

Unit 2

The English Reserve and Politeness英国人的 拘谨 和 礼貌

[overcautious;reserved] 拘束谨慎;拘束而不自然

1) It is difficult to get to know a reserved person. (T) 要了解一个谨慎的人并非易事。

2) English people tend to be like that. (T) 英国人往往就是那样。tend : to be likely.

Compartment 车厢隔间

3) If a conversation does start, personal questions like \"How old are you?\" or even \"What is your name?\" are not easily asked. Questions like \"Where did you buy your watch?\" or \"What is your salary?\" are almost impossible.

(T) 被动句 译为 主动句 : 一旦谈起来的话,他们不会轻易问及像“你几岁?”或者甚至“你叫什么名字?”等私人问题。像“你的手表是在哪儿买的?”或者“你的收入是多少?”他们几乎是不可能问的。

4) Similarly, conversation in Britain is in general quiet and restrained and loud speech is considered ill-bred. restrained: Someone who is restrained is very calm and unemotional. 克制的 ill-bred adjective : rude or behaving badly, especially because your parents did not teach you to behave well 没有教养的

(T) 同样,在英国,人们交谈时一般声音都很轻、很有节制,大声谈话会被视为没有教养。

5) This unwillingness to communicate with others is an unfortunate quality in some ways, since it tends to give the impression of coldness, and it is true that the English (except perhaps in the North) are not noted for their generosity and hospitality.

(T) 在某种程度上,不愿意与他人交流是一种不幸的品质,因为它可能会给人造成态度冷淡的印象。而事实上,英国人(也许除了北方人)并不以慷慨和好客而著称。(一句拆成两句)


6) On the other hand,they are perfectly human behind their barrier of reserve, and may be quite pleased when a friendly stranger or foreigner succeeds for a while in breaking the barrier down. (T)而另一方面,虽然谨慎使他们不易与人沟通,但他们内心还是很有人情味的。如果一个陌生人或外国人友善地将这种隔阂打破那么一会儿,他们可能会满心欢喜。

7) Within their hearts, the English are perhaps no less conceited than anybody else, but in their relations with others they value at least a show of modesty.

(T) 在内心深处,英国人可能比任何人都高傲,但是当他们与别人相处时,他们十分看重谦逊的品质,至少要表现出谦虚的样子. no less居然,竟(用来表示吃惊等,有时带讽刺意味)

self-deprecation n. 自嘲;自我贬低;过分谦虚

deprecate: to strongly disapprove of or criticize something

8) Its starting point is self-deprecation, and its great enemy is conceit. Its ideal is the ability to laugh at oneself——at one’s own faults, one’s own failures and embarrassments,







ˈstarting point (1) 出发点, 起点 (2) 最主要的动机或着眼点 基础; 始于; 基点; 基调

conceit / kənˈsiːt / noun :自高自大,骄傲自满,自负,狂妄 ideal:完美典范

9)….where humor is so highly prized 很重要

prize verb:to think that someone or something is very important or valuable

10)A sense of humor is an attitude to life rather than the mere ability to laugh at jokes.


11)This attitude is never cruel or disrespectful or malicious.

Cruel冷酷的 Disrespectful粗俗的 malicious恶意的

12)The English do not laugh at a cripple or a madman, a tragedy or an honorable failure.


13) Sympathy or admiration for artistic skill are felt to be stronger than laughter.


14)Like a sense of humor, sportsmanship is an English ideal which not all Englishmen live up to.


that sport in its modern form 现代体育运动

15)Boxing, association football, tennis and cricket were all first organized and given rules in Britain.


16)Rules are the essence of sport, and sportsmanship is the ability to practice a sport in obedience to its rules, while also showing generosity to one's opponent and good temper in defeat.



17)One of the most elementary rules of life is \"never hit a man when he's down\" - in other words, never take advantage of another person's misfortune.


18) English school-boys often show this sense of sportsmanship to a surprisingly high degree in their relations with each other.


19) On the whole British habits of politeness are very informal.


20) All politeness is based on the elementary rule of showing consideration for others, and acknowledging the consideration they show to you.


21)\"Excuse me\" is used as an advance apology for troubling somebody, as when passing in front of him or interrupting his conversation, or when putting a question to a stranger.



22) \"Sorry\" expresses regret for an accidental disturbance or breach of manners.


23)It also takes the place of \"no\" when you cannot agree to a request or an implied request like…

\"Pardon?\" is the polite way of asking somebody to repeat what he has said.


24)…the phrase \"No, please\Britain itself.


