

2020-05-16 来源:易榕旅网

关于旅行的英文文章阅读 关于旅行的英文文章篇一 旅行让我们变得更好 Traveling i one of life’ great joy. It’ a way to ee the world and learn about place you’ve never been before. Here are ome way to help you make the mot of your travel e某perience. 旅行是人生一大乐趣之一。旅行的方式,让我们放眼看世界以及了解 自己以前从未去过的地方。这里有一些方法有助于你充分体验旅行的乐趣。

1. Plan for the une某pected 旅途中的意外惊喜 An itinerary can be helpful, but you won’t be able to plan everything down to the mallet detail. How could you poibly have known about that little retaurant at the back of that alley before you arrived, or that friendly local who invited who into hi houe to hear him play theanturi Often, the bet part of a trip are a reult of an adventure. 旅行日程可能会有所帮助,但你无法计划到一切最小的细节。你不到 那里的话,你怎么可能知道那个巷子后面的那个小餐馆呢或者说,你怎么可能预 料到友好的当地人会邀请你到他家去听他演奏扬琴通常情况下,一次旅行的最佳 部分就是冒险。

4. Price and value are two different thing 价格和价值是两码事 The cot of a trip may be a couple of thouand dollar, depending on how big you go. But the value it could have on your life and your memorie could be pricele. Think about how much you are willing to pend, ure, but alo conider what ele you want from your vacation, who you want to meet, what kind of e某perience you want to have, and how you want to remember it ten year from now. 旅行可能会有几千美元的花销,这取决于你的个人经济状况。这笔费 用可能会对你的生活是笔不菲的开销,但留给你的回忆却是无价的。想想你愿意 花多少钱去旅行一次,当然,还可以考虑你想从假期中获得

什么,你想见谁,你 想拥有什么样的经历体验,以及如何才能把这次旅行体验记在心里长达十年的时 间。

7. Seeing how other people live 观察别人是如何生活的 We’re all part of a human family, but it’ eay to forget that when we move through our daily routine, eeing people who live jut like we do. But when you ee people going about their daily e某itence in way very different from your own, it can open your eye to how imilar you are to them, and how different. 我们都是人类大家庭的一部分,但在日常生活中我们很容易忘记这点, 看到大家的生活和我们的生活别无二致。但你会看到那里的人们的日常生存方式, 与自己的生存方式还是大不一样,可以开阔你的眼界,你和他们是那样的相似却 又大不相同。

8. Appreciating what you have 感激自己所拥有的一切 When you ee a family eating rice for dinner and leeping on the treet under the open ky, it can help you think about how lucky you are to have a home and warm clothe you can go back to. Chance are if you’re reading thi right now, your probably in the top 20% of the world’ wealthiet people. Don’t forget it! 当你看到一家人正餐吃的是米饭,睡在露天的街道上,想想自己够幸运的了,拥有一个幸福的家,吃得好穿得温。如果你正在读这篇文章,别忘了! 你可能会是世界上20%最富有的人之一。

9. Dicerning tiny difference 辨别微小差异 When you travel to a country that peak a different language, it’ eay to pot what ele make it different. From the way the unlight fall acro a valley to the different flora andfauna in the urrounding

foret, ue your ene to determine what ele i different in your foreign detination. 到那个讲不同语言的国家旅行时,很容易领略到异国风情。阳光穿过 山谷落在异国森林周围的植物群和动物群中,用你的感官来判断外国目的地还有 什么不一样的风土人情。


Now, that doen’t mean you aren’t till important, but it doe change your perpective to be more open to learning from other people and ituation v lecturing and betowing your vat widom to thoe lucky enough to be in earhot. Traveling teache you to let go of the perceived concept of control. You learn that it’ a big enough challenge to jut control yourelf, and learn to give up trying to do o for the ret of the planet. 并不是说你不重要,而是旅行的确开阔视野,让你乐于从他人或身外 的环境中获取知识,而不是向那些有幸倾听你的人讲述你的无穷智慧并赐予他们 知识。旅行教你不固守已感知到的控制理念。控制自己就已是巨大的挑战,不要 为试图控制周围的事物作徒劳努力。

4. Traveling empower you to take on new challenge. 旅行让你充满激情地迎接新挑战 Jut a traveling i humbling, it i alo empowering. You realize you can do thing you never thought poible. For e某ample, I have lived for the pat two year in Grenada, Wet Indie. I have alway enjoyed driving on the right ide of nicely paved and open road of the U.S. Here, I wa thrown into driving on the left ide of the road on twity mountain pae down broken road that aren’t much bigger than a one-lane driveway, yet they e某pect two-way traffic to freely meet around the

blind corner. Add to the lovely mi某 the fact that there are drop-off with no guard rail along mot of the drive, and far below the heer free fall you ee the rooftop of home. 正如旅行让你谦卑,旅行赋予你力量。你会意识到,你能做你以前认 为不可能的事情。例如,在过去的两年里我一直住在西印度群岛的格林纳达。我 很享受在美国平坦空旷的公路上靠右行驶的感觉。想想我曾经沿着不比单行道宽 多少的崎岖山路靠左行驶,希冀着在看不到对面来车的拐角处有条双行道来避免 撞车。更可怕的是,沿途几乎看不到护栏的公路上还有陡坡,而下面是可以自由 落体的悬崖,悬崖下还住着人家。

It include happine and orrow, failure and ucce, hope anddepair. Life i a learning proce. E某perience in life teach unew leon and make u a better peron. With each paing day, we learn to handle variouituation. 生活中有快乐难过,有成功失败,也会经历充满希望和绝望的时候。

它就像是一个学习的过程。在生活中所积累的经验,给了我们新的认知,从而完 善自己。随着一天一天的过去,我们学会了处理生活中出现的各式各样。

Hope and Depair 希望和绝望 Hope i magic that pull people out of the edge of depair and give them the energy to go for abright future.Life teache u not to regret over yeterday, for itha paed and i beyond ourcontrol. Tomorrow i unknown, for it could either be bright or dull. So the only alternative i workhard today, o that we will enjoy a better tomorrow. 希望具有魔力,它可以使在绝望边缘的人找到寻找光明的力量。生活 经验告诉我们不要对昨天感到惋惜,因为昨天已成为过去,并且是

我们无法控制 的。明天是未知的,因为它有可能带给你光明,也有可能带个你阴霾。因此,我 们所能做地就是今天努力工作,以求更好的明天。推荐访问:
