

2020-05-01 来源:易榕旅网

章忠信* 壹、前言

九○年代以来,随着计算机科技之发展、数字化产品之发明、以及传播与通讯技术之结合,所谓「3C时代(computer, communication, consumer)」已然来临。在「3C时代」中,信息可以透过数字化网际网络之管道被传送,此一传送,具有几项传统传输管道所未有之特性,包括如下:



拥有个人计算机,就可取得世界任何地点之信息或与在任何地点之人沟通。 三、快速:信息传输之速度快速,对世界任何地点之传输均在数秒间完成。


经过多少次辗转重制,其品质均与原样不变,且信息之制造、储存与传输成本低廉。 五、交互式传输:打破传统上在同一时间内由单一的发送点对多数接收点之单向式传播,




「科技保护措施(technological protection measures)」与「权利管理信息(rights management information)」是数字科技时代中,着作人权益保护之重要议题。着作权利人藉由科学技术保护其着作,使其免于被侵害,更在网络传输过程中,以电子数字化形式注明相关权利管理信息,以利着作之利用与使用报酬之收取。就着作权利人此一保护着作权利之交互运用方式,如有任何规避或破坏,其对于着作权利人所造成之损害,显然要比传统着作权环境下之损害更加钜大,亦为国际间所亟欲解决之问题。本文拟从国际公约对「 * 东吴大学法律系法学士、美国美利坚大学华盛顿法学院硕士,现任经济部智能财产局着作权组科长。


贰、「科技保护措施(Technological Protection Measures)」


所谓「科技保护措施」,乃指着作权利人为控制其着作可否被接触(access)、重制(copy)或传输(transmit),而以有效的科技方法所采取之保护措施。其方式可能包括插梢(Keyplugs)、智能卡(Smartcards)1、密码(Password)、水印(Watermaking)、多次重制管制系统(Serial Copy Management Systems, SCMS2)、锁码(Encryption3)、计算机程序如content-scrambling system (CSS)等等。透过这些硬件或软件设计,受着作权法保护之着作只有在着作权利人授权之情形下,利用人才得以加以接触、重制或传输,其间将使得着作权利人因此获得经济上之对价。然而,在相反的方面,亦有专门破解该「科技保护措施」之情形,其或为某种设备,例如译码器,或为信息,例如散布破解保护之序码,或为译码计算机程序如DeCSS程序等。提供这些设备、信息或服务之人虽未直接为侵害着作权之行为,但其所提供之设备、信息或服务却促使、帮助或引起他人侵害着作权行为之发生,为有效保护着作权,从根本遏止侵害之乱源,有必要就提供这些设备、信息或服务之人科以法律责任。



从较实际之角度观之,科技、契约与法律相结合,交互运用,应更能落实对着作人权益之保护,从法制上之思考,着作权法之适当规定,显然不可或缺。科技在大部分时期固然足以保护着作人权益,但如科技保护被以非法方式突破后,其对着作人所所进行之侵害,仍须藉由法律加以处罚,以落实保护着作人之权益。易言之,在法律制度上,绝不可因科技保护可以达到相当程度,就不再从法律层面去建构健全进步之制度,全交由科技去因应,正如同不能因为保全科技之进步,就要求所有民众自行加强住户保全系统,法律上不再对于盗匪科以窃盗入侵之罪。同样地,契约之功效亦不得否认,不过契约首先要面临是否有效之种种验证与挑战,纵使最后确认其在法律上已完美无瑕,但其不足以约束契约以外之行为人,又常会造成契约之落空。由此观之,法律其实是各项保护方式之最后防线。关于着作人权益之保护,科技与契约之功效不可轻忽,然而,法律在科技与契约所无法到 1

插梢(Keyplugs)、智能卡(Smartcards)属于硬件之科技保护措施,仅是取得着作重制物(不问原版或盗版)并无法使用,必须同时有着作权利人另行发送之插梢(Keyplugs)或智能卡(Smartcards),与使用着作之设备,通常是计算机、电视等硬设备结合,始能使用或接触到着作内容。 2

多次重制管制系统(Serial Copy Management Systems, SCMS)主要为录音业者所采,该项设计使得原版数字化录音产品虽可被无限次重制,但仅能自原版带重制第一代,第一代的重制物就无法再重制出第二代重制物。此一设计使得重制行为仅得就原版为重制,无法依原版以外之重制物再为重制,故可大幅缩小未经授权径为重制之范围。

3 锁码(Encryption)之技术主要使用于有线电视或卫星电视,所有节目均经锁码处理,消费者须支付收视费用,经业者提供设备于电视上方装设译码盒,始能收视经锁码的节目。


高科技发展之结果,对着作权利人造成正面与负面之影响,但对利用人亦未必完全有利,法律在考虑保护着作权人之利益时,亦应虑及利用人之权益。在以传统形式对公众传达着作内容之环境中,包括以有体物之方式与无体物之方式,前者包括书本、画作、录音带、录像带、磁盘,后者包括电影院上映电影、广播电台播送音乐、电视电台播送电影,而不可否认地,以有体物之方式对公众传达着作内容之方式对公众信息之取得仍占非常重要之大部分。然而,当数字化网际网络科技发展之后,以有体物之方式对公众传达着作内容之方式虽不致完全消失,却将日趋萎缩,对于某些特定着作,则有可能完全透过网络传输,此时,将对信息取得者有非常不利之影响。盖在以有体物之方式对公众传达着作内容之方式中,物权之取得与「第一次销售理论(first sale doctrine)」4能够使得买到该着作重制物之所有权人随时可以接触信息,随后并得将该有体物为其它散布之行为,与他人分享信息,甚至于利用人不必出资购得该有体物,即可免费于书店或图书馆接触该着作;而在数字化网际网络科技发展之后,着作权人可能将所有信息上网,并以科技保护之,使用者不但免费于书店或图书馆接触该着作,更也法无法以有偿方式取得有体物型式的着作重制物,仅得与着作权人签约,由自己于一定期间或限定次数上网浏览着作内容,而不能与他人分享,一旦契约期间届至或次数已满,在着作权人所采取之科技保护下,不再能接触该等信息。立法者必须思考,科技发展之后,为保护着作人原有之权利,是否会造成赋予着作人一种新的着作财产权,称为「接触权(access right)」或「使用权(right of use)」?果如此,是否应同时关注公众原有合理使用之空间,并注意其括及适用于新的「接触权」或「使用权」?


