Understanding and Predicting the Process of Software
Maintenance Releases*
Victor Basili, Lionel Briand, Steven Condon,Yong-Mi Kim, Walcélio L. Melo and Jon D. Valett**
To appear in the
Proc. of the 18th Intl Conf. on S/W Eng., Berlin, Germany, March 1996.
One of the major concerns of any maintenance organization is to understand and estimate the costof maintenance releases of software systems. Planning the next release so as to maximize theincrease in functionality and the improvement in quality are vital to successful maintenancemanagement. The objective of this paper is to present the results of a case study in which anincremental approach was used to better understand the effort distribution of releases and build apredictive effort model for software maintenance releases. This study was conducted in the FlightDynamics Division (FDD) of NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This organization isrepresentative of many other software maintenance organizations. Over one hundred softwaresystems totaling about 4.5 million lines of code, are maintained by this organization. Many ofthese systems are maintained for many years and regularly produce new releases. This paperpresents three main results: 1) a predictive effort model developed for the FDD’s softwaremaintenance release process, 2) measurement-based lessons learned about the maintenance processin the FDD, 3) a set of lessons learned about the establishment of a measurement-based softwaremaintenance improvement program. In addition, this study provides insights and guidelines toobtain similar results in other maintenance organizations.
Key words: software maintenance, measurement, experience factory, case studies, qualityimprovement and goal/question/metric paradigms.
Software maintenance is generally recognized to consume the majority of resources in manysoftware organizations [Abran & Nguyenkim, 1991; Harrison & Cook, 1990]. As a result,planning releases so as to maximize functionality and quality within the boundaries of resourceconstraints (such as, budget, personnel, and time to market) is vital to the success of anorganization. The software maintenance process is, however, still poorly understood and looselymanaged worldwide. As described in [Haziza et al., 1992], numerous factors can affect software
* V. Basili, Y.-M. Kim and W. Melo are with the University of Maryland, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
and Computer Science Dept., A. V. Williams Bldg., College Park, MD 20742 USA. S. Condon is with ComputerSciences Corporation, 10110 Aerospace Rd., Lanham-Seabrook, MD 20706 USA. L. Briand is with the CRIM,Montreal, Canada. J. Valett is with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Software Engineering Branch, Greenbelt,MD 20771 USA. E-mails: {basili | kimy | melo}@cs.umd.edu., lbriand@crim.ca, steven_condon@cscmail.csc.com,jon.valett@gsfc.nasa.gov
** Authors are listed in alphabetical order.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
maintenance quality and productivity, such as process, organization, experience, and training.Unfortunately the complexity of the phenomena frequently obscures the identity and impact of suchfactors in any given maintenance organization. The resulting uncertainty about productivity andquality in the next software release gives rise to unreliable cost and schedule release estimates.To effectively manage the software release process, managers must be supplied with more accurateinformation and more useful guidelines to aid them in improving the decision-making process,planning and scheduling maintenance activities, foreseeing bottlenecks, allocating resources,optimizing the implementation of change requests by releases, etc. In order to accomplish this, weneed to define and validate methodologies that take into account the specific characteristics of asoftware maintenance organization and its processes, e.g., the software maintenance releaseprocess. However, methods that help software maintainers change large software systems onschedule and within budget are scarce. Methods currently available for improving softwareprocesses, such as the Software Engineering Institute Capability Maturity Model (SEI CMM)[Paulk, et al., 1993], have not been validated thoroughly. Even though a few methods have beendemonstrated to be useful for software development (e.g., QIP [Basili & Rombach, 1988]) theyhave only recently begun to be applied to software maintenance [Valett et al., 1994]. The workdescribed in this paper is a further step in the application of these methods.1.2Objective
The objective of this paper is to use an incremental and inductive approach for improving softwaremaintenance by focusing on the construction of descriptive and predictive models for softwaremaintenance releases. We present the results of a case study in which this approach wassuccessfully used to build a predictive effort model for software maintenance releases in a large-scale software maintenance organization. This case study took place in the Flight DynamicsDivision (FDD) of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC). This organization is arepresentative sample of many other software maintenance organizations. The FDD maintains overone hundred software systems totaling about 4.5 million lines of code, and many of these systemsare maintained for many years and regularly produce new releases.
