
cultural intelligence(week 9)

2021-11-04 来源:易榕旅网
9/13/2010PERSONALITY &CULTURAL AWARENESS &INTELLIGENCE LECTURE 8LECTURER: LEONIE ELPHINSTONEPERSONALITY & INTELLIGENCE󰂴Both are considered to be partly genetic & partly environmentalpartly genetic & partly 󰂴That means you were born( inherited) with certain characteristics........󰂫type of personality( e.g. Outgoing or shy etc.)󰂫Level of ability or intelligence......(good at school work, good at sport , music etc.)Then the environment impacts or effects that in certain ways19/13/2010


Copyright Leonie Elphinstone(C) CULTURAL TRANSITIONS, 2008



Copyright Leonie Elphinstone(C) CULTURAL TRANSITIONS, 2008



9/13/2010PERSONALITY & CULTURAL AWARENESS/COMPETENCETHE BIG FIVE MODEL OF PERSONALITY DIMENSIONS󰂴Extroversion: Sociable, gregarious, and assertiveExtroversion: 󰂴Agreeableness: Good-natured, cooperative, and Agreeableness: trusting󰂴Conscientiousness:persistent, and organisedResponsible, dependable, 󰂴Emotional Stability: Calm, self-confident, secure Emotional Stability: under stress (positive), versus nervous, depressed, and insecure under stress (negative) 󰂴Openness to Experience: Curious, imaginative, Openness to Experience: artistic, and sensitivePERSONALITY CORRELATES OF THE FOUR-FACTOR MODEL OF CULTURAL INTELLIGENCESoon AngSoon AngNanyangTechnological University Linn Van Dyne Linn Van Dyne Michigan State University Christine KohChristine KohNanyangTechnological University Abstract:AbstractWe examine relationships between Big Five personality and thefour-factor model of cultural intelligence (CQ)—metacognitiveCQ, cognitive CQ, motivational CQ, and behavioral CQ. Hierarchicalregression analyses conducted on data from 338 business undergraduates—aftercontrolling for age, gender, and years of experience in interactingwith people from other cultures—show significant linksbetween (a) conscientiousness and metacognitiveCQ; (b) agreeablenessand emotional stability with behavioral CQ; (c) extra versionwith cognitive, motivational, and behavioral CQ; and (d) opennesswith all four factors of CQ. The intriguing finding of thisstudy is that openness was the only Big Five that was significantlyrelated to all four aspects of CQ. This differs from prior researchon openness that found few significant relationships. Our resultsshow that openness to experience is a crucial personality openness to experience is a crucial personality characteristicthat is related to a person’s capability to function effectivelyin diverse cultural settings (CQ).Group & Organization Management, Vol. 31, No. 1, 100-123 (2006)59/13/2010󰂴Thomas et.al. suggest that if an individual possesses the following qualities they are more pre-disposed to be able to be & further develop their CQ.1. Integrity2. Openness & 3. HardinessPREDISPOSITIONS(? PERSONALITY)1. Integrity:Integrity:Well developed sense of self & how one’s belief system motivates behaviour. Having a clear & honest understanding of ourselves. Integrity implies completeness & well roundedness. People with high integrity are not threatened by views or behaviour of others that is very different from their own.PREDISPOSITIONS CONT.2. Openness Openness (Openness (Humility & inquisitiveness)Humilitymeans showing deferential respect & an ability to learn from others. It is passive openness or open mindedness. People who are open-minded are conscious that their views may be fallible. The other is active openness or inquisitiveness. This is curiosity-inclination to investigate & pursue knowledge..particularly about people & cultures in this case.69/13/2010PREDISPOSITIONS( CONT.)󰂴3. Hardiness: courage, intrepidness & capability of surviving Hardiness: This may be equated to robustness, Hardiness: unfavourable conditions. If we are hardy we can;󰂫-cope with stress󰂫-recover from shocks 󰂫-perceive stressful events as interesting & meaningful opportunity for growthAlso : Ability to cope with ambiguity, tension & emotion which are common elements of cultural encounters in a foreign location.NG, VANN DYNE & ANG(2009)󰂴Leadership and developing cultural intelligence󰂴Relate to Kolb’s Learning cycle and suggest in order to develop and learn from international experience it is important that all stages are passed throughKOLB’S(1984) LEARNING CYCLE7󰂴Meta cognitive intelligence: awareness & Meta cognitive intelligencecontrol of cognitions( thoughts)󰂴Cognitive intelligence: knowledge and Cognitive intelligenceknowledge structures󰂴Motivational intelligence: motivational base of Motivational intelligenceintelligence for gathering and organisation󰂴Behavioural intelligence: individual capabilities Behavioural intelligenceat an action level( based on Sternberg & Detterman’s(1986) Multiple intelligences)NG ET.AL. SUGGESTAccording to Kolb’s cycle that individuals to develop their cultural intelligence and competencies need;󰂴Concrete real world experience: in other culturesConcrete real world experience: 󰂴To reflectreflecton their experiences󰂴To be motivated to know and understandmotivated to know and understand󰂴To experiment with behavioursTo experiment with behaviours󰂴Review their conceptions󰂴That cultural intelligence is not fixed that to be culturally intelligence on is constantly reviewing their stance their views and constantly readjusting their perceptions and views.󰂴Somewhat like Thomas and Inkson’s Mindfulness9/13/20108INTERCULTURAL CONTEXTS󰂴Identity and roles more complex and more confusing󰂴Movement between needed oftenChameleon ?Personal Identity & adaptation?󰁠“Adaptation Adaptation ……refers to the process of altering one’s behaviour to fit in with a changed environment or Adaptation circumstances or as a response to social pressure”󰁠“AdjustmentAdjustmentrefers to the subjective experiences that are associated with & result from attempts at adaptation & that motivate further adaptation.”󰁠Adjustment involves; self awareness, self esteem, Adjustment mood states & health statusMatsumato et.al.(2007: 748)9/13/201099/13/2010ADJUSTMENT FACTORSAccording to Brislin(1993),Gudykunstet.al. 1977 & Black & Stephens(1989) these factors are important;1)Having successful relationships with people from other cultures2)Feeling that interactions are warm, cordial, respectful & cooperative3) Accomplishing tasks in an effective & efficient manner4)Ability to manage psychological stress effectivelyBeing generally effective in daily activities, interpersonal relations & work10
