

2023-05-23 来源:易榕旅网

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 200610.7Gb/s Linear Optical Modulator Driver TGA4819-SLOC-192 Metro and Long Haul ApplicationsSurface Mount PackageKey Features and Performance•••••Up to 10 VPPLinear Output Voltage20 dB GainInternal DC BlocksSingle-ended Input / OutputSmall Form Factor -11.4 x 8.9 x 2 mm -0.450 x 0.350 x 0.080 inchesPrimary ApplicationsDescriptionThe TriQuint TGA4819-SL is part of a series of optical driver amplifiers suitable for a variety of driver applications.The TGA4819-SL is a medium power wideband AGC amplifier that typically provides 20dB small signal gain with 20dB AGC range.The TGA4819-SL is an excellent choice for applications requiring high drive combined with high linearity. The TGA4819-SL has demonstrated capability to deliver 10Vpp while maintaining output harmonic levels near -30dBc for a 2GHz fundamental.The TGA4819-SL requires a low frequency choke and control circuitry.•Mach-ZehnderLinear Modulator Driver for Metro and Long HaulPreliminary Measured PerformanceBias Conditions: VD= 8V, VCTRL= +1V, ID= 310mAPRBS 231-1; 10.7Gbps; Vin = 1Vpp; CPC = 50%Note: This device is early in the characterization process priorto finalizing all electrical specifications. Specifications aresubject to change without notice.TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com1元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLTABLE I MAXIMUM RATINGSSymbolVDVGVCTRLID| IG |PINVINPDTCHTMTSTG1/ 2/3/ 4/ Drain VoltageGate Voltage RangeControl Voltage RangeDrain Supply Current (Quiescent)Gate Supply CurrentInput Continuous Wave Power10.7Gb/s PRBS Input VoltagePower DissipationOperating Channel TemperatureMounting Temperature(10 Seconds)Storage TemperatureParameterValue9 V-3V to 0V-3V to VD/2400 mA5 mA23 dBm4 VPP3.1 W150 C230 C-65 to 150 C000Notes1/ 2/1/1/1/ 2/1/1/ 2/1/ 2/1/ 2/ 3/4/These ratings represent the maximum operable values for this deviceCombinations of supply voltage, supply current, input power, and output power shall notexceed PD at a package base temperature of 70°CWhen operated at this bias condition with a baseplate temperature of 70°C, the MTTF isreduced to 1.0E+6 hoursJunction operating temperature will directly affect the device median time to failure(MTTF). For maximum life, it is recommended that junction temperatures be maintainedat the lowest possible levels.TABLE IITHERMAL INFORMATIONParameterTest ConditionsVD = 8VID = 350mAPDISS = 2.8WTBASE = 70°CTCH(°C)142.8RΘJC(°C/W)25.7MTTF(hrs)1.9E6RΘJC Thermal Resistance(Channel to Backside ofPackage)Note:Thermal transfer is conducted through the bottom of the TGA4819-SLpackage into the motherboard. The motherboard must be designed toassure adequate thermal transfer to the base plate.TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com2元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLTABLE IIIRF CHARACTERIZATION TABLE(TA = 25°C, Nominal)(VD = 8V, VCTRL = +1V, ID = 310mA ±5%, VG ≈ -0.3V)ParameterTest ConditionsTypUnitsNotesSmall Signal Bandwidth100 MHz – 4 GHz6 GHz10 GHz14 GHz100 MHz – 14 GHz82019171215GHzSmall Signal GaindB1/ 2/Input Return LossdB1/ 2/Output Return Loss100 MHz – 14 GHz13dB1/ 2/Small Signal AGC RangeMidband20dBOutput Power @ P1dB2 GHz25.5dBm3/Note: Table III Lists the RF Characteristics of typical devices as determined by fixturedmeasurements.1/2/3/Verified at package level RF testPackage RF Test Bias: VD = 8V, VCTRL = +1V, adjust VG to achieve ID=310 mAVerified at die level on-wafer probeTriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com3元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006Measured Performance2624222018161412108642002TGA4819-SLVD= 8V; VCTRL= +1V; ID= 310mA; VG≈-0.3VGain (dB)468101214161820Frequency (GHz)0-5S11S22Return Loss (dB)-10-15-20-25-3002468101214161820Frequency (GHz)TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com4元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLMeasured Performance1211109Vout (Vpp)8765432100. (Vpp)VD= 8V; VCTRL= +1V; ID= 310mA; VG≈-0.3VTriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com5元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006Measured PerformanceVD= 8V; VCTRL= +1V; ID= 310mA; VG≈-0.3VPRBS 231-1; 10.7Gbps; CPC = 50%TGA4819-SLVin = 500mVPPVin = 1VPPIncludes 8GHz Bessel FilterInput Signal Vin = 1VPPTriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com6元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLApplication CircuitVDC4L1R1VCTRLL2R2C2C3VCTRLVD_BYPVDRF INTGA4819VGRF OUTC1VGNote:1. C1 extends low frequency performance to 30 KHz. For applications requiring low frequency performance to only 100 KHz, C1 may be omitted2. C2 is a power supply decoupling capacitor and may be omitted when driven directly with an op-amp.TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com7元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLApplication Circuit(Continued)Recommended Components:DESIGNATORC1, C3C2C4L1L2R1, R2DESCRIPTION10uF Capacitor MLC Ceramic0.01 uFCapacitor MLC Ceramic10 uF Capacitor Tantalum220 uH Inductor330 nH Inductor274 Ω ResistorMANUFACTURERAVXAVXAVXBelfusePanasonicCoilcraftPanasonicPART NUMBER0802YC106KAT0603YC103KATTAJA106K016RS581-4000-14ELJ-FAR33MF20603LS-331XJBERJ-2RKF2740XTriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com8元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLLaboratory -Bias ON/OFF Procedure Vd=8V, CPC=50%Bias ON1. Disable the output of the PPG2. Set VD= 0V, VCTRL= 0V & VG= 0V3. Set VG= -1.5V4. Increase VDto 8V observing Id-Assure ID= 0mA5. Set VCTRL= +1V-IDshould still be 0mA6. Make VGmore positive until ID= 310mA.VGwill be approximately -0.3V.7. Enable the output of the PPG.Bias OFF1. Disable the output of the PPG2. Set VCTRL= 0V3. Set VD= 0V4. Set VG= 0V8. Output Swing Adjust: Adjust VCTRLslightly positive to increase output swing or adjust VCTRLslightly negative to decrease the output swing. 9. Crossover Adjust: Adjust VGslightly positive to push the crossover down or adjust VGslightly negative to push the crossover up.TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com9元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLMechanical Drawing.207.40715161719.350.3261011121314.175918.438Orientation Mark.024.00087654321.000.013.412.\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.020\" x 0.018\"0.334\" x 0.187\"Bond Pad #1Bond Pad #2Bond Pad #3Bond Pad #4Bond Pad #5Bond Pad #6Bond Pad #7Bond Pad #8Bond Pad #9Bond Pad #10N/CN/CN/CN/CN/CVGN/CN/CRF OutN/C0.025\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.018\" x 0.041\"0.020\" x 0.018\"0.018\" x 0.041\"Bond Pad #11Bond Pad #12Bond Pad #13Bond Pad #14Bond Pad #15Bond Pad #16Bond Pad #17Bond Pad #18Bond Pad #19N/CVDN/CN/CN/CVD_BYPVCTRLRF InGNDNOTES: 1. Maximize number of vias on attachment area of PCB for Bond Pad #19. This is required electrical and thermal conduction2. Pad sizes for RF input and output (#18, #9) are shown for soldermask opening. Solder should not be applied outside of this area.Dimensions: InchesTolerances: Length & Width: ±0.003\" Height: ±0.006\" Adjacent Pad to Pad Spacing: ±0.0002\" Pad Size: ±0.001\"Package Backside Material: Material: RO4003 (0.008\" thk) w/ 0.5oz Cu (0.0007\" thk) Plating: 100 - 350µin Ni underplate w/ 5 - 10µin Au overplateTriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com10元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com