In this paper, we are mostly concerned with presenting the results of the process used to builddescriptive and predictive models of software maintenance releases in a particular environment.Although, the models produced in this study are organization dependent, we believe that theprocess used to build them can be easily replicated in different software organizations.
The paper is organized as follows. It first presents the framework in which this study wasconducted: the FDD and the Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL). Next an overview of ourapproach to software maintenance process improvement is provided. The paper then presents themeasurement program used to collect product and process data about maintenance projects andreleases. This is followed by a quantitative analysis of the data collected from January 1994 toJune 1995 on the delivery process of over 29 releases of 11 different systems. This analysispresents descriptive models of the maintenance environment, as well as a predictive model forrelease productivity. Next the paper presents the lessons learned from the analysis and validationof data, and discusses lessons drawn from establishing a software maintenance measurementprogram. Finally, future work is outlined.
2.Study framework and approach to model building
2.1The environment
GSFC manages and controls NASA’s Earth-orbiting scientific satellites and also supports SpaceShuttle flights. For fulfilling both these complex missions, the FDD developed and now maintains
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
over 100 different software systems, ranging in size from 10 thousand source lines of code(KSLOC) to 250 KSLOC, and totaling approximately 4.5 million SLOC. Many of these systemsare maintained over many years and regularly produce new releases. Of these systems, 85% arewritten in FORTRAN, 10% in Ada, and 5% in other languages. Most of the systems run on IBMmainframe computers, but 10% run on PCs or UNIX workstations.
This study was conducted through the SEL, which is a joint-venture between GSFC, ComputerSciences Corporation, and the University of Maryland. Since 1976, the SEL has been modelingand experimenting in the FDD with the goals of understanding the software development processin this environment; measuring the effect of software engineering methodologies, tools, andmodels on this process; and identifying and applying successful practices [McGarry et al., 1994].Recently, responding to an organizational need to better control the cost and quality of softwaremaintenance, the SEL has initiated a program aimed at characterizing, evaluating and improvingthese maintenance processes.2.2The approach
This SEL program on maintenance began in October 1993 and is being conducted using anempirical approach which is an instantiation of the more general Quality Improvement Paradigm(QIP) and the Goal/Question/Metric Paradigm (GQM) [Basili & Rombach, 1988]. In thefollowing paragraphs we provide an overview of this approach and show how it has helped us inthe construction of a predictive model for software maintenance releases. This approach was testedand continuously refined through experience. Further details can be found in [Briand et al, 1994;1995].
First, qualitative studies were performed in order to better comprehend organization- and process-related issues. Here, the objective was to identify and understand, as objectively as possible, thereal issues faced by the organization. Specific modeling techniques such as the Agent DependencyModel were used as part of this step (see [Briand et al., 1995]). Such a technique can help captureimportant properties of the organizational context of the maintenance process and help tounderstand the cause-effect mechanisms leading to problems. Such qualitative data must becomplemented with quantitative data.
In a subsequent step, the outputs produced by the first step were used to justify and define arelevant and efficient measurement program (i.e., what to collect, when to collect, and how tocollect). In addition, interpreting the data coming from such a program was made easier because ofthe increased level of understanding of the process in place.
Once the measurement program began (i.e., data collection forms were available, data collectionprocedures defined, people trained, etc.), process and product data were collected and variousissues identified as relevant to the maintenance process were analyzed. Based upon such analyses,the relationships between process attributes, such as effort, and other variables characterizing thechanges, the product to be changed, and the change process were identified. For instance, in thispaper, a model for predicting release effort from estimated release size is presented to help softwaremaintenance managers in the FDD environment optimize release resource expenditures. Suchmodels will be incrementally refined when new information of either a qualitative or quantitativenature is available.