25)When the request is granted, and at any time when you are receiving something, however obviously you are entitled to it, you are always expected to say \"Thank you\".


26)British people do not readily ask each other to do anything that would involve real inconvenience.

(T) 如果事情确实很麻烦,英国人不会轻易向他人求助。

27)they prefer to wait for such service to be offered, rather than ask for it. If they do ask, then the request is accompanied by an implied apology like…


28)In fact, without being conscious of it, British people sometimes make offers purely out of politeness, not really expecting them to be accepted, and offers of this kind are refused with the same politeness.


29)If it is a social occasion, not a business one, it is not polite to arrive early.


30)Half an hour late is excessive and requires apologies.


31)Then too, the British are rather particular about table manners.


gaily 欢乐地,快乐地

32)There are no rules, but it is most impolite to stay too late, as it implies a lack of consideration for your hosts.


33)If you have been asked to stay for several days, you will conform as far as possible to the routine of the house, and your hostess will be very pleased if you give her a bunch of flowers, specially bought, before you leave.

conforms to 相符合 routine 惯例,常规


34)Politeness towards women is less observed today than it used to be.


Alight from the bus 下车

35)But now that women are the equals of men in having the vote, taking paid employment and receiving higher education, they receive much less consideration than formerly, for the whole basis of politeness towards women is the feeling that they need protection.


36)If they are respected in Britain, it is because they are felt to be in need of protection and support.


37)Old age and seniority alone do not command authority among the British, in fact modern life has been developing so fast that old people often appear tiresome and out of date.


38)Thus, \"We need some young blood\" is often heard in organizations where the energy and modern methods of younger men are felt to be more likely to succeed than the long but partly irrelevant experience of older ones.


39)It follows that mature Europeans have no desire to grow old or to look older than they are. it follows that由此断定…,由此得出结论…于是出现了…的结果


40)Women especially, for reasons of sexual attraction, long to \"stay young\" and there is no greater compliment to a mature woman than to be told \"How young you look!\"

(T)尤其是女性,为了保持自己的魅力,都渴望能够永葆青春。对于成年女性来说,最好赞词莫过于“你看上去真年轻” 这句话。

41)On the other hand, if a woman's hairstyle, make-up and clothes reveal an obvious effort to look artificially young, she is said to \"look common,\" and is regarded with disapproval.


Unit 3

Bursting the Magic Bubble 揭开魔术的面纱

1)Psychologists now recognize that magicians know an awful lot about how people perceive the world.


2)First there's shock tinged with disbelief. A moment of wonder follows. Then, a desperate scramble to rack your brains and work out just how you've been had. rack your brains 冥思苦想,绞尽脑汁 tinge使带有…气息(或气味、味道、色彩等):


3)There's no denying the effects of a good magic trick. From the great escapes of Houdini and the surreal mental trickery of Derren Brown to the conjurors at children's parties, the appeal is universal.

(T)优秀魔术的魅力是有目共睹的(不可否认的)。从Houdini的惊天逃生和Derron Brown虚幻的精神欺骗,再到儿童聚会上的魔术表演,无论是何种魔术,都有让人着迷的魅力。

4)\"Magic's been around for a very long time and it improves over time,\"


5)What you're looking at when you see a finished piece of magic is a great deal of expertise


6)But, not content with just enjoying the tricks, psychologists are now using their effects on the mind to work out how we handle the floods of sensory information coming into our brains and process it into a mental picture of the world around us.


7)Magic is a deception, a disruption of that orderly mental picture where things seem to float in mid-air or coins and cards vanish in front of our eyes.


8)Scientists now believe that, by mapping out how our brains are deceived, they could even help to unlock some of the mysteries of consciousness itself.


9)“Over the last five years, there's been a reawakening as we look at things like change blindness and at the fact that consciousness is a construction and may even be an illusion,” awakening 觉醒;觉悟;醒悟;唤醒


10)Wiseman, himself an accomplished magician and member of the Magic Circle. \"Now there's a recognition that magicians are doing something very special.”

身为技艺精湛的魔术师并为Magic Circle(魔术圈)成员的Wiseman说,“现今人们意


11)…Max Dessoir wrote about the ways in which magicians used suggestion and misdirected attention to get their illusions to work.

(T)…Max Dessoir记录了魔术师通过暗示和转移观众注意力,成功地制造假象的方法。

12)In 1896, Joseph Jastrow published articles in Science on the mechanics of some tricks by contemporary master magicians. the mechanics of (doing) something 运作方式

(T)1896年,Joseph Jastow在《科学》杂志上发表了关于当时大魔术师们的一些魔术使用的手法的文章.

