
Variable-frequency oscillator having a crystal osc

2024-03-29 来源:易榕旅网

专利名称:Variable-frequency oscillator having a

crystal oscillator

发明人:Kazuo Kuroki申请号:US06/413775申请日:19820901公开号:US04489279A公开日:19841218

摘要:A highly stable, tunable oscillator circuit includes a crystal oscillator providing areference pulse signal of frequency Fco, a voltage- to-frequency converter responsive toa control voltage for providing a control pulse signal of frequency Fv substantially lowerthan Fco, a toggle circuit receiving the reference signal and providing a first and a secondcomplementary signals, each having a frequency Fco/2 and the same pulse-width as thereference signal, a flip-flop circuit receiving the reference signal, the control signal andthe first complementary signal and providing a pulse signal having frequency Fv and apulse-width equal to the period of the reference signal, and synchronized with the firstand second complementary signals. The signal provided by the flip-flop circuit is logicallycombined with the first complementary signal in and AND gate. The output of the ANDgate is then logically combined with the second complementary signal in an OR gate toderive a combined signal of frequency (Fco/2)+Fv. The combined signal is received by afrequency divider network which divides the frequency of the combined signal by aninteger N and provides an output signal at a desired frequency. By selecting thefrequencies of the reference, control and output signal such that Fco > > Fv > > Fo, ahighly stable, smoothly tunable output signal is obtained.


代理机构:Brumbaugh, Graves, Donohue & Raymond

