专利名称:Current regulating circuit发明人:Hoffman, Philip A.申请号:EP83307393.5申请日:19831206公开号:EP0121025A2公开日:19841010
摘要:A circuit for aupplying charging current to a battery and which includes arectifying circuit operatively arranged to provide an unfiltered rectified output and acurrent regulating circuit connected in series. The current regulating circuit includes acontrolled current-carrying stage and a control stage operatively arranged to control
conduction of the controlled stage in response to an input signal representative of theunfiltered rectified output from the rectifying circuit. The control stage (38, Figures2,3,4A, 4B, 5A, 5B) is provided with an internal negative feedback path (33-35, Figures 2;48-50,52, Figures 3; 3a, 33b, 34, 35, 43, Figures 4A, 4B; 58-61, Figures 5A, 5B) and allowsthecontrolled stage (39-42, Figures 2,3,4A, 48; 64, Figures 5A, 5B) to pass current duringperiods when the unfiltered output from the rectifying circuit (36, Figures 2, 3,4A, 5A; 36'Figures 4B, 5B) is between a first level, defined by voltage across the battery (24) and ahigher second level. External negative feedback may be provided from the controlledstage (39-42, Figures 2, 4A, 4B) to the control stage (38, Figures 2, 4A, 4B). The controlledstage, under control from the control stage, blocks currentto the battery during periodswhen the unfiltered rectified output from the rectifying circuit is greater than the secondlevel. Thus, short duration current pulses are supplied to the battery.
申请人:Solid State Chargers Research and Development Limited Partnership
地址:7503 Surratts Road Clinton, Maryland 20735 US
代理机构:Wombwell, Francis