

2024-02-11 来源:易榕旅网



4 magical steps to make a great long answer: 1. Answer the question directly 2. Explain why 3. Give an example 4. Explain the alternative / opposite By IELTS ex-examiner Simon


在雅思口语考试的part 2部分,人物类卡片题是必考的话题之一。首先,看看5-8月题库到底有哪些人物类话题:

尊敬的老人 Describe an old person you respect. 道歉之人 Describe a person who has apologized to you. 亲密朋友 Describe one of your best friends. 敬仰的领导 Describe a leader you admire 共度时光的人 Describe a person that you like to spend time with 有创意的人 Describe a creative person that you admire

一起住的人 Describe a person who once moved to live with you 近水之地 Describe a place near water (such as a river, a lake or the ocean) that you enjoyed visiting.


Describe a family member you would like to work with. You should say, Who the person is;

What kind of person he or she is;

Whether you’ve worked together before;

And explain why you would like to work with this person.

对于酱紫描述人的话题,烤鸭们可以往这个人物的品质和能力靠拢。一个人为人处世中的personalities或是abilities往往决定了这个人身上会发生的故事。因此,烤鸭在回答这类话题的时候,可以着重突出一下人物性格或者能力,然后谈论在这个人物身上发生的事情。 在描述或评价一个人物的时候,可以采取三个步骤,A. 直接说明此人的性格特点或能力,B. 补充解释,C. 举例说明。大家且看答题范例:

① I would very much like to work with my cousin, who is the son of my aunt on my father’s side. He’s two years older than me, and we basically grew up together. In most people’s eyes, he is a good student who can sail through all kinds of examinations. But for me, he is not merely a diligent student, but an intelligent and versatile young man. ② Even though we haven’t worked together on any business projects, I know for sure heis someone I can work with.

在这个范例的回答中,仅仅用了一段,便回答了题目中的“who this person is”、“what kind of person he or she is”以及“whether you’ve worked together before”这三个问题。不过cover到了这3个小问还不够,这个回答中运用了哪些技巧呢? 1. 在回答简单含义的句子的时候,可以尝试使用定语从句。如文中的句纸“I would very much like to work with my cousin, who is the son of my aunt on my father’s side”,就是将两个简单的意思连到了一句话中。

2. 可以使用让步状语从句强调自己要表达的意思。如范例中的Even though we haven’t worked together on any business projects, I know for sure he is someone I can work with. 虽然还木有共事,但是还是强调了自己想要和cousin共事的观点。

※ 另外,范例中的经典地道表达也要注意: sail through all kinds of examinations 通过所有种类的考试; versatile 多才多艺的;

To be more specific, I think he would be a fantastic leader. ③ If we were to work on something serious, say starting our own company, the team would need a leader, who could unite all the team members and utilise each one’s strong points. I am more like a follower, I mean, a good subordinate, but I don’t think I am an effective communicator. So for someone who is not leader material, it’s better to work with someone who is.

Besides, as I mentioned earlier, he is really intelligent and versatile. ④ For Example, he speaks really good English, knows all about geography and international relations, and he is also proficient in programming. I’ve always wanted to work with someone I look up to, and I think he is just the one.

范例中,用了两大段来说明了最后一个问题“why you would like to work with this person”。这其中也包含了一些答题技巧:

1. 范例中用了一个fantastic leader来描述cousin。这样的词汇我们可以联想到另外一个话题:A friend who you think is a good leader。也就是说,其实烤鸭在准备素材的时候,可以适当将人物类话题进行分类准备,将有联系的人物类话题归为一类,这样有些素材就可以通用了。

2. 范例在解释why I would like to work with this person的时候,用了两个论点,一个是fantastic leader, 另外一个是intelligent and versatile。 而在展开这两个论点的时候,用了两种方法:A. 虚拟语气,假设共事的时候,cousin 的leadership 会带来怎样的效果; B. 举例子,用具体的事例说明cousin 的ability。 这样多变的描述方法,烤鸭们在考试的时候也可以采用。 ※ 同样,这两段中出现的地道口语表达有:leader material 有领导才能的人; look up to 尊敬。


2 事件经历类话题


早起时刻 Describe an occasion you got up extremely early.