为解决伯恩公约之后,网际网络数字化科技对于传统着作权法所产生之冲击,联合国所属之世界智能财产权组织(WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION, WIPO)于一九九六年十二月二日至廿日在瑞士日内瓦总部之日内瓦国际会议中心(International Conference Centre of Geneva, CICG) 召开了「关于着作权与邻接权相关问题之外交会议(Diplomatic Conference on Certain Copyright and Neighboring Rights Questions)」,并通过了「世界智能财产权组织着作权条约(The WIPO Copyright Treaty,简称WCT)」及「世界智能财产权组织表演及录音物条约(The WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty,简称WPPT)」等二项国际条约5。在该二项条约中,均分别就科技保护措施于WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条作相关规定如下: WCT第十一条 有关科技措施之义务


WPPT第十八条 有关科技措施之义务

缔约各方应有适当之法律保障及有效之法律救济规定,以对抗规避表演人或录音物制作人所使用于行使本条约所定权利,或供作制止未经表演人或录音物制作人授权或法律所 4 「第一次销售理论」,或欧洲法系国家所称之「耗e.org/paper/pa0006)。

6 WCT Article 11 Obligations concerning Technological Measures----Contracting Parties shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by authors in connection with the exercise of their rights under this Treaty or the Berne Convention and that restrict acts, in respect of their works, which are not authorized by the authors concerned or permitted by law.






在外交会议讨论中,韩国代表曾非常明确地指出,图书馆或一般公众原先享有之合理使用空间不应数字化科技之发展而受影响13,加拿大代表则进一步指出,原草案文字或将造 7 WPPT Article 18 Obligations concerning Technological Measures----Contracting Parties shall provide adequate legal protection and effective legal remedies against the circumvention of effective technological measures that are used by performers or producers of phonograms in connection with the exercise of their rights under this Treaty and that restrict acts, in respect of their performances or phonograms, which are not authorized by the performers or the producers of phonograms concerned or permitted by law. 8


9 WCT草案「BASIC PROPOSAL FOR THE SUBSTANTIVE PROVISIONS OF THE TREATY ON CERTAIN QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE PROTECTION OF LITERARY AND ARTISTIC WORKS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE DIPLOMATIC CONFERENCE」第十三条----有关科技措施之义务----(1)缔约各方对于任何人明知或有合理之理由应知道该破坏保护之设备或服务将在未经权利人或法律之授权下,被利用于行使本条约所定权利,仍加以进口、制造、散布该破坏保护之设施,或提供或办理有相同效果之任何服务者,应使其为非法。(2)缔约各方对于第(1)项所定之非法行为,应为适当且有效之救济规定。(3)本条所称「破坏保护之设备」,指任何设备、产品,或附含于设备、产品之组件,其主要目的或效果在于规避任何防止或禁止为本条约所定权利相关行为之程序、处置、技术或系统者。Article 13----Obligations concerning Technological Measures----(1) Contracting Parties shall make unlawful the importation, manufacture or distribution of protection-defeating devices, or the offer or performance of any service having the same effect, by any person knowing or having reasonable grounds to know that the device or service will be used for, or in the course of, the exercise of rights provided under this Treaty that is not authorized by the rightholder or the law. (2) Contracting Parties shall provide for appropriate and effective remedies against the unlawful acts referred to in paragraph (1). (3) As used in this Article, \"protection-defeating device\" means any device, product or component incorporated into a device or product, the primary purpose or primary effect of which is to circumvent any pro

10 参见Kamiel J. Koelman, \"A Hard Nut to Crack: The Protection of Technologic 11 详如下述欧盟、日本、美国及澳洲着作权法之修正。

12 WCT草案第十三条第(3)项原本规定:本条所称「破坏保护之设备」,指任何设备、产品,或附含于设备、产品之组件,其主要目的或主要效果在于规避任何防止或禁止为本条约所定权利相关行为之程序、处置、技术或系统者。

成禁止利用人接触公共所有(public domain)之着作,或遏止利用人于合理使用原则或伯恩公约所允许下,对着作之接触。加拿大与新加波代表并质疑,草案条文第(3)项所称「『破坏保护之设备』,指任何设备、产品,或附含于设备、产品之组件,其主要目的或效果在于规避任何防止或禁止为本条约所定权利相关行为之程序、处置、技术或系统者」,其中「主要目的或效果」之文字将使某些不是特别供作规避科技保护措施之用,但可被作为规避科技保护措施之用之物亦被包括于该范为内,造成其制造商或零售商之困扰14。最后,原有草案文字在南非代表所提之修正与说明,强调三点,(1)是着作权利人所采取之科技保护措施必须是「有效的」,而非漫无边际的,以免使用人动辄得咎;(2)是科技保护措施必须是「与着作权利人为行使本条约所赋予之权利有关者」,亦即如非本条约所保护之权利,而由着作权利人以科技措施保护者,纵加以规避,亦不在本条所要处理之范围;(3)是科技保护措施所要限制的是「未经着作权利人或法律所允许之行为」,亦即利用人原有合理使用之行为,不得因科技保护措施而被限制15。



大体上说,WIPO外交会议在讨论WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条「科技保护措施」之规定时,显有若干踌躇,一方面是各方利益团体的角力游说,使得草案原先的立法目的与理想一再退缩,一方面其实与法律人面对高科技之隔核,又未充分引进科技界专家协助立法,有相当关联16。同样的问题,在各国立法过程中亦应加以重视,法律界必须与科技界紧密结合,共同面对科技发展对着作权法制所带来之挑战,任何一方均无法独自面对此一复杂议题,闭门造车。 四、欧盟之因应

在欧盟方面,一九八八年英国着作权法第296条即已禁止制造、散布或销售规避防拷系统(circumvent copy-protection systems)之设备17,一九九一年欧盟计算机程序保护指

14 外交会议纪录CRNR/DC/102, 523段及526段。 15 外交会议纪录CRNR/DC/102, 519段。

16 参见Pamela Samuelson, \"Challengs for the World Intellectual Property Organization and the Trade-related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights Council in Regulating Intellectual Property Rights in the Information A

17 参考Copyright, Designs and Patents Act of 1988, Part VII, § 296. (1) This section applies where copies of a copyright work are issued to the public, by or with the licence of the copyright owner, in an electronic form which is copy-protected. (2) The person issuing the copies to the public has the same rights against a person who, knowing or having reason to believe that it will be used to make infringing copies (a) makes, imports, sells or lets for hire, offers or exposes for sale or hire, or advertises for sale or hire, any device or means specifically designed or adapted to circumvent the form of copy-protection employed, or (b) publishes information intended to enable or assist persons to circumvent that form of copy-protection, as a copyright owner has in respect of an infringement of copyright. (3) Further, he has the same rights under section 99 or 100 (delivery up or seizure of certain articles) in relation to any such device or means which a person has in his possession, custody or control with the intention that it should be used to make infringing copies of copyright works, as a copyright owner has in relation to an infringing copy. (4) References in this section to copy-protection include any device or means intended to prevent or restrict copying of a work or to impair the quality of copies made. (5) Expressions used in this section which are defined for the purposes of Part I of this Act (copyright) have the same meaning as in that Part. (6) The following provisions apply in relation



一九九七年十二月十日欧盟执行委员会为落实WCT及WPPT之规定,提出「信息社会中之着作权及其相关权利一致化指令草案」(Proposed Directive on the Harmonization of Certain Aspects of Copyright and Related Rights in the Information Society, COM (97) 628 final.)20」,该指令草案于一九九九年五月二十一日并经执行委员会参考欧洲议会之建议作进一步修正21。其中于第六条「关于科技措施之义务」原先之规定仅禁止「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」22,但经过多次讨论,仍决定规范对象应扩大及于「直接规避行为」,其相关规定如下:

to proceedings under this section as in relation to proceedings under Part I (copyright) (a) sections 104 to 106 of this Act (presumptions as to certain matters relating to copyright), and (b) section 72 of the Supreme Court Act 1981, section 15 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1985 and section 94A of the Judicature (Northern Ireland) Act 1978 (withdrawal of privilege against self-incrimination in certain proceedings relating to intellectual property); and section 114 of this Act applies, with the necessary modifications, in relation to the disposal of anything delivered up or seized by virtue of subsection (3) above.