Advance Product DatasheetApril 6, 2006TGA4819-SLAssembly of a TGA4819-SL Package onto a MotherboardManual Assembly for Prototypes1. Clean the motherboard with Acetone and rinse with alcohol andDI water. Allow the motherboard to fully dry. 2. Using a standard SN63 or lead-free solder paste, dispense solder paste dots of 5 to 15 mil in diameter to the motherboard. Assure that there is a minimum of 5 mils and a maximum of 10 mils between the edge of each solder paste area and the closest edge of the ground pad. 3. Manually place a TGA4819-SL on the motherboard with correct orientation and good alignment. The alignment can be determined manually by centering the package onthe motherboard. The RF traces (pin 1 and pin 10) are located along the center horizontal axis of the package.4. Reflow the assembly on a hot plate with the surface temperature of the plate near 230 oCfor 5 to 6 seconds (for SnPb). 5. Let the assembly completely cool down. This package has little or no tendency to self-align during the reflow. 6. Clean the assembly with acetone and rinse with alcohol and DI water.Typical Solder Reflow ProfilesReflow ProfileRamp-up RateActivation Time andTemperatureTime above Melting PointMax Peak TemperatureTime within 5 °C of PeakTemperatureRamp-down RateSnPb3 °C/sec60 – 120 sec @ 140 – 160 °C60 – 150 sec240 °C10 – 20 sec4 – 6 °C/secPb Free3 °C/sec60 – 180 sec @ 150 – 200 °C60 – 150 sec260 °C10 – 20 sec4 – 6 °C/secCAUTION: The TGA4819-SL contains GaAsMMIC devices that are susceptible to damage from Electrostatic Discharge. Proper precautions should be observed during handling, assembly and test.TriQuint Semiconductor Texas : (972)994 8465 Fax (972)994 8504 Web: www.triquint.com11
