

2021-02-18 来源:易榕旅网
92 植物资源与环境学报 第20卷 植物资源与环境学报 第20卷(2011年) 总目次 第1期(2月) 国产藜科14种植物种皮微形态特征比较研究……………………………………陈明忠,孙 坤,张明理,庞海龙,李金霞 1 黑莓品种‘Boysen’果实水提物和色素对DPPH・的反应动力学特性及清除能力研究……赵慧芳,方 亮,吴文龙,李维林1O 野生桂花繁育系统的观察和研究……………………………………………………………郝日明,赵宏波,王金虎,周莉花基于ISSR标记的南方红豆杉野生种群和迁地保护种群的遗传多样性和遗传结构分析 ………………………………………………………………………17 25 李乃伟,贺善安,束晓春,汪 庆,夏冰,彭 峰植物生长调节剂浸球对花芽分化期石蒜和换锦花鳞茎生化特性的影响………李 莹,王呈伟,郑玉红,何树兰,彭 峰31 曼陀罗光合特性研究………………………………………………………………………………………………于晓霞,阮成江40 NaC1胁迫对马蔺生长及生理生化指标的影响………………………………………………张明轩,黄苏珍,绳仁立,原海燕46 濒危植物长苞铁杉的地理分布和资源现状及致危因素分析………………………………邱迎君,易官美,宁祖林,黄宏文不同基本培养基对南方高丛蓝浆果丛生枝增殖及生长的影响……………………………邓桂秀,於虹,宋鹏飞,姜燕琴53 60 6个烟草杂交组合花药再生苗的培养和DH群体的构建………………………一陈学军,彭双玉,罗建蓉,杨彦明,肖炳光65 广卅I从化市古树名木资源调查初报……………………………………易绮斐,王发国,叶琦君,刘东明,陈红锋,邢福武69 74 83 植物DNA条形码技术的发展及应用………………………………………………………・・刘宇婧,刘 越,黄耀江,龙春林‘孔府酥脆’枣试管苗离体叶片不定梢诱导和再生……………………………………………………孙清荣,孙洪雁,周广芳不同品种苦荞麦不同器官总黄酮含量的比较分析………………………………邵美红,林兵,孙加焱,韩婷,秦路平86 衍生化条件的优化及不同产地青蒿中青蒿素含量的柱前衍生化一HPLC法测定……………………张伟,秦民坚,王国凯88 春季和秋季莓叶委陵菜叶片和地下部分芦丁及儿茶素含量的HPLC分析………………周 栋,马蓓蓓,刘汉柱,辛 华91 芫花的花粉形态观察及生活力和萌发率分析………………………………………………刘 芳,汪 甜,王杨,沈永宝94 第2期(5月) 纳米SiO:对髯毛箬竹叶片光合特征参数日变化的影响……………………………………李博,陶功胜,王林,谢寅峰 1 伞形科棱子芹属部分种类果实结构的比较解剖学研究……………………………………王黄独(Dioscorea bulbifer0 L.)不同居群叶表皮微形态特征的比较观察……………………一彭基于改良RAPD标记的花梅与果梅品种的遗传关系分析NaC1胁迫对5种绿化植物幼苗生长和生理指标的影响及耐盐性综合评价 ………………………………………………………………………珂,张勇,刘启新,宋春风 7 15 急性子中balsaminone A和balsaminone B对人肺癌A549细胞生长及周期的影响…………………………・・裴 慧,钱士辉斌,周义峰,舒璞,杭悦宇 19 ……………王玉娟,房经贵,于华平,汪诗珊,李晓颖,陈翔高28 魏秀君,殷云龙,芦治国,莫海波,华建峰,徐建华35 43 49 56 虎杖根茎中蒽醌类成分的体外抗氧化活性……………………………………………………………王桂芹,郑玉华,钱进芳cu污染土壤中溪荪和花菖蒲的生长状况及对cu的积累及转运能力………………………………孙雨亮,黄苏珍,原海燕崇明水仙根尖体细胞染色体的观察和核型分析…………………………………周永刚,张冬梅,鲁琳,罗玉兰,卞黎霞高质量浓度IBA和插条木质化程度对兔眼蓝浆果扦插生根的影响……………宋鹏飞,姜燕琴,贺善安,顾 姻,於乌鲁木齐城市半自然植被群落类型及特征分析………………………南伟疆,昝勤,姜逢清,王蕾,严基于富营养化水体修复的凤眼莲放养及采收条件研究…………………………盛虹63 成,尹林克67 79 86 94 婧,郑建初,陈留根,朱普平,周 炜73 皖西大别山多枝尖山区主要乔木树种种间联结特征……………………………王志高,吴甘霖,段仁燕,张中信,沈三保浙江省野生兰科植物区系分析………………………………………………………………田 敏,王彩霞,牛晓玲,汪凤珍益智仁的化学成分…………………………………………………………………邸 磊,王治元,王 志,李 宁,王开金第4期 植物资源与环境学报第20卷(2011年) 总目次 93 第3期(8月) 土壤干旱胁迫对酸枣叶片黄酮类代谢及某些生长和生理指标的影响…………王改利,魏 忠,贺少轩周雪洁,梁宗锁 1 焯菜幼苗抗菌核病及抗旱和耐湿特性的鉴定………………………………………………涂玉琴,戴兴临涂伟风,汤 洁 9 姜黄根茎中姜黄素类成分含量的产地差异及其与环境因子的CCA分析…………………杨旭,杨志玲,刘若楠王 洁16 ,,,Pb和cd单一及复合胁迫条件下溪荪( sanguinea)生长及金属离子积累特征分析 王鸿燕,黄苏珍,原海燕,陈晓萱,马万荣5种杜鹃幼苗对高温胁迫的生理生化响应及耐热性综合评价…………………・・王凯红,刘向平,张乐华凌家慧,李立…………………………………………………………………………………24 29 36 43 51 56 62 ,均郭巧茹,陈莺莺黄荆种子总生物碱对棉蚜无翅成蚜的毒力及其对几种酶活力的影响……………………刘雨睛,薛 明,周方园徐华强,,中华补血草多酚提取物对自由基的清除能力………………………………………………陈炳华,李铵态氮与硝态氮比例对南方高丛蓝浆果丛生枝增殖及生长的影响………………………邓桂秀,姜燕琴,宋鹏飞於虹芳樟不同无性系叶片光合色素含量及叶绿素荧光参数分析………………………………林达定,张国防,于静波冯 娟,,琼,史云云,姚青菊,徐增莱,吕 晔杭珍9种观赏草苗期耐盐性评价及NaC1胁迫对芨芨草生长的影响…………………袁小环,孙 男,滕文军,杨学军武菊英,,夏蜡梅和美国蜡梅及属问杂种‘gXi ̄_’营养器官解剖结构特征比较…汪69 华山新麦草叶片的光合生理特性……………………………………………………………柴永福,李倩,张晓飞,岳 明76 戴云山国家级自然保护区黄山松群落类型与物种多样性分析………任国学,刘金福,徐道炜,洪伟,郑世群,黄志森82 城市森林公园景观环保型林相改造模式比较及评价——以老山国家森林公园为例………………祝遵凌,何江苏省维管植物分布新记录(三)……………………………………………………………叶伟,张光宁89 