Unit 1
1. In the cat’s eyes, my son was her favorite person, and Brandy, the dog, was the one who could protect her and was highly respected by her.她最喜欢的人是我的儿子,但布兰迪才是她的上帝。
2. She knew how to show her care for the children and prevent hurting them by her claws and nails. So I don’t have to declaw her though I trimmed her nails.她非常喜欢小孩子,所以不用因为害怕她伤害到孩子而给她剪爪子。
3. It is an unusual case that she could survive. It is something uncommon.她的生命是一份礼物……一个奇迹。
4. She would have died if there had not been this dog who took good care of her.如果不是布兰迪,她肯定已经死了。
5. The cat was reared by the dog. Now the cat took care of the pups. This is a cycle of love. The author was very happy to see this situation and thought it was a heart-warming event.看来这个爱的循环会一直传递下去。目睹这一切又是无比的美好。
Unit 3
1. When I was young I was caught in the dilemma that, on the one hand, I was eager to grow up, but on the other hand, I was afraid of growing up and wish I
could stay young forever.我记得自己小的时候强烈渴望长大,但又同样强烈地希望一切都维持现状,不要改变,那真是激烈的矛盾心理。
2. I saw boys do annoying things to girls. Girls were very upset and got mad. I hated that and thought I might have gone crazy if these things happened to me. I hated boys and didn’t want to be 13.最糟糕的是,我从那些女孩对这种让人痛苦又讨厌的行为的反应中知道,自己如果友谊天遭遇类似事件,也会失去理智,变成没头没脑的花痴。
3. At my 50th birthday, I tried to cover my fear of being old with good humor because I didn’t want others to see it.50岁的时候,我开心的吹灭了生日蜡烛,因为我知道自己别无选择,但是心里涌起一阵酸楚。
4. There is another fact about aging which is not easy to explain and sometimes seems crazy. It is so true that we can not ignore or deny it. That is, getting old is also accompanied with great joy.但还有一个事实,无法解释,略显疯狂,但同样不容忽视,那就是:一刻一刻,一天一天,一年一年,生活中也总有巨大的快乐相伴。
Unit 5
1. The millionaire class is a small but growing class. It is possible for anyone to become a millionaire accidentally because of unexpected chances in commerce. However, this class is meanwhile the most neglected one in society.百万富翁是一个虽小却正在扩大成长的阶层,我们当中任何人都可能由于做生意发了横财,
2. In the advertisements of the manufacturers of the country, I find that everything is produced to cater for millions of ordinary people, but nothing is produced particularly for the millionaires.从制造商各种各样的广告中我发现,每样商品都是为了百万大众而不是为了百万富翁而生产。
3. For millionaires, it is absolutely not comfortable to have more money to take care of or more begging letters to read. A poor man can enjoy the delicious Alnaschar dreams in which he gets a windfall from a distant relative and wonders happily how to use the unexpected money. However, millionaires are denied such sweet dreams and have no such pleasures.看管更多的钱, 读更多的乞讨信,这些难道也算是一种享受?穷人可以随时找个地方坐下来盘算如果哪天有一位素不相识的亲戚留给自己一笔财产,该如何享用,借此忘掉眼前的困顿,但百万富翁连做这样的黄粱美梦的机会都没有。
4. Many different organizations are founded to help all kinds of comparatively happy people, from newly-freed prisoners who are happy for their regained freedom to poor children who are happy for a plentiful and delicious meal. But no hand is stretched out to help the millionaire, except to beg.各种各样的社会团体如雨后春笋般四处涌现,但帮助的都是那些相对快乐的人。从刚刚获释的囚徒,他们正初尝试重获自由的喜悦,到那些贫苦的儿童,他们因能得到一顿饕餮大餐而狂喜不已:然而没有任何人对百万富翁加以援手,除了乞讨之手。
5. We wrongly assume that a millionaire has nothing to complain of. We
believe that he should be ashamed of rolling in so much money while poor people don’t even have enough to eat.当我们与他打交道之时无疑有这么一种错觉,认为他没有什么可以抱怨的,因为当别人挨饿时,他却在钱堆里打滚,他应该为此感到羞耻才对。
Unit 7
1. We can do a lot of things only by using languages. We still don’t know how we create languages. This question is very interesting and there are many guesses about it.语言的世界真的非常神奇,这不仅仅是因为我们人类能够通过语言来保护自己, 构建形象,娱乐自己,追求所好,以及完成许多其他任务。这些任务除了嘴之外不需要任何其他七团的参与。
2. Image drawing has many shortcomings. It can not satisfy human beings’ various purposes which languages serves.不知道早期人类是否拥有或能感受到幽默,但是仅凭岩洞里的那些画,他们很难便打出血多语言能够表达的内容。
3. In English, there are many words formed derivation. But these words are less than those in many other languages.我们知道很多不同形式的词都是派生出来的,在一个单词的基础上创造另一个单词。但是说到单词的派生,英语远远比不上其他很多语言。
4. The prefixes or suffixes of some words in language, while the original words have already disappeared. The word “ugly” is an example.有时,词法结构会把答辞本身取而代之,比如单词ugly(丑陋的)。
Unit 9
1. Whomever they are together with, they may find some can make them pleased while others can not and that some conversations are pleasant while others are not.不管和谁相处,和谁交流,总会有让人愉快的和让人不快的。
2. By what they say, they spoil the pleasure of other people, upset many people, and as a result, make themselves unpleasant and unwelcome everywhere.他们在社交场合说的话很让人扫兴,既得罪了别人,也让自己变得让人讨厌。
3. Quite often this puts them in a bad temper and drives them to quarrel with others easily.这让他们脾气暴躁,经常为此和别人起冲突。
4. If a stranger paid more attention to his ugly leg than to his handsome one, he doubted whether this person was good enough. If the stranger made some comments on his ugly leg without mentioning his handsome one, my friend had enough reason to avoid him.陌生人和他初次见面时,如果关注他的那条丑腿多过于关注他的好腿,他就会对此人心存顾虑。如果那人谈论起那条丑腿,而不注意那条好腿,我的朋友就有足够的理由决定不再和他交往。
5. So I’d like to advise these people, who are critical about everything and tend to argue with others and who are always unhappy and unsatisfied, that if they want to be loved and respected by other people, they should change this bad habit and be pleased with what is pleasing.因此,我奉劝那些苛刻挑剔,满腹牢骚,事事不满,郁郁寡欢的人,如果想被人喜爱,受人尊敬并且生活快乐,就不要总是盯着别人