1028 武汉理工大学学报・信息与管理工程版 2010年12月 动,如集体培训、学习讨论等,强化正式组织群体 [4] MEERSCHAERT M M.数学建模方法与分析[M]. 凝聚力,减少非正式组织成员的沟通时间和空间; 刘来福,杨淳,黄海洋,译.北京:机械工业出版社, 用组织文化引导和改变非正式组织群体的行为规 2009:94—102. 范和价值取向,使之与组织目标保持一致。 [5] JERRY W H,MARK S T.Expl0ring the c0ncept of aco ceptability as a criterion for evaluating performance 参考文献: measures[J].Group and Organization Management, 2000,25(1):22—44. [6] 陈仲伯.农垦区域经济发展理论与实践[M].北京: 罗宾斯,贾奇.组织行为学[M].北京:清华大学出 中国环境科学出版社,2000:81—85. 版社,2008:535—540. [7] 贾大明.新时期我国农垦改革发展的战略选择与思 [2] BEI RAMI E.Mathematics for dynamic modeling『M]. 考[C]//2008年全国农垦经济理论研究论文集.北 Orlando:Academic Press,1997:29—43. 京:中国农业出版社,2009:43—54. [3] M0RRIS W H,STEPHEN S.Differential equations.dy— [8] 赵海红.内部控制与组织变革的相互共生性研究 namical systems,and linear algebra[M].New York: [J].南京财经大学学报,2009,27(1):73—75. Academic Press,1974:161—163. Inter—group Coexistence Mechanism of Organization Groups Based on Dynamic Model ZHoU You Abstract:When formal organization and informal organization were taken as independent entity,the dynamic continuous time—va— rying model was built up for mathematical models.The model was applied to explore the evolution mechanisms of the organization and informal organization.When the ifnormal organizations groups are under stable situation and in non—equilibrium point,they are coexisting with formal organizations while the number of groups and the proportion are probably changeable.The organizational change would then take place.An empirical model of state—owned farm was established to explain coexistence mechanism of the ifnormal organization and the formal organization.The dynamic model was applied to verify the analysis results. Key words:informal organization;number of groups;dynamic model;organizational change ZHOU You:Assistant Engineer;School of Management,WUT,Wuhan 430070,China. [编辑:周廷美]