康,刘启新,邓懋彬,褚晓芳95 第4期(11月) 伞形科植物明党参花后果实发育的解剖结构变化………………………………宋春风,刘玉龙,刘启新,褚晓芳,李美芝 1 花烛突变体叶色嵌合性状的分化特征与保持方法……………………………………………………陈星旭,邵会会,王广东石蒜核糖体蛋白L21的基因克隆及氨基酸序列分析…………………佟金凤,汪仁,李晓丹,江玉梅,彭 峰,夏冰8 l3 藤稔葡萄花发育相关基因启动子的克隆及功能分析………………………………………张外源乙酸和EDTA对铜尾矿矿砂中芦苇幼苗生长及部分金属元素积累的影响 ………………………………………………………………睿,陶建敏,蔡斌华,章镇17 核桃杂交后代群体及优选单株种仁中粗蛋白质和粗脂肪含量的遗传特性………………安海山,孟亚楠,杨克强,侯立群24 吴 雪,杨晓婷,王冰,王林,疏伟慧,张丽丽,韩玉林29 2个果梅品种雌蕊分化进程及相关生化指标分析………………………………・・侍婷,张其林,高志红,章洁,杨志玲,杨镇,庄维兵35 旭,何正松42 不同花期厚朴雌雄蕊和花瓣香气组成成分的分析和比较…………………………………王NaC1胁迫条件下木槿嫁接苗和扦插苗及其砧木海滨木槿的生理差异……………………芦治国,殷云龙,於朝广,莫海波49 不结球白菜根尖体细胞染色体制片及其二倍体和四倍体有丝分裂过程观察……………郑金双,张蜀宁,孙成振,王雅美58 不同预处理方法对牛皮杜鹃和小叶杜鹃种子萌发的影响……………苏家乐,李 畅,陈璐,刘晓青,陈尚平,何丽斯64 小麦秸秆复合基质的理化指标及其对黄瓜幼苗生长和光合参数的影响………曾清华,毛兴平,孙3种药赏两用植物对滨海盐碱土改良效应的比较………………………贾晓东,王锦,郭世荣,刘超杰70 涛,任全进,浦 东,徐秀美,郭忠仁76 秸秆浸提液漂浮栽培对不结球白菜产量及相关品质特性的影响…………………………于洪娟,侯喜林,季俊杰,胡春梅83 鸢尾叶的化学成分……………………………………………………………………………马雨涵,林彬彬,刘 慧,秦民坚88 江苏省维管植物分布新记录(四)……………………………………………………………汪庆,邓懋彬,杨如同,姚 淦90 植物资源与环境学报 第20卷 JOURNAL oF PLANT RESOURCES AND ENVIRoNMENT Vo1.20(2011) ToTAL CoNTENTS No.1(February) Comparative study on micro—morphological characteristics of seed coat of fourteen species in Chenopodiaceae from China …・・…・・・・・・-・・・・・…・・・…・-…-・…・・・…・…・・…・・・CHENMing—zhong,SUNKun,ZHANGMing—li,PANGHai—long,11Jin—xia 1 Study on reaction kinetic property and scavenging ability of aqueous extracts and pigment from blackberry(Rubus spp.)cultivar ‘Boysen’fruit to DPPH・・・…・・・…・・…・-…t・・…・-・…・・…-・…・・・一ZHAO Hui-fang,FANG Liang,WU Wen—long,LI Wei—lin 10 Observation and study on breeding system of wild Osmanthus fragrans ………………….……・…………………・……………………HAO Ri—ming,ZHAO舶 一bo,WANG fin—hu,ZHOU Li—hua 17 Genetic diversitv and structure analyses of wild and ex—situ conservation populations of Taxus chinensis var.mairei based on ISSR marker……………………………………LINai—wei,HE Shan—an,SHUXiao—chun,WANG Qig,XInA Big,PENG nEffects of plant growth regulators for soaking bulbs on biochemical characters of Lycor/s radiata and L sprengeri bulbs during 25 lfower bud differentiation period ・・・…・・…・・-…・・一L/Ying,WANG Cheng—wei,ZHENG Yu—hong,HE Shu—lan,PENG Feng 31 Study on photosynthetic characteristics of Datura stramonium・・・…・-…・・・…-・・…・・・…・・…・・・…・-YU Xiao—xia.RUAN Cheng-jiang 40 Effects of NaC1 stress on growth and physiological—biochemical indexes of Iris lactea var.chinensis -.・...…..….....・.-.・…・・…・-・…・・-…・・・…・・・・・・・・・・…・・・ZHANG Mig—xuan,HUANG Su—nzhen,SHENG Ren—li,YUAN Hai—yan 46 Geographic distibutiron,current status of resources and endangered factors of endangered plant Nothotsuga longibracteata …………………………………………・……………………・・Q,U Ying-jun,YI Guan—mei,N1NG Zu—lin,HUANG Hog—nwen 53 ,JIANG Yah—qin 60 Effect of different basic media on proliferation and growth of clumpy shoot of southern highbush blueberry(Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids) …………………………………………………………DENG