6 Lateral buckling of beams
6.1 Introduction
In the discussion given in Chapter 5 of the in-plane behaviour of beams, it was assumed that when a beam is loaded in its stiffer principal plane, it deflects only in that plane. If the beam does not have sufficient lateral stiffness or lateral support to ensure that this is so, then it may buckle out of the plane of loading, as shown in Fig. 6.1. The load at which this buckling occurs may be substantially less than the beam's in-plane load carrying capacity, as indicated in Fig. 6.2.
6.1 说明
For an idealized perfectly straight elastic beam, there are no out-of-plane deformations until the applied moment M reaches the elastic buckling moment M0b, when the beam buckles by deflecting laterally and twisting, as shown in Fig. 6.1. These two deformations are interdependent: when the beam deflects laterally, the applied moment has a component which exerts a torque about the deflected longitudinal axis which causes the beam to twist. This behaviour, which is important for long unrestrained I-beams whose resistances to lateral bending and torsion are low, is called elastic flexural-torsional buckling.
The failure of a perfectly straight slender beam is initiated when the addi-tional stresses induced by elastic buckling cause first yield. However, a per-fectly straight beam of intermediate slenderness may yield before the elastic buckling moment is reached, because of the combined effects of the in-plane bending stresses and any residual stresses, and may subsequently buckle in- elastically, as indicated in Fig. 6.2. For very stocky beams, the inelastic buckling moment may be higher than the in-plane plastic collapse moment Mp in which case the moment capacity of the beam is not affected by lateral buckling.
In this chapter, the behaviour and design of beams which fail by lateral buckling and yielding are discussed. It is assumed that local buckling of the compression flange or of the web (which is dealt with in Chapter 4) does not occur. The behaviour and design of beams bent about both principal axes, and of beams with axial loads, are discussed in Chapter 7.
6.2 Elastic beams
6.2.1 BUCKLING OF STRAIGHT BEAMS Simply supported beams with equal end moments
A perfectly straight elastic beam which is loaded by equal and opposite end moments is shown in Fig. 6.3. The beam is simply supported at its ends so that lateral deflection and twist rotation are prevented, while the flange ends are free to rotate in horizontal planes so that the beam ends are free to warp (see section 10.8.3). The beam will buckle at a moment A/0b when a deflected and twisted equilibrium position, such as that shown in Fig. 6.3, is possible. It is shown in section that this position is given by
where is the undetermined magnitude of the central deflection, and that the elastic buckling moment is given by
MobMyz, (6.2) Where
where EIy is the minor axis flexural rigidity, GJ the torsional rigidity, and E/w the warping rigidity of the beam. Equation 6.3 shows that the resistance to buckling depends on the geometric mean of the flexural resistance(2EIy/L2) and the torsional resistance(GJ2EIW/L2).
6.2.1 直梁的愚蠢 端弯矩相等的简支梁
为梁跨中挠度,大年夜小未知,弹性愚蠢弯矩运算公式为:MobMyz, (6.2)
Equation 6.3 ignores the effects of the major axis curvature d2vdz2MobEIX and produces conservative estimates of the elastic buckling moment equal to
1EIy/EIX1GJ2EIW/L22EIX times the true value. This correction factor,
which is just less than unity for most beam sections but may be significantly less than unity for column sections, is usually neglected in design. Nevertheless, its value approaches zero as Iy approaches Ix so that the true elastic buckling moment approaches infinity. Thus an I-beam in uniform bending about its weak axis does not buckle, which is intuitively obvious.
Research [1] has indicated that in some other cases the correction .factor may be close to unity, and that it is prudent to ignore the effect of major axis curvature.
