipline fraternity
23、勤学深思 创新超越 Diligent ponder innovation surmounting
24、诚实勇敢 乐学多思 Honest and courageous happy think more
25、诚实友爱 刻苦向上 Honest affection hard up 26、勤学奋进 热爱祖国 Diligent endeavor love the motherland
27、勤奋学习 求是开拓 Study hard and realistic development
28、尊师守纪 勤奋求实 1 discipline diligence realistic 29、团结进取 振兴中华 Unity and progress rejuvenation 30、文明乐观 奋进创新 Civilization optimistic progressive innovation
31、超越自我 争创辉煌 To transcend the striving for the brilliant
32、创造自我 超越自我 33、勤学奋进 全面发展 development
34、正直勤奋 团结创造 35、淡泊明志 宁静致远 36、人贵有志 学贵有恒 37、天道酬勤 厚积薄发 38、锲而不舍 金石为开 39、天道酬勤 勤能补拙 40、气有浩然 学无止境
Create a self superego Diligent endeavor all-round Integrity diligence unity create Stoicism bit-level halcyon send far You learn your persistence aspiring That.as well-grounded
Unyielding faith moves mountains That.as diligence redeems stupidity Gas has corrupted learning