
Unit 1-3 高职英语课文及翻译

2023-09-13 来源:易榕旅网
Unit 1 Text A College—A Transition Point in My Life

1 When I first entered college as a freshman, I was afraid that I was not able to do well in my studies. I was afraid of being off by myself, away from my family for the first time. Here I was surrounded by people I did not know and who did not know me. I would have to make friends with them and perhaps also compete with them for grades in courses I would take. Were they smarter than I was? Could I keep up with them? Would they accept me?

2 I soon learned that my life was now up to me. I had to set a study program if I wanted to succeed in my courses. I had to regulate the time I spent studying and the time I spent socializing. I had to decide when to go to bed, when and what to eat, when and what to drink, and with whom to be friendly. These questions I had to answer for myself.

3 At first, life was a bit difficult. I made mistakes in how I used my time. I spent too much time making friends. I also made some mistakes in how I chose my first friends in college.

4 Shortly, however, I had my life under control. I managed to go to class on time, do my first assignments and hand them in, and pass my first exams with fairly good grades. In addition, I made a few friends with whom I felt comfortable and with whom I could share my fears. I set up a routine that was really my own — a routine that met my needs. 5 As a result, I began to look upon myself from a different perspective. I began to see myself as a person responsible for myself and responsible for my friends and family. It felt good to make my own decisions and see those decisions turn out to be wise ones. I guess that this is all part of what people call “growing up.” 6 What did life have in store for me? At that stage in my life, I really was not certain where I would ultimately go in life and what I would do with the years ahead of me. But I knew that I would be able to handle what was ahead because I had successfully jumped this important hurdle in my life: I had made the transition from a person dependent on my family for emotional support to a person who was responsible for myself.









Unit 2 Text A He Helped the Blind

1 Blind and wanting to read — those were the realities of Louis Braille’s life. The desire to read easily led to the Braille system. January 4 is Braille Day. That day honors the blind. But we should also remember Louis and what he achieved by age 15.

2 Louis Braille was born on January 4, 1809, in France. He lived with his parents, two older sisters, and one older brother in a small, stone house in Coupvray. 3 Three-year-old Louis went to his father’s workshop. Louis’s father was a saddle maker who made items out of leather. Imitating his father, Louis tried to cut a piece of leather with a small knife. His hand slipped, and the point of the knife went into his eye. The doctors took care of him the best they could, but the injured eye got infected. Then the infection spread to his good eye. Louis became blind.

4 Louis went to a public school and learned by listening to the teacher. To do his homework, his sister and a friend read the assignments to him. Soon Louis was at the top of his class. 5 One day, the pastor of Louis’s church came to Louis’s house and told his parents of a school for the blind in Paris. Louis’s parents decided to send him to the school when he was nine years old.

6 Louis wanted very much to read. The school had only 14 books for blind people; the books were big and heavy. The letters were large and raised; one book took a long time to read. Louis thought there must be a better way to read.

7 When Louis was 12, Charles Barbier, a French Army officer, came to the school. Barbier developed an alphabet code used by army soldiers. The code was used to deliver messages to the soldiers at night. It was made up of dots and dashes. It kept the messages secret even if the enemy would see them, but the code was too complicated for the blind. Louis thought the code was slow and the dashes took up too much space. Only one or two sentences fit on a page.

8 Over the next three years, Louis worked to simplify the code. On a vacation at home, Louis, age 15, picked up a blunt awl. Aha! An idea came to him. He made the alphabet using only six dots. Different dots were raised for different letters. Later, he made a system for numbers and music.

9 Today, Braille is in nearly every language around the world. Louis Braille, at age 15, changed the lives of blind people when he created the six-dot Braille system. It is fitting that January 4, Louis’s birthday, is considered Braille Day, in honor of the blind.






一天,教会的牧师来到路易家,告诉他的父母, 巴黎有一所盲童学校。路易的父母决定把他送到那所学校去,当时他是9岁。




Unit 3 Text A Thanks, Mom, for All You Have Done

1 We tend to get caught up in everyday business and concerns and forget some of the things that are most important. Too few of us stop and take the time to say “thank you” to our mothers.

2 With a letter to my mother on the occasion of Mother’s Day, I’m going to take a minute to reflect. Feel free to use any of this in greeting your own mother on Sunday, May 10. Happy Mother’s Day to all.

Dear Mom, 3 This letter, I know, is long past due. I know you’ll forgive the tardiness, you always do.

4 There are so many reasons to say thank you, it’s hard to begin. I’ll always remember you were there when you were needed.

5 When I was a child, as happens with young boys, there were cuts and bumps and scrapes that always felt better when tended by you.

6 You kept me on the straight path, one I think I still walk.

7 There was nothing quite so humbling as standing outside my elementary school classroom and seeing you come walking down the hall. You were working at the school and I often managed to get sent outside class for something. Your chiding was gentle, but right to the point.

8 I also remember that even after I grew bigger than you, you weren’t afraid to remind me who was in charge. For that I thank you.

9 You did all the things that mothers do — the laundry, the cooking and cleaning — all without complaint or objection. But you were never too busy to help with a problem, or just give a hand.

10 You let me learn the basics in the kitchen, and during the time I was on my own it kept me from going hungry.

11 You taught by example and for that I am grateful. I can see how much easier it is with my own daughter to be the best model I can be. You did that for me.

12 Your children are grown now, your grandchildren, almost. You can look back with pride now and know you can rest. As mothers are judged, you stand with the best.

13 God bless you, Mom.


我们往往被日常事务缠住而忘记一些最为重要的事情。我们极少有人停下来花时间对我们的母亲说一声“谢谢你” 。













