

2020-05-23 来源:易榕旅网

25 MIPS, 16 kB Flash, 24-Pin Mixed-Signal MCU

Analog Peripherals

Two Comparators

High-Speed 8051 µC Core

-----Pipelined instruction architecture; executes 70% of instructions in 1 or 2 system clocks

Up to 25MIPS throughput with 25MHz system clockExpanded interrupt handler


Programmable hysteresis and response timeConfigurable to generate interrupts or resetLow current (<0.5 µA)

POR/Brown-Out Detector


1280 bytes data RAM (1024 + 256)

16kB Flash; in-system programmable in 512-byte sectors (512 bytes are reserved)

On-Chip Debug

---On-chip debug circuitry facilitates full speed, non-intrusive in-system debug (no emulator required)

Provides breakpoints, single stepping, watchpointsInspect/modify memory, registers, and stack

Digital Peripherals

----------21 port I/O; all are 5 V tolerant

1 Enhanced Hardware SMBus™ (I2C™ compatible) and UART serial port

Programmable 16-bit counter/timer array with three capture/compare modules, WDT

5 general-purpose 16-bit counter/timers

Dedicated watchdog timer; bidirectional resetReal-time clock mode for maximum power saving

Superior performance to emulation systems using ICE-chips, target pods, and sockets

Supply Voltage: 2.7 to 3.6 V

---Typical operating current: 5 mA at 25 MHzTypical: 11 µA at 32kHz

Target stop mode current: <0.1 µA

Temperature Range: –40 to +85°CClock Sources

Internal oscillator: 24.5MHz, 2% accuracy supports UART operationExternal oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock (1 or 2 pin modes)Can switch between clock sources on-the-fly


24-pin QFN (lead-free package)

VDDAnalog/Digital PowerPort 0 LatchPort 1 LatchGNDUARTC2DP0 DrvCROSSBARP1 DrvP2 DrvP3 DrvCP0P0.0/VREFP0.1P0.2/XTAL1P0.3/XTAL2P0.4/TXP0.5/RXP0.6/CNVSTP0.7Debug HWReset/RST/C2CKPORBrown-Out8051 16 kB FLASH256 byte SRAM1 kB SRAMTimer 0,1,2,3 / RTCPCA/WDTSMBusSPIPort 2 LatchP1.0P1.1P1.2P1.3P1.4P1.5XTAL1XTAL2External OscillatorCircuit2%Internal OscillatorSystem ClockCoSFR BusreP2.0P2.1P2.2P2.3P2.4P2.5P3.0/C2DPort 3 Latch+-+-CP1Small Form FactorCopyright © 2005 by Silicon Laboratories9.14.2005

Global Characteristics

Supply VoltageSupply Current

Clock = 25MHzClock = 1MHz

Clock = 32kHz; VDD Monitor Disabled

Oscillator off; VDD Monitor EnabledOscillator off; VDD Monitor Disabled

Internal Oscillator










Supply Current(shutdown)

Clock Frequency Range

Package Information

AA1bDD2eEE2LL1aaabbbcccdddMMMinTypMax0.700.750.800. BSC2.502.602.700.50 BSC4.00 BSC2.502.602.700.350.400.45——0.15——0.10——0.10——0.05——0.10C8051F310DK Development Kit

Small Form FactorCopyright © 2005 by Silicon Laboratories9.14.2005

Silicon Laboratories and Silicon Labs are trademarks of Silicon Laboratories Inc.

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