若反应为二级、一级、零级均相反应,分别求出转化率由0至0.9所需时间与转化率由0.9 至0.99所需时间之比。
2. 有一级不可逆反应:
在85°C时反应速度常数k=3.46 hr\今拟在一个容积为10 m3釜式反应器进行。在XA = 0.95, 该反应器能处理的物料量为1.82 m3/hr,若改用2个容积相同的串联釜中操作,求总反应体 积?若改为N = 3,4,...,n->个等体积的釜串联,总反应器体积是?
3. Elements of Chemical Reaction Engineering_4th Edition_Fogler Page72 P2-5
P2・5B YOU have two CSTRs and two PFRs each with a volume of 1.6 m\\ Use Fig- ure 2-2 to
calculate the conversion for each of the reactors in (he following arrangements.
(a) Two CSTRs in series・
(b) Two PFRs in series.
(c) Two CSTRs in parallel with the feed. F
divided equally between the two
(d) Two PFRs in parallel with the feed divided equally between the two reactors. (e) A CSTR and a PFR in parallel with the flow equally divided. Also calculate the
overall conversion^
So 二■譽Zf 竺.with Ft
FAPFR = (I ■ ^PFR)
(D A PFR followed by a CSTR. (g) A CSTR followed by a PFR.
(h) A PFR followed by two CSTRs. Is this arrangement a good one or is there a better one?
TXMJF 2-3 I^OCESSH) DATA -2 X 0.0 0」 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.7 o.« 0.05 0.45 0.37 0.30 0.195 0.113 ().079 “f)臨 |珈6加)
2.70 3.33 5」3 8.85 12.7 20 0.89 1.08 1.33 2.05 3.54 5.06 8.()
Plotting as a function of X using the data in Table 2-3 we obtair
the plot shown in Figure 2.2.
Figure 2・2 Levcnspiel plot of processed data