18 Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal protection of computer programs Official journal NO. L 122 , 17/05/1991 P. 0042 - 0046, Article 7 Special measures of protection ----1. Without prejudice to the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6, Member States shall provide, in accordance with their national legislation, appropriate remedies against a person committing any of the acts listed in subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) below: .........(c) any act of putting into circulation, or the possession for commercial purposes of, any means the sole intended purpose of which is to facilitate the unauthorized removal or circumvention of any technical device which may have been applied to protect a computer program. 19

虽然利用该等设备为「直接规避行为」之人不适用该等规定,但是否触犯着作权法或其它法律之规定,须依各别行为认定之。 20

该指令草案详见。 21



Article 6 ----Obligations as to technological measures---- 1. Member States shall provide adequate legal

protection against any activities, including the manufacture or distribution of devices or the performance of services, which have only limited commercially significant purpose or use other than circumvention, and which the person concerned carries out in the knowledge, or with reasonable grounds to know, that they will enable or facilitate without authority the circumvention of any effective technological measures designed to protect any copyright or any rights related to copyright as provided by law or the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of European Parliament and Council Directive 96/9/EC. 2. The expression ‘technological measures’, as used in this Article, means any device, product or component incorporated into a process, device or product designed to prevent or inhibit the infringement of any copyright or any rights related to copyright as provided by law or the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of Directive 96/9/EC. Technological measures shall only be deemed ‘effective’ where the work or other subject matter is rendered accessible to the user only through application of an access code or process, including by decryption, descrambling or other transformation of the work or other subject matter, with the authority of the right holders.

第六条 关于科技措施之义务








虽然欧盟「信息社会中之着作权及其相关权利一致化指令草案」仍在立法中,一般估计或将于二○○○年年底或二○○一年年初通过生效24,最后所通过指令之文字内容仍有待观察,不过,欧盟贯澈其在WCT及WPPT草案讨论阶段之立场,认为科技保护措施之规范对象应包括「直接规避行为」及其以前之「准备行为」,态度甚为坚定,纵使WCT及WPPT未依其所愿,仅禁止「直接规避行为」,但欧盟认为规范对象应包括「直接规避行为」及其以 23

Article 6 ----Obligations as to technological measures ----1. Member States shall provide adequate legal

protection against the circumvention without authority of any effective technological measures designed to protect any copyright or any rights related to copyright as provided by law or the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of European Parliament and Council Directive 96/9/EC, which the person concerned carries out in the knowledge, or with reasonable grounds to know that he or she pursues that objective.2. Member States shall provide adequate legal protection against any activities, including the manufacture or distribution of devices, products or components or the provision of services, carried out without authority, which: a) are promoted, advertised or marketed for the purpose of circumvention of, or b) have only a limited commercially significant purpose or use other than to circumvent, or c) are primarily designed, produced, adapted or performed for the purpose of enabling or facilitating the circumvention of, any effective technological measures designed to protect any copyright or any right related to copyright as provided by law or the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of European Parliament and Council Directive 96/9/EC. 3. The expression \"technological measures\" as used in this Article, means any technology, device or component that, in the normal course of its operation, is designed to prevent or inhibit the infringement of any copyright or any right related to copyright as provided by law or the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of European Parliament and Council Directive 96/9/EC. Technological measures shall be deemed \"effective\" where the access to or use of a protected work or other subject matter is controlled through application of an access code or any other type of protection process which achieves the protection objective in an operational and reliable manner with the authority of the rightholders. Such measures may include decryption, descrambling or other transformation of the work or other subject matter.

24 参见欧盟执委会发表之文件Proposal for a Directive on the harmonisation of c







德国自一九九九八年起已着手修正其着作权法,拟增订第九十六条a以明定科技措施之保护规定,其内容如下:「科技设备或措施,包括计算机程序,其系作为保护本法所赋予之权利不被侵害者,不得加以规避、删除、毁损或作其它无法使用之行为。」此一规定应将俟欧盟着作权指令通过后始会正式定案。 五、美国之因应


范,其范围原本仅限于「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」,亦即禁止主要目的或功能在规避科技保护措施之设备或服务26,但由于其可能限制了合理使用之行为,且该法案不问 25Information Infrastructure Task Force, Intellectual Property and the National Information Infrastructure: The Report of Working Group on Intellectual Property Rights (September 1995).第四章建议第六点「Technological Protection」,p.230-235。 26

「Therefore, the Working Group recommends that the Copyright Act be amended to include a new Chapter 12, which would include a provision to prohibit the importation, manufacture or distribution of any device, product or component incorporated into a device or product, or the provision of any service, the primary purpose or effect of which is to avoid, bypass, remove, deactivate, or otherwise circumvent, without authority of the copyright owner or the law, any process, treatment, mechanism or system which prevents or inhibits the violation of any of the exclusive rights under Section 106.」「Therefore, the proposed legislation prohibits only those devices or products, the primary purpose or effect of which is to circumvent such systems without authority. That authority may be granted by the copyright owner or by limitations on the copyright owner's rights under


为履行WCT及WPPT之规定,美国于一九九八年十月月二十八日完成「一九九八年数字化千禧年着作权法案(The Digital Millenium Copyright Act of 1998,简称DMCA27」,修正其着作权法。DMCA第103条于美国着作权法增订第12章有关规避科技保护措施之责任,使其符合WCT及WPPT之规定,其所指之「科技措施」分为两类,包括防止未经授权而「接触(access)」着作之科技措施,以及防止未经授权而侵害着作权法所保护之权利之科技措施。对于制造或销售规避该二种科技措施之设备或提供规避该二种科技措施之服务,即「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」,都在禁止之列,而且规定制造、销售或提供之行为人必须对于其设备、服务系被作为规避之用知情始得加以科责28。至于关于规避行为之禁止,即「直接规避行为」,仅及于规避防止「接触」着作之科技措施29,而不及于规避防止未经授权而侵害着作权法所保护之权利之科技措施,盖后者之规避行为可能系在合理使用之情形下进行,如加以限制,可能连公众原有合理使用之特权都被剥夺,惟由于其未明定是否限于知情之规避行为,则其适用范围将包括所有规避之行为。关于「准备行为」之禁止,于法案通过后即刻生效,至于关于防止接触着作之科技措施之「直接规避行为」,则须于法案通过后二年(即2000年10月28日)始生效,其主要原因在于希望能有足够的时间,评估该条文对于着作合法使用会产生何等影响30。