截面设计中是能够忽视的,柱的设计中则不然。它把梁的Iy和IX算作零处理,使得梁的弹性愚蠢弯矩接近无穷大年夜。专门明显,I型钢梁可不能绕弱轴愚蠢。研究【1】注解在其他情形下修改值接近真实值,忽视强轴曲率是能够的。 Beams with unequal end moments
A simply supported beam with unequal major axis end moments M and as shown in Fig. 6.4a. It is shown in section that the value of the end Jimoment Mab at elastic flexural-torsional buckling can be expressed in the .-form of
MobmMyz (6.4) in which the moment modification factor mwhich accounts for the effect of the non-uniform distribution of the major axis bending moment can be closely approximated by
or by 端弯矩不等的简支梁
如图6.4.a所示,一简支梁遭受端弯矩M和M,所示,弯扭愚蠢梁端弯矩公式为: MobmMyz (6.4)
These approximations form the basis of a very simple method of predicting the buckling of the segments of a beam which is loaded only by concentrated . loads applied through transverse members preventing local lateral deflection and twist rotation. In this case, each segment between load points may be treated as a beam with unequal end moments, and its elastic buckling moment may be estimated by using equation 6.4 and either equation 6.5 or 6.6 and by taking L as the segment length. Each buckling moment so calculated corre-sponds to a particular buckling load parameter for the complete load set, and the lowest of these parameters gives a conservative approximation of the ac-tual
buckling load parameter. This simple method ignores any buckling in-teractions between the segments. A more accurate method which accounts for these interactions is discussed in section
这种近似是一种推测集中荷载感化下梁段的愚蠢情形简单方法,是为了防止截面产生侧向位移或扭转。在这种情形下,集中荷载感化点之间的梁能够被算作遭受不相等梁端弯矩的梁,其愚蠢弯矩能够用公式6.4及6.5或6.6来表示,L为集中荷载感化点之间的梁段长度。每一个估量的愚蠢弯矩对应所有荷载中的一个具体愚蠢荷载,个中的最小值给出了实际愚蠢荷载系数的保守估量。这种简化忽视了梁端间愚蠢的互相阻碍。在6.6.2.2中将评论辩论不忽视互相阻碍的更精确的方法。 Beams with central concentrated loads
A simply supported beam with a central concentrated load Q acting at a distance
yQabove the centroidal axis of the beam is shown in Fig. 6.5a. When the beam buckles by deflecting laterally and twisting, the line of action of the load moves with the central cross-section, but remains vertical, as shown in Fig. 6.5c. The case when the load acts above the centroid is more dangerous than that of centroidal loading because of the additional torque QyQL/2 which increases the twisting of the beam and decreases its resistance to buckling.
It is shown in section that the dimensionless buckling load
QL2/(EIyGJ)varies as shown in Fig. 6.6 with the beam parameter
K(2EIW/GJL2)and the dimensionless height of the point of application of the load
given by
yQL(EIyGJ) (6.7)中所示梁的愚蠢荷载的无量纲系数QL2/(EIyGJ)同图6.6中梁的系数
yQL(EIyGJ) (6.7)
For centroidal loading (0), the elastic buckling moment MobQL/4 in-creases with the beam parameter K in much the same way as does the buckling moment of beams with equal and opposite end moments (see equation 6.3). Thus the elastic buckling moment can be written in the form
which the moment modification factor mwhich accounts for the effect of the non-uniform
distribution of major axis bending moment is approximately equal to 1.35.
The elastic buckling load also varies with the load height parameter s, and although the resistance to buckling is high when the load acts below the centroidal axis, it decreases significantly as the point of application rises, as shown in Fig. 6.6. For equal flanged I-beams, the parameter can be trans-formed into
where df is the distance between flange centroids. The variation of the buckling load
with lyt^jds is shown by the solid lines in Fig. 6,6, and it can be seen that the differences between top2yQ/df and bottom (2yQ/df1) flange loading increase with the beam parameter K. This effect is therefore more important for deep beam-type sections of short span than for shallow column- type sections of long span. Approximate expressions for the variations of the moment modification factor am with the beam parameter K which account for the dimensionless load height2yQ/dffor equal flanged I-beams are given in [2]. Alternatively, the maximum moment at elastic buckling M0bQL/4 may be approximated by using
m1.35, in which
4 Other loading conditions
The effect of the distribution of the applied load along the length of a simply supported beam on its elastic buckling strength has been investigated numeri-cally by many methods,
including those discussed in [3-5]. A particularly powerful computer method is the finite element method [6-10], while the finite integral method [11, 12], which allows accurate numerical solutions of the coupled minor axis bending and torsion equations to be obtained, has been used extensively. Many particular cases have been studied [13 -16], and tabulations of elastic buckling loads are available [2, 3, 5, 13, 15, 17], as is a user-friendly computer program [18] for analysing elastic flexural-torsional buckling. 其他荷载情形
Some approximate solutions for the maximum moments Mob elastic buckling of simply supported beams which are loaded along their centroidal axes are given in Fig. 6.7 by the moment modification factors min the equation
MobmMyz (6.12) 求遭受沿轴线分布荷载的简支梁的最大年夜弹性愚蠢弯矩Mob的专门多解决方法在图6.7中给出,弯矩修改系数m公式为:
MobmMyz (6.12) It can be seen that the more dangerous loadings are those which produce more nearly constant distributions of major axis bending moment, and that the worst case is that of equal and opposite end moments for which m1.
