
AutoVue20.2.2操作手册- (16)

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Oracle® Augmented Business Visualization

Developer’s Guide Release 20.2.2

September 2013

Oracle ABV Developer's Guide, Release 20.2.2

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Preface................................................................................................................................................................. v1 Introduction 2 Hotspots

Creating a Visual Dashboard................................................................................................................. 2-1Creating a Visual Action......................................................................................................................... 2-2Hotspot Features....................................................................................................................................... 2-2

Tooltips................................................................................................................................................ 2-2Triggering Actions............................................................................................................................. 2-33D Hotspots............................................................................................................................................... 2-3

Defining a 3D Hotspot....................................................................................................................... 2-4Text Hotspots in 2D and EDA Documents.......................................................................................... 2-4

Defining a Text Hotspot.................................................................................................................... 2-4Regional Hotspots.................................................................................................................................... 2-5

Defining Page-Specific Regional Hotspots..................................................................................... 2-6Defining Coordinates of a Box/Polygon........................................................................................ 2-6Defining a Box Hotspot..................................................................................................................... 2-6Defining a Polygon Hotspot............................................................................................................. 2-6Invoking performHotspot().............................................................................................................. 2-7Web CGM Hotspots................................................................................................................................. 2-7

3 AutoVue Hotspot API

Hotspot INI Options................................................................................................................................ 3-1

PDF Text Hotspot............................................................................................................................... 3-1PDF Text Hotspot INI Options......................................................................................................... 3-2Define Hotspots........................................................................................................................................ 3-2

Hotspot Definition Types.................................................................................................................. 3-2Hotspot Definition Parameters........................................................................................................ 3-2

Common Definition Parameters............................................................................................... 3-2Text Definition Parameters........................................................................................................ 3-33D Definition Parameters.......................................................................................................... 3-3Regional Definition Parameters................................................................................................ 3-4Perform an Action on a Hotspot...................................................................................................... 3-4

Hotspot Actions.......................................................................................................................... 3-5


AutoVue API for ABV Integration........................................................................................................ 3-5Interactions with Hotspots from JavaScript........................................................................................ 3-6

4 Hotspot Samples

Adding a Hotspot..................................................................................................................................... 4-13D Hotspot................................................................................................................................................. 4-3Box Hotspot............................................................................................................................................... 4-3Polygon Hotspot....................................................................................................................................... 4-3Text Hotspot............................................................................................................................................... 4-4Text Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard................................................................ 4-43D Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard.................................................................. 4-5

5 VueAction Sample

Running the VueAction Sample............................................................................................................ 5-2Customizing the VueAction Sample.................................................................................................... 5-2

6 ABV Design and Security Recommendations 7 Feedback

General AutoVue Information............................................................................................................... 7-1Oracle Customer Support....................................................................................................................... 7-1My Oracle Support AutoVue Community.......................................................................................... 7-1AutoVue Integrations Forum................................................................................................................. 7-1Sales Inquiries.......................................................................................................................................... 7-1



An Augmented Business Visualization (ABV) solution connects portion of documents to business data found in enterprise applications.


This document is intended for system integrators and developers looking to create links between objects in AutoVue's data model and objects in an external system.

Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at


Access to Oracle Support

Oracle customers have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support. For information, visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=info or visit http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=trs if you are hearing impaired.

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents:


AutoVue Integration GuideAutoVue API Developer’s GuideVueBean Javadocs

Oracle AutoVue Installation and Configuration GuideAutoVue Planning Guide

AutoVue Integration SDK OverviewOracle AutoVue Web Services Overview


The following text conventions are used in this document:



Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.

Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.

Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.



The Augmented Business Visualization (ABV) is a visualization framework which provides rich and actionable visual decision making environments by connecting portions of documents to business data found in enterprise applications. ABV's

hotspot capabilities allow you to create links between objects in AutoVue's data model and objects in an external system. With this hotspot feature, an ABV solution can be built that integrates AutoVue tightly into other applications. By clicking an area of a document in AutoVue, a visual action is triggered and/or information displays in other applications. With visual dashboards, you can expose data from enterprise systems visually by changing the hotspot color.

This document provides the technical details of the ABV architecture, ABV sample code, and guidelines on how to create visual dashboards and visual actions using ABV’s hotspot capability.

Note: For a general overview of ABV and its features, refer to the

Oracle AutoVue Integration Guide.

Introduction 1-1


AutoVue’s hotspot capabilities allow system integrators to create links between objects in AutoVue's data model and objects in an external system. With this hotspot feature, an ABV solution can be built that integrates AutoVue tightly into other applications. By clicking on an area of a document in AutoVue, a visual action is triggered and/or information displays in other applications. With visual dashboards, you can expose data from enterprise systems visually by changing the hotspot color.

This chapter provides information on how to create visual dashboards and actions, and how to define text, 3D, regional and Web CGM hotspots.

Note: For a an overview of ABV’s hotspot capability, refer to the

Oracle AutoVue Integration Guide.