如前所述,WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条仅针对「直接规避行为」为规范,而不及于「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」,然而DMCA却扩大其范围,除「直接规避行为」外,「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」,都在禁止之列,此一规定超越WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条之要求,过于保护着作权利人而限制使用人之利益,在美国引起诸多批评32。不过,类似规定在美国着作权法或相关法律之法制上并非首创,例如,为使数字化录音设备得以上市,经过相关利益团体之协商,「1992年家庭录音法案 (the Audio Home Recording Act of 1992)」修正着作权法,对于在美国境内散布的数字化录音设备应装置「多次重制管制系统(Serial Copy Management Systems, SCMS」或其它类似限制装置,以限制非法重制行为,并于第1002条(c)项规定禁止制造、散布或销售任何规避该等装置之设备;此外,一九八八年美国传播法(communication act)第605条(e)项(4)款亦禁止主要专供未经授权破解锁码卫星节目之设备,而「北美自由贸易区协议(NAFTA)」第1707条第(b)项亦有类似规定。

the Copyright Act.」参见同上注。 27

Pub. L. No. 105-304 (H.R. 2281), 112 Stat. 2860 (1998),有关该法案简介,请参见拙着「美国一九九八年数字化千禧年着作权法案简介」,刊载于「万国法律」1999年12月。 28

第1201条第(a)项第(2)款第(A)(B)(C)目及第(b)项第(1)款。 29

第1201条第(a)项第(1)款第(A)目「(A) No person shall circumvent a technological measure that effectively controls access to a work protected under this title. The prohibition contained in the preceding sentence shall take effect at the end of the 2-year period beginning on the date of the enactment of this chapter.」。 30

参见1998年7月22日美国众议院DMCA立法报告第二部分第37页。 31

参见1998年5月22日美国众议院DMCA立法报告第一部分第17页。 32

参见Pamela Samuelson, \"Intellectual Property and The Digital Economy: Why the Anti-Circumvention Regulations should Be Revised \"(1999) 14 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 519at 521。



(二)其对于规避科技保护措施以外仅具极有限之商业意义者; (三)被供作规避科技保护措施之使用而行销者。 由于消费性电子产品、通讯器材或计算机产品之业者对于禁止规避科技保护措施之设备或服务等规定是否会影响其产品之发展有所疑虑,第1201条第(c)项第(3)款特别澄清该等产品之制造商就该等产品之设计或其零件或组件之设计与精选并不一定非得依该条规定就某特定技术保护措施有所因应。

对于禁止规避科技保护措施之设备或服务等规定,第1201条第(c)项第(1)款及第(2)款分别定有「保留条款(saving clause)」,前者规定「(1)本法所定有关权利、救济、限制或着作权侵害之抗辩,包括合理使用等,均不因本条之规定而受影响。」后者则明定「(2)任何技术、产品、服务、装置、组件或其零件,其与着作权侵害有关之代理或辅助侵害责任,均不因本条规定而括大或降低。」






















刑事责任方面,其仅处罚为营利或个人利得(private financial gain)之故意侵害行为,非故意或非为营利或个人利得之行为并不处罚。任何人为营利或个人利得之目的而故意违反第1201条规定者,依第1204条规定,初犯科以美金五十万元以下之罚金,或处五年以下之徒刑或并处,累犯则科以美金一ΟΟ万元以下之罚金,或处十年以下之徒刑或并处。至于非营利性图书馆、档案保存或教育机构,则完全无刑事责任。关于刑事责任之追诉期间,美国现行着作权法为三年,本法案于第1204条第(c)项则延长为五年。

从上开修正可知,说美国极尽所能的,希望保护着作权人于数字化环境中之权利,甚至使着作权人于新科技发展下,享有新的控制其着作被接触之权利,这对于公众基于合理使用或其它合法方式接触信息之利益而言,显然极有负面影响。 六、澳洲之因应

澳洲政府自一九九四年政府委托着作权相关团体Copyright Convergence Group 发表之报告「高速的变化--新传播环境下的着作权(Highways to Change----Copyright in the New Communications Environment)」开始检讨数字化科技对着作人及使用人之影响。一九九七年七月,澳洲着作权主管机关法务部与通讯文化部联合发表「着作权修正与数字化议程(Copyright Reform and Digital Agenda)」,在一九九九年二月所提出的着作权法修正草案,对于数字化相关议题均已处理。2000年八月十七日澳洲国会通过该草案(The Copyright Amendment (Digital Agenda) Act 2000),该草案并于九月四日经澳洲总督批准,将于六个月后即2001年三月四日开始施行。

关于「科技保护措施」之议题,该法案于澳洲着作权法第十条第一项增订「规避之设备35」、「规避之服务36」、「科技保护措施37」等定义,并修正第132条5A及5B38,规定如着 35

所谓「规避之设备」,系指除作为规避或促进规避有效的科技保护措施以外,在目的上或使用上仅具有有限的或完全没有经济意义之设备(包括计算机程序)(circumvention device means a device (including a computer program) having only a limited commercially significant purpose or use, or no such purpose or use, other than the circumvention, or facilitating the circumvention, of an effective technological protection measure.) 36

所谓「规避之服务」,系指除作为规避或促进规避有效的科技保护措施以外,其作用在目的上或使用上仅具有有限的或完全没有经济意义之服务(circumvention service means a service, the performance of which has only a limited commercially significant purpose, or no such purpose or use, other than the circumvention, or facilitating the circumvention, of an effective technological protection measure.) 37

所谓「科技保护措施」,系指设备、产品或某一程序之组件,依其正常操作之程序,其目的系以下列方式作为防止或禁止侵害着作权或其它保护客体之用者:(a)用以确保欲接触着作或其它保护客体只能于权利人或法律所授权之下使用接触码或程序(包括译码、解压缩或其它转换形式者;经由拷备控制器者(technological protection measure means a device or product, or a component incorporated into a process, that is designed, in the ordinary course of its operation, to prevent or inhibit the infringement of copyright in a work or other subject-matter by either or both of the following means: (a) by ensuring that access to the work or other subject matter is available solely by use of an access code or process (including decryption, unscrambling or other transformation of the work or other subject-matter) with the authority of the owner or licensee of the copyright; (b) through a copy control mechanism.) 38

Subsection 132 (5A) A person must not provide, or by way of trade promote, advertise or market, a circumvention


(一)制造足以作为规避或促进规避有效的科技保护措施者; (二)从事有关规避设施之营利行为者;