13)But, aside from describing what the magicians were doing, they were at a loss to explain why magic tricks had the effects they did on the audience. As a result, interest in studying the psychology of magic faded for nearly a century. aside from 除…以外(尚有) at a loss 1. 困惑;为难;不知所措;无计可施2. 蚀本;亏本地


15)But, as Wiseman says, a renaissance is now in full swing. in full swing如火如荼;全面展开;正起劲;全力进行


16)Magic is all about convincing others that the impossible has just happened. And that deception is achieved with a high degree of skill and showmanship.


17)We're starting to realise that magicians have a lot of implicit knowledge about how we perceive the world around us because they have to deceive us in terms of controlling attention, exploiting the assumptions we make when we do and don't notice a change in our environment.


19)People are always blown away by how detailed a description you'll have. Blow away : to make someone feel very surprised, especially about something they like or admire

20)And a lot of the understanding of a trick has to be from the perspective of the audience.


21)While the magician's dexterity is important, the audience is also a vital participant in the deception. After all, it is in their minds that the illusion is created.

(T)尽管魔术师手的灵巧性很重要,观众在骗术中也是重要的参与者 毕竟,这种假象是在观众自己脑中形成的。

22)\"Magicians seem to be able to carry out secret actions in front of their audience without being spotted. I'm interested in why people don't perceive those actions,\" says Gustav Kuhn, a psychologist at Durham University.


23)Psychologists can use these tricks to catch a glimpse into how our minds interpret the world around us.


24)Magicians are manipulating your consciousness. They are showing you something impossible,\" says Wiseman. \"They're getting you to construct a narrative, which simply isn't true. manipulating控制 (T)他们会诱导你,让你在脑中编织出一个实际并不存在的场景(故事)。

25)Our brains filter out a huge amount of the mass of sensory input flooding in from our environment.


26)\"Our visual representation of the world is much more impoverished than we

would assume. visual representation视觉再现 impoverished adj. 穷困的;用尽了的,无创造性的


27)People can be looking at something without being aware of it. Perception doesn't just involve looking at an object but attending to it.


Sleight of hand 障眼法

28)It is known that we only receive high-quality information from the area we are fixated on, right in the centre of our field of view. If you stretch out your arm, it is about two thumbs' width at the centre of your vision - everything else is pretty much blurred. The way we compensate for this is to move our eyes around to fill in the gaps and create a better picture of the world around us.


29)Kuhn's results, to be published in the journal Perception in the next few months, showed that simply staring at the location of the deception was not enough for people to discover how the trick happened.


30)What it shows is just how much of the picture in our head of our surroundings is a massive construction, based on expectations, what we think is important, what we normally encounter and so on,”


31)Misdirection of an audience, therefore, depends on more than just making people look the wrong way - the truly successful magician misdirects attention.

(T)因此,误导观众不只是让他们看错误的方向——真正成功的魔术师会转移他们的注意力。apparently 表面上 psychokinetic 念力 with a static shot 静止的镜头 voiceover画外音control group 实验对照组 facial clues 面部表情的线索 monitor 观察

32)This leads to an interesting idea — could some people be immune to some of the effects of magic? be immune to对…有免疫力;不受…的影响


33)People who suffer from autism, for example, tend to have difficulties gauging facial cues, so their attention is less influenced by where somebody is looking.



magnetic resonance imaging(MRI)磁共振成像仪

34)\"We're very interested in the part of the brain that detects cause and effect relations,\" says Parris.


35)In particular, the experiments will monitor the dorsal lateral pre-frontal cortex, which is known to be the bit of the brain that registers surprise, and the anterior cingulate, which is activated whenever something incongruous happens in our immediate environment.

the dorsal lateral pre-frontal cortex 前额背外侧区大脑皮层 anterior cingulate前扣皮带层 register 表现,显示 incongruous不协调的 immediate 紧邻的,附近的


36)Of course, magic is more than just surprise, so the researchers will be looking for something more. “When you’re watching magic, there is just a split second 一瞬间when you’re in disbelief and that’s what we’re looking for, that exact moment,\" he says. \"The magic spot.”见证奇迹的时刻

37)\"No one's done this and it's unclear whether it'll be a single part of the brain or a network,\" says Parris.


