

2020-08-25 来源:易榕旅网
科学发展 论跨文化交际中的旅游英语翻译问题 刘亚娜 (沈阳理工大学外国语学院辽宁沈阳110168) 摘要:旅游英语翻译是一种专业的为旅游活动提供服务的翻译,也是跨文化交际的重要组成部分之一。在旅游英语翻译中,译者应遵循跨文化交际 的原则,避免不必要的文化冲突。本文从跨文化交际视角出发,探讨旅游英语翻译尤其是中国传统文化翻译中常见的问题和解决方式。 关键词:旅游英语翻译;跨文化交际;传统文化;归化与异化 随着中国在世界的知名度和影响力迅速提升,中国旅游业得到迅猛发 展,旅游英语翻译的准确性显得尤为重要。越来越多的以英语为母语或第 二语言的外国人热衷于来到中国旅游。可以说,作为一种典型的跨文化交 际手段,旅游英语翻译的质量直接影响着国家形象和文化传输。 一跨文化交际的启示 作为国际性的新学科,跨文化交际学的历史是短暂的,学界把爱德华・ 霍尔的《无声的语言》(1959)视作跨文化研究的奠基之作。现代跨文化交际 学是人类社团广泛地相互开放后,在国际交往日渐频繁的活动中产生的。 可以说,跨文化交际学是研究世界文化交流,研究解决东西方文化和文明 冲突的产物。 “跨文化交际本身就是不同文化的交际双方,以语言为媒介,通过信息 源——编码——信息传递—一解码——反馈等环节所构成的一个双向信 息交换的动态过程。’ 在跨文化交际活动中,双方的主体不是来自相同的 传统文化与认知体系,而是分别继承了不同的文化传统和人文精神的人, 如果译者过分强调本国语言文化特点和精髓而漠视跨文化交际这个大环 境,这样翻译出来的东西或多或少会给外国人造成理解上的障碍:但是反 过来说,过分强调外国语言文化特点和精髓,则会减弱本国语言文化特色 的输出。 旅游英语翻译并不是简单的语言转换,而是要在充分考虑到双方特定 的语言文化背景的前提下,将一种语言转化为另一种语言。只有这样的翻 译才能够恰当展现中国的传统文化并容易被外国人所接受。否则,源于中 西方文化的差异将给旅游英语翻译带来诸多问题。 二旅游英语翻译常见问题 每个民族、国家的文化都有其独特的社会背景。国与国之间的文化差 异涵盖了社会生活的各个领域。中国有着独特的地域文化和民俗风情。有 着几千年文化历史的中国传统文化博大精深,主要包含古代思想、建筑、宗 教、饮食等各个方面。在进行旅游英语翻译的同时,了解中西方的历史文 化、审美、宗教文化、风俗习惯等方面的具体内涵和差异有助于译者更好地 将中国文化有效地输出。 各国文化虽然有相似或者共同之处,但是在旅游英语翻译实践中,需 要译者翻译的中国传统文化内容往往与目标语言的文化不同。这种不同就 构成了旅游英语翻译的障碍。具体来说,在旅游英语翻译中经常出现语言 词汇、习惯用语、文化背景、相关概念的不对称。这种不对称给译者带来了 巨大挑战,同时也容易导致各种翻译失误、错误的出现,从而严重影响旅游 英语翻译的准确性。 将中国传统文化翻译成英语的第一步就是正确理解和选择恰当的英 语语言词汇。遗憾的是,中国独有的文化遗产、名胜古迹、民俗风情、历史传 说、宗教信仰导致汉语中的大量旅游词汇在英语中找不到对应翻译。例如 长城、兵马俑、弥勒佛、唐装、丝绸之路、紫禁城、泼水节、阴阳五行、八卦、气 功、太极拳等词汇在英语国家的文化中不常见、不存在或者无可比对象。再 比如若将在中国司空见惯的“馒头”翻译Stt'<steamed bread”就会令外国人 感到困惑,这是因为“bread”在英语中常用来表示面包,在它前面加上 “s ̄amed”就变成了蒸面包。事实上,馒头并非用面包蒸成,我们蒸的是做 馒头的面团而已。民族文化的的特殊性形成了特殊的语言表达方式。这就 是一个典型的语言词汇不对应的例子。 习惯用语是人们在劳动实践与认识世界的过程中提炼出来的思想结 晶,能够折射出一个民族的文化特征。受地理环境、生活习惯、思维方式等 影响,习惯用语明显呈现出不同的民族特点。因此在旅游英语翻译过程中, 要想将中国文化中的习惯用语恰当地翻译成英语就成为考验译者能力水 平的一个难题。 中西方人由于文化背景不同,对相同或相似的事物可能会有截然相反 黔138 的理解方式。以“蝙蝠”一词为例,在中国人看来,“蝠”字谐音“福”字,代表 吉祥如意;而西方人把蝙蝠看作吸血鬼的象征,充满恐怖邪恶。不同文化背 景下,人的思维和表达也会出现差异。比如西方人受《圣经》影响,倾向于直 接的表达方式;而中国人受儒家思想影响,语言表达更加委婉、谦逊。此外, 在我国的传统文化中占据重要地位的“玉皇大帝”、“龙王”等相关概念在西 方文化是不存在的,译者很难找到匹配的英语翻译,所以这类中国人熟知, 而外国人陌生的概念翻译成为旅游英语翻译的另一大障碍。 三解决旅游英语翻译问题的有效方式 1完善旅游英语翻译策略 面对各种文化差异和翻译障碍,译者应该采取何种翻译策略来有效地 进行旅游英语翻译活动呢?总的来说,中国的旅游英语翻译还处于起步阶 段,博大精深的中华文明有待于通过这一方式向全世界传播。不断健全和 完善旅游英语翻译策略才能更好地为这一目的服务。 以目的论为代表的翻译理论认为,翻译行为所要达到的目的决定整个 翻译行为的过程,即结果决定方法。为了弥补中西方文化的差异,争取中文 与英文的最大对称,变通和补偿的翻译手段是不可或缺的。目前常用的策 略可以概括为:注释、增译、删减、具体化、概括化、释义、归化和异化等。旅 游英语翻译作为翻译的一个分支,也可以灵活采用以上翻译策略。例如在 翻译旅游景点名称的时候,可以灵活选用音译(北京--Beijing)、意译(故 宫--Imperial Palace)、直译附加注释说明性文字等方式(矛盾故居--Mao Dun’S Former Residence)。此外,中国的旅游景观资源丰富,除了欣赏价值 外,还包含丰富的文化内涵。在旅游英语翻译实践中,需要增添些背景信 息,否则一般的外国游客就无法理解其中内在含义。如介绍少林寺时,译者 可以同时加入有关中国工夫“Chinese Kong Fu”的介绍,帮助外国游客更好 地了解少林寺及其独特的文化魅力。其次,删减在旅游英语翻译中同样起 着重要作用。将对理解译文没有多大影响的多余汉语内容删减,能够使英 语语言更加言简意赅地传递文化信息,并容易被外国游客接受。释意指增 加对字、词、句的字面意思的解释。例如,《红楼梦》中出现的场景“潇湘馆” 被翻译成“Xiaoxiangguan(bamboo Lodge)”,“大观园”被译成“Daguanyuan (Grand V Jew Garden 这样的翻译手法有助于外国人了解汉字名称的字面 意义,更加深刻领悟中国文化,产生丰富联想,增加旅游的趣味性。 最后再来探讨一下翻译策略中最有效的归化与异化翻译策略。归化常 用于中国成语典故的翻译。异化的策略主要应用于一些民族性极强的文化 翻译中。以中西方对于“龙”的翻译为例,“龙”在中国文化中代表的是高贵、 吉祥、古代帝王的象征,至今中国人仍然把自己看作龙的传人;然而,在英 语语言文化中,龙代表着凶猛野兽、邪恶化身。在这种情况F,译者就需要 选用异化的翻译策略进行翻译,不必强求语言的统一。在实际翻译过程中, 译者需要从上下文出发,综合运用这些翻译策略,选择最好的方式来解决 某类问题。 2提高译者自身素质 翻译是译者智力和思维能力的具体体现。翻译可分解为两种活动:翻 与译。这就要求译者既能够驾驭本国语言又能够对外国文化有较为全面的 掌握。由于中西方文化的差异,在翻译过程中很难做到对等翻译。在具体的 旅游英语翻译实践当中,译者需要有跨文化交际的意识,对东西方文化差 异有系统、深刻的认知,并且能够灵活变通地选择适当的翻译策略将中国 传统文化知识介绍给外国游客 作为旅游英语翻译的译者,不断扩大知识面,跟上时代发展的步伐,将 最新最前沿的翻译理念运用到旅游英语翻译之中,这样才能够更好地拉近 外国游客与中国传统文化的距离,使旅游英语翻译更加合理、通俗易懂。 