3.A GQM for this study
As pointed out in [Pigoski, & Nelson, 1994; Rombach et al., 1992; Schneidewind, 1994], theestablishment of a measurement program integrated into the maintenance process, when welldefined and established, can help us acquire an in-depth understanding of specific maintenanceissues and thereby lay a solid foundation for the improvement of the software maintenance release
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
processes. To do so, we must define and collect those measures that would most meaningfullycharacterize the maintenance process and products. In order to define the metrics to be collectedduring the study, we used the GQM paradigm [Basili & Rombach, 1988]. We first present theGQM goals of the study, then present the metrics and the data collection method used. For thesake of brevity the questions accompanying each goal are presented with the data analysis.3.1GoalsGoal 1:
Analyze: the maintenance release generation processfor the purpose of: characterizationwith respect to: effort
from the point of view of: management, experience factory for maintenance
In this goal, we are interested in understanding the maintenance release generation process of themaintenance organization with respect to the distribution of effort across software activities, acrossmaintenance change types, and across software projects.
Next , we need to identify the variables we can use to produce predictive models for maintenance.That is, we must study and understand the relationship between the different facets of effort andother metrics, such as type of releases, type of change, change size, types of component change(modification, inclusion or deletion of code). Formalizing such a problem in the GQM format, weformulate the following goal:Goal 2:
Analyze: maintenance release process
for the purpose of: identifying relationships between effort and other variableswith respect to: type of release, type of change, size of change, and kind of changefrom the point of view of: experience factory for maintenance
This second goal is a necessary step that leads from Goal 1 to the following goal:Goal 3:
Analyze: release delivery processfor the purpose of: predictionwith respect to: productivity
from the point of view of: experience factory for maintenance
3.2Metrics and models
In this section we describe the metrics and models used in this study. The preliminary qualitativemodeling of the maintenance process enabled the definition and refinement of these metrics andmodels.
Maintenance change types
We consider the following maintenance change types:•••
error correction: correct faults in delivered system.
enhancement: improve performance or other system attributes, or add new functionality.adaptation: adapt system to a new environment, such as a new operating system.
Maintenance activities
The following maintenance activity classification is used in the data collection forms:
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
Impact analysis/cost benefit analysis. The number of hours spent analyzing several alternativeimplementations and/or comparing their impact on schedule, cost, and ease of operation.Isolation. The number of hours spent understanding the failure or request for enhancement oradaptation.
Change design. The number of hours spent actually redesigning the system based on anunderstanding of the necessary change; includes semiformal documentation, such as releasedesign review documents.
Code/unit test. The number of hours spent to code the necessary change and test the unit;includes semiformal documentation, such as software modification test plan.
Inspection/certification/consulting. The number of hours spent inspecting, certifying, andconsulting on another's design, code, etc., including inspection meetings.
Integration test. The number of hours spent testing the integration of the components.Acceptance test. The number of hours spent acceptance testing the modified system.Regression test. The number of hours spent regression testing the modified system.System documentation. The number of hours spent writing or revising the system descriptiondocument and math specification.
User/other documentation. The number of hours spent writing or revising the user's guide andother formal documentation, except system documentation.
Other. The number of hours spent on activities other than the ones above, includingmanagement.
A more detailed presentation of the maintenance activities model is presented in [Valett et al, 1994].Release types
Maintenance releases in our environment were classified into three categories: mostly errorcorrection, mostly enhancement, and mixture. A more detailed discussion is presented inSection 4.4Size and effort
The size of a software change is measured as the sum of the number of source lines of code(SLOC) added, changed, and deleted. SLOC is defined to include all code, unit header lines,comments, and blank lines. Effort is measured by person hours that were charged to maintenanceprojects.
3.3Data collection method
The following forms were used to collect the data for this study:•••
software change request (SCR) form;weekly maintenance effort form (WMEF);software release estimate form (SREF).