38)But while psychologists slowly get to grips with the way magicians manage to trick our brains, is there not a risk that the magic will lose its power? That it will cease to be amazing? Wiseman thinks not. \"What we get is a more informed audience,\" he says. get to grips with

1. (与…)争论;(与…)冲突;(与…)扭作一团2. 认真对待(或解决)…;设法对付… Juggle 抛接杂耍 conceal 隐藏v.


the practitioners of magic 魔法从业人员,魔术师 fallible adj. 易犯错误的;不可靠的

39)They can probably get away with quite a bit more. get away with侥幸逃脱



It’s tough at the top珠峰之巅,举步维艰 Mount Everest 埃佛勒斯峰(喜马拉雅山主峰之一,中国称珠穆朗玛峰) Himalayas n. 喜马拉雅山脉

1)Many people have risked and lost their lives in the course of expedition. Modern explorers, however, are becoming more fascinated by the ultimate fate of earlier doomed explorers.



2)\"Because it's there,\" George Mallory reportedly replied when asked why he wanted to climb Mount Qomolangma.


3)The only man to take part in all three of the British pioneering expeditions in the 1920s,/ Mallory was driven by a fascination to reach the summit of the mountain/ with which he had formed a strong personal bond with.


4)\"It's an hell-like mountain, cold and treacherous,\" he once wrote in a letter home from Everest Base Camp. treacherous危险的; 变化莫测的


5)“The risks of getting caught are too great; the margin of strength when men are at great heights is too small. Perhaps it is mere folly to go up again. But how can I be out of the hunt?\"


6)In 1920 when Francis Younghusband, the President of the Royal Geographical Society (RGS), first put forward the idea of supporting an expedition to Everest, the mountain was still a mystery. 对于….仍然一无所知

as to 1. 至于,说到;关于[多引起从句] 2. 按, 按照,遵循,根据

7)At the time no one had been within 65 kilometers of the mountain, which could only be approached through the unknown kingdoms of Nepal or China's Tibet. kingdom 区域,范围

(T) 那时,还没有人到过珠峰周围65公里的范围,只能从尼泊尔或中国的西藏的未知区域走近这座高山。

set one's sights on someone or something:to regard having someone or something as one's goal.

8)The accomplishment of such a feat will elevate the human spirit and will give

man, especially us geographers, a feeling that we are acquiring a true mastery of our surroundings.


9)This is the incalculable good which the ascent of Mount Everest will confer,\" he said. incalculable adj. 无数的;不可计算的;不可预料的 ascent攀登 confer (称号、学位等的)授予,赐予,颁给:


10)George Mallory and Andrew Irvine had set out from Camp VI on 8 June 1924, attempting to become the first men to set foot on the summit. They never returned.


11)Today, with more than 550 mountaineers from 20 countries having reached the summit, the mystery has shifted away from Qomolangma the mountain, towards Mallory the man.


12)In March 1999, 75 years after Mallory's death on the mountain, the Mallory

and Irvine Research Expedition set out for Qomolangma, not because it was there, but because he was.

不是因为它,而是因为他 Ice axe 冰镐

13)…in 1975, the body of a climber was discovered nearby by a Chinese climber who described it as being an \"old English dead\" on account of the vintage clothes the body still wore.


14)Simonson's team expected to relocate the body during their high level search. They anticipated it to be Irvine, the inexperienced Oxford graduate who had possibly fallen, dropping his ice axe on the icy slabs of Qomolangma's North Face. Mallory's fate was unknown.


16)Searching amongst the snow gullies and scouring ledges at 8 320 meters, Simonson's team discovered a body, the skin bleached porcelain white by the sun. It was lying face down, head and arms frozen into the earth. Scouring冲刷出的 bleach v. 漂白,晒白



17)Only the collars of the tattered clothes were intact and on one was uncovered a manufacturer's label, still legible despite years of vicious assaults by ice and wind.


18)The discovery of Mallory's body prompted admiration of expedition search member, Jake Norton. Stitch 缝制


19)\"As a climber, to know what Mallory did was phenomenal. He was a powerful tough guy, who fought till the end,\" he told reporters. Phenomenal 非凡的; 杰出的


20)During the early decades of the twentieth century, it was this strength, tenacity and love of adventure which had established Mallory as a leading figure in the close-knit climbing world.


21)He was an obvious choice for the Mount Qomolangma Committee as part of the first reconnaissance expedition in 1921.


22)For Mallory this was the opportunity of a lifetime.


23)It was a challenge, but that only increased its appeal, for as he once said: \" To refuse the adventure is to run the risk of drying up like a pea in its shell.“


25)By 1924, after two exhausting and unsuccessful attempts to the mountain on expeditions in 1921 and 1922, his early enthusiasm began to wane.