近期让你开心的事情 Describe a recent happy event that you had. 助人的时刻 Describe a time you helped someone.

改变计划的天气 Describe an occasion when the weather changed your plan. 初次用外语与他人沟通 Describe the first time you communicated with someone in a foreign language.

特别的短途旅程 Describe a short trip that was special to you.

儿时的幸福家事 Describe a happy family event from your childhood 积极的改变 Describe a positive change in your life

一次犯错的经历 Describe a mistake that you once made 帮助保持健康的活动 Describe an activity you do to keep fit. 一次生气的经历 Describe a situation that you got a little angry 一次婚礼 Describe a wedding you have been to

糟糕的假期 Describe a (short) journey that you disliked 学校活动 Describe an activity that you do in your school

很多烤鸭在答题时容易讲成流水账式的叙述,没有突出重点。事件类的话题往往牵涉到描述事件的时间、地点、人物、发生的事情这几大要素。因此,要想清晰地描述出事件的始末,不妨先列出需要表达内容的提纲,这样,按照提纲来描述就顺理成章了。 根据事件经历类话题的特点,我们可以把话题的内容分为几个部分: 1. 事件发生的背景(Why it happened); 2. 事件发生前的情况和状态(Prepare for it);

3. 事件发生的时间、地点、人物(When/where/who); 4. 事件的具体内容(What the people did in the event); 5. 一至两个亮点的细节描述(What impressed you most); 6. 感受(How do you feel about it或What you learned from it);

事件经历类话题的答题重点依然要放在最后一个问题上(一般来说最后一个问题会问why it happened或how do you feel about it),多数考生也基本可以回答到3和4,但容易忽略的是细节描述和事情发生前的一些铺垫,也就是说答题过于平淡,缺少亮点。 口语话题的内容很重要,描述能否引起考官的兴趣,能否在结束后给考官留下一个深刻的印象,是烤鸭是否能得到高分的关键。所以答题中的亮点是必不可少的。所谓亮点,是指叙述中能够吸引听者的有意思、波澜起伏的细节或片段。它可以是举例、某个具体的动作、事物的色彩、形状等能够给别人想象空间,从而引起兴趣的点。亮点的范围比具体内容还要细致入微,因此我们在组织语言时可以抓住一至两个点来提升答题的新鲜感和趣味性。


Describe a time you experienced a long-time traffic jam. You should say:

when and where it happened;

how long you were in the traffic jam;

what you did to try to get out of the problem situation; and explain how you felt about that traffic jam.


Several weeks ago, I was on a bus to my workplace, as usual. But I didn't expect that the bus would get stuck right in the middle of a bridge. A car got rear-ended by another one, the two drivers were quarreling ferociously, they almost broke into a fight at some point. The traffic police were there, but there was nothing they could do. And all the cars and buses where just stuck there, with drivers honking and passengers cursing. It was totally chaotic.

Since I'm just a passenger, I could do nothing about the problem. But if I were the traffic policeman, I would stop those two drivers with forces, and towed away their cars, so that the rest of us could get pass. About this traffic congestion, I felt completely irritated. My work begins sharply at nine o'clock, but it was already eight forty, and there were still six stops to go. I could never make it on time. I tried to tell myself to calm down and read some news reports on my cellphone, but I was distracted and disgusted by the foul language of those two angry drivers, and the complains of other passengers around me. And what upset me even more was that the traffic policeman was just writing stuff on his notebook, without doing anything practical. And I felt sorry for those two drivers. Had they acted more rationally, they wouldn't have caused such a scene. But I guess they would never know that until they saw their pictures on the front page the next day. That traffic jam lasted for about an hour, and it utterly ruined my day.


在备考雅思口语Part 2话题时,物品类话题占了很大一部分,在口语考试中出现的概率也是相当高的。首先统计了5-8月考试中可能考到的Objects类口语话题:

特殊的歌曲 Describe a song that means something special to you. 想学的新技能 Describe a new skill you want to learn. 人们感兴趣的当地新闻 Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in. 他人赠送的衣物 Describe a piece of clothing that someone gave you. 有意思的动物 Describe an interesting animal.