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
Again, without a preliminary qualitative analysis of the maintenance process, determining thecontent and format of the forms would have been extremely difficult.3.3.1 SCR forms
On the SCR, the user or tester specifies what type of change is being requested: error correction,enhancement, or adaptation. The maintainer specifies using an ordinal scale the effort spentisolating/determining the change, as well as the effort spent designing/implementing/testing thechange. The maintainer also provides six numbers characterizing the extent of the change made:(1) number of SLOC added, (2) changed, (3) deleted; (4) number of components added, (5)changed, (6) deleted. In addition, the maintainer further specifies how many of the components initem (4) were newly written, how many were borrowed and reused verbatim, and how many wereborrowed and reused with modification3.3.2 WMEF forms
Each maintainer, tester, and manager working on one of the study projects was required to reportproject hours each week on a WMEF. The WMEF required each person to break down projecteffort two ways: (1) by specifying the hours by the type of change request performed (errorcorrections, enhancements, or adaptations) or as other hours (e.g., management, meetings), and(2) by specifying the hours by the software activities performed (such as design, implementation,acceptance testing).
Because the WMEF did not originally allow a person to specify to which maintenance release ofthe project his hours applied, uncertainty resulted if a maintenance team was involved in more thanone maintenance release in the same week. For many projects, maintenance releases did overlap.Therefore, in August 1994, we revised the WMEF by requiring personnel in the study to specify towhich release each activity hour applied. In addition, each maintainer (but not tester) is nowrequired to specify on his WMEF to which SCR each activity hour applies.3.3.3 SREF forms
The SREF is a new form created by the authors to capture estimates of the release schedule, releaseeffort, release content (i.e., list of SCRs), and release extent (i.e., number of units and lines ofcode to be added, changed or deleted). Maintenance task leaders submit an SREF at the end ofeach phase in the maintenance release life cycle
4.Quantitative analysis of the SEL sample maintenance goals
In this section, we provide the results of our analyses from the data collected during this study. Inmost cases, the data consisted of 25 complete releases for ten different projects. The effort perrelease ranged from 23 hours to 6701 hours, with a mean of 2201 hours. The total changes perrelease ranged from 21 SLOC to 23,816 SLOC, with a mean of 5654 SLOC.4.1Effort across maintenance activities
In this section we are interested in the following questions related to Goal 1:••
Q1.1. What is the distribution of effort across maintenance activities (i.e., analysis/isolation,design, implementation, testing, and other; see below)?
Q1.2. What are the most costly projects and what is the distribution of effort acrossmaintenance activities in these projects?
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
For simplicity, we have grouped the 12 maintenance categories into 5 groups, as follows:•••••
Analysis/isolation: impact analysis/cost benefit analysis, isolationDesign: change design, 1/2 (inspection/certification/consulting)Implementation: code/unit test, 1/2 (inspection/certification/consulting)Testing: integration test, regression test, acceptance testOther: system documentation, other documentation, other
Using these groupings, the distribution of maintenance effort across maintenance activities isshown in Figure 1. The first pie chart of this figure represents the overall distribution based onthe total effort expended in the 25 complete releases (10 projects) studied. Five projects accountedfor 17 of these 25 releases. The remaining pie charts show the effort distributions for these 5projects, based on their 17 complete releases. These 5 projects were the costliest projects in theFDD between January 1994 and June 1995, counting all project effort, i.e., including effort forboth complete and partial releases in this time period . During this time period, Swingby accountedfor 28% of the maintenance effort, MTASS for 19%, GTDS for 12%, MSASS for 10%, and ADGfor 8%.