For other beam loadings than those shown in Fig. 6.7, the moment modi-fication factor
mmay be approximated by using
which Mm is the maximum moment,M2,M4,the moments at the quarter points, and M3the moment at the mid-point of the beam.
Mm为最大年夜弯矩,M2,M4是1/4地位的弯矩,M3为梁跨中弯矩。 Cantilevers
The support conditions of cantilevers differ from those of simply supported beams in that a cantilever is usually completely fixed at one end and com-pletely free at the other. The elastic buckling solution for a cantilever in uniform bending caused by an end moment M which rotates L with the end of the cantilever [16] can be obtained from the solution given by equations 6.2 and 6.3 for simply supported beams by replacing the beam length L by twice the cantilever length 2L, whence
This procedure is similar to the effective length method used to obtain the buckling load of a cantilever column (see Fig. 3.14).悬臂梁
Cantilevers with other loading conditions are not so easily analysed, but numerical solutions are available [16, 19-21]. The particular case of a canti-lever with an end concentrated load Q is discussed in section, and plots of the dimensionless elastic buckling moments QL2/(EIyGJ) for bottom flange, centroidal, and top flange loading are given in Fig. 6.8, together with plots of the dimensionless elastic buckling moments
qL3/2(EIyGJ)of can-tilevers with uniformly distributed loads q.
Real beams are not perfectly straight, but have small initial curvatures and twists which cause them to bend and twist at the beginning of loading. If a simply supported beam with equal and opposite end moments M has an initial curvature and twist which are given by
which the central initial lack of straightness 0and twist rotation 0are related by
then the deformations of the beam are given by
in which
as shown in section 6.10.2. The variations of the dimensionless central de-flection /0
and twist /0are shown in Fig. 6.9, and it can be seen that deformation begins at the commencement of loading, and increases rapidly as the elastic buckling moment M^ is approached.
6.2.2 曲梁的曲折与扭转
The simple load-deformation relationships of equations 6.17 and 6.18 are of the same forms as those of equations 3.6 and 3.7 for compression members with sinusoidal initial curvature. It follows that the Southwell plot technique for extrapolating the elastic buckling loads of compression members from experimental measurements (see section 3.2.2) may also be used for beams.
As the deformations increase with the applied moments M, so do the stresses. It is shown in section 6.10.2 that the limiting moment ML at which a beam without residual stresses first yields is given by
which MYfyZXis the nominal first yield moment, when the central lack of straightness0 is given by
in which Noy is given by equation 6.11. Equation 6.19 is similar to equations 3.9 and 3.11 for the limiting axial force in an elastic compression member. The variation of the dimensionless limiting momentML/MY is shown in Fig. 6.10, in which the ratio
(MY/Myz) plotted along the horizontal axis is equivalent to the modified slenderness ratio used in Fig. 3.4 for an elastic compression member. Figure 6.10 shows that the limiting moments of short beams ap-proach the yield moment My, while for long beams the limiting moments approach the elastic buckling moment MYZ.
6.3 Inelastic beams
The solution for the buckling moment Myzof a perfectly straight simply supported I-beam with equal end moments given by equations 6.2 and 6.3 is only valid while the beam remains elastic. In a short span beam, yielding occurs before the ultimate moment is reached, and significant portions of the beams are inelastic when buckling commences. The effective rigidities of these inelastic portions are reduced by yielding, and consequently, the buckling moment is also reduced.