令你开心的一款产品 Describe a product you bought which made you very happy.

一个费时的决定 Describe a decision you took a long time to take(A difficult choice you ever made) .

一张你喜爱的自己的照片 Describe a photo of yourself that you like. 第一次尝试的运动 Describe a sport you have learnt for the first time. 和朋友共进的晚餐 Describe a dinner that you had with your friends.

你喜爱的家庭(非自己家庭) Describe a family(not your own) that you like.

读过的报纸杂志文章 Describe an article that you read from a magazine or newspaper 有意思的故事 Describe a story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you 未来目标 Describe a goal you want to achieve in the future 小时候收到的玩具 Describe a toy that you received when you were a child. 梦寐以求的工作 Describe a perfect job you would like to have in the future 最喜欢的一张照片 Describe a picture or photograph in your family/a picture or photo you like most

家中老物件 Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time. 个人品质 Describe a character or personality of yours 有趣传统 Describe an interesting tradition in your country 省钱的办法 Describe a method that helps you save money

第一次吃的东西 Describe an occasion when you ate a kind of food for first time 电脑软件或手机app Describe a program or app in your computer or phones 大公司 Describe a big company you are interested in.

小时候学的技能 Describe an important skill you learned when you were a child 一则好消息 Describe a piece of good news that you received


在选择好答题素材后,需要先用1/3-1/2的时间来回答前面三个小问。物品类话题前三个小问一般会涉及到几个方面,例如:what it is; when you got it; what it looks like; how you got to know it,然后用剩余的时间来重点回答最后一问,一般最后一问需要我们解释原因和重要性等,例如explain why you think it is exciting。 在描述物品时,形容词也是必不可少的。烤鸭们在平时备考中要多积累与颜色、形状、长度、特点相关的形容词。要想把一个物品描述清楚,需要童鞋们从外观、内部、功能等方面着手,


下面通过电视节目这个话题的答题范例为例,和大家分享下物品类话题应该是如何答题的。 Describe a radio or TV program that you like to talk about with others. You should say:

what the program is about;

how often you listen to or watch this program; who you like to talk about it with;

and explain why you like to talk about this program.

Well, the TV program I would like to talk about is The Voice of China, which is an exceedingly popular Chinese reality talent show. I usually watch this TV program on Friday night with my father. I have to say, we often have a blast watching and talking about this program together. Because my dad and I are both big fans of music. And when watching this program, we will try to predict which singer will most likely be chosen by the judges according to their singing skills. And if two or more judges want the same singer, as is often the case, the singer has the final choice of his or her coach. So, we would also make a prediction about the judge who will be chosen.

Besides, I also talk about this program with my colleagues when we are having lunch together. It's a perfect conversation opener. Because every one of my colleagues must have heard about it before, whether they know it well or not. And as I am not good at making conversations, I can avoid sitting there with my colleagues in complete silence, which can be really embarrassing.


在雅思考试的part 2 部分,地点类话题是必考的话题类型之一,在回答地点类题目的时候,很多烤鸭回答的时候都把重点放在了如何形容这个地点上,弄得通篇答案都在描述这个地点如何好,如何难忘,但是却显得毫无内容。地点类话题虽然说浅显,但是要得高分也还是得用到一点技术的!下面总结了地点类话题一般会提问到的问题,然后通过范例给大家讲解一下如何在地点类话题中拿高分!

有意思的公共场所 Describe an interesting public place that you like to visit 最喜欢的公园 Describe your favourite park in your city(town)

在看到题目的第一瞬间,烤鸭们就要在脑海里形容3个W的答题思路: 1. Where is this place?

既然是地点类话题,那么肯定会问到这个地点在哪里?虽然一般是第一小问,但是依然不好回答!因为考验的是烤鸭的方位形容能力!烤鸭们除了要知道东南西北之外,还有熟悉一些方位词汇的运用,比如说opposite, close, near,以及一些介词的用法in, on, off等等.

