

2022-07-09 来源:易榕旅网
贾海潮:居民用户燃气安全物联监控系统可行性分析 第35卷第7期 与安全物联监控终端的采购和安装费、智能燃气表 改造升级费用,平均每户安装时增加费用(含10 a 运行维护费用)不高于280元,年均增加费用不高 于46元。具体增加的费用见表1。 表1具体增加的费用 设备 燃气安全物联监控终端 说明 ≯ _ 户,距用户最远距离为1 500 rfl 黄食 增加费用/(元・户 ) a <50 备注 220 V,GPRS模块,最大容量为500 10 10 按每100户共用1台算,单台价 格5 000元(含10年通信费) 无线Ic卡预付费智能燃 增加数据上传模块和改造升级 气表 家用报警器 总费用 a 50 型号BJ一93D 5 a 180 <280 年均费用 <46 ②政策申请 System for Gas Safety of Residential Users JIA Haichao Abstract: A IOT monitoring system for gas safe— 现行各省燃气工程建设费收取标准均不含报警 联动装置费用,此问题可以按两种方式解决:一是由 燃气公司向物价部门申报制定补充收费标准,争取 政策支持;二是由建设部门与房地产商协商另行收 取。这2种方式均仅限于新建住宅。 ③责任划分 报警联动装置失灵导致的事故责任问题是各燃 气企业不积极推进的主要原因,此问题可以通过两 种方式加以解决:一是事前关联各方明确责任,如报 ty of residential users is composed of alarm,wireless IC card prepayment intelligent gas meter,IOT monito— ing trerminal for gas safety,cloud platform and client application program.When gas leakage occurs,the a— larm transmits the gas leakage warning message to the gas meter in wired manner,the valve built in the gas meter is cut off,and the warning message is transmit- ted to the lOT monitoring terminal for gas safety.The 警器使用期限内报警失效造成的损失,由报警器厂 家负责;报警器是否在线及报警输出控制由运营安 全物联网监控系统的公司负责;设备的Et常维护由 用户负责,如确保过期报警器正常检修更换、确保报 警器通电运行。事故发生后以权威部门出具的事故 鉴定结论为准,由责任方负责承担赔偿责任。二是 与保险公司合作,做到风险可控,保证事故善后工作 的顺利进行。 Feasibility Analysis of IOT Monitoring terminal transmits the warning message to the cloud platform(OneNet,an open platform of China mobile IOT)through the GPRS network.The information is communicated between gas enterprises or residential users and the cloud platform through the client applica- tion program.The technical and economic feasibility of the monitoring system has been analyzed. Key words: internet of things(IOT)monito— ing system for gas safety;alarm;cloud platrform;in— telligent gas meter (上接第B23页) 根据管道地质情况有针对性地指定管段重要性 级别,对重要管段做重点监护。通过不间断的管道 监测,对管道维护做出及时预警。通过有效的管道 Donjiang Bonded Port Area for example,the applica— tions of[nternet of Things(IOT)to pipeline posture monitoring,pipeline corrosion monitoring,gas usage monitoring of industrial and residential users,pipeline patrol monitoring and rush--repair monitoring are re-- searched.The advantages of ZigBee wireless network are described,and the benefits of IOT application are analyzed. Key words: gas pipeline network;Internet of 维护,实现寿命的延长,预计可在20 a设计使用寿 命的基础上,延长5 a。 Application of Internet of Things to Monitoring of Gas Pipeline Network in Donjiang Bonded Port Area MA Jilin Abstract:Taking the gas pipeline network in Things(IOT);pipeline monitoring;ZigBee wireless network;sensor ・B 29・ 