26)A family man with three children, he had just begun a teaching job at Cambridge. 顾家的男人

27)Meeting Irvine, recommended by Noel Odell, the expedition's geologist, buoyed him up for the challenge. buoy up 鼓舞,激励,使振作 buoy n. 浮标;

vt. 使浮起;


28)Although Irvine was young with no track record as a climber, he was strong, resourceful and good-natured.


29)The expedition \"supermanhey called him. Mallory had warmed to him immediately, describing him as \"a fine fellow\who should, \"prove a splendid companion on the mountain.” warm to (对某人) 产生好感; (对某事) 开始感兴趣 fine 品德高尚的; 值得钦佩的


31)Before departing for the 1924 expedition Mallory had confided in a friend that it would be, \"more of war than an adventure\siege on the summit. Confide in sb. 吐露 siege 围攻,包围


32)Two attempts were to be made, one with oxygen and one without but Qomolangma repelled both attempts. Repel击退;抵制;使厌恶


33) Mallory's climbing teams were defeated through lack of oxygen and exhaustion. He refused to give up and was determined to risk one last try.


34) Only Odell and Irvine were in a fit state to partner him. For Mallory it was a simple choice. He threw his lot in with Irvine and the pair set off on their fatal summit bid.


Crag 悬崖; 峭壁 Mosaic adj. 摩西的;拼成的;嵌花式的n. 马赛克;镶嵌;镶嵌细工

35) A sudden clearing above him unveiled the whole summit ridge.

Unveil vt. 使公诸于众,揭开;揭幕 vi. 除去面纱;显露 Ridge山脊


36)On a snow slope, clinging to the steep North Face, he noticed, first Mallory,

then Irvine approach a broad rock step.


37)As he stood, his eyes tracking them against the mosaic of rock and snow, the weather closed in again, clouding their fate for the next 75 years.


38)In finding Mallory's body, Simonson's team had helped to come to a theory of how he had died.

(T)西门松探险小组发现了马罗礼的尸体之后, 帮助得出了关于他死因的解释。

39)Prior to the recent expedition it was thought that Mallory and Irvine had been climbing at 8 535 meters, and could have either fallen or simply laid down exhausted in the snow to die.


40)\"There was a rope wrapped round his waist. You could see black and blues on him, he probably had internal bleeding.


41)He slid down the North Face digging into the snow or gravel, crossed his legs in pain and died a few moments later. Gravel 砂砾


42)Despite the initial find of the body, Qomolangma was reluctant to give away too many more clues.


43)The team failed to find the camera ||, lent to Mallory by his climbing partner Howard Somervell,|| the existence of which may prove whether or not the pair made it to the top.


44)However, searching for needles in a hostile, wind-scorched haystack of rock and ice is a perilous business.


45)In the face of such danger || the expedition's fascination with the man, must be almost as great as the man's own fascination with the mountain.


46)Macabre though Simonson's quest is, it is not unique.


The Arctic 北极 Arctic 极冷的 Arctic 北极的 Permafrost 永冻土层

47)Torrington had been chief Stoker aboard the Erebus which along with the Terror sailed with Sir John Franklin during his expedition to chart the Northwest Passage.


48)The expedition had set sail from the Thames River on 19 May 1845, || carrying with it the hope of the nation || for the discovery of a navigable route through the Arctic into the Pacific Ocean.


49)Neither ship was ever seen again and 129 men lost their lives in a polar enigma which mesmerized Victorian Britain. Mesmerize 迷住 enigma:someone or something that is strange and difficult to understand


50)The conclusion of the 25 major search expeditions, which set out to solve the puzzle was that Franklin's men had succumbed to scurry, starvation, stress and hypothermia.


51)In 1981 American anthropologist Owen Beattie, set out to apply modern scientific and forensic technique to any remaining evidence of Franklin's expedition.


52)Over the following five years Beattie scoured Franklin's expedition sites for clues. His most grisly task was the exhumation and autopsies of three expedition members, one of whom was John Torrington. scour


exhumation [ekshju:'meiʃən] 1.发掘2.掘尸 grisly adj. extremely unpleasant and involving people being killed or injured autopsy 验尸

(T)此后五年的时间里,比泰走遍了富兰克林探险队所经过的地方寻找线索。他那最令人毛骨悚然的工作,是把三名探险队员的尸体挖出来并进行尸体解剖 ,其中一名是约翰·托林通。

Repeal if the government repeals a law, it officially ends it, so that it is no longer

valid. 撤销; 废止 (法令) the Corn Laws 谷物法(Corn Laws,或称“玉米法案”)是一道于1815年至1846年强制实施的进口关税,藉以“保护”英国农夫及地主免受来自从生产成本较低廉的外国所进口的谷物的竞争。

53)Being kept in the frozen earth since 1846 had prevented major outward appearances of decay.