(四)于网络上提供供规避用之设备以致对于着作权利人造成损害者; (五)提供足以作为规避或促进规避有效的科技保护措施之设备或服务者。


此外,对于禁止规避科技保护措施之设备或服务等规定,澳洲着作权法修正案订有数种例外之规定。在政府方面之例外,包括政府本身(the Commonwealth or a State or Territory)或其所授权之人(an authority of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory),为执行法律或为国家安全目的之执行,不适用该等规定40。在私人方面之例外,包括如下:



(三)图书馆或档案机构依第50条规定,为其它图书馆或档案机构重制者; (四)教育机构或协助视障或智障人士之机构之重制者; (五)依第183条规定,为皇室之特定服务而使用着作者41。 service if the person knows, or is reckless as to whether, the service will be used to circumvent, or facilitate the circumvention of, a technological protection measure.(5B) A person must not:(a) make a circumvention device; or (b)sell, let for hire, or by way of trade offer or expose for sale or hire, or otherwise promote, advertise or market, a circumvention device; or (c) distribute a circumvention device with the intention of trading, or engaging in any other activity that will affect prejudicially an owner of copyright; or (d) by way of trade exhibit a circumvention device in public; or (e) import a circumvention device into Australia with the intention of:(i) selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade offering or exposing for sale or hire, or otherwise promoting, advertising or marketing, the device; or (ii) distributing the device for trading, or for engaging in any other activity that will affect prejudicially an owner of copyright; or (iii) exhibiting the device in public by way of trade; or (f) make a circumvention device available online to an extent that will affect prejudicially an owner of copyright; if the person knows, or is reckless as to whether, the device will be used to circumvent, or facilitate the circumvention of, a technological protection measure. 39

The Government is of the view that adequate legal protection against the circumvention of effective technological protection measures can only be afforded if the manufacture and commercial dealings in

circumvention devices are banned. As the proposed EC Directive notes (see above), it would be more effective for owners of copyright to be able to seek remedies against the manufacture and commercial dealings with devices rather than seek remedies against individual users of those devices. The actual use of a circumvention device has therefore not been proscribed in the draft Bill. 40

116A Importation, manufacture etc. of circumvention device and provision etc. of circumvention

service......(2) This section does not apply in relation to anything lawfully done for the purposes of law enforcement or national security by or on behalf of: (a) the Commonwealth or a State or Territory; or

(b) an authority of the Commonwealth or of a State or Territory. 41

116A Importation, manufacture etc. of circumvention device and provision etc. of circumvention service...... (3) This section does not apply in relation to the supply of a circumvention device or a circumvention service to a person for use for a permitted purpose if: (a) the person is a qualified person; and

(b) the person gives the supplier before, or at the time of, the supply a declaration signed by the person:

在侵害之救济方面,违反第116A条禁止规避科技保护措施之规定者42,修正案分别就 (i) stating the name and address of the person; and

(ii) stating the basis on which the person is a qualified person; and

(iii) stating the name and address of the supplier of the circumvention device or circumvention service; and (iv) stating that the device or service is to be used only for a permitted purpose by a qualified person; and

(v) identifying the permitted purpose by reference to one or more of sections 47D, 47E, 47F, 48A, 49, 50, 51A and 183 and Part VB; and

(vi) stating that a work or other subject-matter in relation to which the person proposes to use the device or service for a permitted purpose is not readily available to the person in a form that is not protected by a technological protection measure.

(4) This section does not apply in relation to the making or importing of a circumvention device: (a) for use only for a permitted purpose relating to a work or other subject-matter that is not readily available in a form that is not protected by a technological protection measure; or

(b) for the purpose of enabling a person to supply the device, or to supply a circumvention service, for use only for a permitted purpose..............

(7) For the purposes of this section, a circumvention device or a circumvention service is taken to be used for a permitted purpose only if:

(a) the device or service is used for the purpose of doing an act comprised in the copyright in a work or other subject-matter; and

(b) the doing of the act is not an infringement of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter under section 47D, 47E, 47F, 48A, 49, 50, 51A, 183 or Part VB. (8) In this section: qualified person means:

(a) a person referred to in paragraph 47D(1)(a), 47E(1)(a) or 47F(1)(a); or

(b) a person who is an authorized officer for the purposes of section 48A, 49, 50 or 51A; or

(c) a person authorised in writing by the Commonwealth or a State for the purposes of section 183; or (d) a person authorised in writing by a body administering an institution (within the meaning of Part VB) to do on behalf of the body an act that is not an infringement of copyright because of that Part. supply means:

(a) in relation to a circumvention device sell the device, let it for hire, distribute it or make it available online; and

(b) in relation to a circumvention service provide the service.

(9) The defendant bears the burden of establishing the matters referred to in subsections (3), (4) and (4A). 42

116A Importation, manufacture etc. of circumvention device and provision etc. of circumvention service (1) Subject to subsections (2), (3) and (4), this section applies if:

(a) a work or other subject-matter is protected by a technological protection measure; and

(b) a person does any of the following acts without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter:

(i) makes a circumvention device capable of circumventing, or facilitating the circumvention of, the technological protection measure; (ii) sells, lets for hire, or by way of trade offers or exposes for sale or hire or otherwise promotes, advertises or markets, such a circumvention device;

(iii) distributes such a circumvention device for the purpose of trade, or for any other purpose that will affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright;

(iv) exhibits such a circumvention device in public by way of trade;

(v) imports such a circumvention device into Australia for the purpose of:

(A) selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade offering or exposing for sale or hire or otherwise promoting, advertising or marketing, the device; or

(B) distributing the device for the purpose of trade, or for any other purpose that will affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright; or

(C) exhibiting the device in public by way of trade;

(vi) makes such a circumvention device available online to an extent that will affect prejudicially the owner of the copyright;

(vii) provides, or by way of trade promotes, advertises or markets, a circumvention service capable of circumventing, or facilitating the circumvention of, the technological protection measure; and

(c) the person knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the device or service would be used to circumvent, or facilitate the circumvention of, the technological protection measure......... (4A) For the purposes of paragraphs (3)(b) and (4)(a), a work or other subject-matter is taken not to be readily



澳币),或处或并处五年以下有期徒刑,侵害人如为法人,依澳洲刑法规定,则处五倍之罚金(约$302, 500澳币45),而对于行为人之明知,举证责任在原告,其犯罪追诉期间则为六年46;于民事赔偿方面,则采举证责任之转换,亦即被告必须证明其对于其设备与服务主要系供作规避科技保护措施之用之事实并不知情,始可免责47。 七、日本之因应








由于日本着作权法关于科技保护措施之规定,仅禁止会造成侵害着作权之规避行为,从而,禁止他人重制或传输着作等客体之科技保护措施,固属规范对象,至于禁止他人接触着作等客体之科技保护措施,则不在此范围内,盖接触权非着作人等之权利;同时,禁止个人使用盗版软件之科技保护措施似亦不属日本着作权法关于科技保护措施,盖个人使 available if it is not available in a form that lets a person do an act relating to it that is not an infringement of copyright in it as a result of section 47D, 47E, 47F, 48A, 49, 50, 51A or 183 or Part VB.