Creating a Visual Dashboard

Figure 2–1 Visual dashboard

Your enterprise application can highlight hotspots in your document based on its Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) data, creating a visual dashboard. The visual dashboard displays structured data (enterprise application data) on top of a drawing by using color-coded hotspots based on the business data of a document.

Hotspots 2-1

Hotspot Features

To create a visual dashboard, you can highlight various hotspot entities in specific colors:

Hotspots of all types can be highlighted by providing the hotspot definition key, the appropriate hotspot key, and the desired color.

Each hotspot entity must be mapped to the appropriate color by the ABV integration.

Creating a Visual Action

A visual action is a hotspot that triggers actions in your enterprise application. These actions can include highlighting an area of the document, zooming into a component, opening a browse dialog, and so on. Actions can be defined for the following:



Selecting a named action from the RMB menu.Definition key for the hotspot definition used.

Hotspot key to identify the hotspot element being acted upon.The action to perform.

Any modifiers keys (Shift, Alt, and so on) that are active when the action is started.

Action handlers can be defined to retrieve the appropriate information as follows:


Hotspot Features

AutoVue supports the following user interactions with hotspots.


An active hotspot highlights to indicate that it has an action when a mouse curser hovers over it. Additionally, a tooltip appears describing the hotspot’s functionality.In the event there are multiple layers of tooltips (markup, measurement, hotspot, and so on) that are associated to an object in the drawing, only one tooltip appears. Which tooltip appears depends on the tooltip’s priority ranking in the stack of tooltips.

Note: The markup tooltip has top priority.


Markup tooltipMeasurement tooltipHotspot tooltip

EDA entity information tooltipHyperlink tooltip

Hotspots 2-2

3D Hotspots

Triggering Actions

When a user clicks on a hotspot, a notification is fired to the ABV integration with the information identifying the clicked hotspot and the mouse action--single-click, double-click, and right mouse button (RMB) action--as well as keyboard modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt).

As with tooltips, when triggering an action the following precedence rules are used:

Note: The markup entity has top priority.


Markup: Consumes the mouse action.Measurement: Consumes the mouse action.

Hotspot: Notifies the external application but does not consume the mouse action and allows the subsequent layers to the mouse clicks as well.Hyperlink: Does not consume the mouse action.

EDA Entity selection, 3D Entity selection, Entity properties on double-click, and so on.


3D Hotspots

In 3D files, hotspots are defined by the attribute name. Optionally, an attribute value can be defined. If no attribute value is provided, then AutoVue identifies all parts with the attribute name as a hotspot. That is, the attribute value is used by AutoVue as a key to identify the hotspot attached to the owner part.

Figure 2–2 3D Hotspot

3D hotspots can be used to connect a 3D model to unstructured data such as order status, delivery dates, and so on. By setting up a visual dashboard in the 3D model, all this information can be pulled from an ERP and displayed in real-time.The following sections describe how to initialize a 3D hotspot and design recommendations.

Hotspots 2-3

Text Hotspots in 2D and EDA Documents

Defining a 3D Hotspot

Take the following into consideration when defining 3D hotspots.


Hotspots are not supported on 3D PMI entities.

3D hotspot definitions cannot contain regular expressions in attribute names or values. Additionally, leading or trailing spaces are not permitted in attribute

names/values and should exactly match the attribute names/values in the model (case-sensitive).

AutoVue supports attribute names/values that contain a semi-colon (;). You must precede the semi-colon with a backslash (\\).

Internal attributes that AutoVue displays in 3D models (for example, Mesh

Resolution, Transparency, and Layers) should not be used when defining hotspots.To prevent conflicts in highlight color, it is recommended to use the Bounding Box Highlight for a 3D selection (default AutoVue setting) instead of the Entity Highlight.

If a hotspot is defined with density as an attribute, then the specified density value must be the same value saved in the native file without measurement units.It is not recommended to define hotspots with attributes that the user can modify after the model loads (for example, Color, Transparency, Display/Render Mode, Visibility, Highlight Color, and Bounding Box Color). If these attributes are used and changed by the user during the file session, then the hotspots may behave inconsistently.

Text Hotspots in 2D and EDA Documents

Text hotspots are supported in 2D and EDA documents. They are based on regular expressions filtering graphical text strings based on AutoVue’s text search. You can use regular expressions in the hotspot definition.

Figure 2–3 Text Hotspot

Text hotspot can be used to trigger actions such as Create Work Order or Open

Detailed Parts Diagram from assets in piping and instrumentation diagrams. These hotspots can be clicked to retrieve and display asset information such as failure and repair history, working status, and so on.

The following sections describe how to define a text-based hotspot, what types of text and file formats are supported, and design recommendations.

Defining a Text Hotspot

You must use regular expressions in the hotspot definition in order to search for text in the document. Since AutoVue uses the Java library, it relies on Java’s regular expression guidelines. For more information, refer to the following Java regular

Hotspots 2-4

Regional Hotspots

expression guidelines:

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/essential/regex/index.htmlTake the following into consideration when defining text hotspots:

Text hotspot support is not available for raster formats, archive formats, Microsoft Word, Excel, RTF, and Outlook formats.