5 Releases18%3%Analysis &IsolationDesign16%4 Swingby Releases
14%24%5 MTASS Releases10%11%12%24%
34%33%1 ADG Release24%5%ImplementTestOther14%
5 MSASS Releases0%1%5%7%3%8%4%29%
2 GTDS Releases8%36%%13%4%
37%30%Figure 1: Distribution of effort among software maintenance activities
One difference amount these projects is that MTASS has the largest percentage of testing effort,
34%. Closer examination reveals that testing made up 17% of the two earlier MTASS releases and43% of the three latter releases. A similar trend is suggested by MSASS—17%, followed by 31%.In addition, both projects show a decreasing trend in implementation effort, 43% followed by 27%for MTASS, and 41% followed by 37% for MSASS. These trends are not evident, however, forSwingby, the only other project in our study that is represented by more than 2 releases. Theincrease in MTASS and MSASS testing may be due to the fact that these programs consist of largesoftware libraries that are enhanced and reused from mission to mission. As the software grows,more regression test time is necessary. Another difference is seen in the large amount of ‘other’time for GTDS. One of the GTDS releases involved porting the GTDS software from an IBMmainframe to a workstation. A significant amount of training time (listed as other) may have beennecessary for the maintainers. More study is required before we can with confidence recommendsuch pie charts to release managers as guides for resource allocation. It is likely that such modelswill also need to factor in what type of changes (adaptation, correction, or enhancement) constitutethe release.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
4.2Effort across maintenance change types
In this section we consider the following questions related to Goal 1:••
Q1.3. What is the distribution of effort across maintenance change types (i.e., adaptation, errorcorrection, enhancement, other)? That is, how was the total maintenance effort expended?Q1.4. Is the distribution of effort across maintenance activities the same for the differentsoftware maintenance change types?
Figure 2 presents the average distribution of effort across maintenance change types. Thedistributions for individual projects vary significantly from each other and also from this averagedistribution. For example, effort spent on enhancements varied from 51% to 89% among the mostdominant projects.
Other20%Adaptation5%Correction14%Enhancement61%Figure 2: Effort Distribution by Type of Change
In the FDD, enhancements typically involve more SLOC than error corrections. The 25 completereleases contained 187 change requests from users. Of these, 84 were enhancement changerequests, with a mean size of 1570 SLOC, whereas 94 were error correction change requests, witha mean size of only 61 SLOC. This data supports the intuitive notion that error corrections arerelatively small isolated changes, while enhancements are larger changes to the functionality of thesystem.
Now, we address the fourth question. In order to answer this question, we need to know how amaintainer’s activity effort is distributed for each change type. With the old WMEF we could notsimultaneously analyze effort by both activity and change type. With the new WMEF we can doso for the programmers’ effort, because programmers report the activity effort associated with eachSCR, and we know the change type of each SCR. Due to the fact that testers, and usually taskleaders, report their effort by release—but not by SCR—we cannot analyze their effort this way.Figure 3 shows the effort spent by programmers on correction and enhancement maintenancetypes, each broken down by maintenance activities. We do not include the ‘testing’ and ‘other’groups of activities, because much of this activity is not tagged to individual SCRs, and we do notwant to present a misleading picture of how much time is spent in these activities. As expected,software maintainers spent more effort on isolation activities when correcting code than whenenhancing it. Conversely, they spent much more time on inspection, certification, and consulting,when enhancing code than when correcting it. The proportions of effort spent on design andcode/unit test are almost the same for the two types of change requests.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
INSPECTION, CERTIFICATION,CONSULTING26%ERROR CORRECTIONSFigure 3. Programmer effort distribution across five maintenance activities for error
correction and enhancement maintenance changes
4.3Testing changes vs. release changes
In this section we consider the following question related to Goal 1:•
Q1.5. What is the impact of the errors inserted into the projects by the maintainers with respectto maintenance effort and code changed ?
In this study we distinguished two types of change requests: user and tester change requests. Theoriginal content of the release consists of change requests submitted by users. During theimplementation of each release some errors may be introduced by the maintenance work. If theseerrors are caught by the testers, they in turn generate tester change requests, which become part ofthe same release delivery. The 25 complete releases contained 187 user change requests, whichrequired 138,000 SLOC. The same releases had 101 tester change requests, which required 3600SLOC. Thus the tester change requests accounted for 35% of the SCRs in the release, but only2.5% of the SLOC, as is shown in Figure 4.