Gui—xiu,YU ttong,SONG Culture of regenerated seedlings from anthers and construction of DH populations of six cross combinations of Nicotiana tabacum ・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・-・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・CHEN Xue-jun,PENG Shuang—yu,LUO Jian—rong,YANG Yah—ming,XIAO Bing—guang 65 Preliminary report on investigation of ancient and famous trees in Conghua City of Guangzhou ……………………………………II/Qi-fei,WANG Fa—guo,YE Qi4un,L, Dong—ming,CHEN Hong-feng,XING Fu—wu 69 凡g,,J,u Yue,HUANG Yao-jiang,LONG Chun—lin 74 Progress and application of DNA barcoding technique in plants………L, Induction and regeneration of adventitious shoot rfom in vitro leaves of Zizyphus jujuba‘Kongfusueui’plantlet ・・・・・…・・・…・・・………・・・…・・・……-…・-・…・・-…・・・…………・・…・-…・・SUN Qig—nrong.SUN Hong—yan。ZHOU Guang-fang 83 ,QJ』、『Lu-ping 86 Comparison and analysis of total flavonoids content in different organs of different cultivars of Fagopyrum tataricum …………………………………………………………SHAO Mei—hong,LIN Bing,SUN Jia-yan,HAN Optimization of derivation condition and determination of artemisinin content in Artemisia annua from different locations by pre—column deirvation—HPLC method・……・・…-・・・・・・・・・・--・・・・・…-・・………・・--一ZHANG Wei.Q1N Min-jian.WANG Guo—kai 88 Analyses on contents of ntrin and catechin in leaves and under—ground part of Potentilla fragarioides in spring and autumn by HPLC………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Dong,MA Bei—bei, U Han—zhu,XIN Hua 91 Morphological observation and analyses of viability and germination rate of Daphne genkwa pollen ……………………………………………………………………… Fang,WANG Tian,WANG ,SHEN yo 一bao 94 No.2(May) Effects of nano—SiO2 off daffy change of photosynthetic characteristic parameters of Indocalamus barbatus leaves …………………………………………………………………………… Bo,TAO ng—sheng,WANG Lin,XIE Yin-feng 1 Study on comparative anatomy of meriearp structure of some species in Pleurospermum Hoffm.(Apiaceae) …‘‘’…‘‘ ・・……-……‘‘・・……・・・・…・・・・’……’・……・・’……・-・・…。 WANG tle,ZHANG Yong,LIU Qi—xin,SONG Chun-feng 7 第4期 植物资源与环境学报第20卷(2011年)总目次 95 Effects of balsaminone A and balsaminone B from Impatiens balsamina seed on growth and cycle of human lung cancer A549 cell ‘…‘‘…‘…’‘‘…‘‘ ’。‘…‘‘‘‘‘‘…’’。‘‘’’’…‘。‘…。‘‘…。‘…‘‘’・‘‘‘’・‘‘…-‘‘’・…’・・…・-‘…-・…・・…-・・・・・・・・一PE1 Hut.QIAN Shi—hui 15 Comparative observation on micro—morphological characters of leaf epidermis of Dioscorea bulb r“L.from different populations …。………………………………………………・………………………・PENG Bin,ZHOU K ng,SHU Pu,HANG rue—yu 19 Analysis of genetic relationship of flowering and fruiting met cuhivars based oll modiifed RAPD marker ・・‘…・…・-…’・・…・・…・・-・WANG Yu-juan,FANG Jing—gut,YU Hua-ping,WANG Shi—shah,LI Xiao—irng,CHEN Xiang—gao 28 Effects of NaCI stress Oil growth and physiological indexes of ifve greening plant seedlings and comprehensive evaluation of their salt tolerance…-‘……・・・・・・・・…・・・…-.WEI Xiu-jun,YIN run—long,LU Zhi—guo,MO Hat—bo,HUA Jian-feng,XU Jian—hua 35 /n vitro antioxidant activity of anthraquinones from rhizome of Reynoutria japonica ‘‘…。。