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生558 LE TTER V Z.5 l o・。.4 ‘| Jul、. 2,・,2012, 0 TT S IN BIOTECHNOLOGY OI.技 术 通 讯v…Ndoi:10.3969 ̄.issn.1009—0002.2012.04.021 研究报告 酪胺信号放大一量子点标记银染增强的基因芯片可视化检 测方法的建立 张春 ,刘琪琦 ,陈苏红 ,张宏刚 ,王升启 1.安徽医科大学研究生学院,安徽合肥230032;2.军事医学科学院放射与辐射医学研究所,北京100850 [摘要] 目的:建立一种酪胺信号放大一量子点标记银染增强的基因芯片可视化检测方法,提高基因芯片检测的灵 敏度。方法:待测靶基因与固定在玻片上的探针杂交,依次加入链霉亲和素标记的辣根过氧化物酶、生物素标记的酪 胺及链霉亲和素标记的量子点,37℃孵育,然后加入银增强试剂显色,最后用可视化生物芯片扫描仪扫描并记录结 果;以牛布鲁菌210105株为检测对象,以酪胺信号放大一荧光素Cy3(TSA—Cy3)检测法为对照方法,测定酪胺信号放 大一量子点标记银染增强(TSA—QDS)检测法的灵敏度。结果:确定了基因芯片量子点标记银染增强可视化检测方法 的检测流程,优化了检测条件,并考察了检测灵敏度。优化的检测条件为:酪胺一生物素稀释比例为l:4000,链酶亲 和素标记的量子点稀释比例为l:50,37℃孵育时间为25~30 min,银染增强时间为6—7 min。检测牛布鲁菌的灵敏度 为10 CFU/mL。结论:该方法实现了基因芯片高灵敏度可视化检测,其灵敏度与荧光法相当,并且有可视化的优势。 [关键词] 量子点;生物素一酪胺;基因芯片;可视化检测;辣根过氧化物酶 [中图分类号]Q789 [文献标识码]A [文章编号] 1009—0002(2012)04—0558—05 Development of Visual Detection Based on TSA-Quantum Dots Cou— pied with Silver Enhancement for DNA Microarray ZHANG Chun ,LIU Qi—Qi ,CHEN Su—Honf,ZHANG Hong-Gang ,WANG Sheng-Qi 1.Anhui Medical University Gratuate Department,Hefei 230032;2.Institute of Radiation Medicine,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Beijing 100850;China Corresponding author.E—mail:sqwang@nic.bmi.ae.en [Abstract]0bjective:To establish a novel method for DNA microarray of visual detection based on tyraminc signal ampliifcation and quantum dots(QD)coupled with silver enhancement.Methods:Each zone of the slide was hybrided with the target DNA and loaded with the dilution of streptavidin—HRP,biotin—tyramine,streptavi— din—QDs in turn.and incubation was necessary at 37℃after each dilution loaded.The images results were ob— tained after silver staining and a visible light scanner detecting.Meanwhile,the procedure was systematically opti・ mized.Detection sensitivity of TSA—QDS(TSA—quantum dots—silver enhancement)was measured when BruceUa abortus strain 210105 was used as target and TSA—Cy3 as positive control method.Results:The procedure was de— termined and detection parameters including dilution ratio of the regents,incubation temperature,and silver stain time as wel1.The optimized biotin—tyramine dilution was 1:4000,streptavidin-QDs 1:50,the glass slides were in— cubated at 37oC for 20—30 min and stain time 6~7 min.Detection limit of the method reached 10 CFU/mL for B. abortus.Conclusion:A new method for DNA microarray of visual detection was developed.the sensitivity of which was comparable to that of TSA—Cy3.more important iS that the visual detection was realized. [Key words] quantum dots;biotin—tyramine;DNA microarrays;visual detection;horseradish peroxidase 量子点(quantum dots,QD)或称为半导体纳米 微晶体,是一种由Ⅱ一Ⅵ族元素(如硒化镉、硫化镉) 或Ⅲ一V族元素(如磷化铟、砷化铟)组成的尺寸小于 100 nm的半导体纳米晶体” 。量子点颗粒粒径小, 收稿日期:2012—01—04 比表面积大,表面活性位点多,具有量子尺寸效应、 表面效应和量子隧穿效应 ,存在诸如纳米金的类似 电子传递载体 】,在还原剂(如对苯二酚)存在下,可 催化A 还原成单质原子形成银颗粒并沉积于量子 点表面,这些银颗粒又可以进一步催化还原周围的 基金项目:“艾滋病和病毒性等重大传染病防治”科技重大专项 (2009ZX10004—3l0) 银离子,这种级联瀑布催化作用使得银颗粒越聚越 多,积聚成团状银壳,形成肉眼可见的黑色颗粒。量 作者简介:张春,男,硕士研究生 通信作者:王升启,(E—mail)sqwang@nic.bmi.ae.en 子点已经在组织检测和蛋白芯片检测中得到了广泛 562 1 2 3 4 5 生LE TTER H V ・ 23~.厶) No ・4 t一.斗 Jul zu ・,2012, TT S IN BIOTEC N0LOGY olH.技 术通 讯v 的量子点。因此,本检测方法还有进一步提高检测 灵敏度的空间。本方法与TSA—Cy3检测法相比,检 on tyramine signal ampliifcation coupled with gold label sil— ver stain[J].Anal Bioanal Chem,2010,398(18):2745—2750. 【7] Majtan T,Bukovska G,Timko J,et a1.DNA microarrays— techniques and applications in microbial systems[J].Folia Mi- 测过程相对繁琐,需要2步反应才能实现量子点的 引入,如果能实现HRP直接催化量子点沉积,可减 少检测步骤。 crobiol,2004,49(6):635-664. 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