Since text hotspots can only be detected on searchable text, text stored in Windows Metafiles (WMF/EMF) cannot be used for hotspotting.

If there are multiple occurrences of a text, then they are all handled as valid hotspots.

To be recognized as a text hotspot, characters in a string must share the same

baseline. For example, a string with a normal text and a superscript text cannot be recognized as a single hotspot as they have different baselines. Alternately, regional hotspots can be applied.

For PDF text with large spacing between characters, it is recommended to use the ADVANCEGAP INI option. For more information, refer to \"PDF Text Hotspot\".Strings that include curved text (curved baseline) cannot be used as a text hotspot. Alternately, regional hotspots can be applied to include the curved text.

Regional Hotspots

Regional hotspots can be defined in 2D, EDA, and Raster files. The hotspots can either be drawn as a box or a polygon. The dimensions/extents for the hotspots are based on the coordinates displayed in the AutoVue status bar. Optionally, a user key can be used by AutoVue as an identifying key for the hotspot. If the user key is not provided, then an empty (string) key is used.

Figure 2–4 Box Hotspot

Hotspots 2-5

Regional Hotspots

Figure 2–5 Polygon Hotspot

Take note of the following when defining regional hotspots:

Regional hotspots are not supported for archive formats, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook, RTF formats.

Vector files and raster files do not use the same World Coordinate System in

AutoVue. Vector files use the bottom-left corner of the client area as the origin and the Y-axis oriented down-top, while the raster files use the Top-Left corner as the origin and the Y-axis oriented top-down. This mismatch is already exposed in AutoVue with the current user interface (UI) because the mouse position is

reported in World Coordinates System on the Status Bar of the UI. Since regional hotspots are provided relative to World Coordinate System, the regional definitions need to consider this difference between raster and vector files.

Defining Page-Specific Regional Hotspots

When working with multi-page documents, it may be required to define page-specific regional hotspots. For example, a floor plan of interest may be on the second or third page of PDF. As a result, a new parameter allows the administrator to specify the

pages where to apply the define regional hotspot. Refer to \"AutoVue Hotspot API\" for information on the DEFINITION_PAGE parameter.

Defining Coordinates of a Box/Polygon

To define the coordinates of a box/polygon in a drawing, you can outline the

box/polygon with a markup entity and then dump the coordinates to the regional hotspot definition. The status bar displays the world coordinates of the mouse

position. The box/polygon hotspot can be manually defined to use these coordinates. For more information, refer to \"Polygon Hotspot\" for an example of using a markup entity to create a polygon hotspot.

Defining a Box Hotspot

A box hotspot is defined by minimum and maximum points. Where {X1, Y1} and {X2, Y2} are the coordinates of the box minimum and maximum points, respectively. Refer to \"AutoVue Hotspot API\" for information on the DEFINITION_BOX parameter.

Defining a Polygon Hotspot

A polygon hotspot can include an arbitrary number of sides.You can define as many sides as required for a polygon hotspot: (x1, y1), (x2, y2),..., (xn, yn). Where n is the

Hotspots 2-6

Web CGM Hotspots

number of sides of the polygon. Refer to \"AutoVue Hotspot API\" for information on the DEFINITION_POLYGON parameter.

Invoking performHotspot()

To perform an action on a regional hotspot, the definition key and hotspot key parameters must be defined for performHotspot(). The hotspot key for regional hotspots is the user key. If the user key is not provided then an empty (string) key is used. For more information, refer to \"Perform an Action on a Hotspot\".

Web CGM Hotspots

In Web CGM files, hotspots are defined in the native file. The hotspot information contains three attributes:



External systems can interact with these hotspots using the VueBean API using a given name. AutoVue matches the name to the ID property of the hotspot. If this fails, AutoVue matches the name to the Name property in order to highlight a specific hotspot. The definition key is always provided by the user (as with all hotspot

definitions). The Web CGM hotspots include a hotspot key and definition key and are handled in the same manner as all other hotspots.

Hotspots 2-7

3AutoVue Hotspot API

The AutoVue Application Programming Interface (API) is a Java-based toolset that provides tools to modify the functionality of Oracle's AutoVue client, and allows you to create your own customized Java applets/applications based on AutoVue API components. For more information on the AutoVue API, refer to the AutoVue API Programmer’s Guide.

The AutoVue API’s jVue class includes two methods that handle hotspots:


setHotSpotHandler(): Defines a hotspot.

performHotSpot(): Performs an action on a hotspot.

Note: It is possible to extend the AutoVue applet using the

VueAction() method to implement a hotspot action. Refer to the \"Custom VueAction\" chapter in the AutoVue API Programmer’s Guide for a VueAction() hotspot example.

Hotspot INI Options

When working with 2D, EDA, PDF and graphic documents, through the use of the Augmented Business Visualization (ABV) integration framework, you can add

AutoVue’s hotspot capabilities to create links between objects in AutoVue’s data model and objects in an external system.

