9l6 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 Vo1.32 No.4 ll 图1~6金樱新上三脊瘿螨,新种 蚴 i舢sp.nov. 1.雌侧面观(1ateral view of female) 2.雌背面观(dorsal view of female) 3.足基节和雌外生殖器(coxae and female geI1i乜ba)4.雄外生殖器(male ge ̄talia) 5.足I、II(1egI,legⅡ) 6.羽状爪(empodi ̄) 节4,膝节刚毛10;胫节5.5,跗节6,爪7.5,无端 球。大体有宽的背中槽和侧脊,背环31~33个,光 滑。腹环48~50个,具圆形微瘤。侧毛35,生于9 环。腹毛I 40,生于19环;II 15,生于32环;in 26,生于体末6环,有副毛。雌性外生殖器长12.5, 雄螨:未采到。 宽19,生殖器盖片有纵肋l0~12条,性毛20。叶背 营自由生活。 新种与Tetra 删Kuang,1995近似,但 新种以背盾板具亚中线,羽状爪9支与后者区别。 正模早,副模13旱早,叶背自由生活。寄主为异 果山绿豆 ,删 heterocarp ̄IX;.(豆科 LegHii ̄osae)。韦绥概、谢满超于2003年6月11日 采自广西扶绥县(22。57 N,108 ̄06 E)。 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com 0et.,2Oar7 谢满超等:中国叶刺瘿螨亚科一新属三新种一新纪录种(蜱螨亚纲,瘿螨科) 917 9 图7~11山绿豆四瘿螨,新种Tetra 铆sp.nov. 7.雌背面观(dorsal view offemale)8.足基节和雌外生殖器(coxae andfemale gta ̄mlia) 9.微瘤侧面观(1ateral microtuberdes) 10.足I、Ⅱ(kgI,leg1)11.羽状爪(1 ̄Ix)diuln) 词源:新种种名取自寄主植物属名。 由生活。 3叶下珠顶冠瘿螨,新种 ;gD sp. 雄螨 体长122.5,宽43;雄外生殖器宽16, n0v.(图12—18) 性毛9。 新种与 批 Keifer,1969近似,但 雌螨体纺锤形,长154,宽48,厚45,米黄 新种以背中线明显,羽状爪6支等与后者区别。 色。喙长19,斜下伸。背盾板长38,宽41,前叶突 正模旱,副模16旱旱,1 ,2003—09—26,谢满 尖锐;背中线分前后两段,中部断开,侧中线完整, 超、覃爱枝采自广西北海市冠头岭国家森林公园 波状,亚中线弧形。背瘤位于盾后缘,瘤距25,背 (21。28 N,109 ̄07 E)。 毛9,后指。前足基节间有胸线,基节刚毛I 6,Ⅱ 寄主为叶下珠属 sp. (大戟科 10,Ⅲ16,基节上饰有短线。足I长26,股节9,股 Euphorbiaceae)。 节刚毛12;膝节4,膝节刚毛19;胫节6,胫节刚毛 词源:新种种名取自寄主植物属名。 4,着生在胫节背基部1/3处;跗节5,爪6,具端 4土密树四瘿螨/'en-a br/de//ne Bocze.k。l993中国 球。羽状爪单一,6支。足Ⅱ长24,股节8,股节刚 新纪录 毛8;膝节4,膝节刚毛8;胫节6,跗节4,爪6, 具端球。大体具背中脊,背环31—32个,光滑;腹 2003年9月26日,谢满超、覃爱枝采自广西北 环49 51个,具圆形微瘤。侧毛23,生于10环。 海市冠头岭国家森林公园。寄主为土密树Bn2/e/m 腹毛I 29,生于22环;Ⅱ23,生于36环;II21,生 mono/ca(Lour.)Merr.(大戟科Euphorbiaceae)。 于体末6环,有副毛。雌性外生殖器长12,宽19, 致谢广西大学农学院黎桦教授帮助鉴定寄主植物 生殖器盖片上有纵肋10—12条,性毛14。叶背营自 标本,谨表谢意。 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
9l8 Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica动物分类学报 V01.32 No.4 图12~18叶下珠顶冠瘿螨,新种 sp.nov. 12.雌侧面观(1ateral view offemale) 13.雌背面观(dorsalviewoffemale) 14.足基节和雌外生殖器(coxae and female 池) 15.微瘤侧面观(1ateral micromberdes) 16.雄外生殖器(male genitalia) 17.足I、Ⅱ(1eg I,]egl/)18.羽状爪( ̄npodiuln) Kuang,H-Y 19 .Economic Insect Fauna,Fasc.44.Acari,Eriophyoidea (1).SciencePress, 吨.29.182.[匡海源,1995.中国经济昆 虫志,蜱螨亚纲,瘿螨总科(一) 北京:科学出版社.29~182] echtmann,C.H.WAmfine,J w.-Jr.,Stasny,T A.and FlRevised l(evs tO World 244pp. .2003. Keifer.H.H.1969.Eriophyid Studies.C-1.U.S.Depaunem of Agno.amr ̄,Ag ̄icu-ltural Research Service.24pp. Das,P.B.and Chakrabarfi,S.1994.Four b'pccis ofVhyUocop6ae mietes genera of Eriophy-oidea(Acari: s House,Michigan.U.S.A., Prosdg田a诅).Indira Publi- Chen,X-R,Wei,S-G and Nan,Z-B 2005.A ncw sr ̄is ofIe ̄ytoptinae (Acari:Eriophyoidea)fromNortheastIndia with a discu ̄orl or1 口uJs Tetra Kd and key tO h .岫speaes.A ̄m'dogia,35(4):335.344. Ⅵ ,S_G,X.坨,M-C,and Chen,T.W 2006.A I】ew gl2lnus and five删 (Acari,Phyt( )from China.Aaa 毗 Sb/ ̄a,30(1): 81—83.[动物分类学报]. ,sr ̄es ofEriophyidae from Mt.Shiwanda of( lan函,China(Acari, H.H.1938.Erlophyid Studies II.Bu//. .匆.,301- 323. Eriophyidae).Aaa 嘲 学报] ,31(1):l3o.136.[动物分类 维普资讯 http://www.cqvip.com
