专利名称:Internet protocol switching system and
associated method of use
发明人:Jeremy Edward Ousley,Bobbie
Harman,Joseph Frederick Staehly
摘要:An IP switching system that includes a coder/decoder configured for convertingvoice between analog and digital; and a first switch coupled to the coder/decoder
configured to isolate non-secure entities in a network and comprising a plurality of fiberoptic ports; wherein two of the plurality of fiber optic ports are configured to passclassified and unclassified data to one of a classified IP network and an unclassified IPnetwork; and wherein the first switch is configured to operate in a plurality of statesincluding secure, non-secure, and configuration/cut-off. The IP switching system alsoincludes at least one controller connected to the coder/decoder via the first switch suchthat the at least one controller is accessible to the coder/decoder only when the firstswitch is in the configuration/cut-off state; wherein the at least one controller isconfigured to store and retrieve sensitive coder/decoder parameters for operation ofthe coder/decoder.
申请人:MicroTechnologies LLC
地址:Vienna VA US
代理机构:Thompson Coburn LLP