54)Torrington looked very much as he has done in life; skin was still on his face, he had kept his teeth, eyes and most of his hair.


55)Samples of his body tissue looked almost recent in origin and certain bacterial stains collected had even survived the big freeze.


56)The autopsy showed Torrington was an ill man when he died. His lungs were blackened with atmospheric pollutants and he showed evidence of tuberculosis atmospheric pollutants大气污染 tuberculosis n. 肺结核;结核病


57)There were also signs that the ultimate cause of death had been pneumonia. However, what struck Beattie most were abnormally high levels of lead found in samples of hair, indicating acute lead poisoning.


58)Lead poisoning can lead to weakness, fatigue, stupor, neurosis and erratic behavior, ||far from ideal conditions for surviving long exposure to the harsh Arctic environment.


59)Beattie confirmed the elevated lead levels in John Hartnell and William Braine, the two other exhumed bodies.


60) In 1845, tinned preserved food was a modern invention, tin cans having been only patented in England in 1811. They were made from a wrought-iron sheet bent into a cylinder and joined along the seam with solder containing more than 90 percent lead.


61)Franklin's expedition carried nearly 8 000 lead-soldered tins containing meat, soup, vegetables and pemmican - a pressed cake of shredded dry meat.


62)Beattie's examination of tins collected near the site of the graves confirmed the high levels of lead in the solder and also that the side seams of some tins were incomplete, increasing the risk of contamination.比泰检验了掘尸点附近采集到的铁罐,证实焊锡铅含量较高,并且一些罐头边缝也没完全焊牢,这就增加了食物受到污染的危险性。

63)Beattie's gruesome raising of Franklin's death had answered the age-old question of what happened to the ill-fated Northwest Passage expedition.


64)Weakened by the physical and neurological side effects of lead poisoning, the men would have not been physically able to fight off the diseases that were the eventual cause of death. Side effect副作用 Collateral damage (军事行动中对平民或非军事建筑造成的) 附带损害 Fallout附带结果(后果)


65)Although Mallory's camera was not recovered, various other artifacts were

unearthed, including an oxygen bottle, Mallory's watch, an altimeter, glacier goggles, a pocketknife and several letters from family members. Unearth 发现


66)They hope to piece together the many possible scenarios of Mallory and Irvine's last day.


67)Beattie's solution to the Franklin mystery took four expeditions and Simonson is not expecting miracles.


68)Next time he wants to look for Irvine's body and the elusive camera, which he still believes is on the mountain. But for the present, the mystery of both the man and the mountain live on.



Right Drug, Wrong Patient药本无毒,毒乃错药

1)As a rule, the pharmacy's proficiency and authority is little doubted. But the rate of pharmacy errors is much higher than people think.


黄药师Huang Yao-shi Nickname:\"Eastern Heretic\" (東邪) Alias:\"Old Evil Huang\" (黃老邪)

2)Imagine what would happen if the drug dispensed to you were not the proper one.


3)At breakfast, seven-year-old Gabrielle Hundley took the first of two pills that would change her life.

(T) 吃早餐时,7岁的加布里埃尔•亨德黎服下了将会改变她一生的两粒药中的第一粒。

4)The new prescription that her mother, Peggie, had gotten filled at the Rite Aid in Rock Hill, S.C., was for Ritalin, a drug used to treat attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder.


5)In an emergency room later that day, February 21, 1995, doctors discovered that the little girl hadn't taken Ritalin at all, but a high dose of Glynase, a diabetes medication.


6)In court the next year, the Hundleys' attorney argued that the pills were incorrectly dispensed, and contained 16 times the normal starting dose for adult diabetics, causing Gabrielle's blood-sugar level to plummet so severely that she suffered permanent brain damage. attorney律师;代理人 starting dose起始剂量;首剂量 plummet数量、比率、价格) 暴跌

(T)次年在法庭上,亨德黎的律师论证说,药物没有正确配发,其剂量比成人正常初服量高出16倍,使得加布里埃尔血糖急速攀高 ,从而导致她脑部永久性损伤

7)The jury awarded the Hundley family $16 million. Rite Aid is appealing the verdict.


8)Pharmacy transactions seem so straightforward. How often could they go awry?


