关键词:移动IPv6 快速切换 层次切换 切换时延 移动锚点
分类号: TN915.04 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1673-629X(2008)10-0158-04
Handover Technology Based on Mobile IPv6
LIN Jia-yan, YU He-wei
School of Computer Science & Engineering, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou
510006, China
Abstract:In the mobile IPv6 network,mobile node will produce handovers when it moves among different sub networks. The problems of delaying and losing data packets limit the application of mobile IPv6. Research on handover based on mobile IPv6 is no time to delay. Summarize the developing and working-principles of mobile IPv6 handover. And then recount particularly the basically improved handover technologies. On this basis,analyze the delay of three improved handover technologies which have been improved aiming at decreasing delay. By analyzing, can know that all the three technologies can decrease delay, and can improve handover-performance, and the hierarchical fast mobile IPv6 handover is the most effective method.
Key words:mobile IPv6;fast handover;hierarchieal handover; handover delay;mobile access point