

2022-07-09 来源:易榕旅网

1、学校中的人物 【考察思路】

人物关系:学生&老师、学生&学生;人物职业身份:学生、老师、图书馆管理员... 具体场面:学习、作业、论文、考试、上课、讲座、报告、办公室... 【高频词汇】

各类学生:freshman;sophomore;junior student;senior student ; 本科生undergraduate; 研究生postgraduate;

学士学位 bachelor's degree 硕士学位master's degree 博士生 doctor student / doctor candidate

各类老师:教授professor 讲师 teaching fellow/ lecturer 导师advisor / supervisor / tutor /mentor 系主任dean 系department 学院school

研究生院graduate school 校长 president 全体员工/全体教师staff 其它人员:管理员coordinator 图书馆管理员librarian 2、选课、选专业或选学校场景 【常见思路】





(5)学生填好选课单后必须找自己的advisor签字,advisor往往会给些修改意见; (6)人数已满会选不上课;有时会因某种原因临时退课drop a class; (7)开课之前需要注册登记,了解上课的时间地点并领取听课证。



录取be admitted to.../be accepted by... 注册register for ... 选课sign up for / take the course 退课drop/ quit the course 逃课cut/skip a class 错过课miss a class 偶然学到Pick up

取消cancel 报满 full 选修课selective / elective /optional course 必修课requirement / compulsory course / required course

讲座lecture 研讨会seminar 课程 curriculum 专业major 主修major in 学分credit 没有学分的课程 non-credit course 修学分earn a credit 转学分transfer credit 学期semester/ term 负担workload

免修一门课程waive a course 旁听一门课程audit a course

初级课程elementory course 高级课程 advanced course 选课单course sheet

数学math 计算机课程computer course 心理学psychology course 物理学 physics

化学chemistry 生物学biology 生物化学biochemistry 经济学economics 文学Literature 计算机科学computer science 社会学 sociology 地理学 geology

高级物理advanced physics 数据处理data processing 计算机程序 computer programming (09.12)

工程学engineering 语言学linguistic 理科science 文科art

常春藤联盟the IVY league 哈佛大学Harvard 耶鲁大学Yale University 麻省理工学院 MIT

学费tuition 学杂费 school fee 日常花费daily expenses/living cost/living expenses 助学金financial aid / stipend 学生贷款a student's loan

奖学金(泛指)scholarship 助研奖学金assistant ship 申请apply for

3、上课、听讲座、听报告场景 【常见思路】






(6)其它:迟到被老师批评;落课借笔记;到办公室找老师,遭遇“大人物繁忙原则”; 【高频词汇】

讲座lecture 演讲speech 课堂发言/陈述presentation 研讨会seminar/workshop Do you have the seminar schedule with you? 你有研讨会的日程表么?(07.6 06.6) 白天的课day course 晚上的课 evening course (09.12)

出席人员attendance 缺席absent 出席present 弥补(课/考试)make up 取消cancel 守时punctual 记笔记take notes 保持清醒stay awake

昏昏欲睡doze off 睡着fall asleep 培养兴趣build the interest

推迟put off/postpone 拖堂prolong the class 枯燥boring 发人深省的thought-provoking 令人兴奋的stimulating 给人印象深刻的impressive 极好的fantastic/ excellent/ outstanding/ terrific

跟不上hard to follow 明白、理解understand/figure out/see 不明白at sea/ lost/ confused/puzzled 4、学习场景


(1)学习需要一个quite 的enviroment,但却常常受disturb,周围有很多distractions(令人分心的事物); (2)对学习full of 或lack of 热情enthusiasm;学习遇到difficulties,感到exhausted/blue,缺乏信心lack of confidence需要对方的开导help him out,才能进步improvement;必要时对方会advise你take a break,让自己好好relax一下;

(3)有时study really hard,却收效甚微或成绩terrible,对方会advise他不要过分看重成绩,应该找出原因(causes)或解决办法(solutions),因为学习方法study strategies很重要——预习prepare lessons before class是很重要的;学习时一定要学会抓重点focus on the main points或concentrate on the important ideas,而ignore the details;但是不提倡使用

test-taking strategies;男生常常要借女同学的笔记note或请女同学或教授做课后指导instruction after class才能迎头赶上come up with others;

