Unit 1
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C.
1. is afflicted with 5. abandon themselves
III. Grammar & Structure A.
1. don’t leave; will be; get 2. was drowning; dived; rescued 3. exploded; climbed
4. reached; realized; didn’t know 5. will be; opens 6. will start; return 7. makes; has found
8. was raining; played/were playing; was trying; didn’t get on/wasn’t getting on; kept B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. Research revealed that the bird was on the brink of extinction. It’s every citizen’s
obligation to protect them.
2. I felt approaching footsteps. Someone took my hand and I was caught up and held
close in the arms of him.
3. She had abandoned herself to grief since she heard the news that her husband was
killed in the car accident. Her sister strived to comfort her but in vain.
4. According to laws, no one has the right to impose a private will upon others. As long
as you follow the laws, you can do whatever you want.
5. He opened the door to his parents’ importunities and descended the stairs slowly.
Holding up his head high, he carried himself like an arrogant knight.
2. B
3. D 8. B
4. A
5. C 10. A
6. A
7. D
9. D
2. bearing 6. trivial
3. press
4. elusive 8. at length
7. descend
2. B 7. B
3. B
4. A
5. C
10. C
6. D
8. C
9. D
2. haunt 5. trivial
3. bespeak 6. self-assertion
4. approach
Text B A. 1. B.
1. 天气晴朗时,总有一位画家带着他的画架呆在那儿。画家们喜欢棕榈树生长的样子以及
2. 窗外的正下方,一只猫卷曲在一张正滴着水的绿色桌子下。她正尽力使身子缩紧,这样
3. 女仆为她举着伞,她沿着碎石路走到了他们房间的窗子下。桌子还在那儿,被雨水冲刷
4. 乔治在床上移了移位置。从她开始说话起,他的眼睛就没有离开过她。
5. 门口站着女仆。她抱着一只玳瑁色的大猫。这只猫被她紧紧地搂在怀里并来回摇动着。
2. C.
3. A.
4. D.
5. B.
6. A.
Unit 2
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C. 1.
III. Grammar & Structure A. 1.
coming; on the other hand; drive
2. treating; severely
4. drowning; critical; constructive; favorably 6. response; improvement 8. effective; behavior
4. D 9. D
5. B 10. A
3. helplessness; waiting; wiped out 5. discouraged; thought B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. The qualities a society tends to seek in its heroes ---- selflessness and social
2. A 7. C
3. C 8. B
6. A
7. necessity; criminals; occurred
2. opponents
3. distinctions 7. extra
4. ferociously 8. celebrity
5. revered
6. overlooked
2. D 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. D 9. D
5. B 10. B
6. B
2. key 6. grief
3. combat 7. lucrative
4. stature
5. junior
4. 5.
consciousness ---- can’t transform a talented but unremarkable neighborhood kid into a Michael Jordan.
Constantly being watched by the public can be hard to tolerate at times. I am sorry that Michael Jordan had to deal with the negative publicity he received about gambling.
Both audience and athletes hope that referees are impartial when doing their duties, but we can't expect that they are perfect. Therefore it’s vital to abide by their decisions in games.
Those children between 10-12 are all eligible for the examination.
To become a star athlete, you have to have an extremely competitive outlook and you have to be totally focused on the development of your own physical skills.
Text B
A. 1. B. 1.
姚明在2002-03 NBA赛季加入了休斯顿火箭队。而在此之前他就以在上海鲨鱼队打球时盖帽凶狠,篮板球突出以及得分能力强的特点征服了海外球迷。同时他在鲨鱼队打球时所表现出来令人惊叹的能力也为他在中国国家篮球队效力获得了一席之地。 2. 姚明在球迷中的号召力为他赢得了足够的选票。他获得了今年NBA全明星赛西部明星
队首发中锋的席位。这次他是在击败了强大的奥尼尔而获得这个令人羡慕的殊荣的。 3. 自从去年选秀会上以状元秀的身份进入NBA以来,姚明已经打消了许多关于他作为职
4. 中国篮球队员在训练时要求整体打球,而不是单打独斗。实际上在最初的几个赛季里中
5. 虽然在这些广告中姚明的台词很少,这是因为他还在努力掌握英语,但他在广告中的魅
2. D 6. D
3. A 7. C
4. D
5. B
Unit 3
Text A
II. Vocabulary A.
1. contemporary 2. dominant 3. masses 4. stabilization 5. colloquial 6. variants B.