…。‘…。。‘…’・・…・・…・-・…・…-・・・・・・・…・・・・・・・・…・・…・・…・・………・・…WANG Gut—qin.ZHENG Yu—hun.QIAN in-ffang 43 Growth status of/r/s sanguinea and I.ensata var.hortensis in Cu polluted soil and their accumulation and translocation abilities to Cu ・・…・・・…・・…・・・・・・…・・・-・…-…・・…・-・…・・…・・・・・-・・…・・・…・・SUN Yu.1iang.HUANG Su.zhen.YUAN Hat—yan 49 Observation and karyotype analysis of chromosomes in somatic cells of root—tips of Chongming narcissus(Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis)……………………-…………………・・ZHOU Yong—gang,ZHANG Dong—met,LU Lin,LUO Yu—lan,BIAN Li—xia 56 Effects of high concentration of IBA and lignified level on cutting rooting of Vaccinium ashei ……………………………………………………………SONG -fei,JIANG Yah—qin,HE Shan—an,GU Hn,YU 63 Analyses on types and characteristics of community of urban semi—natural vegetation in Urumqi …………・………………………・……-NAN Wei-jiang,ZAN Qin,JIANG , 一qing,WANG Let,YAN Cheng,YIN Lin—ke 67 Study on planting and harvest conditions of Eichhornia Crassipes for eutrophic water remediation ・・・・・・…・・・・・・-・・・・・・・…・・・・・・・-・…・・・…・・…・・・…一SHENG ring,ZHENG Jian—chu,CHEN Liu—gen,ZHU Pu-ping,ZHOU Wet 73 Inter—speciifc association characteristics of dominant arbor species in Duozhijian mountainous region of Dabieshan Mountain in West Anhui……………………………WANG Zhi—gao, U Gan—lin,DUAN Ren—yan,ZHANG Zhong—xin,SHEN San—bao 79 Flora analysis of wild Orchidaceae in Zhejiang Province・-…・・……..TIAN Min,WANG Cai—xia,NIU Xiao—ling,WANG Feng—zhen 86 Chemical constituents in Alpinia oxyphylla seed…………………DI Let,WANG Zhi—yuan,WANG Zhi,L1Ⅳ ,WANG Kai-ifn 94 No.3(August) Effects of drought stress in soil on favonoids metabolism in leaf and some growth and physiological indexes of Ziziphus jujuba var. spinosa………………………・………………・・WANG Gai—li,WEI Zhong,HE Shao—xuan,ZHOU Xue-jie,L1ANG zD 一SUO 1 Identification of resistance to Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and drought resistance,waterlogging tolerance of Rorippa indica seedling …………………………………………………………………………… Yu—qin,DAI 一 , Wet-feng,TANG ife 9 Location variation of curcuminoids content in Curcuma longa rhizome and CCA analysis with environmentl factaors ……………………・…………………………………………………一YANG Xu,)rANG Zhi—ling,LIU Ruo—nan,WANG e 16 Characteristics analyses of growth and metal ions accumulation of Iris sanguinea under single and combination stresses of Pb and Cd ・・…・・・………・・・・…・・・…WANG Hong—yan,HUANG Su-zhen,YUAN Hat—yan,CHEN Xiao—xuan,MA Wan—rong 24 Physiological—biochemical response of five species in Rhododendron L.to hi【gh temperature stress and