
System for providing service and rate negotiation

2021-07-09 来源:易榕旅网

专利名称:System for providing service and rate

negotiation in a mobile communicationsystem

发明人:Blakeney, Robert D. II,Tiedemann, Edward G.,




摘要:In a method for negotiating service configuration in a communication system

having at least one dedicated channel which is not shared by communication devices inthe communication system, a request message indicative of a proposed serviceconfiguration is generated in a service negotiator (20). The request message is

multiplexed, in a multiplexer (22) coupled to the negotiator (20), with an information datasignal to produce a multiplexed signal. The multiplexed signal is encoded in an encoder(24) interposed between the multiplexer (22) and a transmitter (26) in accordance with aservice configuration selected by the service negotiator (20). The multiplexed andencoded signal is transmitted by the transmitter (26) over the dedicated channel.Received signals are decoded a decoder (16) interposed between a receiver (14) and ademultiplexer (18). A response message indicative of a response to the proposed serviceconfiguration is received by the receiver (14). A determination is made by the servicenegotiator (20) whether the response message is indicative of a mutually acceptableservice configuration. The encoder (24) is directed by the service negotiator (20) toencode the information data signal in accordance with the proposed service configurationif the response message is indicative of an acceptable service configuration. The encoder(24) is directed by the service negotiator (20) to encode the information data signal with auniversal default service configuration if the response message is not indicative of anacceptable service configuration.


地址:5775 Morehouse Drive San Diego, CA 92121-1714 US


代理机构:Gates, Marie Christina Esther