The following sections list the configuration options for hotspots provided by AutoVue.

PDF Text Hotspot

Syntax and additional information for the option described here is in section \"PDF Text Hotspot INI Options\".

AutoVue provides ADVANCEGAP INI option to recognize PDF text with large

spacing between characters as a single hotspot. The value of the option should be less than the maximum number of spaces between consecutive strings. That is, if the gap between two consecutive strings is less then the ADVANCEGAP value, then the

strings are recognized as a single hotspot. However, if the gap between the two string is a large than the value specified, they are not recognized as a single hotspot.For more information on available INI options, refer to the Oracle AutoVue Viewing Configuration Guide.

AutoVue Hotspot API 3-1

Define Hotspots

PDF Text Hotspot INI Options

All of the following options should be placed in the [HOTSPOTS] header of the INI file.


ADVANCEGAP =[integer]


Specify the maximum number of spaces between consecutive text strings.


Define Hotspots

setHotSpotHandler (final String definitionType, final String definitionKey, final String Definition)This method sets the hotspot handler for a given hotspot definition. This should

typically be called before opening the file. It initializes hotspots in the files opened in AutoVue based on external application data.



The hotspot definition type. Specify if the hotspot is a WebCGM hotspot, text search hotspot, box/polygon hotspot, or a 3D hotspot.The hotspot definition key. This is the identifier for the hotspot.A string separated by semicolons specifying hotspot definition parameters. For example: name1 = value1; name2 = value2.

Hotspot Definition Types

Hotspot definition types supported in setHotSpotHandler():




Native Web CGM hotspot.Text search hotspot.Box hotspot. Polygon hotspot.3D entity hotspot.

Hotspot Definition Parameters

The following are hotspot definition parameters supported in the key-value string parameter (definition) of the method setHotSpotHandler().

Common Definition Parameters

The following are definition parameters that are common for all hotspots.




The tooltip that displays when a mouse cursor hovers over a hotspot defined by the handler.

The JavaScript method to call when page is loaded and ready to interact.

AutoVue Hotspot API 3-2

Define Hotspots




The JavaScript function to call when user performs an action on the hotspot.

Popup actions to show when user right-clicks on a hotspot.The highlight color to use when user hovers the mouse cursor over a hotspot. Note that AutoVue parses the RGBA value as a string.Example: (R, G, B, [A])

Refer to the 3D and Box hotspots examples in Chapter 4, \"Hotspot Samples\" for more information.

Note that integer-based colors (for example, 1627283) can are also supported.

Text Definition Parameters

The following are definition parameters for text hotspots.




Regular expression to use only in Text Search Hotspot handlers.

For more information, refer to the following Java regular expression guidelines.

Pattern Class:

http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.htmlJava Tutorial:



Specify whether to handle case sensitivity.Syntax: DEFINITION_MATCHCASE=[TRUE|FALSE]Specify the scaling bounds for text hotspots.Possible values:


1: No effect.

1.1: The text hotspot bounds is 10% larger.2: The text hotspot bounds is 2 times larger.x: The text hotspot bounds is x times larger.

3D Definition Parameters

The following are definition parameters for 3D hotspots




The attribute name assigned to a 3D entity on the model.The attribute value assigned to a 3D entity on the model. (Optional)

If this parameter is not specified, then all parts with an attribute of the specified name will be made into a hotspot.

AutoVue Hotspot API 3-3

Define Hotspots




Whether to handle case sensitivity when searching name and value attributes assigned to 3D entities.Syntax: DEFINITION_MATCHCASE=[TRUE|FALSE]Regional Definition Parameters

The following are definition parameters for box and polygon hotspots.



Define the bounds of the rectangular box given the

minimum and maximum points. Where {X1, Y1} and {X2, Y2} are the coordinates of the box minimum and maximum points.

Note that the points are based on the world-coordinates of the page.


Restricts box and polygon hotspot definitions to the page specified by this parameter. If no page is specified, then the hotspots apply to all pages. The following example defines the hotspot on page 2.Example:DEFINITION_PAGE = 2DEFINITION_POLYGON

Define the bounds of the polygon as a set of points in the world coordinates in the following format:

#(x1, y1) #(x2, y2)...#(xn, yn) where n is the number of points.Note that the minimum number of points for a polygon is 3 and that it is treated as a closed polygon (do not have to repeat the final point).

Example: _defPoly = \"DEFINITION_POLYGON=#(0,0) #(50, -50) #(150, -50) #(200, 0) #(150, 50) #(50, 50)\" + \"DEFINITION_USER_KEY=box; DEFINITION_PAGE=1\"DEFINITION_USER_KEY

Define a user key for the box/polygon. This user key

allows you to link multiple boxes with various definitions to the same external object. This is the hotspot key used for the hotspot. (Optional)

If the user key is not defined, then the hotspot key is an empty string.