comprehensive evaluation of their heat tolerance-・・…・・・-…・・・………・・・・…--・…-WANG Kai—hong,LIU Xiang-ping,ZHANG Le—hua,LING Jia—hut,LI Li 29 Radical scavenging activity of polyphenol extracts from Limonium sinense -・・…・・…・-・…・・・--…・・……・・・…-・…・・・・・・・・・…・・・・…・・・…-・・…・・-CHEN Bing・hua,1_1 Jun,GUO Qiao—ru,CHEN rig—nying 36 Toxicity of total alkaloids from Vitex negundo seeds against apterous adults of却his gossypii and its effect Oil activity of some enzymes………………………-………………………-………・LIU 一qing,XUE M ,ZHOU Fang—yuan,XU Hua—qiang 43 Effect of proportion of ammonium nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in medium on proliferation and growth of clumpy shoot of southern highbush blueberry(Vaccinium corymbosum hybrids)……………DENG Gut—xiu,JIANG Yan—qin,SONG Peng-fei,YU Hong 51 Analyses of photosynthetic pigment content and chlorophyll fluorescence parameter in leaves of different clones of Cinnamomum camphora…………………………………………………………LIN Da—ding,ZHANG Guo-fang,YU , 一bo,FENG Juan 56 96 植物资源与环境学报 第2O卷 Comparison of anatomical structure characteristics of vegetative organs of Sinocalycanthus chinensis,Calycanthus lorfidus and intergeneric hybrid S.chinensisxC.floridus‘Hong Yun’ ………………………………………………WANG Qiong,SHI Yun—yun,YAO Qing-ju,xu ze 一lai,LU Ye,HANG Zhen 62 Assessment of salt tolerance of nine species of ornamental grass at seedling stage and effect of NaC1 stress on growth of Achnatherum splendens …………………………YUAN Xiao—huan,SUN Nan,TENG Wen n,YANG Xue n, Photosynthetic physiological characteristics of Psathyrostachys huashanica leaf ・・・-・・…・・・・-・・・・・・…・・・・・・・・・・・…・・・・・・・・・・・…-・…・・-・・…・・・…・・-・…・・・・…Ju—ying 69 CHAI Yong-fu,11 Qian,ZHANG Xiao-fei,YUE Ming 76 Analysis on classiifcation and species diversity of Pinus taiwanensis community iu Daiyun Mountain National Nature Reserve ……-……………………………・・REN Guo—xue,LIU Ji _7 ,XU Dao—wei,HONG Wei,ZHENG Shi—qun,HUANG Zhi—sen 82 Comparison and evaluation of improvement model of forest form for landscape and environmental protection in urban forest park: taking Laoshan National Forest Park as an example…・・-・…・・・・…・・・-…・・・・・…・ZHU Zun—ling.HE Wei.ZHANG Guang—ning 89 New records of vascular plants in Jiangsu Province(m)…………………YE Kang,L1U Qi—xin,DENG Mao—bin,CHU Xiao-fang 95 No.4(November) Change of anatomical stuctrure of cremocarp during fuirt development of Changium smyrnioides(Apiaeeae)after falling of lfower ……………………………………………………SONG Chun-feng, U Yu—long, u Qi—xin,CHU Xiao-fang,LI Mei—zhi 1 CHEN 一 u,SHAO Hui—hui,WANG Guang—do 8 Differentiation characteristics and retention method of leaf color chimera feature of mutated plantlet of Anthurium andraeanum ……………………………………………………………………………Gene cloning and amino acid sequence analysis of ribosomal protein L21 from Lycoris radiata …………………………………………TONG Jin-feng,WANGRen,LIXiao—dan,JIANG