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B C.
1. borrowings 2. awoke 3. is flexible 4. instrument 5. diminishing 6. was bound to 7. accumulates 8. dominant
III. Grammar & Structure A.
1. to make; to sail 2. Overwhelming; to describe 3. pointing; piled; to be sorted out/sorting out 4. Having been caught up; interested
5. used; synonymous 6. (should) be; raining 7. to change; were to rain; go 8. have finished; would be B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. As is known to all, October 2003 saw the successful launching of China’s first
manned spacecraft Shenzhou 4. China has become the 3rd country to send people into orbit.
2. Universal education and the extreme mobility of the population contribute to wiping
out these differences, and may make American English even more uniform than it is now.
3. Many universities are merging at a great rate. Even the first-rate university in China,
Beijing University, together with Beijing Medical University, has just merged into a more competitive expanded university Beijing University.
4. Some people think that home tutoring may add a financial burden to parents,
meanwhile, it may make children tend to depend upon others and have less ability to solve their problems.
5. We should accumulate our knowledge and improve our ability through social practice
and keen observation of the world. Text B A.
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. A B. 1.
在现时的纽约市,一座新塔,联合国大楼光彩夺目,高耸入云。 然而,联合国的夙愿以及全世界各人民的愿望却无法得以实现,这源于我们当代的巴别塔:全世界现在大约有三千多种语言,这还不包括那些阻碍同一土地上的民族进行交流的各类方言。 2. 采用共同语言的主要障碍之一就是,甚至在可选择的语言上都存有混乱。一些简化语
3. 只有一种国际语言开始被人们使用,且成为联合国的工作语言,全世界的孩子都把它
2. A 7. B
3. C 8. C
4. D 9. A
5. A 10. C
6. B
4. 因为,我认定,如果不消除这一障碍,实现国际和谐只是一种奢望。我个人已经把这
5. 尽自己所能,为孩子们实现一个世界一种语言的目标是所有美国人的责任。
Unit 4
Text A
II. Vocabulary A.
1. g 2. h 3. j 4. i 5. f 6. e 7. b 8. a 9. d 10. c B.
1. D 2. A 3. C 4. B 5. B 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A C.
1. absurd 2. tottered 3. console 4. A balance must be stuck 5. tied up 6. exploit 7. indispensable 8. at the expense of 9. beforehand 10. smeared
III. Grammar & Structure A 1.
sitting, spread, reading 2. providing, leading, exceeding 3. Having left, fly, knowing 4. likely, earlier
5. to discourage, developing, on-going 6. practical, really 7. considerable, large 8. traditionally, kinds, health,
1. B 6. B
IV. Translation 1.
When it came to the future plan, he was lost in thought. 2. The price of gold rose again, due partly to rumours of war.
3. It was really cruel of them to leave the poor child alone in the house all night. 4. When Jim heard the news that he won the first prize in the competition, he felt a joy
she could not restrain.
2. A 7. A
3. C 8. C
4. D
5. A 10. A
9. B
5. All the students must be aware that it is of great benefit to strike a balance between
work and leisure.
6. The mother burst into laughter when she saw the sides of the child’s mouth were
smeared with chocolate.
Text B A. 1. B 5. C B.
1. 每当人们问他会发生什么时,他就会抱着脑袋哭着说:“我做了错事!我杀在牌桌上欺
2. 他挣脱了站长向门口跑去。时间正好是十二点差二分。就在此刻,人们听到了新的声
3. 一阵热气扑到站在月台上每个人的脸上。站长听到隐形火车从他前面呼啸而过。 4. 他晃了晃脑袋,这似乎使他恢复了理性,“进车站给自己倒杯酒喝好吧?”他对浑身颤
5. 于是站长走进办公室、关上门、给自己到了一杯烈性酒让自己镇定下来。
2. A 6. C
3. C 7. B
4. C 8. D
Unit 5
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C. 1.