(4)如果学习和其他事情冲突,一般“学习考试优先”,放弃(give up/quit)其他事情而选择学习;

(5)家长谈论学生学习,十分地望子成龙,一般都担心孩子不用功或成绩不好,此时会有人来打气、安慰; 5、作业、论文场景 【常见思路】


(2)关于论文:论文的题目和材料的选择要征询教授的意见;有时论文选题太大,需要找很多材料,很难写;此时可以适当缩小题目; 【高频词汇】

作业homework/school work/tast/assignment

论文paper 小论文essay 学期报告term paper 毕业论文thesis 参考书reference book 参考书目reference list 读书清单reading list 读书报告reading report 实验experiment 实验报告experiment report 调查survey/investigate 数据data

反馈feedback 草稿draft 忙于做be busy doing 上交hand in 最后期限dead line 到期due 延期ask for extension 对...严厉be strict with 辜负某人的期望let sb down 结束,完成be through with sth.(两次考到) 6、考试场景

【常见思路】考试往往比较难,很容易fail,偶尔考好一次,会令人激动异常! 【高频词汇】

期中考试 mid-term exam 期末考试 final exam 测验quiz 突击测验 pop quiz 分数 grade /score 及格pass 及格分pass grade

考试失败fail/ flunk 平均学分积GPA 补考makeu 作弊cheat 推迟delay 取消cancel 重新安排考试时间rearrange the time for exam 考试周exam week 复习review/go over/brush up

紧张:nervous /intense/ strained/ uptight/

熬夜:stay up /be up 高分high score 低分low score 全得A excellent/ straight A A+ A plus B- B minus 优异成绩excellent

7、读书场景 【常见思路】

(1)图书馆场景(校内): 找书找不到; 借书已借出; 还书时超期或干脆弄丢了,要交罚款; 有时在图书馆上自习...I have trouble to find it. ask the librarian for help; 已借出on loan (2)书店场景(校外):书会脱销,需要提前订购;买二手书(second hand book/used book _),因为“学生贫穷原则”;书有两种,精装版hard cover/hardback edition和简装版paperback edition;偶尔会on sale;



阅览室reading room 参考书阅览室reference book reading room

期刊阅览室periodical reading room 书架shelf 书库stack 复印机copycat 自习室studding room 图书馆长, 图书管理员librarian

书目catalogue 索引index 卷,宗file 借书卡library card 书面许可writing permission 预约 reservation 外借loan 超期overdue 续借renew 还书check in

罚款fine 被限制在馆内阅读put on reserve 杂志magazine 期刊periodical /journal

季刊quarterly 现刊current issue 过刊back issue 最新一期latest number /lastest issue 杂志合订本bound volume 作者author 题目subject 名字title

关键字key words 办理借阅手续(borrow procedure) check out 借书证library card 额外的副本extra copy

订购书order book 订阅(杂志)subscribe 脱销out of stock 已绝版out of print 出版/出版物publication 出版社press 小说novel 科幻小说science fiction 侦探小说whodunit /detective story (口语) 悬疑小说mysterious story 非小说类文学作品:自传biography 历史书籍history book 社论editorial 畅销书best seller 【常见词组】

对书入迷be addicted to/ be attracted by the book;

全神贯注地看书bend one's head on the book; pore over the book

读书快的人fast reader 好不容易看完plough through the novel 从头到尾看小说get through the novel

广泛地阅读 read extensively 选择性地阅读 read selectively 书评book review 【真题例句】

Did you check the pile of the journals you borrowed for the library the other day? 你查过那一摞头几天从图书馆借来的学刊了么?