Yu—mei,PENGFe, ,XIA Bing 13 Cloning and function analysis of promoters of flower development related genes of Vitis viniferaX labrusca‘Fujiminori’ ・・・…・・・・・…・・・・・…・・・・…・・・-・…・・・・・…-・・・…・…・…・・・・・・…・・・・・・・・・・一ZHANG Rui,TAO Jian—min,CAI Bin—hua,ZHANG Zhen 17 Genetic characters of crude protein and crude fat contents in kernel of hybrid progeny group and superior individuals of Juglans rejia’・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・・・・・--・…・・・・・・・・・・・・・・…・・・・・…AN Hai—shan,MENG Ya—nan,YANG Ke—qiang,HOU Li—qun 24 Effects of exogenous acetic acid and EDTA on growth and accumulation of some metal elements of Phrgmintes australis seedling in copper tailing ore…………WU Xue,YANG Xiao—ting,WANG Bing,WANG Lin,SHU Wei—hui,ZHANG Li—li,HAN 一lin 29 Analyses on pistil differentiation process and related biochemical indexes of two cuhivars of Prunus mume ………………………………………………・・・SHI ,ZHANG Qi—lin,GAO Zhi—hong,ZHANG Zhen,ZHUANG Wei—bing 35 Analysis and comparison of aroma constituents from pistil—stamen and petla of Magnolia ofifcinalis at different flowering stages ・…・・・・・…・・・・・・…・・・・・…・・・-・…・・・-・・…・・・・・・・…・-・・・…・・・・・…・・・・・・…WANG fie,YANG Zhi—ling,YANG Xu,HE Zheng—song 42 Physiological difference among grafted and cutting seedlings of Hibiscu ̄syriacus and its rootstock H.hamabo under NaC1 stress -・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-・・…・・・・・…・・・・・・・…・-・-・・・・・・・-・・…・・-・・LU Zhi—guo,YIN Yun—long,YU Chao—guang,MO Hal—bo 49 Chromosome preparation of somatic cell in root-tip of non—heading Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris ssp.chinenssi)and observation of mitosis process of its diploid and tetraploid ・……・-・…・・--・・…・・・・--・・・・・・・・・_・・・・・・・・…・--・-・…・・ZHENG fin—shuang,ZHANG Shu—ning,SUN Cheng—zhen,WANG Ya—mei 58 Effects of different pretreatment methods on seed germination of Rhododendron aureum and R.parvifolium ………………………………………………SU Jia—le,L1 Chang,CHEN Lu, 』U Xiao—qig,CHEN Shang-nping,HE Li—si 64 Physicochemical indexes of mixed substrates of wheat(Triticum aestivum)straw and its effect on growth and photosynthetic parameters of Cucumis sativus seedling …………ZENG Qig—nhua,Mao Xing-ping,SUN Jin,GUO Shi—rong, Comparison of improvement effect of three plants for both medicinal and ornamental uses on coastal saline.alkali soil ………………………………………Chao-ife 70 J1A ∞一 ,WANG Tao,REN q ̄n-jin,P Dong,XUXiu—mei,GUO Zhong—ren 76 Effects of lfoating culture of straw extraction solution on yield and related quality traits of non—heading Chinese cabbage(Brassica campestris ssp.chinensis)……………………………………一………・YU Hong-juan,HOU Xi—lin,Jl Jun-jie,HU Chun—mei 83 On chemical constituents in leaves ofIris tectorum……………………………MA Yu—han, Bin一6 , Hui,QINMin-ifan 88 New records of vascular plants in Jiangsu Province(1V)………………"WANG Qing,DENG Mao—bin,YANG Ru—tong,YAO Gan 90 