SLOCFigure 4: SCR count and SLOC differences between user and
tester change requests (for 25 releases)
The effort data associated with individual SCRs is incomplete for releases which began beforeAugust 1994 (when the authors revised the WMEF), so the percent of effort associated with testerSCRs is unclear, but the SLOC count suggests that it is a small percentage. In a preliminaryattempt to examine the distribution of effort between tester change requests and user changerequests, the authors selected 5 releases started and completed between August 1994 and June1995 (see Figure 5). Since enhancements tend to be larger than error corrections, and since all
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
tester change requests are error corrections, we ignored the enhancements requested by the users(there were no adaptations). In this sample 42% of the error correction SCRs are tester SCRs, butthese tester SCRs account for only 27% of the programmer effort associated with these the errorcorrection SCRs in these 5 releases. The number of SLOC added, changed, or deleted for thesetester SCRs corresponds to 29% of the total number of SLOC changed, added or deleted for allerror correction SCRs.
Tester27%User58%Tester29%User71%LOCTester42%User73%EFFORTCRsFigure 5: SCR count, Effort, and SLOC differences between 5 completed releases
In order to better comprehend the differences between user and tester SCRs with regard to effortand SLOC we calculated the level of significance of these differences. To do so, we used theMann-Whitney U non-parametric tests [Hinkle et al., 1995].
We assumed significance at the 0.05 level, i.e., if the p-value is greater than 0.05, then we assumethere is no observable difference between tester and user SCRs. The results of these tests as wellas other descriptive statistics are provided in Table 1. These statistics are shown for the sake ofcompleteness and also because they help us interpret the results of the analysis in the remainder ofthis section. In addition, these statistics will facilitate future comparisons of results in similarstudies since they will help explain differences in results through differences in statisticaldistributions.
DescriptiveUser SCRsTester SCRsStatisticsSLOChoursProduc.SLOChoursProduc.Maximum3006827.27752316Minimum320.15430.19Median24191.2616161.92MeanStd Dev
Mann-Whitney U TestVariablep-valueSLOC0.2069Hours0.2637Productivity0.3215
Table 1: Descriptive statistics of user and tester SCRs and Mann-Whitney U test results
As this table shows, the mean productivity for user SCRs (3.50) is almost the same as for tester
SCRs (3.76). Productivity is defined as the total SLOC added, changed and deleted, divided bythe total effort spent to add, change, or delete that SLOC. Based on the results presented in Table1, we can conclude that there is not a significant difference between the user SCRs as compared totester SCRs from the perspective of effort, SLOC and productivity (all the p-values are greater than0.05). Therefore, even though the maintainers have already spent time understanding the code tobe modified when the change was first requested, they are not significantly more productive whencorrecting their own mistakes than they were earlier correcting errors requested by the users. Thissurprising result is an additional motivation to eliminate errors during the maintenance process.Understanding why tester SCRs are not easier to correct in the current maintenance process maylead to substantial productivity gains.
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However, we cannot confirm if this is only a particular situation which happened on these 5completed releases. We must continue to pursue this analysis in order to verify if these results arevalid.
4.4Release productivity
For this paper, our major concern is how to estimate the cost of subsequent maintenance releases.Planning the next release so as to maximize the increase of functionality and the improvement ofquality is vital to successful maintenance management. By analyzing the various relationshipsbetween effort and other variables (see Goal 2, we suggest for our environment a predictive model(Goal 3) based upon lines of code per release. By following our procedure (Goals 1, 2 and 3)other organizations can develop their own predictive models, based upon their specificcharacteristics and the relationships between variables found in their organization. In this sectionwe are interested in answering the following questions related to Goal 3:••
Q3.1.What is the productivity model for the 3 different types of maintenance releases(i.e., enhancement, error correction, and mixture) within the SEL?Q3.2.
Does a constant amount of overhead exist for any type of maintenance release?
Evaluating the data available on 25 completed maintenance releases within the SEL environment,provided insight into potentially different kinds of maintenance releases. In attempting to develop acost model for software maintenance releases, we first plotted the size of maintenance releases(measured in SLOC added, changed, and deleted) against the total effort expended on the release.Initial evaluation of this data (by visual inspection) showed that the data seemed to break into 4different groups.
One group of 4 releases had very high productivity. In trying to find some reason to explain whythese releases differed from the others, we noted that the average ratio of units added versuschanged for these 4 releases (1.4) was much higher than for the other 21 releases (0.1). Were theadded units primarily reused units (either verbatim or with modification), rather than newly writtenunits, we might assume that the high productivity of these 4 releases was due to their high reuse.But the source of the units added to these 4 releases was not consistent. Sometimes the addedunits were predominantly borrowed from other projects and reused with modification. But othertimes the added units were predominantly newly written units. In the latter case, reuse is not theanswer.