9)While there are no definitive national statistics, there is evidence suggesting

that drug-dispensing mistakes are more common than you think.


Definite : 明确的;确切的 Defining: 起决定作用的;关键的 Definitive: 确定的 ; 权威性的; 可靠的

10)In a 1997 nationwide survey conducted by the trade publication Drug Topics, 53 percent of pharmacists admitted having made errors in the preceding two months.


11)A June 1996 survey of 3361 pharmacists in California and Oregon revealed that errors occurred at an annual rate of 324 per pharmacy - nearly one a day.


12)“Ten years ago, an acceptable error rate was considered one per year per pharmacy,” says Ralph Vogel, president of the Guild For Professional Pharmacists, a union representing 2000 pharmacists.


13)“What we're seeing today is the chaos that comes from understaffing and other new stresses in the pharmacy.”


15)The pharmacy industry insists that worries over error rates are overblown. Overblown过分渲染的;夸张的


17)Nevertheless, many state regulators, consumer advocates and pharmacists contend that a revolution in the retail drug business is causing problems by increasing workloads.

Regulator 监管人; 监管机构 contend 声称,主张


18)They point to two factors: First, overall prescription volume keeps rising - up 30 percent between 1992 and 1997, according to IMS Health, a health care information company.Second, the percentage of prescriptions paid for by insurance or HMOs has risen from 28 percent in 1991 to 60 percent in 1997.


IMS Health的调查结果显示,1992年到1997处方总量增加了30%。二、由保险公司或保健组织支付的处方的比例,已由1991年的28%增长到1997年的60%。

19)These third-party payers are imposing ever-lower reimbursement rates on pharmacies, which must churn out a high volume of prescriptions to keep profit margins up.

Imposing…on 强制实行 Ever- : always or continuously Reimbursement报销; 偿还; 赔偿

churn剧烈搅动 churn out 快速大量生产 profit margins 利润率


20)Even the Big Four chains - Rite Aid, CVS, Eckerd and Walgreens - are affected.


21)Against this backdrop, too many people are taking the prescription transaction for granted.

Backdrop 1. 幕布,背景幕 2.(事件的)背景 take for granted 认为…理所当然


23)Indeed, for the past nine years, Americans responding to Gallup Polls have ranked pharmacists as the country's most honest and ethical professionals ahead of clergy members. Rank 给…排名,名列 clergy 牧师


24)No wonder so many people assume nothing can go wrong. “I had blind faith,” says Peggie Hundley. no wonder 并不足怪,怪不得,难怪

(T)难怪为数众多的人以为 ,药剂师不会出任何差错。佩吉·亨德黎说:“我盲目地信任了他们。

25)You can't rely solely on your doctor.


26)Most physicians get only one year of formal training in medical school on the use of prescription drugs. And, generally, continuing education on medications is not required. Adult education成人教育


27)In contrast, many states require pharmacists to complete an average 15 hours of continuing education each year.


28)And there's no dearth of homework: new drugs are pouring into the market, stimulated by a 1992 program shortening the FDA's drug-approval times. dearth 不足 stimulate刺激、鼓励


29)In the past two years, 92 new drugs hit the market - compared with 125 approved for the previous five years.


Implicit 1.含蓄的,不讲明的2.内含的,隐含的,固有的 problematic有困难的;有问题的;难以解决的 Problem出错的

30)Ruth Paxton, 44, of Dayton, Nev., trusted her doctor implicitly when she sought treatment for a sinus infection in July 1992.3.


allergic reaction过敏反应 penicillin n. 盘尼西林(青霉素) Keflex 头孢氨苄

31)Unaware of the severity of her past reactions, her doctor prescribed the antibiotic Ceftin, which can cause life-threatening allergic responses in people with extreme sensitivities to either of the other two drugs. Ceftin新菌灵(头孢菌类素抗生素)


32)Within 20 minutes of taking Ceftin, Paxton‘s throat began to swell, making it difficult to breathe. Swift self-treatment with an anti-histamine (抗组胺药物)stopped the reaction.


33)Nevada's board of pharmacy reprimanded Paxton's pharmacist, saying he should have warned her of the potential for allergic reaction.


34)A white coat does not make a pharmacist.


35)The burden of knowing about potentially dangerous drug reactions is one reason pharmacists must complete five or six years of academic training.


pharmacy technician助理药剂师;药品技师;药房技术员

36)Depending on the state, such techs may have nothing more than a high school degree and on-the-job training.