Syntax: DEFINITION_USER_KEY=box1Perform an Action on a Hotspot

performHotSpot (final String definitionKey, final String hotspotKey, final String action, final String params)AutoVue Hotspot API 3-4

AutoVue API for ABV Integration

Perform a hotspot action on the given hotspot. This method should be called during the file session when the hotspots have been already initialized (only after the external application is notified that hotspots have been initialized in the file).



The hotspot definition key (the hotspot identifier) provided at creation.

The hotspot property key string found based on the definition key.

The action to perform on the hotspot. Refer to Chapter , \"Hotspot Actions\".

A string separated by semicolons specifying hotspot action parameters. For example: name1 = value1; name2 = value2.Hotspot Actions

The hotspot actions supported in performHotSpot() and their arguments are as follows:



Perform a highlight action.


HOTSPOT_COLOR: The color for a highlight to add (RGBA Format). If this argument is not provided, the action is interpreted as a Highlight Removal.


Zoom to all hotspot instances.Zoom to the next hotspot instance.

Zoom to the previous hotspot instance.

AutoVue API for ABV Integration

The ABV integration can call the AutoVue API for manipulating hotspots from the following user actions:

Highlight (Multiple Selection, Add/Remove)––––

Text Highlight as used in text search.2D Entity Highlight for Web CGM format.3D Entity Highlight for 3D formats.Regional Highlight for regional hotspots.


Zoom to a hotspot, or the hotspots associated with a specific external object.Browse the hotspots associated with a specific external object using Zoom Previous/Zoom Next.

Note: When a user selects a hotspot, all hotspots associated with the

same ABV integration may be selected by using the highlight mechanism provided above.

AutoVue Hotspot API 3-5

Interactions with Hotspots from JavaScript

Interactions with Hotspots from JavaScript

The following is a code prototype for a custom JavaScript function call to initialize hotspots when the file/page loads:

initialization_script(String definitionKey)The following is a code prototype for a custom JavaScript function call when a user interacts with hotspots:

notification_script(String definitionKey, String hotspotKey, String action, int keyModifiers, String properties)keyModifiers describes the status of the Shift, Alt and Ctrl keys.

action may be a custom action sent during the definition of the hotspot handler (RMB actions) or one of these two predefined actions:


To send when user clicks on the hotspot.To send when user double-clicks on the hotspot.

properties that could be sent to the external application notification script are as follows:


Property ID.

Name of native WebCGM hotspots.URI of native WebCGM hotspots.

AutoVue Hotspot API 3-6

4Hotspot Samples

The following sections provide sample code on how to implement AutoVue’s hotspot capability for your enterprise application.

For a detailed ABV integration example, refer to Doc ID 1472899.1 in the Oracle Customer Support knowledge base:

https://support.oracle.com/oip/faces/secure/km/DocumentDisplay.jspx?id=1472899.1Adding a Hotspot

The following hotspot example shows how the setHotSpotHandler() and

performHotSpot() methods are implemented to add hotspot capability to AutoVue. Note that this example only adds one definition, but it is possible to add multiple definitions.


Initialize the hotspots with the ONINIT applet parameter in the applet tag when creating the AutoVue applet. This parameter is used to call the onAppletInit() method after the AutoVue applet has initialized.

Note: If a newly added definition key already exists, then the

existing definition is replaced by the new one.

Hotspot Samples 4-1

Adding a Hotspot


Method onHotSpotInit() is called for each definition when the current page is loaded and ready for hotspot interactions. Note that the method name should be exactly the same as the one specified in the hotspot definition DEFINITION_ONINIT in step 1.

function onHotSpotInit(hotspotDefinitionKey) { alert(\"HotSpot definition initialized: \" + hotspotDefinitionKey);}3.

The following onHotSpot() method is invoked when a hotspot is fired when the user either clicks on the hotspot or by selecting one of the Hotspot menu items defined in variable DEFINITION_ACTION in step 1.

function onHotSpot(hotspotDefinitionKey, hotspotKey, action, modifiers, properties) { if (equalsIgnoreCase(action, \"onHotSpotClicked\")) { alert(\"User clicked on hotspot: \" + hotspotKey); } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(action, \"onHotSpotDoubleClicked\")) { alert(\"User double clicked on hotspot: \" + hotspotKey); } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(action, \"Menu1\")) { alert(\"User Peformed Menu1 action: \" + hotspotKey); } else if (equalsIgnoreCase(action, \"Menu2\")) { alert(\"User Peformed Menu2 action: \" + hotspotKey); }}Note: The method name should be exactly the same as the one

specified in the hotspot definition DEFINITION_FUNCTION in step 2. The onHotSpotClicked() and onHotSpotDoubleClicked() methods are predefined keys when the user clicks on the hotspot.


The following code performs specific actions on the clicked hotspot such as Highlight, Zoom, and so on.