2. When did you go? & Who did you go with?


3. What‘s special about this place? 这两个问题就是重头戏了!遇到地点类话题的时候,如果烤鸭单纯描述这个地点是如何好或者如何地令人难忘,其实是一个很空泛的回答,比如说描述park的时候就谈到在大树下乘凉,谈到library的时候就说里面的书很多。这么cliché的东西,实在是没什么亮点!因此,能够specifically 指出你在这个地点做了什么,或者是这个地点中的某些事物是你觉得有什么不一样的,回答就会瞬间有内容多了!比如说,烤鸭在聊到A café or restaurant that impresses you这个话题的时候,是不是就可以说一说café 里面的drinks 或者是restaurant里面的某个食物呢?这样一来是不是就具体多了?


Describe a place you stayed for a short time and want to visit again. You should say: where you went; who you went with;

how long you stayed there;

And explain why you would like to visit the place again.

The place I stayed for a short while and would like to visit again is Hong Kong Coliseum. I went shopping with my friends in HK some time ago and went there during our short stay in that city. I spotted that world-renowned venue on our way back home and decided to check it out. Since we

were in a hurry, I stayed there for less than an hour.

where & when & who 的经典搭配,烤鸭不用花费大篇幅去描述前三问,在范例中,几乎每一问都直接一句话带过,要的就是这种简单粗暴!

It looked like an upside-down pyramid or a white diamond from outside. I’d heard that it cost almost there hundred million yuan for the construction and renovation. So I thought its interior must be splendid, with marvelous sound effect and incredible lighting. But during my short stay there last time, I never had the chance to experience that. This is the main reason why I would go back there again.

这一题,实际上烤鸭就在描述香港体育馆的interesting parts, 从外观上看,这个地方就像一个金字塔或者一个巨型钻石, 建筑费用高昂,而且场馆内的声音和灯光效果都十分出色,通过描述出来了这些interesting 的地方,表现了自己对这个场馆的浓厚兴趣。

Another reason is that I would like to visit there again for a music concert. In fact, almost every Chinese knows it coz it is frequently mentioned in entertainment news when referring to a concert. Indeed, as it seats as many as 10,000 audience in all directions, each Hong Kong singer and singers from mainland as well are eager and proud to give a concert there. Naturally, it attracts music lovers of all age groups, especially young people like me.

Apart from pop music concert, once in a while, there are some orchestras performing there. And some important ceremonies or galas will be held there too. As an orchestral music fan, I would like to know how an orchestra sounds like in that specially designed place.

在范例的最后两段中,则是通过在这个地点进行的活动来说明为什么“我”会想再来参观: 除了能够听到来自香港和大陆音乐人表演的pop music concerts 之外,还能看到orchestras 表演和一些重大的活动庆典,并且“我”本身也是一个音乐迷,因此会希望能够visit this place again。逻辑清晰, 内容丰富,这样的回答想不高分都难啊!


5. 媒体类话题

在雅思口语考试的part 2 部分,有几个大类的话题是考试的重点:人物、事件、地点和物品。但是还有一类话题虽然数量不多,但是每次雅思换题月的时候几乎都会出现,这类话题是烤鸭们在考试中往往会忽略的一类话题—媒体类话题!

这一类话题很多烤鸭在回答的时候都会犯一个通病。那就是对这个节目的内容描述过多,从而忽略了题目中的其他部分。比如说在5-8月新题的这个话题: Describe an educational TV program you have watched. You should say:

what the program is;

what type of program it is; what contents it has;

and explain what you’ve learnt from this program. 在这个话题里,前面的三问都是关于这个节目本身的类型和内容的,烤鸭在谈到自己喜爱的某个节目的时候,很可能就变成chatterbox,滔滔不绝地介绍这个节目,反而忽略了本应该重点回答的what you learnt from this program。


不仅仅是答题思路的学习~烤鸭们还要去了解到答题中时间比重的分配问题,把重点放在最后一问来拓展回答。What's more, 三个素材中的高分表达,烤鸭们也不要放过咯!比如说:get ideas across, on top of that, familiarize oneself with,get hold of, look it up, come across, make a fuss about, out of blue 等等。
