专利名称:Method And Apparatus For Forming Carbon
Dioxide Particles Into Blocks
发明人:Frederick C. Young,Matthew August
Gunderson,James R. Combs,Scott ThomasHardoerfer
摘要:An apparatus for forming a block from carbon dioxide particle is configured to
allow changing between precise thicknesses with very little downtime, utilizing bothweight based and volumetric dosing. A spacer supports the lower ejection piston duringblock forming, with a shuttle discharging particles into the forming chamber whilesimultaneously pushing a previously formed block on to a conveyor. In one embodiment,the shuttle dosing cavity has a volume that is greater than the volume of the formingchamber volume, which allows more pellets, volumetrically, to be dosed into the dosingcavity than the volume of the forming cavity.
申请人:Frederick C. Young,Matthew August Gunderson,James R. Combs,Scott ThomasHardoerfer
地址:Maineville OH US,Cincinnati OH US,Mowreystown OH US,Milford OH US