// Highlight the \"AutoVue\" hotspot, \"AV2D\" is the definition key.// Color : (R,G,B,A)var japplet = window.document.applets[\"JVue\"]; params = \"HOTSPOT_COLOR=\" + (((128 & 0xFF) << 24) | ((255 & 0xFF) << 16) | ((255 & 0xFF) << 8) | ((0 & 0xFF) << 0));japplet.performHotSpot(\"AV2D\ // To clear the hotspot highlight simply set the params (color) to null.japplet.performHotSpot(\"AV2D\ // To clear the definition highlights, set the hotspot key to null.japplet.performHotSpot(\"Highlight\ // To clear all hotspot highlights, set the definition key to null.japplet.performHotSpot(null, null, \"Highlight\ // Zoom to the next \"AutoVue\" hotspot.japplet.performHotSpot(\"AV2D\ // Zoom to the previous \"AutoVue\" hotspot.japplet.performHotSpot(\"AV2D\Hotspot Samples 4-2

Polygon Hotspot

3D Hotspot

The following example defines a 3D hotspot.


Get the JVue applet

jApplet = window.document.applets[\"JVue\"];Define a 3D hotspot. The following code snippet defines a hotspot matching a part number in a 3D unigraphics assembly file. The sample file is included with the AutoVue Client/Server Deployment installation: /samples/3D/Unigraphics/3DUnigraphics_iLearn-Assy.prt.

//Turn the part with PART_NUMBER = ITEM-UG-00003 into a hotspot. You can leave //out the ATTRIB_VALUE if you want to highlight everything with the PART_NUMBER //attribute item00003Def = \"DEFINITION_ATTRIB_NAME=PART_NUMBER; DEFINITION_ATTRIB_VALUE=ITEM-UG-00003;\" + \"DEFINITION_TOOLTIP=Board;\" + \"DEFINITION_ONINIT=onHotSpotInit;\" + \"DEFINITION_FUNCTION=onHotSpot;\" + \"DEFINITION_ACTIONS=Add Part, Remove Part;\" + \"DEFINITION_COLOR=(255, 0, 0)\";3.Set the 3D hotspot handler.

jApplet.setHotSpotHandler(\"DEFINITION_TYPE_3D_ATTRIBUTE\item00003Def);Box Hotspot

The following example details how to define a box hotspot.


Get the JVue applet.

jApplet = window.document.applets[\"JVue\"];2.

Define a box hotspot. The following code snippet defines a box hotspot that encloses the Oracle logo from the PDF sample file included with the AutoVue Client/Server Deployment installation: Folder>/samples/Desktop-Office/Basell_Autovue_Case_Study.pdf.

Note: The box coordinates are defined by #minX #minY #maxX

#maxY. Each coordinate must be preceded by a hash (#).

oracleDef = \"DEFINITION_BOX=#6.4 #0.7 #8.1 #0.4; DEFINITION_USER_KEY=oracle;\" + \"DEFINITION_TOOLTIP=www.oracle.com;\" + \"DEFINITION_ONINIT=onHotSpotInit;\" + \"DEFINITION_FUNCTION=onHotSpot;\" + \"DEFINITION_ACTIONS=Open Link;\" + \"DEFINITION_COLOR=(0, 0, 255, 64)\";3.

Set the box hotspot handler.

jApplet.setHotSpotHandler(\"DEFINITION_TYPE_BOX\Polygon Hotspot

The following code snippet shows how to get a markup entity bounds, convert the bounds to a polygon, and then format the polygon to a polygon hotspot.

Hotspot Samples 4-3

Text Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard

//Get the markup entity that is to be turned into a hotspotMarkupEntity ent = getMarkupEntity();//Get the entity specificationMarkupEntitySpec spec = getMarkupBean().getMarkupEntityFullSpec(ent);PAN_CtlPolygon poly = null;//If the markup entity is a polyline, the get the polygon directly from the //specificationif (spec instanceof PolyLineSpec) { poly = ((PolyLineSpec) spec).getPolygon();} else { // Otherwise, get the world bounding rectangle and covert it to a polygon PAN_CtlRange rg = ent.getBoundingRect(); poly = rg.to2DPolygon(null); }//Then convert the polygon points into a hotspot polygonStringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer() ;for (PAN_CtlPoint pt : poly.points) { sb.append(\"#(\" + pt.x + \}//Create the polygon definitionString defPoly = \"DEFINITION_POLYGON=\" + sb.toString();Text Hotspot

The example details how to define a text hotspot.


Get the JVue Applet.

jApplet = window.document.applets[\"JVue\"];2.

Define a text hotspot. The following example defines a text hotspot (regular expression) matching the AutoVue string. The PDF sample from \"Polygon Hotspot\" includes the AutoVue string in multiple locations.

autovueDef = \"DEFINITION_REGEX=AutoVue; DEFINITION_MATCHCASE=false;\" + \"DEFINITION_TOOLTIP=AutoVue Professional;\" + \"DEFINITION_ONINIT=onHotSpotInit;\" + \"DEFINITION_FUNCTION=onHotSpot;\" + \"DEFINITION_ACTIONS=AutoVue 2D, AutoVue 3D, AutoVue EDA, AutoVue Electro-Mechanical;\" + \"DEFINITION_COLOR=(0, 255, 0, 128)\";3.Set the text hotspot handler.

jApplet.setHotSpotHandler(\"DEFINITION_TYPE_TEXT\Text Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard

This example details how to define a text hotspot that utilizes the visual action and visual dashboard features.