The answer may be the header, PDL*, comment, and blank lines which SLOC includes in itsdefinition. Newly written units typically contain a high percentage of such lines, but older units—and the maintenance changes made to them—often include a much smaller percentage of suchlines. The older units often do not have PDL, so PDL is often not updated when the code ischanged. Although more study is needed verify this hypothesis, this reinforces the need to have athorough knowledge of the process and products in order to interpret the data and build accuratemodels.
Dismissing these four releases as unusual, we continued to evaluate the remaining 21 releases.Based on an inspection of the data, we developed a scheme for characterizing the other 3 kinds ofreleases. The three groups seemed to be divided into those releases that were primarily made up ofenhancements, those made up primarily of error corrections, and those that fell into neither of thesetwo categories. The scheme used to divide the releases is based on the percentage of changerequests within the release that were enhancements or corrections and the percentage of SLOC that
* In the FDD pseudo code, referred to as Program Design Language (PDL), is included in the source code file.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
was added, changed, or deleted as a result of enhancements or corrections. Two criteria areestablished for testing the release type:
•Criterion 1 - (Percentage of Change Requests that are enhancements > 80) or (percentage of
SLOC due to enhancements > 80)SLOC due to corrections > 80)
•Criterion 2 - (Percentage of Change Requests that are corrections > 80) or (percentage of
Release type was then determined based on the following test:
If (criterion 1) and Not (criterion 2) then Release type = EnhancementElseif (Criterion 2) and Not (Criterion 1) the Release type = CorrectionElse Release type = mixedendif
This test subdivided the remaining 21 releases into 14 enhancement releases, 3 correction releases,and 4 mixed releases.
The major result of this study is the development of a predictive cost model for maintenancereleases that are primarily composed of enhancements. Figure 6 shows the results of a standardlinear regression of total release effort versus total lines of code added, changed, and deleted. Thismodel has a coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.75, which is statistically significant at the0.00006 level. By estimating the size of a release, an effort estimate can be determined. Theequation for the line fit is:
Effort in hours = (0.36 * SLOC) + 1040
70006000500040003000200010000020004000600080001000012000140001600018000Total SLOC Added, Changed, or Deleted in REnhancement ReleasesMixed ReleasesError Correction ReleasesLinear Regression Fit for Enhancement ReleasesFigure 6. Linear Regression Results for Enhancement Releases
Any maintenance release will have some overhead. It is likely that this overhead stems partly from
regression testing and comprehension activities which are somewhat independent from the size ofthe change. The y-intercept of 1040 hours seems to imply that there is an average release overheadof approximately 1040 hours for enhancement releases in the FDD.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
The number of data points for error correction releases and mixed releases makes development ofaccurate models for them difficult. More data points will be needed to determine if similarlyaccurate models can be developed. The preliminary data suggests, however, that the productivityfor error correction releases and mixed releases is significantly lower than for enhancementreleases. This suggests that error corrections are less productive—in terms of SLOC per hour—than are enhancements. The error correction releases and mixed releases tend to be smaller thanmost of the enhancement releases. If the above observations are true, it may be wise to try to avoidscheduling small error correction releases. Instead the manager should try, when possible, topackage small error corrections in a release with larger enhancements. If the enhancements requiremaking changes to the same units or group of units as required by the error corrections, then thesavings would likely be larger still. (Of course, with urgent error corrections one does not havethe luxury of delaying error corrections until such an opportunity comes along.)
5.Limitations of the data collection and lessons learned
During this research effort, many valuable lessons were learned. These lessons can be divided intogeneral results for studying maintenance and results for data collection.
In the area of lessons learned for studying maintenance, the following statements can be made:
•An overall understanding of the maintenance process and the maintenance environment is
crucial to any maintenance study. The combination of qualitative understanding with
quantitative understanding has been invaluable. The qualitative understanding helped to driveand improve the data collection process.
thorough understanding of the environment four outlier enhancement releases might not havebeen recognized as a distinct subset.