四结论 综上所述,旅游英语翻译是一种典型的跨文化、跨传统、跨语言的交流 科学发展 Disillusionment of the Great American Dream ——辑撰 B0ok Review of Death of a Salesman 王媛嫒,任蕴莹 (浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院英语专业2012级学生) This semester l have read a book named Death of a Salesman which is published by China Translation and Publishing Corporation in 1999.The au- thor is an American playwright and essayist,Arthur Miller.He was one of the speeds out away in his ear.Happy and Bif come downstairs in jackets,while Linda walks out in mourning clothes and places flowers on Willy s grave.Only his wife.sons.and Ch8dey attend Willy s funera1.Linda wonders where every— body else is.and says that they have made their final house payment and is free and clear after thirty—five years.Bif claims that Willy had the wrong leading American playwrights of the twentieth century.He was born in New Y0rk on October 17,1915,the son of Polish—Jewish immigrants.In addition, he has been called a moralist or a social dramatist.With the Success of Death dreams,but Charley says that a salesman mast dream。and that for a salesman thereis no rock bottominlife.Bif asksHappytoleavethe citywith him,but Happy VOWS tO stay in New York and prove that his father did not die in vain. Everybody leaves but Linda,who remains at the grave and talks about how she made the final house payment. of u Salesman,Miller reached the pinnacle of his writing cater.Besides,the book is translated by Ying Ruocheng.The date of the first and the latest edi— ifon 13oth are Dec.1999. This novel dramatically reveals the struggles of capitalism compared to the communist society.The characters in the play convey strong emotions as After reading this book Death of a Salesman.you will find that there many themes reflected in this drama,abandonment,betrayal,the dangers of Willy,the father of the fmialy,starts losing his sniaty because of the harshness of the capitliastic system.It seems that as hard as Willy tries he vall never get modernity,gender relations,madness,cult of personality,opportunity,growth nd the mosat important-the American Dream.American Dream refers to the to be a part of the Bourgeoisie society like he dreams.His loving wife supports him throughout the play lways ajoining in on his dreams of wealth.He has two sons,Bif and Happy,which serve as foil characters to each other since Happy supports the system while Bif does not.This play was generally easy to read nd serves as an excelalent novel to teach in middle schools and high schools because it helps teach about capitalism v.Marxism.Willy"s passionate attitude belief of the majority of American.Through hard work,thritf,and determina- tion.they can surely achieve a better life and live a comfortable life.Such an American Dream has a profound influence on several generations of Ameri— Calls.Death of a Salesman is a typicla play about the pursuit and the illusion— ary ofthe Dream ollfower. about finding wealth keeps you interested since it causes drama all throughout the play.It is recommended to read this book especillay if economic-related novels are well-favored.Either way it is interesting to see the downfalls of the Death of u Sale8 uses flashbacks to present