Define the text hotspot.

//Turn strings starting with CV into a Control Valve hotspothandlerStr = \"DEFINITION_REGEX=CV.*;\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_MATCHCASE=false;\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_TOOLTIP=Control Valve;\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_ONINIT=onHotSpotInit;\";//Actions are handled by JavaScript function OnHotSpothandlerStr += \"DEFINITION_FUNCTION=onHotSpot;\";//When a hotspot is right-clicked, a menu appears with the following options:Hotspot Samples 4-4

3D Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard

//View Detailed Parts Diagram, Create Work Order and View Safety InformationhandlerStr += \"DEFINITION_ACTIONS=View Detailed Parts Diagram, Create Work Order, View Safety Information;\";//Color : (R,G,B,A). When a mouse hovers over a hotspots, //they are highlighted in 50% transparent bluecolor = \"(0,0,255,128)\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_COLOR=\" + color;getJVueApplet().setHotSpotHandler(\"DEFINITION_TYPE_TEXT\handlerStr); 2.

Create the hotspot actions.

//Variable hotspotKey contains the identifier for the hotspot entity that //triggers the action when click.function onHotSpot(defKey, hotspotKey, action, modifiers, properties) {//If the hotspot entity is clicked, the side panel updates with information on //the entity. if (equals (action, \"onHotSpotClicked\")) { updateSidePanel(defKey, hotspotKey, modifiers);//Otherwise, if the RMB is clicked, an action can be selected from the menu. } else if (equals (action, \"Create Work Order\")) { createWorkOrder(defKey, hotspotKey); } else if (equals (action, \"View Detailed Parts Diagram\")) { showDetailsPartsPage(defKey, hotspotKey); } else if (equals (action, \"View Safety Information\")) { showSafetyInfo(defKey, hotspotKey); }}Note that each function must know how to retrieve the appropriate information and/or to trigger the appropriate actions in the backend systems.


Define the highlighted hotspots for the visual dashboard. The ABV integration identifies which entities need to be highlighted and their specified color. Each entity is then passed to performHotspot() to highlight the entity appropriately.

function showHighlights{ var japplet = window.document.applets[\"JVue\"]; data = getData(); // returns array of JSON objects for (i=0 ; i < data.length() ; i++) { entity= data[i]; japplet.performHotSpot(\"Highlight\entity.color); }}3D Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard

This example details how to define a 3D hotspot that utilizes the visual action and visual dashboard features.


Define the 3D hotspots.

//Turn 3D parts with ASSET_ID attribute into hotspots.handlerStr = \"DEFINITION_ATTRIB_NAME=ASSET_ID;\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_TOOLTIP=ASSET;\";handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_ONINIT=onHotSpotInit;\";//Actions are handled by JavaScript funtion onHotSpot.handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_FUNCTION=onHotSpot;\";//When a hotspot is right-clicked, a menu appears with the following options://View Detailed Parts Diagram, Create Work Order and View Safety InformationHotspot Samples 4-5

3D Hotspot with Visual Actions and Visual Dashboard

handlerStr += \"DEFINITION_ACTIONS=View Detailed Parts Diagram, Create Work Order, View Safety Information;\";//Color : (R,G,B,A). When a mouse hovers over a hotspots, they are highlighted //in 50% transparent bluecolor = \"(0,0,255,128)\";handlerStr += \";DEFINITION_COLOR=\" + color;getJVueApplet().setHotSpotHandler( \"DEFINITION_TYPE_3D_ATTRIBUTE\2.

Create the 3D hotspot actions.

//Variable hotspotKey contains the identifier for the hotspot entity that //triggers the action when click.function onHotSpot(defKey, hotspotKey, action, modifiers, properties) {//If the hotspot entity is clicked, the side panel updates with information on //the entity. if (equals (action, \"onHotSpotClicked\")) { updateSidePanel(defKey, hotspotKey, modifiers);//Otherwise, if the RMB is clicked, an action can be selected from the menu. } else if (equals (action, \"Create Work Order\")) { createWorkOrder(defKey, hotspotKey); } else if (equals (action, \"View Detailed Parts Diagram\")) { showDetailsPartsPage(defKey, hotspotKey); } else if (equals (action, \"View Safety Information\")) { showSafetyInfo(defKey, hotspotKey); }}Note: Each function must know how to retrieve the appropriate

information and/or to trigger the appropriate actions in the backend systems.


