中文 英文 cousin crayon D dad dance daughter day desk dialogue diary dictionary dining room dinner direction do doctor dog door down draw drawer DVD E each each other eight eighteen eighty cleven clse email English 中文 英文 eraser evening every everyone everything everywhere Excuse me exercise exercise book F factory family famous fan farmer fast father favourite fifteen fifty film find fine first fish five food foot football for forest forty
中文 英文 four fourteen French Friday fridge friend from front funt funny furniture G game geography get girl give glass go go swimming goog goodbye granddaughter grandfather grandma grandmother grandpa grandparent grandson great green guitar 中文 英文 H hair half hand handsome happy Happy birthday hat have he heavy hello help her here hers hi high hill him his history home homework hospital hot hour house how hundred husband I
中文 帮助 英文 I idea in in front of information interest Internet it its J job join juice july jump K key kind kitchen kite know L lake lamp language late leader left leg lend lesson let 中文 英文 library life light like list listen little live long look look at lot lots of love lunch M make man many map maths maybe me medicine meet member messy mine Miss mobile model Monday
中文 英文 morning mother mouth move Mr Mrs much mum music must my N name near new next next to nice night nine nineteen ninety no not notebook now number nurse O o”clock of of course 中文 英文 often OK old Olymyics on one only open orange other our ous out over Over there own P page paint pair parent park past PE pen pencil Pencil case people personal pet photo piano 中文 英文 picture pillow place plane plant pl player playground please pop practice pretty put Q quarter queen question quick R rain read ready real really recorder red ride right river room ruler run 中文 英文 S same same……as…… Saturday say school schoolbag science scissors see seven seventeen seventy she shelf shirt shoe shopshort show shower sing singer sister sit six sixteen sixty skill small so sock sofa
中文 英文 soft some son song soon sorry sound speak spell sport stand Stand up start stop straight strong student study subject Sunday supermarket sure survey sweater swim T table table tennis take take out take photos talent 中文 英文 talk tall tape taxi teacher team tell ten tennis thank Thank you thanks that the their theirs them then there these they thin thing think thirteen thirty this those three Thursday tidy tidy up
中文 英文 time tired to today toilet too toothbrush towel toy tree trousers Tuesday turn TV twelve twenty two U umbrella uncle under university up upstairs us use usually V very visit volleyball W 中文 英文 wait wall wall want watch we Wednesday week weekend welcome well what when where which white who whose why wife window winner with woman word work worker world wow write wrong Y
中文 英文 yeah year yellow yes you young your yum Z zebra zero zoo 中文