(5) If this section applies, the owner or licensee of the copyright may bring an action against the person................. 43

依澳洲刑法第4AA条规定,一刑罚单位等于澳币110元。CRIMES ACT 1914 - SECT 4AA Penalty units (1) In a law of the Commonwealth or a Territory Ordinance, unless the contrary intention appears: \"penalty unit\" means $110. 44

section 132 (6A) A person who contravenes subsection (3), (5), (5AA), (5A), (5B), (5C)or (5D) is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction by a fine of not more than 550 penalty units and/or imprisonment for not more than 5 years. 45

Subsection 4B(3) of the Crimes Act 1914. 46

section 134..... (2) An action may not be brought under section 116A, 116B or 116C in respect of an act done by a person if more than 6 years have elapsed from the time when the act was done. 47

116A Importation, manufacture etc. of circumvention device and provision etc. of circumvention

service............ (6) In an action under subsection (5), it must be presumed that the defendant knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the circumvention device or service to which the action relates would be used for a purpose referred to in paragraph (1)(c) unless the defendant proves otherwise.

















亦符合WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条之规定。而WCT第十一条及WPPT第十八条之规定,既仅在禁止「规避着作人所使用于行使本条约或伯恩公约所定权利或供作制止未经着作人授权或法律所允许对其着作所为行为之有效的科技措施」则「科技保护措施」之保护范围仅限于着作权人为防止其权利被侵害所使用者,应已符合条约之规定。或谓条约后段「规避着作人所使用于供作制止未经着作人授权或法律所允许对其着作所为行为之有效的科技措施」可包括着作权人以科技限制他人接触其着作时,不得加以规避之理由,惟条约既未明文赋予着作权人接触权(right of access),将科技保护措施之规定限于保护着作权利人为防止其着作权法所赋予之权利被侵害所使用有效之科技方法,应已足够,此可避免当着作权人以科技限制他人接触其着作时,法律保护该等科技之结果将实质扩大着作权利人之权利,等于赋予着作权人一新的着作财产权-----接触权(right of access)。



对于违反「科技保护措施」之行为,不问其有无营利之目的,只要行为人「意图供侵害他人之着作权」而「制造、输入、散布专供规避科技保护措施之设备,或提供专供规避科技保护措施之服务或信息者」,均应被处罚,其仍仅限于「直接规避行为」以前之「准备行为」,并不包括「直接规避行为」,此一规定之结果,行为人不仅对于其制造、输入、散布之设备,或所提供之服务或信息,明知会被作为规避科技保护措施之用,且根本就有「供侵害他人之着作权」之意图,恶性重大,必须加以处罚始足以遏止。对于违反该条规定者,除常业犯外,原则上仍属告诉乃论之罪,其刑责为一年以下有期徒刑,得并科新台币十万元以下罚金,其为常业犯者,则处一年以上七年以下有期徒刑,得并科新台币四十五万元以下罚金。 九、本文之建议

虽然因为政治因素作梗,我国无法成为联合国会员国,从而无法加入其所属之组织WIPO,进而签署WIPO所管理之任何国际着作权公约,不过,由于世界贸易组织(WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION, WTO)之附录协议----「与贸易有关之智能财产权协议(Trade Related Aspect of Intellectual Property Rights, including Trade in Counterfeit Goods, TRIPS)」已将世界主要智能财产权公约,包括WIPO所管理之所有国际着作权公约,纳为WTO会员体应遵守之义务52,可以预见,下一阶段TRIPS之检讨,必将WCT及WPPT列入TRIPS之范踌,亦即不论我国能否被接受签署WIPO所管理之任何国际着作权公约,透过WTO/TRIPS之管道,我国未来仍将有义务履行WCT及WPPT之义务,只是在相关义务履行之时间点上,到底是在尚无义务以前,先修正我国着作权法以符合WCT及WPPT所定之相关义务,跟上国际着作权法制之潮流,还是等到必须履行该义务时再修正我国着作权法,其中之衡量属政策问题,重点则在何种策略较符合我国利益。



(一)虽然我国目前并无义务履行WCT及WPPT之义务,惟其既已为国际着作权法制之 52

TRIPS §9.1:「会员应遵守(一九七一年)伯恩公约第一条至第二十一条及附录之规定。 但会员依本协议所享有之权利及所负担之义务不及于伯恩公约第六条之一之规定所赋予或衍生之权利。」





参、「权利管理信息(Rights management information)」




WCT第十二条及WPPT第十九条「有关权利管理信息之义务」规定如下: 第十二条 有关权利管理信息之义务



(ii)未经授权而散布、或为散布而输入,广播、或对公众传播明知系未经授权而已被消除或变更之电子之权利管理信息之着作或着作重制物。 (2)本条所称「权利管理信息」,指附随于着作重制物或于着作向公众传播时所显现足以确认着作、着作人、着作之任何权利人、或使用该着作之期间或条件、及足以表现任何该等 53

关于着作权之侵害之除罪化,固不为笔者反对,惟基于刑罚衡平性之原则,在未除罪化以前,对于违反「科技保护措施」之行为,其刑责应不低于一般着作权侵害行为。 54



第十九条 有关权利管理信息之义务



(ii)未经授权而散布、或为散布而输入、广播、传播或对公众提供明知系未经授权而已被消除或变更之电子之权利管理信息之表演、被固着之表演之重制物或录音物。 (2)本条所称「权利管理信息」,指附随于固着之表演之重制物或录音物、或于固着之表演或录音物向公众传播或提供时所显现足以确认表演人、表演人之表演、录音物制作人、录音物、或表演或录音物之任何权利人、使用该表演或录音物之期间及条件,及足以表现任何该等项目之数字或数码等信息56。

依WCT第十二条及WPPT第十九条规定,对于违反「权利管理信息」保护规定之人科以责任,在刑事处罚上必须行为人就其行为明知且故意,于民事赔偿方面,只要有理由应知悉其行为将引起、促成、便利或包庇本条约所规范任何权利之侵害即可。又其「权利管理信息」限于电子化之「权利管理信息」,不包括非电子化之「权利管理信息」。不过,此一规定并不强迫着作权利人必须采取「权利管理信息」制度,只是如其使用「权利管理信息」,法律就须保护之。 三、欧盟之因应


第七条 关于权利管理信息之义务

1.会员国应提供适当之法律保护,以对抗任何人未经授权,明知或有理由应知道,其下列各款之行为将会引起、造成或促进对于任何着作权或其它法律所定与着作权有关之任何权利,或欧盟议会及理事会第96/9/EC号指令第三章所定特别权利之侵害者︰ (a)删除或修改任何电子形式之权利管理信息, 55