•Understanding the environment provides valuable context for the data analysis. Without a
In the area of lessons learned on data collection:
•Recognize the limitations of the data and work within those limitations. Data collection by its
nature is inexact. Researchers must work within the limits of the data and recognize that theconclusions are only as valid as the data. Qualitative evidence (i.e., structured interviews,analysis of products and process documentation) should be actively used to gain moreconfidence in the results.
the quality assurance procedures and analysis of the quality of the data for this study.
•Assuring the quality of the data collected is a difficult task. The following paragraphs describe
The SCRs are tracked very effectively by the FDD configuration management (CM) team. Theirlogging and tracking database provided a thorough check on release contents. By comparing thecontents of the SEL database with the CM database, we were able to identify any SCRs missingfrom the SEL database. Copies of these missing SCRs were then acquired from the CM team andentered into the SEL database. Thus, in general, the release contents were characterized to a highlevel of confidence.
Two minor problems were encountered with the SCR data. First, from talks with maintainers itwas learned that the maintainer does not always agree with the change type specified by the user ortester. The user may call a change request an error correction, whereas the maintainer might judgeit to be an enhancement. This is not thought to occur in many cases.
Secondly, during the course of the study we learned that not all maintainers were using the samedefinition in reporting lines of code added, changed, or deleted. The SEL usually uses source lines
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
of code (SLOC), which includes all PDL lines, comment lines, and blank lines, as well as regularlines of code. Most maintainers were using this definition for lines of code on the SCR form. Inaddition to SLOC, however, the FDD sometimes reports lines of code without counting any PDL,comments, or blanks. The authors learned that some maintainers had been reporting this numberon their SCR forms. Luckily most cases were confined to a single project and a single release.For this release the task leader supplied accurate totals of SLOC added, changed, and deleted.The tracking of weekly effort is not nearly as thorough and rigorous as the tracking of SCRs. Noformal audit process exists to assure that all personnel are submitting WMEFs each week theywork on a project. Many managers do try to assure that their personnel submit the forms, but theprocess is not guaranteed.
Still we feel confident that the effort data is reasonably complete and accurate. When possible, datavalidation has been done with the WMEF data. For example, in some cases, we found that SCRshad been submitted (after the revised WMEF went into effect) but that no maintainer had listed thisSCR on his WMEF. The maintainers who worked on these SCRs were then identified and wererequired to revise their WMEFs.
6.Conclusions and Future Directions
In this paper, we described descriptive models of a software maintenance environment and anincremental approach for the construction of release productivity models for that environment. Theformer type of models helped us understand better how and why effort is spent across releaseswhile raising new process improvement issues. The latter type of models helped us providemanagement tools for maintenance task leaders. In order to validate our approach, a case studywas conducted at the NASA Software Engineering Laboratory, where we showed the feasibility ofbuilding such models. In addition, we derived a set of lessons learned about our maintenanceprocess which allowed us to propose concrete improvement steps. Based on these results, someof the many issues that should be further investigated are discussed below.
As more releases are completed, predictive models for the other categories of releases can bedeveloped. Having cost models for all three types of releases, along with an understanding of theoutlier subset of high productivity releases, would complete the cost modeling area of our study.Good cost models for the other types of releases might not be obtainable, but further understandingof the overhead of a release might give better guidance on release content.
In addition to the current model, there is a need for an effort prediction model at the change level.This would help the maintainers perform cost/benefit analysis of the change requests and therebybetter determine the release content within budget constraints.
The suite of predictive models can also be expanded to include reliability. We would like to be ableto predict, for example, the number of errors uncovered during each maintenance release. Suchinformation will lead to more guidance on release content, and to a better understanding of therelease testing process.
We want to thank Roseanne Tesoriero for her valuable suggestions that helped us improve both thecontent and the form of this paper.
Technical Report, University of Maryland, Computer Science Dept., College Park, MD 20770 USA. Aug. 1995.
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