Willy’s memory during the reality.The ilusion not only“suggests the past,but also presents the lost pastoral Iire.”Willy has dreamed of success his whale life and makes uD lies about his and Bif’s SUCCESS.The more he indulges in the illusion.the harder it is for him to face reality.Bif is the only one who realizes that the whole family lived in the lies and tries to face the truth. capitalistic society and what it causes people to do just so they Call be happy. The basis for the drmataic conflict in Death ofa Salesman lies in Arthur Miller’s conflicted relationship with his uncle.Manny Newman.also a saIes_ mal1.Newman imagined a continuous competition between his son and Miller. Newman refused to accept failure and demanded the appearance of utmost confidence in his household.In his youth,Miller had written a short story about an unsuccessful salesman.His relationship with Manny revived his in- terest in the abandoned manuscript.He transformed the story into one of the In conclusion,Death ofa Salesman is a visceral and powerful play,and one that has had a hold on audiences since it was first shown on Broadway in the late 1940 s.As well as being an indictment of the way that people lived at the time.it also includes a number of powerful universal themes that keep Willy Loman"s tragedy lesh fnd belaievable. most successful drmnas in the history of the American stage.In expressing the emotions that Manny Newman inspired through the fictional character of Willy L0rrlan.Miller managed to touch deep chords within the national psyche. The play describes Willy Leman,a mercurial sixty-year old salesman Ref rences 1.Ying Ruoehen,tmns.Death 0f a SalesmarI.By Arthur MilJer.China rrranslati0n锄d Publishing COrp0mtion in 1999 with calluses on his hands,spent his whole life to chase his dream.Willy 2.The Great American Dre舢0f Death of a Salesman by Huang Qjanying 3.Death 0f a Salesman arld the DisilIusionrnent 0f Arnerican Dream bv chims that someday he 1l have his own business like Charley,their next door neigIlher.His business wil be bigger than Charley's,because Charley is” liked,but not well-liked.”However,on the con ̄ary,during this period,he betrayed his wife,educated his sons Happy and Bif unsuecessfu ̄y,and didn’ t achieve his goals.At the end of the play,Bif insists that men like he and rjan Oian 《民营科技》2Ol1年6期 作者简介: 王媛嫒(第一作者),女,浙江人,浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院英 语专业2O12级学生。 任蕴莹(第二作者),女,浙江人,浙江师范大学行知学院文学分院英 语专业20l2级学生。 Willy is a dime a dozen,but Willy climsa otherwise.Bif cries for his father, asking him to give up his dreams,but Wily is merely amszed that he would cry for his father.Happy VOWS to get married and setde down,while everybody but Willy goes to sleep.Willy tlksa to Ben,then rushes out of the house and 过程。误译会导致误解,甚至阻碍交流。因此,作为跨文化交际纽带的译者 需要克服中西方文化差异所引起的各种翻译障碍,并且不断充实和完善自 【2】金惠康.跨文化交际翻译续编【M】.北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2o03.9 我,既要了解中国的传统文化,又要清醒地意识到中西方语言文化的差异, 并根据实际情况灵活地运用旅游英语翻译策略,将中国传统文化的精髓有 效地传递给外国游客,从而更好地将中国传统文化发扬光大。■ 参考文献 【3】顾日国.跨文化交际【M】.北京:外语教学与研究出版社,l997 【4】贾玉新.跨文化交际学【M1.上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997 作者简介: 刘亚娜(198l一),女,辽宁沈阳,沈阳理工大学外国语学院,110168,讲 师,英语语言文学专业,从事英语教学研究。 13 【1】教育部高等教育司.大学英语课程教学要求【M】.上海:上海外语教育 出版社,2Oo4. 