8、课外活动场景 【常见思路】 【高频词汇】

参加、参与:take part in/ participate in; 登记register; 参加(俱乐部、课程等)join in; 参与者participant;

合唱队chorus; 学校乐队school band; 戏剧社drama society; 宿舍管理委员会dorm council;

课程委员会curriculum committee; 学生会student union; 主席president; 竞选election; 选票vote; 选民登记voter registration; 问卷调查 questionnaire survey; 选举活动election campaign; 竞选活动负责人 campaign manager;

候选人candidate; 竞赛competition 选手competitor; 奖award; 值得worthy; 半决赛semi-final; 进入决赛reach the final; 被淘汰be eliminated; 吉他guitar; 小提琴violin; 号trumpet; 萨克斯saxophone; 芭蕾ballet;

偶然学到pick up; 绘画painting/ drawing; 绘画颜料paints; 画笔painting brush;画板painting board; 素描sketch;

油画oil painting; 水彩画water color; 风景画landscape painting; 拍照片take a photo;照相馆studio; 一卷胶卷a roll of film;

冲胶卷develop the film; 焦距focus; 快门shutter; 镜头lens; 闪光灯flashlight; 相册photo album;

兼职工作part-time job; 有一份兼职工作have a job on the side


【常见思路】饮食均衡,锻炼身体;男生对比赛狂热; 【高频词汇】

体育运动:tennis shoes; tennis court; ice hockey; to ski; roller skating; jogging; marathon; cycling; rock climbing; hiking; 举重weight lifting;拳击boxing 体操gymnastics

体育锻炼 physical exercise 体育课PE(physical education)class 身体健康:to keep fit; as fit as a fiddle; be in a good/poot shape; to be out of shape; to feel under the weather;

to go on a diet; to eat a well-balanced meal; to take off weight;

to run/exercise regularly; professional player; to beat the world champion;

10、同学交往 【常见思路】

(1)关于约会:旅行、野餐、吃饭...常常涉及时间、地点、天气等,对方的回答常常是I'd love to, but...;


(3)有时候对话一方会犯错误,甚至hurt对方,但总是I didn't mean to hurt you. 然后一方面想弥补(make it up for you),一方面道歉(make an apology),对方一般都会接受道歉;


拜访pay a visit; call to pay respects; call on; be on a visit; a call; go [call] to see; drop in; look sb. up; see; drop in on sb.; come round

联系contact 保持联系keep in touch with 关系relationship 同伴companion 和我做伴keep me company to do sth

邮件 email 传口信take a message 约会date/appointment; 二、日常生活场景的基本背景知识 11、打电话场景 【常见思路】打电话出现的问题:拨错电话I am sorry I dialed the wrong number. 占线 The line is busy.

信号不好听不清楚The phone is not clear. 没这个人There is no one by this name.留言leave a message

别挂电话 hold on for moment / hold the line 【高频词汇】

长途电话long distance call 越洋电话over sea call 对方付款电话collect call 打进的电话incoming call

往外打的电话outgoing call 公用电话phonebooth 手机cell phone/mobile phone

移动硬盘mobil (hard)disk 投币式电话pay phone 受话者接听的电话person to person call 叫号电话station to station call

电话本 telephone book /directory 电话听筒 receiver 电话账单 phone bill 挂上电话 hang up 先别挂hold on for a minute 电话掉线break down

给某人打电话 ring sb up / give sb a ring/call 电话自动答录机 answering machine 稍等,我马上给你打过去。I will call your back in a minute. 12、餐馆场景

【常见思路】选择什么餐馆就餐(有学校内和学校外两种情况on campus/off the campus);就餐时有预定;点菜;对菜品评价;买单等行为动作; 【高频词汇】

1、餐馆类型 餐馆restaurant 食堂dining room; mess hall;canteen; cafeteria; inn; motel; fast food; snack food; snack bar 酒吧bar/ saloon/ groggery/ taproom 法式餐厅French restaurant 意式餐厅Italian restaurant ;

餐馆place 三明治sandwich 汉堡包hamburger 赛百味subway 面包新语bread talks 必胜客pizza hut 汉堡王burger king