For beams with equal and opposite end moments(m1), the distribution of yield
across the section does not vary along the beam, and when there are no residual stresses, the inelastic buckling moment can be calculated from a modified form of equation 6.3 as
in which the subscripted quantities ( )e are the reduced inelastic rigidities which are effective at buckling. Estimates of these rigidities can be obtained by using the tangent moduli of elasticity (see section 3.3.1) which are appropriate to the varying stress levels throughout the section. Thus the values of E and G are used in the elastic areas, while the strain-hardening moduli ESt and GStare used in the yielded and strain-hardened areas (see section 3.3.4). When the effective rigidities calculated in this way are used in equation 6.21, a lower bound estimate of the buckling moment is determined (section 3.3,3). The variation of the dimensionless buckling moment M/MY with the ratio L/ryof a typical stress-relieved rolled steel section is shown in Fig. 6.2. In the inelastic range, the buckling moment increases almost linearly with decreasing slen-derness from the first yield moment
MYfyZxto the full plastic momentMpfySX,which is reached after the flanges are fully yielded, and buckling is controlled by the strain-hardening moduliESt,GSt.
The inelastic buckling moment of a beam with residual stresses can be obtained in a similar manner, except that the pattern of yielding is not sym-metrical about the section major axis, so that a modified form of equation 6.69 for a monosymmetric I-beam must be used instead of equation 6.21. The jnelastic buckling moment varies markedly with both the magnitude and the ; distribution of the residual stresses. The moment at which inelastic buckling initiates depends mainly on the magnitude of the residual compressive stresses < at the compression flange tips, where yielding causes significant reductions in the effective rigidities (EIy)e and (EIW)e, The flange tip residual stresses are comparatively high in hot-rolled beams, especially those with high ratios of fiange to web area, and so inelastic buckling is initiated comparatively early in ; these beams, as shown in Fig. 6.2. The residual stresses in hot-rolled beams decrease away from the flange tips (see Fig. 3.9 for example), and so the extent of yielding increases and the effective rigidities steadily decrease as the applied moment increases. Because of this, the inelastic buckling moment decreases in an approximately linear fashion as the slenderness increases, as shown in ' Fig. 6.2.
In beams fabricated by welding flange plates to web plates, the compressive residual stresses at the flange tips, which increase with the welding heat input, are usually somewhat smaller than those in hot-rolled beams, and so the initiation of inelastic buckling is delayed, as shown in Fig. 6.2. However, the variations of the residual stresses across the flanges are
nearly uniform in welded beams, and so, once flange yielding is initiated, it spreads quickly through the flange with little increase in moment. This causes large reductions in the inelastic buckling moments of stocky beams, as indicated in Fig. 6.2.
When a beam has a more general loading than that of equal and opposite end moments, the in-plane bending moment varies along the beam, and so when yielding occurs its distribution also varies. Because of this the beam acts as if non-uniform, and the torsion equilibrium equation becomes more com-plicated. Nevertheless, numerical solutions have been obtained for some hot- rolled beams with a number of different loading arrangements [22, 23], and some of these (for unequal end moments M and mM) are shown in Fig. 6.11, together with approximate solutions given by
in which Mob is given by equations 6.4 and 6.5.
In this equation, the effects of the bending moment distribution are included in both the elastic buckling resistance MobmMyzthrough the use of the end moment ratio m in the moment modification factor m and also through the direct use of min equation 6.22.
This latter use causes the inelastic buckling moments M1to approach the elastic buckling moment Mobas the end moment ratio increases towards m1.
The most severe case is that of equal and opposite end moments (m1), for which yielding is constant along the beam so that the resistance to lateral buckling is reduced everywhere. Less severe cases are those of beams with unequal end moments M andmMwithm0, where yielding is confined to short regions near the supports, for which the reductions in the section properties are comparatively unimportant. The least severe case is that of equal end moments that bend the beam in double curvature (m1), for which the moment gradient is steepest and the regions of yielding are most limited.
The range of modified slenderness
MP/Mob for which a beam can reach the full
plastic moment Mp depends very much on the loading arrangement. An approximate expression for the limit of this range for beams with end moments M and can be obtained from equation 6.23 as
In the case of a simply supported beam with an unbraced central concen-trated load, yielding is confined to a small central portion of the beam, so that any reductions in the section properties are limited to this region. Inelastic buckling can be approximated by using equation 6.22 withm0.7,m1.35.