37)As pharmacy chains face squeezes on profit margins, the use of techs is growing. Why? Techs typically earn $5 to $12 an hour - compared with the average of $30 to $39 an hour for registered pharmacists.


38)Of course, pharmacists are supposed to check technicians' work. Failure to do so was cited as a major cause of dispensing errors by nearly a third of pharmacists in the Drug Topics survey.

(T)当然,药剂师应当核查助理的工作。《药学信息》的调查认为,将近三分之一的药剂师犯配药错误主要是由于没有核查。 Cite 引证

Refill:a container filled with a particular substance coumadin 香豆定

a powerful blood-thinning medication 治疗血管收缩的强效药

39)“At the trial, they said they couldn't be sure who filled the prescription,” says Hazel, referring to her lawsuit against Kmart.

(T)“在开庭审理时,他们说拿不准是谁配的药” ,海泽尔在谈到诉讼卡马特的案件时说。

40)Her attorney argued that whoever filled the prescription did so with pills containing 5 mg of Counmadin rather than Ernest's usual 2 mg. - an overdose that caused massive bleeding and led to his death.


41)Some dispensing errors can be attributed to unreasonable workloads.


42)Three medical studies conducted over an 11-year period found a correlation between pharmacists' workloads and error rates


43)‘There does appear to be a greater risk of errors when a pharmacist is expected to fill more than 24 prescriptions per hour,’


44)Increasingly, pharmacists say, pushing beyond that rate is not unusual.


46)Most pharmacies rely on computer setups that are supposed to be updated regularly with information about new drugs or new risks for existing drugs. But these systems don't always work.


46)…and his colleagues presented two prescriptions for the same patient to 50 pharmacists…


47)One was for the antihistamine Seldane; the other was for the antibiotic erythromycin.


48)Since 1992 the FDA and the drug manufacturers have issued warnings that mixing the two drugs could be fatal. Still, 32 percent of the pharmacies filled the prescriptions.


adverse interactions药物相克 Override system 改写程序

49)And what about the patient information leaflets stapled to prescription bags at most pharmacies?


50)These are also designed to give added protection against drug interactions or side effects.


51)They usually aren't prepared by pharmacists or physicians - but by commercial vendors. And they're often vague or out-of-date.


52)Little watchdog oversight exists.

(T)监管机构不监督。 state boards各州有关部门

53)And national error-reporting programs such as one run by U.S. Pharmacopeia (a nonprofit group that sets drug-manufacturing quality standards) are voluntary.


54)Drug chains, however, usually require pharmacists to submit error reports to management. But even those internal reports don't always prevent future errors.


heart-rhythm-altering调节心率的 breast cancer 乳腺癌 malignant tumor恶性肿瘤

benign tumor良性肿瘤 chemotherapy化学疗法 Oncology肿瘤学

55)Malvina Holloway, 59, of Mobile, Ala., received a bottle filled with Tambocor, a dangerous heart-rhythm-altering medication, rather than the breast-cancer drug Tamoxifen that her oncologist had prescribed. Holloway didn't discover the mistake until five months and two refills later.



56)Luckily, she did not experience any adverse reactions to the heart drug, but Holloway was distressed that her cancer treatment was delayed.

adverse reaction to food/drug/…不良反应


Sue是民事訴訟,多數是要求金錢賠償 incident reports 事故报告

57)Such awards have motivated chains to improve internal procedures on error reports.


58)But Carmen Catizone, executive director of the National Association of Boards of Pharmacy(美国国家药房协会), which represents state licensing boards across the country, argues for greater oversight: “We are proposing that each individual pharmacy be required to report serious dispensing errors to the state board.”


59)The ultimate responsibility of protecting himself, though, rests with the consumer.


show and tell 展示说明 counsel 解释说明

60)“If people understood the harm that could be done to them by a dispensing error, they wouldn't treat going to a pharmacy like going to a fast-food store.


61)At your doctor's office, write down the generic and brand names of your prescribed medicine, along with its purpose and the dosage. That way you can double-check the medication the pharmacist hands you.


62) Inform Everyone: Remind both your doctor and your pharmacist of any drug allergies you have, as well as any other medications you're taking. Include over-the-counter pain or cold remedies, vitamins and herbal supplements.


63)Check Refills: Make sure the pills are the same color and size you usually get. If they're different, assume they're wrong until a pharmacist examines them.


64)Off-Peak非高峰(时间)的 call in 打电话通知

65)If you get your prescriptions by mail, order them at least two weeks before you need a refill. Most importantly, if you feel sick after taking a newly prescribed drug, call your physician immediately.

