句法练习 1 参考答案:
1. 音乐是一种健康的释放压力的方式。
Music is considered as a healthy way of relieving stress.
2. 毫无疑问,家长应该教育孩子成为对社会有用的人。
There is no doubt that parents should take responsibility for educating their children to be useful(valuable) members of the society.
3. 根据教育专家的建议,家长可以更好地了解孩子的心理和性格,然后为孩子 提供合适的指导。
According to the advice from educators and experts, parents can have a better understanding of children’s psychology and personality, and thus give their children appropriate guidance. (介词短语+并列句)
The advice from educators and experts enables parents to have a better understanding of children’s psychology and personality, thus giving their children appropriate guidance. (主语转换+现在分词作状语)
4. 大学是一个很好的地方,学生在这里学习各个领域的知识,为未来做准备。 The university is a good place where students can acquire knowledge in various fields and prepare for their future.
The university is an ideal place for study and students can acquire knowledge in various fields and prepare for their future. (并列句)
5. 很多大学生毕业以后选择留在大城市,在这里他们有更多的机会找到好工作。 After graduation, many university students choose to stay in large cities, where they have more opportunities to find good jobs. (定语从句 where)
Many university students choose to stay in large cities after graduation, as they have more opportunities to find well-paid jobs.
6. 使用乐器可以让孩子锻炼协调身体各个部分的能力。研究发现,使用乐器能 够有助于开发右脑,让孩子变得更聪明。
Playing the musical instrument enables children to coordinate different parts of their bodies. Studies show that this activity can help to develop children's right brain and make them cleverer. (动名词作主语)
By playing the musical instrument, children can improve the ability to coordinate different parts of their bodies. Studies show that this activity can help to develop children's right brain and make them cleverer. (介词短语 by 作状语)
7. 研究表明,人所取得的成就是由他的长处决定的,而不是短处。
Studies show that a person’s achievement is determined by his strengths instead of (rather than) his weaknesses.
8. 高等教育能够让学生学到各门学科的专业知识,从而为未来的职业发展打下 坚实的基础。
Higher education enables students to acquire specialized knowledge in various subjects and thus helps them lay a solid foundation for their future careers. (并列谓 语)
Higher education enables students to acquire specialized knowledge in various subjects, which can help them lay a solid foundation for their future careers. (非限定 性定语从句)
9. 政府应该在理科教学方面多投资,比如建更好的实验室,提供奖学金等。这 样能够鼓励更多的年轻人投身科学研究。
The government should invest more in teaching science subjects, such as building better laboratories and offering scholarships, which can encourage more young people to devote themselves to scientific research. (非限定性定语从句)
10. 数学课能够培养学生的逻辑思维,这种能力对于将来的职业发展很有用,无 论他们将来从事什么工作。
Mathematics can cultivate students’ logical thinking, which is beneficial for their career development, no matter what jobs they will do in the future. (非限定性定语 从句+让步状语从句)
11. 学生长时间使用电脑,缺乏体育锻炼,出现了很多健康问题。
As students spend too much time using the computer and lack physical exercise, they show many health problems. (原因状语从句)
Many students sit in front of the computer for too long and rarely do physical exercise, which may cause many health problems. (非限定性定语从句)
12. 垃圾食品的糖和油含量特别高,吃太多垃圾食品容易肥胖。
Junk food contains a high amount of sugar and oil and excessive consumption may lead to obesity. (并列句)
As junk food contains a high amount of sugar and oil, excessive consumption may lead to obesity. (原因状语从句)
The high content of sugar and oil in junk foods may lead to obesity, if people eat too much of them. (条件状语从句)
13. 这个问题非常严重,应该采取积极的措施去解决。
This problem is so serious that active measures should be taken to solve it. (结果状 语从句)
Considering the seriousness of this problem, we should take active measures to solve it. (considering 作介词的用法)
14. 读一点文学和哲学能够让学生思考人生的意义,建立起正确的人生观和世界 观。
Reading literature and philosophy allows students to reflect on the meaning of life and develop a positive attitude towards life and the world. (动名词作主语) By reading literature and philosophy, students can reflect on the meaning of life and develop a positive attitude towards life and the world. (介词短语 by 作状语)
15. 由于学习压力大,有些学生晚上睡不着觉,担心自己通不过考试。 Due to the high stress in their study, some students cannot fall asleep at night, worrying that they may fail the exam. (介词短语+现在分词作状语)
As students suffer from high stress in their study, some of them cannot fall asleep at night and worry that they may fail the exam.