247一 2 近年来,高强度材料和更广泛领域的结构应用造成 摘 要:根据对几座斜拉索人行天桥的观测发现,当 大量行人通过天桥时,可在桥支架上引起频率大约 为1.OHz的侧向振动。行人的曲线运动会导致侧 了冷弯型钢使用量的显著增长(与传统重型热轧钢 板构件相比)。 论述了冷弯型钢结构的3个部分。首先,通过 向动力,从而引起桥支架的振动。一旦大桥开始振 动,一些行人便开始与支架共振,从而进~步增加了 支架反应。试验主要为寻找行人在振动桥面上所产 对过去3年(1999—2001年)在钢结构和薄壁结构 杂志上发表文章的归纳,评论和总结了冷弯型钢结 构的研究发展过程;第二,总结了北美冷弯型钢结构 生的动态力。行人走在振动台上专门设计的钢板 上,振动台有着不同的频率和振幅。试验结果表明, 行人产生的动力会随着振动台的振幅而增加。行人 设计标准的发展过程;最后,提供了由美国钢铁协会 规范委员会开发的直接强度法的简要介绍。 关键词:冷弯型钢结构 的同步自振也同时被测量。 关键词:行人导致的侧向振动;人行天桥;斜拉桥;振 动台 Sustainable SeeI Cnstruction 可持续性钢结构 冷弯型钢结构 Cold—Formed Steel Structures Bassam A.Burgan and Michael R.Sansom Abstract:This paper discusses the importance of construc G.J.Hancock tion to the three elements of sustainable development, namely economic growth,social progress and effective pro Abstract:Cold—formed steeI structures are steeI structuraI products that are made by bending flat sheets of steel at ambient temperature into shapes which wilI support more than the flat sheets themselves.They have been produced for more than a century since the first flat sheets of stee1 were produced by the stee J mills.However。jn recent years,higher strength materials and a wider range of struc. tural applications have caused a significant growth in cold. tection of the environment.The paper goes on to identify the issues facing construction in meeting the sustainable de. velopment agenda;these include efficient use of naturaI re— sources,reducing energy consumption,reducing emis. sions,minimizing waste,more efficient land use,reducing the impact on construction sites and creating better employ— ment conditions.The ways in which steel construction is addressing these issues are discussed.In the context of formed steeI relative to the traditional heavier hot—rolled steeI structuraI members。 This paper contains three components.Fi rst,it re. new buildings, steeI’s impact on the construction process--namely speed,prefabrication,safety,waste min— imization and factory and site conditions are described。 views and summarises the major research developments in cold-formed steef structures over the fast 3 years f 1999— Ways in which construction fOrm can contribute to reducing the energy consumption in buildings,particularly during the “in—use”part of the building’s lifecycle,2001)as published in leading journals on steel structures and thin—walled structures.Secondly,it summarises the de— velopment of the North American Specification for the De sign of Cold—Formed Steel Structural Members。are outlined.The role of steel in extending the life of existing building stock is examined and design features for enabling re—use of steel Finally,it components are highl ighted.The paper concludes with re— marks on the extent to which constructionaI steelis recov— ered and recycled at the end of life of buildings. Keywords:Sustainable development;Steel construction Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2006,62:7 1 78 —provides a brief summary of the Di rect Strength Method be. ing developed by the Amerian Ic ron and Steel Institute Specifiaticon Committee。 Keywords:Cold.formed steel structures Journal of Constructional Steel Research,2003,59(4): 473——487 1 183 摘要:论述了建筑可持续发展的三个重要方面,即 摘 要:冷弯型钢结构是一种钢结构产品,即将钢板 经济增长、社会进步和有效保护环境。具体包括有 效地利用自然资源、减少能源消耗、减少废气排放 量、减少浪费、更有效地利用土地、减少对施工现场 89 在环境温度下弯曲压制成形,使其能比钢板自身承 受更多的载荷。这种钢板已经存在了一个多世纪, Steel Construction.2008(8),Vo1.23,No.110