
MRSVP A resource reservation protocol for an integrated services network with mobile hosts

2021-01-08 来源:易榕旅网


N5Three receivers at nodes N5, N6 and N7 joina multicast flow from sender S

Active reservationPassive reservationMH3N6C5N1S1N7C4N2N3N4N5 MH2C1C2MH1C3In the above network, link (N1,N2) has a capacity 2B and all otherlinks have a capacity B each. Locations C1, C2 and C3 are in the mobility specification of Mobile Host MH1, and locations C4 andC5 are in the mobility specification of mobile host MH3.In a flow, MH1 is the receiver and MH3 is the sender. MH1 requiresa bandwidth B; for MH1 an active reservation is setup to C3 andpassive reservations are setup to C1 and C2. For MH3, an active reservation is setup from C5 and a passive reservation is setup fromC4. In another flow, Mobile host MH2 requires a weaker QoSguarantee and successfully makes an active reservation from thefixed sender S1 to C1 for a bandwidth B.Active ResvPassive ResvActive PathPassive PathSN6SPC6MH2N5C5Receiver_Spec/Sender_SpecP Proxy agentN1PC2PN2N3PC3N4C1MH1C4Mobility specification of the mobile host MH1 is C2, C3and C4.

MH1 sends Receiver_Spec message to the remote proxy agents at nodes N2 and N3. MH2 sends Sender_Spec message to the remote proxy agent at node N6. Sender S and MH2 sends Active Path message; the proxy agent at N6 sends Passive Path message.

Active Resv message is sent from the mobile host MH1 via node N4. Proxy agents at nodes N2 and N3 send Passive Resv messages.

Active PathPassive PathActive ResvPassive ResvSender_specJoin-Group/Receiver_SpecP Proxy agentC6AMH2N7N6C5PPN1N3A Sender_anchorN2N4PN5PN6PN7MH1C1C2C3C4Mobility specification of mobile host MH1 is C2, C3, and C4; MH2 has

C5 and C6 in its mobility specification. MH1 is a reciver and MH2 is a senderin flow F. MH2 sends Sender_Mspec and Sender_Spec messages to itssender_anchor A. The proxy agent of MH2 at N7 sends Passive Path

message and MH2 sends Active Path message for the split flow F1 to A. MH1 joins the multicast group and informs Proxy agents at N5 and N7 to join the multicast group. MH! and its proxy agents at N5 and N7 start receiving Path messages after they join the multicast group. Proxy agents N5 and N7send Passive Resv messages and the MH1 send Active Resv message. Sender_anchor sends active Path message for flow F2 to the DST.

Path MsgSActive ResvPassive ResvReceiver_MspecP Proxy agentPPN1Receiver_SpecN3PN2C1Receiver_SpecC3C2 The mobile host has C1, C2 and C3 in its mobility specification.The mobile host sends its mobility specification to the sender . The sender sends a Path message to the mobile host located in the home subnet and sends Path messages to the proxy agents at N1 and N2 using RSVP tunnel. Passive Resv messages are sent by N1 and N2, Active Resv message is sent by the mobile hostSPathActive ResvPassive ResvReceiver_Mapec/Receiver_Spec P Proxy agentPPN2N1PN3C1C2C3The Mobile host sends its mobility specification (C1,C2,C3) to the proxy agent in the in the home subnet. On receiving the Path message from the sender, the proxy agent at N3 sends Pathmessages to the proxy agents N1 and N2 using RSVP tunnel. N1 makes passive reservation, N3 makes passive reservation only for the wireless link, and the mobile host makes active reservation. Active PathPassive PathActive ResvPassive ResvSender_specJoin-Group/Receiver_SpecP Proxy agentC6PN7N6PMH2C5N1N3N2N4PN5PN6PN7MH1C1C2C3C4Mobility specification of mobile host MH1 is C2, C3, and C4; MH2 hasC5 and C6 in its mobility specification. MH1 is a reciver and MH2 is a senderin the flow F. MH2 sends Sender_spec messages to its proxy agent at N7. The proxy agent of MH2 at N7 sends Passive Path message and MH2 sends Active Path message to DST. MH1 joins the multicast group and informs Proxy agents at N5 and N7 to join the multicast group. Proxy agents at N5 and N7 start receiving Path messages after they join the multicast group. Proxy agents N5 and N7send Passive Resv messages and the mobile host MH1 send Active Resv message.