2、食物种类 自助餐buffet 沙拉salad 汤 soup 喝汤drink soup 汤匙soup spoon 饭桌礼仪table manners 汁,酱sauce 甜点 dessert 主菜 main dish 布丁 pudding 调味汁dressing 面包圈doughnut 法式面包French bread 一条面包 a loaf of bread 果酱 jam; marmalade 苹果派Apple Pie 土司 toast 披萨 pizza 土豆片potato chips 炸薯条 French fries 牛排 steak 餐馆常见问题:\"How do you like your steak cooked?” 3、各种饮料

酸奶yoghourt 软饮料soft drinks 苏打水 soda water 橘汁Orange Juice 矿泉水mineral water 柠檬汁 lemon juice 酒wine 烈酒 liquor 啤酒 beer 4、常见行为动作

预定: reservation/ book “I am sorry all the tables have been booked out.” 点菜:菜单 menu 点菜 order 看菜单 bring me the menu

推荐,招牌菜recommendation “Are you ready to order, sir?” “See the menu” “What is the specialty of the house?” “I will be back with your order in a minute.”

买单:pick up the bill I will pick up the table. Let me treat you. Let me foot the bill It's on me. I will buy the bill. 小费tip

AA制:Let's go Dutch. 各人付自己的帐Let's go fifty-fifty. separate checks split the bill 5、餐馆打工: dish-washer/ waiter/ waitress 13、职场场景

【常见思路】面试(预约、咨询、面试过程、等待或通知面试结果);学生之间或应聘者之间对面试、写简历和找工作的讨论(学生往往紧张不安,其原因在于准备面试或等待面试结果;由于厌烦了现在的工作而找新工作等);职场人物关系; 【高频词汇】

求职者job hunter成为一个好的...... to make good worker全职full time兼职part time 自由职业者freelancer 申请工作apply for a job 接受 accept

拒绝 refuse; Reject; turn down; decline; in one's refusal to do; give sb. a flat refusal; repel; pass up

拒绝某份工作 turn down the job

电面 telephone interview饭面 dinner interview 面对面的面试 face to face office interview 找新工作find a new job有空缺职位job vacancy求职信letter of application 简历biographical notes; Curriculum vitae; résumé


(1)basic / personal info.基本信息/个人资料 (2)educational background教育背景 (3)work experience工作经验 (4)certificates and honors

面试interview聘用信offer letter 加班work overtime; work an extra shift; work extra hours 加钱ask for /get a rise

各种钱的表达:周薪weekly pay; weekly payroll; weekly wage日薪 daily salary 奖金money award; bonus; premium; reward; bounty; testimonial 津贴subsidy; allowance; bounty; emolument; perquisite

年收入annual income 升职 promotion 解雇fire 辞职 quit/resign 退休retire 下岗 laid-off 接替别人的位子 take over 工作work / job / career / course 职务 post / position / vocation / title

为补偿生活起居费用上涨而实行的底薪 cost living rise

假期休息的说法(依次是从大到小)holiday vacation 年假annual leave

病假 sick leave 休息rest 喝杯茶、喝杯咖啡的休息break 茶歇:tea time 离开一会away 你面试进行的怎么样了?How is the job interview?

寻找相关领域内有经验的人 look for people with experience in the profession 面试的注意事项:

穿着干净 wear tidy in the clean cloth. 回答问题要诚实 to respond truthfully to inquiry

诚实是最好的策略 Honesty is the best policy. 镇静点,别慌张。 Calm down. /Be yourself. 面试的典型问题:

Which position do you think most appeal to you?你觉得什么职位最适合你? Why would you like to get this post?你为什么想来这里干活?

What makes you think you succeed in this position?你认为你的优势在哪里?

Why do you think your mind like to work for our company?你为什么想来我们公司工作 How do you rate yourself at professional?在这个专业领域你是怎么评价你自己的?

