发明人:Baer, Mark, E.,Crevling, Robert, Lent, Jr.,Buss,
Randy, L.,Gotschall, Jason
摘要:The disclosed mulcher has a base unit and a shredding blade in a removableassembly. Two different embodiments are disclosed. In both embodiments, shreddedmaterial is removed from air exiting the shredding blade before it reaches an exhaustport. In one embodiment, the material is removed by a filter. In the other embodiment,walls are arranged so that debris must double back against high-speed airflow leavingthe shredding blade before exiting the unit. The shredding blade can be mounted in frontof and on the same shaft as an air impeller, with the back surface of the shredding bladebeing supported by the impeller. In another embodiment, the air impeller and theshredding blade are carried in assemblies that are separable from each other and areeach separately attachable to a base unit. A detachable power module and a detachableblower are also shown. The power module has a safety switch that disables the powermodule when it is removed. A power receptacle is shown with a switch that alternatelyswitches power to either the shredder motor or to the power receptacle, but not to bothsimultaneously.
代理机构:Cabinet Plasseraud