专利名称:Disk drive system employing effective disk
surface stabilization mechanism
发明人:Nobuaki Onagi,Yasutomo Aman,Shozo
摘要:A stabilization part stabilizes surface vibration of a flexible optical disk along arotation axis direction of the optical disk by means of pressure difference of air flow
created according to Bernoulli's law at a portion on which information writing/reading isperformed, provided on a side of the optical disk opposite to a side on which informationrecording/reproducing is performed. In this case, areas are provide on the upstream sideand down stream side along the disk rotation direction of the portion of the optical diskwhich is stabilized by said stabilization part, said areas of the optical disk not havingpressure difference created thereon by the air flow.
申请人:Nobuaki Onagi,Yasutomo Aman,Shozo Murata
地址:Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP,Kanagawa JP
代理机构:Dickstein Shapiro LLP