WCT Article 12 Obligations concerning Rights Management Information---(1)Contracting Parties shall provide adequate and effective legal remedies against any person knowingly performing any of the following acts knowing or, with respect to civil remedies having reasonable grounds to know, that it will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of any right covered by this Treaty or the Berne Convention:(i) to remove or alter any electronic rights management information without authority;(ii) to distribute, import for distribution, broadcast or communicate to the public, without authority, works or copies of works knowing that electronic rights management information has been removed or altered without authority.(2)As used in this Article, \"rights management information\" means information which identifies the work, the author of the work, the owner of any right in the work, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the work, and any numbers or codes that represent such information, when any of these items of information is attached to a copy of a work or appears in connection with the communication of a work to the public. 56

WPPT Article 19 Obligations concerning Rights Management Information----(1)Contracting Parties shall provide adequate and effective legal remedies against any person knowingly performing any of the following acts knowing or, with respect to civil remedies, having reasonable grounds to know that it will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of any right covered by this Treaty: i. to remove or alter any electronic rights management information without authority; ii. to distribute, import for distribution, broadcast, communicate or make available to the public, without authority, performances, copies of fixed performances or phonograms knowing that electronic rights management information has been removed or altered without authority.(2)As used in this Article, \"rights management information\" means information which identifies the performer, the performance of the performer, the producer of the phonogram, the phonogram, the owner of any right in the performance or phonogram, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the performance or phonogram, and any numbers or codes that represent such information, when any of these items of information is attached to a copy of a fixed performance or a phonogram or appears in connection with the communication or making available of a fixed performance or a phonogram to the public.


2. 本条所称”权利管理信息”指任何由权利人所为足以确认着作、其它本指令所定或欧盟议会及理事会第96/9/EC号指令第三章所定特别权利所包括之客体、着作人或任何其它权利人、或使用该等着作或其它客体之期间及条件,以及表彰该等信息之任何数字或数码。


欧盟关于「权利管理信息」之保护亦限于电子化之「权利管理信息」,不包括非电子化之「权利管理信息」。而对于删除或变更「权利管理信息」之人或散布「权利管理信息」已遭删除或变更之人之处罚,必系该人未经授权而为该等行为之情形,如系经权利人同意或属法律所允许之行为,则不在禁止之列。又本条仅限于着作权等之相关权利之保护,并不及于其它情形,例如向政府为虚伪陈报着作权等相关信息之情形。 四、美国之因应


本法案于美国着作权法第1202条第(c)项针对着作权管理信息定义其内容包括: (1)着作名称以及其它足以确认着作之信息,包括载于着作权标示中之信息; (2)着作人姓名以及其它足以确认着作人之信息;



(5)除着作系经无线广播电台或电视台公开演出者外,如系视听着作,该着作之作者,表演人或导演之姓名以及其它足以确认该等人士之其它信息; (6)该着作之使用条件;



第1202条有关着作权管理信息完整性之保护,区分为二项。第1202条第(a)项针对错 57

Article 7 Obligations concerning rights-management information----1. Member States shall provide for adequate legal protection against any person performing without authority any of the following acts: a) the removal or alteration of any electronic rights-management information; b) the distribution, importation for distribution, broadcasting, communication or making available to the public, of copies of works or other subject matter protected under this Directive or under Chapter III of Directive 96/9/EC from which electronic rights-management information has been removed or altered without authority, if such person knows, or has reasonable grounds to know, that by so doing he is inducing, enabling or facilitating an infringement of any copyright or any rights related to copyright as provided by law, or of the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of Directive 96/9/EC. 2. The expression 'rights-management information`, as used in this Article, means any information provided by rightholders which identifies the work or other subject matter referred to in this Directive or covered by the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of Directive 96/9/EC, the author or any other rightholder, or information about the terms and conditions of use of the work or other subject matter, and any numbers or codes that represent such information. The first subparagraph shall apply when any of these items of information are associated with a copy of, or appear in connection with the communication to the public of, a work or other subject matter referred to in this Directive or covered by the sui generis right provided for in Chapter III of Directive 96/9/EC.





刑事责任方面,任何人为营利之目的而故意违反第1202条规定者,依第1204条规定,初犯处以美金五十万元以下之罚金,或处五年以下之徒刑或并科,累犯则处以美金一ΟΟ万元以下之罚金或处十年以下之徒刑,或并科。至于非营利性图书馆、档案保存或教育机构,则完全无刑事责任。关于刑事责任之告诉期间,美国现行着作权法为三年,本法案于第1204条第(c)项则延长为五年。 五、澳洲之因应

澳洲着作权法修正案首先于第十条第(1)项就「电子权利管理信息(electronic rights


management information)」为定义,在于第116B条及第116C条就删除或变更「电子权利管理信息59」及为营利目的而散布「电子权利管理信息」已被删除或变更之着作等60,并在 58

electronic rights management information means: (a) information attached to, or embodied in, a copy of a work or other subject-matter that:(i) identifies the work or subject-matter, and its author or copyright owner; or (ii) identifies or indicates some or all of the terms and conditions on which the work or subject-matter may be used, or indicates that the use of the work or subject-matter is subject to terms or conditions; or (b) any numbers or codes that represent such information in electronic form. 59

116B Removal or alteration of electronic rights management information----- (1) This section applies if: (a) a person removes or alters any electronic rights management information attached to a copy of a work or other subject-matter in which copyright subsists; and (b) the person does so without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright; and (c) the person knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the removal or alteration would induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter. (2) If this section applies, the owner or licensee of the copyright may bring an action against the person. (3) In an action under subsection (2), it must be presumed that the defendant knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the removal or alteration to which the action relates would have the effect referred to in paragraph (1)(c) unless the defendant proves otherwise. 60

116C Commercial dealings etc. with works whose electronic rights management information is removed or altered---- (1) This section applies if: (a) a person does any of the following acts in relation to a work or other subject-matter in which copyright subsists without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright: (i) distributes for the purpose of trade a copy of the work or other subject-matter; (ii) imports into Australia a copy of the work or other subject-matter for the purpose of trade; (iii) communicates a copy of the work or other subject-matter to the public; and (b) any electronic rights management information attached to the copy has been removed or altered; and (c) the person knew that the electronic rights management information had been so removed or altered without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright;



额。在刑事处罚方面,增订第132条(5C)及(5D)违反第116B条及第116C条侵害「电子权利管理信息」之规定者,第132条6A项科以550单位之罚金,或科或并科五年以下有期徒刑,修正案对于行为人之明知,举证责任在原告,其犯罪告诉期间则为六个月63。 六、日本之因应