III. Grammar & Structure A. 1.
argument, wasteful, utilization
2. professions, applicants, appropriately 6. reserved, unemotional, impersonal 8. reality, informed, beneficial
3. shortage, designers, completely
4. confused, insecure, deceived
dates back to
2. reflect on 6. vivid
3. in infancy
4. subsequent 8. commemorates
5. depicted
7. highlighted
2. A 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. C 9. B
5. D 10 D
6. A
2. transition 5. customary
3. exquisitely 6. originality
4. periodical
5. specialized, extended, investment 7 undoubtedly, performance, related
B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. In modern society people are faced with great pressure from their work, so anxiety
has become the most prevalent problem of many “white-collar” workers.
2. The furniture for children needn’t be fashionable, but it must be durable and stand
the kicks.
3. Recently she has become rather upset; she has been overwhelmed by the fear of the
approaching examination.
4. Changes are taking place in graduates’ views on job and it appeals to more and more
graduates to work in private-owned enterprises.
5. In an only-child family, it’s of importance for parents to foster the child’s ability to
live independently. Text B A.
1. D 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. C 6. A B.
1. 为了促销产品,广告商通常会强调性感及迷人身材的重要性,但研究人员关心的是这会
2. 经常接触这类以女性为对象的广告会使女性更关注自己的身材,并把身材作为自身价值
3. 许多健康专家也表示担心:女性中普遍存在着对身材的错误认识,这种对身材的错误观
4. 研究还发现:过分节食来达到理想的身材可能是诱发厌食症的一个重要原因。 5. 尽管患有厌食症的绝大多数是女孩,但是专家相信男孩中患有厌食症的数量在不断上
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1. B.
2. forebears 6. unleash
3. oath
4. misery 8. shrink
5. heed
7. endeavor
2. C 7. B
3. C
4. B
5. D 10. C
6. A
8. D
9. D
Unit 6
1. C. 1.
2. B
3. A 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. C 10. C
6. C 7. D 2. split
pledge 3. shield 7. Bonds
4. end up inheriting 8. is greatly at odds
5. formulated 6. endeavor III. Grammar & Structure A. 1. 2. 5. 7. 1.
words; fixed hold; performance; theirs Reading; does; created selection; revolutionary D
2. C 7. A
2. 4. 6. 8. friendly; have
exactly; evident; used foolish; believed
romantically; emotional; commitment
4. D 9. B
5. B
3. A 8. C
6. B
10. A
IV. Translation
1. She started learning to create children stories at 15 and has since written a great deal,
and she has worked year in and year out as a journalist for the Associated Press.
2. Life is meaningless for many patients, but in the medical world experts are still at
issue over the legalization of mercy killing.
3. How do you explain that the smartest kid who does best in the class will not
necessarily end up the richest or the most successful?
4. You are his formal classmate; you never asked anything of him, so he will certainly
not refuse you. What’s more, it’s just a piece of cake for him.
5. They got married after they met only two weeks, and soon found themselves at odds
over many things. So their marriage ended up in divorce within a year. Text B A. 1.
2. D
3. A.
4. C
5. B
6. D
1. 本人有幸两次当选总统,为大家服务,并和你们一道使我们的国家更加繁荣昌盛地步
2. 我们的社会已经更加强大,家庭更加健康和安定,民族更加兴盛。在世界进入信息时代
之时,是你们,也就是美国人民再次造就了美国伟大的辉煌时代。 3. 我国经济空前繁荣,为社会提供了二千二百万个新的工作岗位,事业率为三十年来最低,
4. 贸易的扩张没能填平我们中间那些生活在世界经济最发达地区的群体和那些生活在生
5. 第三,我们必须牢记,美国只有在国内把色彩缤纷的美国毛线纺织成和谐一致的美国服
装, 才能引领世界(第三,我们必须牢记,如果我们在国内不能把众多的民族团结统一起来,我们就不能引领世界)。
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1. B. 1. C. 1.