Define the highlighted hotspots for the visual dashboard. The ABV integration identifies which entities need to be highlighted and their specified color. Each entity is then passed to performHotspot() to highlight the entity appropriately.

function showHighlights{ data = getData(); // returns array of JSON objects for (i=0 ; i < data.length() ; i++) { entity= data[i]; performHotSpot(\"Highlight\entity.color); }}Hotspot Samples 4-6

5VueAction Sample

The VueAction sample included with the AutoVue installation illustrates how to

implement a custom hotspot action in Java. This sample is ready to be tested out of the box, but has limited application as it is not integrated with an enterprise visualization system. It is presented solely as a skeleton framework to show how hostspots can be applied.

The sample includes the following files:




This is an example of how to write a custom action for AutoVue. This example illustrates implementation of an action that does more than one thing. It consists of

several related sub-actions that access information about parts of a product. This action is added to two

components to the AutoVue GUI: AutoVue toolbar buttons and hotspot RMB menu items.AutoVue toolbar buttons:


None: Disables mouse detection over hotspots.Description: Enables mouse detection over hotspots and displays hotspot description as a tooltip.ID: Enables mouse detection over hotspots and display hotspot ID as a tooltip.

Order Part: Displays a dialog that includes part information and a quantity order field.

Note that this dialog does not actually retrieve any part information. It is only used to display possible RMB menu actions.

Show Part Information: Displays part name and ID.

Hotspot RMB menu items:


This is an example of how to write a custom action for AutoVue. This action performs a single task and is added to the List Product Parts option of the Analysis menu:

List Product Parts: Lists the hotspots that user double-clicked.


This class provides product part information. It contains the catalog ID, part ID and part description.JAR file for the VueAction sample.

Provides detailed information on the classes included in the sample.

VueAction Sample 5-1

Running the VueAction Sample



Defines the custom user interface of AutoVue. It adds PartCatalogueActions to the AutoVue toolbar and Hotspot RMB menu and the PartListAction to the Analysis menu.

Contains the hotspot definitions. For information on how to define hotspots, refer to \"Hotspots\".

Batch file that runs the sample. Note that the file illustrates how to bundle the custom action with the custom user interface.

Sample file to be used with the VueAction sample. It is located in Installation>\\html\\samples\\Desktop-Office directory.



PartCatalogueAction_de.propertiesGerman resource files.PartCatalogueAction_en.propertiesEnglish resource files.PartCatalogueAction_fr.properties

French resource files.

Note: For detailed information on PartCatalogueAction.java,

PartInfo.java or PartListAction.java, refer to the Javadocs included with the VueAction sample.

Running the VueAction Sample

The following steps detail how to test the VueAction sample.


Double-click customjvue.bat.

AutoVue launches and populates the toolbar with the None, Description and ID buttons.

To test the hotspot implementation, open the hotspot sample file, Basell_AutoVue_Case_Study.pdf.

Note: The hotspot definition file, hotspots.txt, is configured for


Basell_AutoVue_Case_Study.pdf. If you want to load another file, you must updated the hotspot definitions in hotspots.txt.


Click Description to allow hotspot detection and to view tooltips. Alternately, you can click ID to allow hotspot detection for the hotspot ID.

The following regular expressions are defined in hotspots.txt: AutoVue.* and Document. That is, when you hover the mouse cursor over AutoVue, the string along with any inline text t hat follows it is highlighted and a AutoVue 2D

Professional tooltip appears. For the Document string, the string is highlighted and the Basell Document tooltip appears.

Customizing the VueAction Sample

The VueAction sample can be customized to be used with a different file and with data from enterprise visualization systems. Take note that all hotspots are defined in

hotspots.txt. In this file, you can specify the definition key, regular expression, whether

5-2 Oracle ABV Developer's Guide

Customizing the VueAction Sample

the text search should match case, define a tooltip, and so on. For more information on defining hotspots, refer to \"Hotspot Definition Parameters\".

The following steps describe how to update the VueAction sample with a customized hotspots.txt. hotspot definitions in hotspots.txt.Save hotspots.txt.

Extract the files from VueActionSample.jar.

From the extracted JAR file, replace hotspots.txt with your customized file.5.Create a new JAR file, VueActionSample.jar.6.

Run the batch file, customjvue.bat.

VueAction Sample 5-3

Customizing the VueAction Sample

5-4 Oracle ABV Developer's Guide

6ABV Design and Security Recommendations

The following are design and security recommendations for your ABV solution.

Store hotspot definitions in a database and set them dynamically rather than hard-coding in the html.

Use JSON or XML and XMLHttpRequest to pass visual dashboard information from ABV server component to ABV client components.

Be aware that if using regional hotspots, the hotspots may need to be updated when the drawing changes

Ensure JavaScript and Java logging is on - need to set VERBOSE=true in applet parameters.

If you are using custom GUIFILEs - ensure VueActionHotspots is included in all GUIFILES.

Be aware that performHotSpot() method does not generate errors if given an invalid hotspotKey --- ensure that your hotspotKey is correct if things are not working.

ABV Design and Security Recommendations 6-1


If you have any questions or require support for ABV please contact your system

administrator. If the administrator is unable to resolve the issue, please contact Oracle Corp.

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Feedback 7-1
