
虚心聆听 亲身体会

2021-01-09 来源:易榕旅网


伴随着时光的流逝,我已经在这片陌生的大地上生活了四个年头了。不知不觉得我已经融入到了这个新的社会。我记得很清楚,我是2011年2月来到菲律宾的。我还记得在来这里之前的热情与兴奋,可是所有的一切都在来到这里之后改变了。 刚刚到这里时,感觉这里的环境真的不是自己想象中的那么美好。看看这里零乱拥挤的街道,在望望离我们只有一墙之隔的贫民区。我深深的感受到了这个国家的落后与贪婪。我更不敢去想像在接下来的几年里将会发生什么样的事情。 在天主的安排下,我顺利的考入了这里的一所大学。但是当我接到通知书时,我才发现学校给我分配的专业并不是我想要的,我想学的是商科,可是他们告诉我,我只能在电脑系里学习。当然,我想到要放弃。可是我不知道,如果我放弃,接下来我要做什么,不如就先报到,以后的事情以后会有解决的方法的。很快我就入学了,可是,在这里的时光并不是那么的顺心如意,语言上的障碍,饮食上的问题,我不知道自己能在这里坚持多久,我开始有了放弃的念头。我经常尝试着鼓励自己一定要坚持下去,在这期间我不时的去教堂参加弥撒。我也一直在思考,我来这里是做什么的呢,我不爱自己学习的科目,对自己的未来一片的黑暗,模糊,失望。我学习这门课程是为了什么呢?我常常问到耶稣,为什么你要让我学习这些东西呢?你明明知道我最恨的就是电脑,为什么呢?在那期间,我深深的体会到了痛苦,不仅仅是在身体上,甚至我的精神,灵魂也是一样的痛苦。他一直没有给我回答,我无数次的怀疑到,耶稣,我的天主你到底有没有在帮我。难道我就这么的没有价值让您关心吗?同时,我也开始抱怨,为什么我要参加弥撒呢?他又不帮我。这也是我最庆幸的一件事情,我告诉了,我的朋友,他跟我说“你为什么老是抱怨他呢,那你又为他做了什么?你有没有听到他给你的回答呢?”从那之后,我也开始了思考这个问题。在我学习之余,我经常去教堂,虽然我不知道是为什么。可是我有种感觉告诉我,他会回答我的,不过我不知道是什么时间罢了!当然,我有时还是有疑心。 时间过的很快,我已经是大学四年级的学生了。我经常在教堂里面默默的思考,和他沟通,我把发生在我身边的所有事情都告诉了他。经过年这几年的思考,与他的交流,我真的感受到了,因为他在用不同的方式在告诉我,在回答我。当我看到这些回答是,我内心是无数的的兴奋与高兴。我是多么的渴望他的回答。 他告诉我,你在这里不只是为了学习,这只是一小部分,最重要的是你要明白的是精神上的知识,怎么样提高自己精神与灵魂的修养。可能这些东西你是看不到的,但是你是可以感受到的,而且只有你可你感受到你的灵魂。几年的时间下来,你真的感觉学习的知识很重要吗?那只是一种体会的经验,真正的是你要知道你人生的价值,什么是你需要的,什么是你可以为了宣扬我的名字而准备的。你要时刻的准备好,这几年我在让你想的是“你,总是在成长的,你的知识会越来越多,你的朋友越来越多,可是,为什么你要在别人面前炫耀你的聪明,为什么你很骄傲不悉心听取别人的观点,为什么你总是匆匆茫茫的做事情呢?你的价值到底在哪里?如果,你不自己体会,不自己去思考你永远都不会感受到我所给你的东西,哪怕是



\"Open your mind to listen, to experience\"

With the passage of time, I've been living for four years in this strange land. Unwittingly, I've been integrated into this new society. I clearly remember when I came to the Philippines in February 2011. I still remember my enthusiasm and excitement before coming here, but everything changed after arriving. After I arrived here, I found this place to not be as beautiful as in my imagination. There were messy, crowded streets and the slums were just a wall in-between. I deeply felt the backwardness and greed of the country. I couldn't even imagine what would happen in the next few years.

Under God’s arrangement, I successfully enrolled at De Lasalle University. I found the University assigned me to the college of computer studies after I received the admission notice, and I didn't want to go. I wanted to go to the college of business. Of course, I thought of giving up. However, I did not know what to do next if I gave up, and so I decided to register first. No matter what

would happen, I resolved to solve it in the future. Soon, I enrolled, but the studies there were not tame. There were hardships such as language barriers, issues of diet, etc. I did not know how long I could stay there. I began thinking of giving up again. I always tried to encourage myself to stick to it. During that period I

occasionally went to church to attend Mass. I thought, what am I doing here? I do not love what I’m learning; I think my future is dark, fuzzy and disappointing. Why am I taking these courses?

I often ask Jesus, \"Why do you want me to learn these things?\" He has not given me an answer. I suspected Jesus, my God a lot and thought, \"Do you really want to help me? Am I too worthless for you to care?\" At the same time, I began to complain, \"Why do I have to attend Mass? He does not help me.\" The most

fortunate thing I had was to tell my friend all my feelings. He told me, “Why do you always complain about what he does for you? What did you do for him? Have you heard anything from him?\" Since then, I began to think about this. I started going to church often after my studies, although I didn't know why. I believe he will answer me. The only thing I do not know is when he will answer. Of course, sometimes I still have suspicions.

Time flies, and I have studied here for four years. I often pray in the church to communicate with Jesus. After four years of talking with him, I feel he answers me through different ways. When I see those answers, I am really excited and

delighted. How much I desire his answers. He told me that I am here not just to learn what is in books, but that is just a small part of my studies.

\"The most important thing to understand is spiritual knowledge and how to

improve your spirit and soul in your life. Perhaps those are things you cannot see, but you can feel it through prayers. A few years down the road, do you still feel knowledge and learning is very important? Those are just experiences, but the important thing is that you should know the value of your life, what you really need, and what you can do to glorify my name (God's name). You should always be ready. You are still growing, and your knowledge will increase, but why are you always showing off your intelligence in front of others? You’re proud and not carefully listening to others’ opinions. Why do you always rush into vast things? What is your value? Even if I gave you something as big as a mountain, if you do not think about what I gave you, then that will never belong to you. It's like the books they give you in school: if you do not read and think about them, then their knowledge will never belong to you. You should open your mind to listen, to experience.\"
