

2021-10-06 来源:易榕旅网


摘要: 双鸭山市安邦河大桥采用单塔单索面矮塔斜拉桥,主梁采用单箱五室大悬臂预应力混凝土箱梁,箱梁采用双向预应力体系,箱梁宽36 m;主塔采用实心矩形截面,结构高38.5 m,斜拉索采用高强度低松弛钢绞线拉索体系,每根拉索采用34根øs15.2mm环氧喷漆钢绞线组成。下部结构采用矩形墩,重力式桥台,桩基础。计算主要内容是以成桥状态及运营状态为主,考虑恒载、徐变、温度、活载、强迫位移的影响。本文阐述其设计特点、各阶段内力分析与主要计算成果。

关键词:单索面矮塔斜拉桥;预应力混凝土箱梁;设计 中图分类号:U44 文献标识码:A文章编号:

The Design ofHeiyashan Anbang River Low-Pylon Cable-Stayed Bridge


Abstract: Anbangi River Bridge is a low-pylon cable-stayed bridge with single plane cables in Shuang Ya Shan. The main beam, with the width of 25.5m and long cantilever, is single box at 5 rooms prestressed concrete box girder with three-way prestressed system. The section of tower which is 38.5m high is solid rectangle. Every cable is formed by 34 epoxy painted steel strands with 15.2mm diameter, which forms the high-strength low-relaxation strand cable system. The substructure of the bridge is rectangular pier , gravity abutment and piles foundation. The main content of calculation is durning completion and service loading , considering the influence of dead load, creep, temperature , live load and forced displacement. This article describes the design features, internal force analysis in each stage, main calculation results.

Key Words: low-pylon cable-stayed bridge with single plane cables, prestressed concrete box girder, design