日本一九九九年六月十五日修正通过之着作权法关于「权利管理信息」方面,该法首先于第二条第二十一款就「权利管理信息」为定义64,于第一百十三条第三款将违反「权利管理信息」规定之行为视为侵害着作权等之权利65,违反者依第一百一十九条规定刑事处罚 and (d) the person knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the act referred to in paragraph (a) that was done by the person would induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter. (2) If this section applies, the owner or licensee of the copyright may bring an action against the person. (3) In an action under subsection (2), it must be presumed that the defendant: (a) had the knowledge referred to in paragraph (1)(c); and (b) knew, or ought reasonably to have known, that the doing of the act to which the action relates would have the effect referred to in paragraph (1)(d);unless the defendant proves otherwise. 61

116D Remedies in actions under sections 116A, 116B and 116C---- (1) The relief that a court may grant in an action under section 116A, 116B or 116C includes an injunction (subject to such terms, if any, as the court thinks fit) and either damages or an account of profits. (2) If, in an action under section 116A, 116B or 116C, the court is satisfied that it is proper to do so, having regard to: (a) the flagrancy of the defendants actions that are the subject of the action; and (b) any benefit shown to have accrued to the defendant as a result of those acts; and (c) any other relevant matters; the court may, in assessing damages, award such additional damages as it considers appropriate in the circumstances. 62

(5C) A person must not remove or alter any electronic rights management information attached to a copy of a work or other subject-matter in which copyright subsists, except with the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright, if the person knows, or is reckless as to whether, the removal or alteration will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter. (5D) A person must not: (a) distribute a copy of a work or other subject-matter in which copyright subsists with the intention of trading; or (b) import into Australia a copy of such a work or other subject-matter with the intention mentioned in paragraph (a); or (c) communicate to the public a copy of such a work or other subject-matter; without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright if any electronic rights management information attached to the copy has been removed or altered and the person: (d) knows that the electronic rights management information has been so removed or altered without the permission of the owner or licensee of the copyright; and (e) knows, or is reckless as to whether, the doing of the act referred to in paragraph (a), (b) or (c) will induce, enable, facilitate or conceal an infringement of the copyright in the work or other subject-matter. 63

section 134..... (2) An action may not be brought under section 116A, 116B or 116C in respect of an act done by a person if more than 6 years have elapsed from the time when the act was done. 64

(xxi) \"rights management information\" means information concerning moral rights or copyright mentioned in Article 17, paragraph (1) or rights mentioned in Article 89, paragraphs (1) to (4) (hereinafter in this item referred to as \"copyright, etc.\") which falls within any of the following (a), (b) and (c) and which is recorded in a memory or transmitted by electromagnetic means together with works, performances, phonograms, or sounds or images of broadcasts or wire diffusions, excluding such information as not used for knowing how works, etc. are exploited, for conducting business relating to the authorization to exploit works, etc. and for other management of copyright, etc. by computer: (a) information which specifies works, etc., owners of copyright, etc. and other matters specified by Cabinet Order; (b) information relating to manners and conditions of the exploitation in case where the exploitation of works, etc. is authorized; (c) information which enables to specify matters mentioned in (a) or (b) above in comparison with other information. 65

Article 113. (Acts considered to be infringements)----- ....(3) The following acts shall be considered to constitute infringements on moral rights, copyright or neighboring rights relating to rights management information concerned: (i) the intentional addition of false information as rights management information; (ii) the intentional removal or alteration of rights management information excluding the case where such act is conditional upon technology involved in the conversion of recording or transmission systems or other cases where it is deemed unavoidable in the light of the purpose and the manner of exploiting works or performances, etc.; (iii) the distribution, importation for distribution or possession for distribution of copies of works or performances, etc. by a person who knows that any act mentioned in the preceding two items has been done concerning such works or performances, etc. or the public transmission or making transmittable



----着作、表演、录音物、广播节目或有线播送节目等之名称。 ----权利人之姓名。 ----使用期间及条件。 其规范之禁止行为包括︰



--明知该电子之权利管理信息已被消除、变更或误加,竟未经授权而加以散布、或为散布而输入、或为对公众散布或传播而持有。 七、我国「着作权法修正草案」之因应

我国「着作权法修正草案」关于「权利管理信息」方面,信息工业策进会办理之「着作权面对高科技发展之因应配合研究计画」,其所提之具体建议修正条文中,原仅于第八十七条视为侵害着作权之行为增订为第七款,「有下列情形之一者,除本法另有规定外,视为侵害着作权或制版权:............ 七、明知为表彰着作权人权利之着作权电子管理信息,未经着作权人同意而解除或变更,或明知着作之电子管理信息已经遭解除或变更,而散布、为散布而进口、广播或对公众传播者。」


依上开修正观察,我国关于「权利管理信息」方面之保护,已依WCT第十二条及WPPT第十九条规定增订,其限于「电子化」之权利管理信息,不包括「非电子化」之权利管理信息,且明文规定其为「电子化着作权权利管理信息」,应较其它国家采「权利管理信息」之用语更为明确。又违反「电子化着作权权利管理信息」之保护规定者,仍以行为人明知为要件,其刑事责任为告诉乃论。至于民事责任方面则以一般侵害着作权之损害责任课之,未作特别规定。 八、本文之建议

关于「权利管理信息」方面之保护,本文建议草案第三条第一项第十六款「电子化着作权权利管理信息」之定义,再修正为「指附随于着作原件或其重制物或于着作向公众传播时所附随足以确认着作、着作名称、着作人、着作财产权人或其所授权之人、或利用该着作之期间或条件等之电子化信息。」以使其范围更周延。在体例上,亦同意于第八十七条 of such works or performances, etc. by such person.





WCT、WPPT及各国有关「科技保护措施」之规定 直接规避行为 准备行为 保护范围 刑罚 民事责任 WCT及WPPT草 ※ 限于保护任诸各国任诸各国自案 着作权等自行规定 行规定 之科技措施,不及于限制接触着作等之科技措施。 WCT及WPPT ※ 包括保护任诸各国任诸各国自着作权等自行规定 行规定 及限制接触着作等之科技措施。 欧盟指令草案 ※ 任诸各国任诸各国自自行规定 行规定 欧盟指令 ※ ※ 任诸各国任诸各国自自行规定 行规定 美国 ※ ※ 包括保护1.应于五1.禁制令 着作权等年内起诉。 2.每一行为澳洲 ※ 日本 ※ ※ 我国草案 ※ 及限制接2.初犯,美应赔偿美金触着作等金五十万200元至之科技措元以下之2,500元 施。 罚金,或处五年以下之徒刑或并科;累犯,处以美金一ΟΟ万元以下之罚金,或处十年以下之徒刑,或并科。 1.应于六举证责任转年内起诉。 换。 2.科60,500澳币,或处或并处五年以下徒刑。 限于保护处以一年无 着作权等以下有期之科技措徒刑,或一施,不及于百万日元限制接触以下之罚着作等之金。§120科技措施。 之1 处一年以无 下有期徒刑,得并科新台币十万元以下罚金