III. Grammar & Structure A. 1. 3. 5. 7. B. 1. B 6. B
2. D 7. D
3. C 8. C
meeting; attentive; affectionate faithful; associated; reinforcement recognize; exposure; generates involved; evolved associate
2. inexplicable 6. aggressive
2. C 7. B
Unit 7
2. monogamous 5. receptor
3. D 8. D
3. equivalent 6. amnesiac
5. A 10. A
4. reinforcement
4. A 9. C
6. A
3. challenge 4. disorder 8. attach to
5. guarantee 7. species
2. happening; given
4. attachment; designed 6. suggested; published
4. A 9. C
5. C 10. B
IV. Translation
1. For a start, understanding the neurochemical pathways that regulate social
attachments may help to deal with defects in people's ability to form relationships. 2. And, controversially, some utopian fringe groups see such work as the doorway to a
future where love is guaranteed because it will be provided chemically, or even genetically engineered from conception.
3. After marriage, they bond for life. They prefer to spend time with each other, groom
each other for hours on end and nest together. They avoid meeting other potential mates.
4. Researchers can make prairie voles fall in love ---- or whatever the vole equivalent of
this is ---- with an injection.
5. As Larry Young, a researcher into social attachment at Emory University, in Atlanta,
Georgia, explains, the brain has a reward system designed to make voles (and people and other animals) do what they ought to. Text B A.
1. C 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B 6. B 7. B 8. D B.
1. 尽管与田鼠不一样,人类不太可能有一张基于嗅觉的神经系统伴侣图谱,但若干线索已
2. 事实已经证明可能对这种基因遗传进行修补,并产生了令人吃惊的结果。科学家能增加
草原田鼠相关受体的表达,以加强动物对同伴的依附能力。 3. 这种独立性意味着你可能同时爱上多个异性而导致妒忌、私通和离婚——尽管也有可能
4. 通过相关的医学、遗传学和心理学的检查,预测男女关系最终结果的研究进展和关于忠
诚度的遗传根源信息,能使求婚变得更像工作申请。 5. 或许不能完全做到,但却可能部分地提高“恋爱体验”。对此另一位学者Pfaus博士如是
Unit 8
Text A
II. Vocabulary A.
1. insight 2. well-being B.
1. A 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C.
1. well-being
III. Grammar & Structure A.
1. strongly; known 2. remote; satisfaction; receiving 3. expectations; based; personalities 4. dating; dramatically; women 5. see; especially; negative 6. is; least; listeners
7. got; promising; fired 8. Balancing; going; concentrating B.
1. A 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. A
IV. Translation
1. To motivate oneself for a greater achievement requires clear goals and an optimistic
attitude toward life.
2. Individuals who are able to delay the immediate gratification of an impulse in
2. social skills 3. motivate 4. involves
7. restraining 8. hazards
5. live with 6. empathy for
6. A 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. A
3. definitely
4. verbalize 5. gratification 6. adept
pursuing their goals are quite adept in social situations and capable of dealing with various challenges.
3. Studies show that a child who displays high emotional intelligence early in life will
succeed eventually in the face of all kinds of difficulties.
4. True ecotourism involves responsibility. While we appreciate the beauty of nature, we
should also make our efforts to protect it.
5. She was fed up with the salesmen who knocked at her door and boasted about their
products every day, but she restrained herself from slamming the door in their face. Text B A.
1. C 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D B. 1.
长期以来, 传统迷信将神童视为不寻常的天才,容易昙花一现,结果进了垃圾堆。但实际情况并未证实这一点, 许多神童长大成人后仍然极为聪明。
2. 斯坦福大学的凯瑟琳·考克斯博士和她的同事在对三百名异性天才的研究中发现,几乎
3. 实际上,老师们太愚钝,无法理解这个十分聪慧的孩子。他在家里非凡的写作技能令家
4. 由于总是生病,他还不满五岁就夭折了,再也无法发挥他的潜质。可是,另外一个名叫
5. 莫考雷在四岁那年说的一句话令人一生都难以忘怀。他家里的女仆把热咖啡泼洒在他腿
Unit 9
Text A
II. Vocabulary A. 1.
2. alternative 5. calibre
3. D 8. D
5. A 10. D
4. implemented 8. screened 3. discontent
4. stimulate B.