6.4 Real beams
Real beams differ from the ideal beams analysed in section 6.2.1 in much the same way as do real compression members (see section 3.4.1). Thus any small 'imperfections such as initial curvature, twist, eccentricity of load, or hori-zontal load components cause the beam
to behave as if it had an equivalent initial curvature and twist (see section 6.2.2), as shown by curve A in Fig. 6.12. On the other hand, imperfections such as residual stresses or variations in material properties cause the beam to behave as shown by curve B in Fig. 6.12. The behaviour of real beams having both types of imperfection is indicated by curve C in Fig. 6.12, which shows a transition from the elastic behaviour of a beam with curvature and twist to the inelastic post-buckling behaviour of a beam with residual stresses.
6.4 实际的梁
6.4.1 实际梁的机能
6.4.2.DESIGN RULES Simply supported beams in uniform bending
It is possible to develop a refined analysis of the behaviour of real beams which includes the effects of all types of imperfection. However, the use of such an analysis is unwarranted because the magnitudes of the imperfections are uncertain. Instead, design rules are often based on a simple analysis for one type of equivalent imperfection which allows approximately for all im-perfections, or on approximations of experimental results such as those shown in Fig. 6.13. 6.4.2 设计方法平均曲折的简支梁
The AS4100 uses the simple semi-empirical equation
to relate the nominal moment capacity Mb of hot-rolled and welded beams to the nominal
section capacity MS (see section 4.7.2) and the elastic buckling moment mMyz, and this is shown in Figs 6.13 and 6.14 for beams with MSMP. AS4100采取简单的半体会公式:
For very slender beams with high values of modified slenderness
(MS/Myz), the
nominal uniform bending moment capacity Mb shown in Fig. 6.13 approaches 0.9 times the elastic buckling moment Myz, while for stocky beams the moment capacity
Mbreaches the nominal section capacity MS, and so is governed by yielding or local buckling, as discussed in section 4.7.2. For beams of intermediate slenderness, equation 6.24 provides a transition be-tween these limits, which is close to the lower bound of the experimental results shown in Fig. 6.13,
Mb能达到名义截面承载力MS,因此受屈从或局部愚蠢(掉稳)操纵,如4.7.2.中评论辩论。关于中心细长的梁,公式6.24供给了这些范畴的转换,接近图6.13中显示的较低范畴的实验成果。 Unequal end moments
For beams with unequal end moments M and mM, equations 6.5 and 6.24 give
nominal moment capacities which increase with the end moment ratio m, as shown in Fig. 6.14. It should be noted that the moment modification factor m is used only once in equation 6.24, and that the elastic buckling moment M0 used in equation 6.24 is for uniform bending(m1).Also shown in Fig. 6.14 are the approximate inelastic buckling resistances given by equation 6.22. It can be seen that the moment capacities are reduced below the inelastic buckling resistances, thus providing allowances for the effects of geometrical imperfections on the strengths of real beams.不相等的梁端弯矩
关于遭受不等弯矩M和mM的梁,公式6.5和6.24给出了跟着梁端弯矩比例m而增长的名义弯矩承载力的运算方法,如图6.14所示。我们应当留意到弯矩修改系数m仅应用于公式6.24,公式6.24中的弹性愚蠢弯矩M0仅针关于平均曲折(m1)。图6.24中还表现了公式6.22所得的非弹性愚蠢抗击力的近似值。我们还看到弯矩承载力在非弹性愚蠢抗击力之下,从而能够许可实际梁的几何缺点的阻碍。 Other moment distributions
The nominal moment capacities Mbfor beams with other bending moment distributions are given by equation 6.24 when the appropriate values of the moment
modification factor mobtained from Fig. 6.7 or equation 6.13 are substituted.其它弯矩分派情势
遭受其它情势弯矩的梁的名义弯矩承载力Mb由公式6.24给出,弯矩修改系数m能够由图6.7近似得出,或由公式6.13得出。 Top flange loading on a beam
For a beam supported at both ends with top flange loading which moves laterally with the flange (see section for example), AS4100 requires the length L used in the calculation of the moment capacity to be replaced by
in which K11.4.梁的上翼缘遭受荷载
个中K11.4。 Cantilevers
Cantilevers which are free to deflect laterally and twist at the unsupported end are treated by AS4100 as equivalent beams, with values of m0.25for uniform bending, 1.25 for end load, and 2.25 for uniformly distributed load. For a cantilever with top flange loading which moves laterally with the flange, the length Le used in the calculation of the moment capacity is increased to 2L.悬臂梁