14 化工矿产地质 2018笠 14程裕淇.中国区域地质概念[M].北京:地质出版社,l994 15辽宁省地质矿产调查院,辽宁省硼矿资源潜力评价成果报告[R].沈阳:辽宁省地质矿产地质调查院,2012 16东野脉兴,熊先孝,栾俊霞,等.辽东一吉南地区下元古界含硼岩系的厘定Ⅲ.化工矿产地质,2017,39(4) l7武汉地质学院岩石教研室编_岩浆岩岩石学(上)[M】.武汉:中国地质大学出版社,1980 18白鸽,袁忠信.碳酸岩地质及矿产[M】.中国地质科学院矿床地质研究所所刊第1号(总第13号).北京:地质出版 社,1985 19东野脉兴.世界内生磷矿地质及成矿规律fJ1.化工矿产地质,2004,26(3):l34~144 20熊先孝,肖荣阁,刘长学.辽东吉南地区富镁大理岩的成因及找矿意义【J].化工矿物与加工,2010(1):23 ̄26 21胡墨田,王培君.辽东一吉南地区硼矿床地质特征及成矿规律[J].化工矿产地质,1993,15(3):161~168 Analysis on cause of Lower Proterozoic Erathem boron deposit in eastern Liaoning and southern Jilin,and discussion on cause of ore-hosting marble and boron deposit Dongye Maixing Luan Junxia Wang Ying 1.Geological Institute ofChina Chemical Geology andMine Bureau Zhuozhou HebeL 072754,China 2.GeneralInstituteofChemicalGeologySurveyofChina ChemicalGeologyandMineBureau,Beijing,100013,China Abstract There are lots of boron resources in Lower Proterozoic Erathem of eastern Liaoning and southern Jilin.For more than halfa century,almost all ofgeological survey reports,papers and monographs on boron deposits involve genesis of deposits.There are 3 kinds of traditional views of genesis of boron deposits:sedimento-metamorphic deposit,sedimento—metamorphic-remoulded deposit nd aultrametamorphism—hydrothermal deposit.From traditional views,we can summarize that metallogenic materials are from Lower Proterozoic Erathem,and the dispersed boron in stratum is activated and migrated into magnesia marble to enrich by these materials which are are subjected to migmatization or ultrametamorphism.In the compilation of‘‘Volume for Boron of Mineral Geology of China”,boron deposits in Liaoning and Jilin are further studied.We consider that it is worth discussed for the traditional genesis of boron,and based on the study,we carry out a new argument that hydrothermal containing boron metasomatics early eruption carbonate rocks to mineralization after the magmatic period of carbonatite. Keywords:Boron deposits in Liaoning and Jilin,Lower Proterozoic Erathem,Carbonate,Genesis of boron deposit 2017年地质调查十大科技进展 在1月23曰召开的全国地质调查工作会议上,中国地质调查局、中国地质科学院2017年度地质调 查十大科技进展正式发布。 十大科技进展分别是:(1)我国首次海域天然气水合物试采成功;(2)湖北宜昌寒武系一志留 系页岩气调查实现重大突破; (3)松辽盆地陆相页岩油调查取得突破性进展; (4)新疆塔里木盆 地温宿新区新层系油气调查获重大突破;(5)科技创新引领地质调查精准支撑服务脱贫攻坚成效显 著; (6)首次建成国家地质大数据共享服务平台一“地质云1.0”: (7)多要素多技术城市地质调 查有力支撑雄安新区总体规划编制;(8)松辽盆地资源与环境深部钻探工程(松科2井)三项技术 破世界纪录; (9)“海洋六号”南极科考取得多项突破性创新成果; (10)基于智能互联的地质灾 害监测预警技术创新及应用。