1. A 6. D C. 1.
approach 5. stimulate
2. C 7. D
4. C 9. C
2. barriers 6. wheedled
3. frustrate d
7. stimulated
III. Grammar & Structure A. 1.
Undoubtedly; supposed; novelists
2. illustrations; credible; based 3. activities; watching; playing 5. optimism; smiling; confidence 6. discovery; strengthened; eruption 7. undisturbed; imagination; freely 8. firmly; equality; permission B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. The plan was frustrated by the opposition of a majority of the board. 2. At the top of the hill you can look down at a better peaceful landscape. 3. The exhibition stimulated interest in the artist’s work.
4. In the past, ignorance about such effect has led to discontent and long-term
detriment to people’s performance.
5. Ultimately the refinements may lead to a situation in which an office building will
reflect even in its external appearance the activities of those who work within.
2. C 7. B
3. B
4. A 9. A
5. B
6. C
8. D
10. C
4. successful; qualities; persistence
Text B A. 1. B.
1. 婚姻无疑是一场赌博,生儿育女也是一样,儿女们有可能被证明是不幸的负担。 2. 只要人是在同命运赌博,尤其是在按照常识行事的时候,形势通常是对他有利的。但是,
3. 成千上万的人为了获得大奖而互相竞争,不过只有极小的成功机会,而赌博公司的组织
4. 人的癖性,如果不幸地遇上相宜的环境,赌博就会成瘾,成为一种几乎是疯狂的形式,
5. 即使在对付对身体更为有害的人类嗜好的情况下,镇压性的立法往往只能造成更大的损
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. A
Unit 10
Text A
II. Vocabulary A . 1. B . 1.
2. B 7. D
3. D 8. B
4. C 9. A
5. B 10. D
sanctuary frantically
6. A C .
1. tipped 2. 5. surfaced 6.
III. Grammar & Structure A. 1.
resulting/resultant; homeless; emergency. 2. survivors; missing; remaining
3. rapidly; are being provided; drinking 4. have been hospitalized; prevent; spread 5. Canadian; to help; evacuations 6. searching; collapsed; dead
7. taught; purposefully; relevance 8. disturbance; occurrence B. 1.
IV. Translation
1. Tsunami refers to a series of great sea waves with destructive forces. While tsunami can be triggered by landslides or volcanic eruptions, most tsunamis originate as a result of underwater earthquakes.
2. After an earthquake occurs, the energy travels outward in all directions from the center of the earthquake. A seismic disturbance can move the seawater causing a rise or fall in the level of the ocean. This rise or fall in sea water level is the early formation of a tsunami wave.
3. The belief that wild and domestic animals possess a sixth sense----and know in
advance when the earth is going to shake----has been around for centuries.
4. Relatively few animals have been reported dead, however, reviving speculation that
animals somehow sense impending disaster.
5. One of the world’s most earthquake-prone countries is Japan, where devastation has
2. D 7. C
3. A 8. B
4. C 9. D
5. D 10. C
6. A
temblor 3. perished 4. habitat 7.
fateful 8.
slam 2. entice 3. trigger 4. revive 5. speculation 6. reserve 7. carcass 8. sanctuary
taken countless lives and caused enormous damage to property.
Text B A. 1. B.
1. 他们希望这种先进的预警系统能够使由太平洋潜在的巨大海啸可能造成的死亡人数远远低于印度洋海啸曾经造成的死亡人数。最近在印度洋发生的海啸夺去了至少14万人的生命。
2. 海啸主要是由俯冲作用带的地震引起的。在这些地带被称为构造板块的地壳的一部分向另一部分的上面或下面移动。
3. 一个普遍的错误概念就是认为海啸是从地震中心引发的。事实上,整个断裂的部分都是海啸的起源。
4. 另一方面,印度洋没有这样的报警系统。专家们说如果当时报警系统到位的话,死于那次亚洲海啸的人数就可能少得多。
5. 当水位变浅时,海浪就会减速,而且浪的高度也会增加,从而在某个位置增加浪的密度和力度。
C 2. D 3. B 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. C 8. A