Oct.,2OO7 谢满超等:中国叶刺瘿螨亚科一新属三新种一新纪录种(蜱螨亚纲,瘿螨科) 919 oNE NEW GE AND THREE NEW SPECⅡ oF ER )j同HY1DAE)FRoM C ⅡNA XIE Man—Chao ,WEI Sui—Gai2 ,OvlN Ai-Zhi2 1. 咖 of and呦,魄 2.Co//ege 晒越 ,G,//d ̄"Unb.ers ̄, 咖Abstract A new瘁 us,.7v 加 ,魄, 725000, ,G,//d ̄"530005,a f,and three new Female.Body spindleforrn.Dorsal shield with frontal lobe, median line absent, admedi ̄n and submedian lines complete.Scapular tuberdes set on rear spedes, .7v 翻 f , 7-btra desmod/um, and phytla ̄,and one new record species,7-btra br/dehne Das&Chakrabad are described and illustrated from China.Type specim ̄are . ma晒n.Coxae area with granules and short lines,sternal line present.L£ normal’vidl all setae,tarsal solenidion unknobbed;empodiunl simple,9一rayed. are deposited in the College of Agri ̄ture,Cuangxi University.All measllre:mcnts in micrometers. Holotype早,paratypes 13早早.Host:Desmo& ̄ heteroca, ̄DC.(Legumino—sac),Vagrant.Fusui County (22。57 N, 108 ̄06 E), Cuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China,collected by WEI Sui—Gai 瞍以 珀 l栩 谢霉m.nov. Body spindleform,dorsal shield with frontal lobe. Scapular tuberdes set ahead of the rear II】 ,scapular setae part ̄l pointed inwards.Coxae 1 with stemal line. and XIE Man—Chao,11 lune 2003. Etymology.The b'pe ̄c named desmM ̄, derived from the host plant,desmodhnn. S LegⅡgenual setae(f,,)absent;empodiunl simple,leg Ⅱsolenidion is about two times longer than leg I solenidion.Dotsal opisthosoma with the first dotsal annuli wide and a median ridge and two lateral ridges, the median ridge shorter than the lateral ridges;all coxal Remarks.This species is simi! ̄r to 7-btra Kuang,1995,but can be diferendated by submedian lines complete and empodiunl 9一rayed. and ventral setae present. Type species: 访 sp.nOV. 3 aCegoloph,,sphy/iaO ̄sp.nov.(Figs.12—18) Female.Body spindleform.Dorsal shield with keen- edged frontal lobe;median line disconnected,undulance admedian lines complete,submedian lines arc-form; Etymology.The genus name is derived from the naiile ofthe窖eI1us“ 鳓 嬲”,and“Neo”,Latin. 西 扎‘ Remarks.q-he new瘁 us is simi! ̄r to《 scapular tubercles set on rear ma画n.Coxae area with short lines,sternal line present.k normal with all setae,tarsal solenidion knobbed;empodiunl simple,6一 rayed. Keifer,1938,but can be diferentiated by legⅡgenual setae(f, )absent,the solenidion of legⅡis about two times longer than that of leg I. 1 M 协 f rosa sp.nov".(Figs.1—6) Holotype旱,paratypes:16g旱,1 .Host: ehyuat ̄sp.(Euphorbiaceae),Vagrant.Cuantouling National Forest Park, Beihai, Cuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Re ̄ion,China,collected by XIE Man- Female.Dotsal shield with frontal lobe,median line incomplete,with an rhombus form at midst;admedian and submedian lines connected a transverse line at anterior shield.Scapular tubercles set ahead of rear Chao and QIN Ai-Zhi,26 Sept.2006. Etymology.The specific named ehyuat ̄,is derived from the host plant,Phrtlat ̄. Remarks.This species is similar to brav//ens/s Keller,1969,but can be diferendated by dotsal shield median line evidence,empodiunl 6一rayed. ma n.Coxal area smooth,with sternal line.Leg 1 with all setae,tarsal solenidion knobbed;leg lI genual setae(f,,) absent,tarsal solenidion unknobbed; empodiunl simple. Holotype旱,paratypes:lZg旱,2 .Host: Rosa/aev/gata Michx.(Rosaceae),Vagrant.Fusui County(22。57 N, 108 ̄06 E), Cuangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,China,collected by WEI Sui—Gai 4 aCetra brk/ehile Boczek。1993 New record to Ch|na Host: Br ̄//a mono/ca (Lout.) Merr. (Euphorbiaceae),Vagrant. Cuantouling Natio-nal Forest Park,Beihai,Guanm Zhuang Autonomous and XIE Man-Chao,11 lune 2003. Etymology.The specific named rosa is derived from the spedes name of the host plant,Rosa. Region,China,collected by XIE Man-Chao and OvlN Ai—Zhi.26 Sept.2006. 2 aCetra desmod/m sp.nov.(Figs.7—11) Key words Acari,Eriophyidae,Phyllocoptinae,new genus,new SpecjeS. *C. ̄respondi.g author.E-mail:weisuigai@tom.o