

2024-02-25 来源:易榕旅网


刘道龙 刘鹏波 徐 闻




1.实验部分 泡沫硅橡胶的制备:按照配方称取硅橡胶生胶、气相法白炭黑、羟基硅油,用双辊开炼机混炼均匀后,室温下贮存24小时,并于170℃下热处理3小时,然后返炼并加入硫化剂及成孔剂。将称量好的混炼胶均匀填入模腔,在160℃下进行一段硫化,时间12分钟,然后水洗移出成孔剂,干燥后在200℃下进行二段硫化,时间4小时,即制得泡沫硅橡胶材料。

拉伸性能按照GB 528-98,在Instron万能材料试验机上测定;压缩应力—应变曲线采用Instron万能材料试验机测定,加载速率为5mm/min,试样尺寸为25mm×25mm×8m;压缩永久变形采用自制装置测定,试样尺寸为25mm×25mm×8mm,



由Tab. 1可以看出,结构化控制剂羟基硅油用量增加时,泡沫材料的拉伸强度和邵氏硬度下降、扯断伸长率增加。白炭黑的用量对泡沫硅橡胶的性能影响较大。随着白炭黑用量的增加,硅橡胶泡沫材料的拉伸断裂强度及扯断伸长率大幅度增加,当白炭黑用量达到35份以后, 拉伸断裂强度及扯断伸长率的变化不大(Fig. 1、2)。 Tab. 1 The effect of silicon oil content on the mechanical properties of silicone rubber foam* Silicon oil content (Phr) Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%) Hardness(Shore A) 10 1.37 240 13 1.30 285 17 1.28 300 36 27 24 *35 phr of silicon dioxide, 210 phr of foaming agent . elongation at break (%)

1.53403203002802602402202001802530354045tensile strength (MPa) dioxide content (phr)Fig. 1 Tensile strength of silicone rubber foam vs silicon dioxide content (240 phr of foaming agent) silicon dioxide content (phr)Fig. 2 Elongation at break of silicon rubber foam vs silicon dioxide content

(240 phr of foaming agent )

随着成孔剂用量增加,泡沫密度减小、孔隙度增加、开孔率增加(Fig. 3 、4)。 100150200250300open-celled rate (%)50400.900.850.800.750.700.6520253035404550density (g/cm) density porosity2010 30porosity (%)3 dosage of foamimg agent (Phr)porosity (%)Fig. 3 The density and porosity of silicone Fig. 4 The open–cell rate of silicone rubber rubber foam vs foaming agent content (35 phr of silicon dioxide) Tab. 2 The effect of foaming agent content on the mechanical properties of silicon rubber foam* Foaming agent content (phr) Porosity (%) Tensile strength (MPa) Elongation at break (%) 100 160 200 240 10.5 23.7 38.6 43.0 1.89 1.46 1.18 1.11 352 353 301 283 foam vs the porosity (35 phr of silicon dioxide) compression set (%) 2.47 0.4 1.46 2.2 * 40 phr of silicon dioxide, 13 phr of silicon oil. 从Tab. 2可以看出,随着成孔剂加入量的增加,硅橡胶泡沫材料的孔隙度增加,拉伸强度及断裂伸长率逐渐减小,压缩永久变形小于3%。 3. 结 论 随着羟基硅油用量的增加,硅橡胶泡沫的拉伸强度和硬度下降、扯断伸长率增加。随着白炭黑用量的增加,硅橡胶泡沫材料的拉伸断裂强度和断裂伸长率均大幅度增加,当白炭黑用量达到35份以后, 拉伸断裂强度和断裂伸长率均变化不大。溶析发泡法制备的泡沫材料为开孔结构,泡沫的密度随成孔剂用量的增加而减小,孔隙度及开孔率随成孔剂用量的增加而增大。泡沫硅橡胶材料的压缩永久变形小于3%。


1 雷卫华,橡胶工业,1998,45:738.

2 胡义, 姚国萍,有机硅材料,2000,14(1):11.

3 胡义, 姚国萍,薄型开孔硅泡沫材料的研制,中国科协第二界青年学术年会论文集,成都,1995.

4黄渝鸿,胡文军 周德惠, 高性能泡沫橡胶及其制造方法,申请号 01107132.X.

A Study On The Preparation of Open Cell Silicon Rubber Foam And Its Mechanical Properties

Liu Daolong, Liu Pengbo, Xu Wen The State Key Lab. of Polymer Materials Engineering, Polymer Research Institute Of Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China One kind of open cell silicone rubber foam material was prepared through the technology of removing inert fillers used as foaming agents from the silicone rubber matrix. The effect of silicone oil content, silicon dioxide content and inert fillers content on the mechanical properties of silicone rubber foam were researched in this paper. The Experimental results show that the tensile strength and hardness of the silicone rubber foam are decreased with the increase of silicone oil content, and the elongation at break increases. With the increase of silicon dioxide content, the tensile strength and elongation at break of silicone rubber foam improve greatly. With the increase of foaming agent content, the density of silicone rubber foam decreases and the porosity improved. The tensile strength of silicone rubber foam decreases with the increase of porosity.

Key word: open cell foam, silicone rubber, physical foaming