办公室常见人物: boss老板 你是我的顶头上司:\"You are my immediately boss.\" secretary秘书

前台front desk 雇员employee 雇主 employer 面试 interview 面试官interviewer 面试者interviewee

部门 department 部门主管head of department 经理manager 总经理general manager 总裁president

首席执行官Chief Executive Officer 董事长chairman of the board 【典型面试对话示例】(略高于六级难度)

Birna: I heard that you have a vacant position for a secretary I've come to apply for the job. Receptionist: Please wait here for a second. Brina: OK.

Mr. Graham: Who is the next applicant? Receptionist: Miss, it's your turn. Brina:I am.

Mr. Graham: Come this way, Please. Do you have your resume with you? Brina:Yes,here it is.

Mr. Graham: Sit down, Miss Faulkner.... You're presently working at Creative Advertising


Brina: Yes, as a sales representative.

Mr.Graham: What makes you want to quit the job?

Brina: Frankly, it is an interesting job, but I'm not suitable for it. Too much tension and pressure. Mr.Graham: Is it hard work?

Brina: I don't mind hard work and working overtime. It's the atmosphere that drives me crazy. Mr.Graham: It'll be tough work to be a secretary here, you must understand that. The boss is very touchy and hard to get along with. Have you been a secretary before?

Brina: Yes, I have. I was a pretty good secretary. I know how to handle a

bad-tempered boss. I'm sure I'll be a competent secretary if you take me on your staff.

Mr. Graham: Thank you for coming, Miss Faulkner. I'll let you know as soon as we've made a decision.

克娜:听说你们有个秘书的空缺。我是来应征的。 接待员:请在这儿稍候。 克娜:好的。

格姆先生:下一个应征者是谁? 接待员:小姐,该你了。 克娜:我来了。

格姆先生:请这边走。有没有带履历表来? 克娜:有,在这儿。

格姆先生:请坐,福克纳小姐。………你目前在创作广告公司上班? 克娜:是的,当业务代表。


克娜:坦白说,那是份很有趣的工作,但是我不适合。太紧张,压力太大了。 格姆先生:辛苦吗?




格姆先生:谢谢你来,福克纳小姐。我们一有决定,我就会通知你。 14、看病场景 【常见思路】学生看病的时候要知道自己的症状,看病时根据病情的轻重缓急选择急诊还是常规就诊;病人很粗心,经常不按时药;医生很忙,需要预约,而且预约有四种状态:预约、确认、推迟、取消;

(四六级听力中医生、教授、导演等“大人物”都很忙); 【高频词汇】

医生:内科医生physician 外科医生surgeon 牙科医生dentist; surgeon dentist 医院的部门名称: 候诊室waiting room 急诊室emergency room;ER 小诊所 clinic 医疗中心 health center 校医院 infirmary

常见的生病症状:症状symptom 感冒 catch a cold 病愈get over

发烧:have [run] a fever; have [run] a temperature; fire; heat; temperature; fever

温度 temperature 咳嗽cough; tussis 流鼻涕run at the nose/ rhinorrhea 肚子痛upset


头痛 headache 过敏allergy 心脏病 heart attack 骨折 fracture 脚踝 ankle 流血bleeding 体检check up / annual checkup / physical examination

常见的药品: 阿斯匹林aspirin 药品medicine 剂量dosage 吃药take the pill

药方prescript; anagraph; prescription 打针have an injection 抓药fill the prescription 一天三次 take the pills three times a day 【高频表达方式】You should have done sth. 你本该做什么事(意思是对方没有做某个该做的事)

You should have taken the doctor's advice. 你本该听大夫的建议。 15、机场场景

【常见思路】登机、托运行李、接人、买机票、换机票(换乘其他航班) 航班经常发生的事情:晚点、取消,其原因往往是天气恶劣。 【高频词汇】

机场airport 起飞take off 降落land 抵达arrive 盘旋circle 行李luggage

登机门boarding gate / departure gate 登机牌boarding card/pass 离港departure 起飞时间 departure time 机场费air port fare 办理登记手续check in

行李柜台baggage counter 头等舱first-class cabin; saloon-cabin 经济舱tourist class 商务舱 business class 准点到达 arrive on schedule 晚点(到达)delay 延误,取消 cancel 预定航班make a flight reservation
